
Sterilization Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Rescuing kittens without sterilizing the families where the kittens were born is like continually mopping the floor underneath a leaking bucket."
"The legislation they helped pass sterilized 60,000 people, mostly Black and Indigenous women."
"Sterilizing an entire galaxy is possible through any number of methods, many of which don’t even require you to send anybody out to do it."
"Hundreds of thousands of war and other Turkic women have been sterilized by the Chinese government."
"Lindry sterilizes clothing through UVC and UVA lights that kill 99.9% of harmful bacteria."
"Did it ever dawn on you, let me get a vasectomy?"
"Rum sterilized the water. That's what the rum was for all right. Every time a sailor drank water, all day long he was drinking a solution of water and rum."
"Cleaning and disinfection of equipment are vital infection control measures."
"Listen, we're gonna be using these funds to sterilize people."
"Gamma rays are used to sterilize surgical equipment because of their high energy."
"We want to kill these potential pathogens, and we consider the epitome of technology is sterile cell culture."
"I like to resterilize the top of it, I just put the pad on there and I just twist it."
"If you sterilize properly you should clean everything out so good bad ugly it doesn't matter everything should be reset to zero you should kill off everything during the sterilization process."
"When we combine these elements, we get an adequate, effective sterilization process."
"...the size of these filters is about 2.2 microns... we use these to sterilize fluids; the viruses will go through them, and the bacteria are remained behind."
"Sterilization is a method of heating food to high temperatures to kill most bacteria and prolongs the shelf life of the food."
"UV sterilizers are excellent for killing algae spores; it kills all bacteria, good and bad, doesn't discriminate."
"We can sterilize about eighteen hundred pounds of raw substrate at once."
"I found that that effectively sterilizes all of our substrate and we don't experience any contamination."
"Sterilization is the destruction or removal of all forms of microbial life."
"Moist heat requires shorter time as compared to dry heat because water conducts heat better than air does."
"Steam autoclaves work on moist heat, pressure, and time."
"Bioburden alerts and/or action levels can point out possible changes to product manufacturing before it impacts the sterilization validation."
"Currently about 50% of all single-use medical devices would be sterilized using ethylene oxide."
"Autoclaves use steam and pressure to sterilize equipment and are commonly found in healthcare settings."
"Make sure that you work for an office that has good sterilization process and that's very clean."
"Sterilization refers to removing and destroying all microbial life."
"Moist heat sterilization is good for killing all organisms and endospores."
"That ozonated air can then be bubbled through water and has a strong sterilizing effect."
"Sterilization is the big boy, right? That kills every germ, every micro, every everything on it."
"The plasma is full of highly reactive charged particles, and when it touches microorganisms, it rips them to shreds."
"The halogens are most used for sterilizing things, for example, chlorine you're commonly going to know that as humming in swimming pools."
"Keep your tools clean, dip them in a sterilizing solution."