
WordPress Quotes

There are 398 quotes

"WordPress, unlike these other companies, is open-sourced, which means that anyone can build anything for WordPress and release it to the public."
"The best security is updating WordPress so that we get the latest features and the best security."
"A huge percentage of websites on the internet that are run by WordPress, and it's still very popular."
"You truly do get a lot of value with WordPress."
"It's incredible what you get with WordPress."
"Literally in a matter of seconds, you have a fully functional home page."
"You can be 13 years old, you can be 65 years old, and you can walk away knowing how to make a WordPress website."
"WordPress powers over thirty percent of the internet, so that's a lot of freaking websites."
"Step number two is to install WordPress, and installing WordPress is pretty quick and easy."
"Don't get me wrong, There are a lot of very successful blogs on Blogger, but I just feel like WordPress offers so much more."
"WordPress allows you to edit your website visually."
"Most of the major websites in the world are built on WordPress or have some form of variation that have used WordPress in the past."
"WordPress powers more than half a billion websites around the world, making it 500 times more popular than Shopify."
"With WooCommerce, you can turn your boring WordPress website into a fully functional ecommerce site."
"Congratulations, you guys can now accept payments on your WordPress website!"
"The WooCommerce plugin makes it simple to turn a WordPress website into a complete ecommerce business."
"It's just a beautiful looking WordPress theme."
"WordPress is by far the most popular way to make a website. It is used by forty percent of all websites."
"Astra is by far the most popular WordPress theme and it's my number one recommendation for anyone that's brand new to building websites."
"Stay tuned for a bunch of new WordPress tutorials now that we've got pagination out of the way."
"All in One WP Migration is probably the easiest backup and migration plugin."
"With that credibility, I think you can feel secure in the event that you feel like you'd like to join our ranks with the coldcase.live."
"This is a new theme that the thing that female has introduced, and it's sort of like a child theme for the Azera shop, but it's still a really nice-looking theme."
"It's super easy, and if you guys are like brand-new to WordPress and you know you just want to create an e-commerce site, I would probably recommend this one."
"Import reviews from aliexpress website to your WordPress website."
"That's the direction that WordPress is headed in all the development of WordPress."
"Headless content management systems... allow you to create content in a user interface similar to what you would do in a WordPress admin area."
"If you already have a WordPress content website, this is a great way to drive additional traffic and drive additional commissions."
"I'm going to walk you through step by step making a completely new WordPress site SEO-friendly."
"Now we just want to place a traditional form on our WordPress website."
"I spent about 18 months cleaning infected WordPress sites, which was actually really, really fascinating."
"The real problem with WordPress isn't the WordPress core; it's actually pretty secure."
"WordPress requires PHP 7.4, which is slightly out of date, but it also includes automatic updates."
"I think if you're a WordPress user and particularly if you use something like Oxygen Builder, you should be 100% giving Webflow a try."
"...WordPress itself is also incredibly SEO friendly which is going to make it a lot easier for your content to show up on sites like Google search or Bing."
"If you're serious about starting your own website, go with WordPress.org."
"WordPress is great to have on your resume because a lot of businesses today use WordPress."
"What's your favorite use case of WordPress or what's another headless CMS that you like? Let me know in the comments."
"The cool thing is out of the box we're going to be able to bring all of our WordPress content to a static website."
"There's two really big reasons to learn PHP in my opinion: WordPress and Laravel."
"Wordpress is one of the most flexible CMS as you can find."
"If you want an incredibly solid powerful feature-rich and free theme to base your WordPress website on, I would highly recommend you check out Bloxy."
"Astra has over a million downloads and it's one of the highest-rated themes on WordPress."
"That's it for this tutorial video on how to create an e-commerce website with WordPress WooCommerce the bloxy theme and a SiteGround."
"Unlock the secrets to e-commerce success with these jaw-dropping WordPress themes."
"...even the free versions give you Dynamic data, custom Loop building options, grid layouts, all the things that you should need on top of a solid theme that nicely works together."
"...you can very easily create those more advanced listing sites with filtering, with searching, with queries, Advanced queries, and so on using the tool like Quickly. It's incredibly powerful."
"You can change all the topography from right here on your current Wordpress website."
"You can have your WordPress website and if you have a store maybe you have something you want to sell and you want to attach that shop to your website."
"WordPress is very safe and secure. It's not WordPress that's the issue at times it's the third-party plugin, the third-party theme from some random company."
"The great thing about creating a WordPress site is it is an infinitely pivotal and updatable asset."
"You can update posts, pages, you can change what you say on the home page, you can update posts, you can delete posts if they don't work."
"And that's the key: finding something that works for you in WordPress."
"So we connected the Facebook Conversion API to WordPress, and things are working quite well."
"Hit that like button if you like this video, subscribe of course if you want to see more WordPress related videos."
"Congratulations, you have now successfully installed WordPress and your website is now live on the internet."
"WordPress is one of the most powerful content management systems available."
"But after taking this course, I guarantee that you'll be very comfortable installing WordPress, adding new content, customizing themes, installing plugins, and also managing existing blogs or websites."
"Now, in the final lesson of this course you'll learn how to customize WordPress through its built-in settings."
"WordPress is a great platform, as I was saying in the beginning, and it gives you a high degree of freedom when it comes to customization."
"All in all, that is this beginner's guide to working with WordPress."
"Avada theme is the number one best-selling WordPress theme available."
"We're going to learn how to make a WordPress website, a professional and beautiful one."
"Keep watching because we're going to learn how to use the Avada theme."
"It's much like picking a theme from WordPress or something else."
"WordPress is extremely popular, something like the most recent statistic I heard is that ninety percent of the internet is powered by WordPress."
"It's very, very good for just getting your WordPress site out the door quickly."
"WordPress is the biggest platform to self-build your own website without needing to code."
"Creating your website on WordPress.com helps others to find you, remember you, and connect with you."
"You can do anything you want with a WordPress website, you just need to find the right plugins."
"This is all you have to do to create a new page within WordPress."
"WordPress is a really popular way to create a website without any coding knowledge."
"With the business shared plan you also get the daily backups included free domain as well as the WordPress staging tool."
"Congratulations, you have completed a complete WordPress website using Hostinger and WordPress."
"Join us for weekly WordPress tutorials and don't forget to like and subscribe on YouTube."
"I'm super excited for the future of WordPress and full site editing."
"Generate Blocks has some very useful features that help us get more control over the basic building blocks of the page."
"WordPress now offers a complete theme building experience along with the Page Builder, and you don't even have to pay for it."
"This tutorial is going to explain to you exactly how to create a plugin in WordPress from start to finish."
"Now that we're able to receive the information from the form via email, we might want to actually store that data in WordPress as well."
"To save the submissions in the backend of the website or in the database, we're going to be using a custom post type."
"Insta WP... allows you to spin up a copy of Wordpress in a matter of seconds."
"We're going to be using Wordpress to easily launch your website in literally a couple of minutes."
"This is WPtouch, the channel where I help you get more from WordPress."
"That's exactly how you would upgrade and change your WordPress website."
"WordPress has over 9,000 free themes for you to choose from."
"WordPress is one of the best CMS available when it comes to customization."
"Overall, WordPress can be more affordable, customizable, and well suited for blogging."
"Gutenberg is the future of WordPress, and you're psyched to get a super fast loading website that Google's gonna love."
"WordPress is actually used by 30% of the internet."
"A step-by-step guide for how to track purchase conversions and bring in value using a very simple WordPress plugin."
"WordPress powers about 30% of the Internet."
"We will be using the number one most popular real estate theme for WordPress."
"Hostinger is optimized for WordPress sites and has a 99.9% uptime guarantee."
"Now, all of these companies use WordPress to manage some part of their business, and the reason is it is a free platform, and it is extremely easy to use."
"Bloxy is definitely one of my favorite themes out of all of them out there for WordPress."
"The drag and drop feature with Elementor is going to be one of the best features with building a WordPress website."
"Once you learn WordPress, you really learn a valuable skill."
"Unlike other website builders, WordPress is free and it's the best way to make a website."
"WordPress powers more than one third of the internet, so it is by far the most popular platform for making websites."
"MemberPress just takes the cake for me; it is the absolute top-notch plugin for building WordPress membership websites."
"Gutenberg is absolutely the future of WordPress and will become more significant over time."
"A better way to approach web design is to take full advantage of WordPress's content management features."
"Custom post types give you an organized system for managing your content."
"Most professionals organize their content in custom post types for scalability and maintainability."
"This was dynamic data management inside of WordPress with custom post types, custom fields, custom taxonomies, query loops, dynamic data—very, very powerful stuff."
"The clear difference you've experienced since switching to this dynamic method of content management in WordPress."
"WordPress is the number one content management system out there."
"This is one of the best affiliate plugins I've seen for WordPress."
"WordPress.com is the best place for your personal blog or business site."
"WordPress is free and it's by far the most popular website building platform, and it powers more than 30 percent of all websites on the entire internet."
"WordPress is an open-source software, meaning that there's hundreds of developers working on it every day to make it better and better."
"WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce platform built on WordPress."
"WooCommerce is created by Automattic, the same company that built WordPress, Jetpack, Gravatar, Tumblr, and a couple of other awesome projects."
"It's up, WordPress nerds! In this video, I'm going to be going over three different ways you can use Ajax in WordPress."
"Luckily for us, the WordPress team has created an official JavaScript package called WordPress scripts that makes the entire process 150 million percent easier and simpler."
"The home page of your website is one of the most important pages of your WordPress website."
"It's a WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure."
"Wordpress is the largest free, most trusted CMS system out there for building websites today."
"WordPress powers almost 50% of them; there's really no secondary competitor right now."
"Every person should have a blog and every business should have a WordPress website."
"So now looking at our finished blog page, it definitely has a little bit of a higher production feel than your typical free WordPress theme."
"There is a better way... of course using action and filter hooks."
"Action hooks add data or behavior. Filter hooks change or manipulate existing data."
"Looking through the plugin code is a great way to find available actions that you can hook into."
"All of your customizations won't be affected by updates to WooCommerce or the theme."
"If you're using a storefront theme or a customized WooCommerce theme, I recommend adding your customizations to your child theme's functions.php and your own style sheet."
"Let's customize; we're gonna show you some code on adding our own actions and filters to customize our shop."
"We are going to add some sale text to our shop or product loop page."
"Go forth and customize; the possibilities are endless."
"Just with a few simple action hooks, you can do a lot of things."
"Wordfence is actually the number one most recommended security plugin in the WordPress repository."
"Wordfence is by far one of the best security plugins out there."
"You can use MetaBox as a standalone option to add all manner of powerful and useful features to an existing WordPress website."
"It looks like it's some other platform, but no, this is actually in the backend of your WordPress website."
"Hooks allow your code to interact with other code in predefined locations provided by WordPress core, a theme, or a plugin."
"This is actually a pretty nice method for beginners to build a nice looking website in WordPress."
"In its simplest terms, MetaBox is a WordPress plugin that offers a relatively easy way of creating custom post types, adding meta fields."
"It allows us to create custom loop layouts."
"Don't panic. I'm going to show you exactly how to troubleshoot and fix problems caused by WordPress and plugin updates."
"Welcome to Bluehost.com, the number one recommended web host by WordPress."
"Congratulations, WordPress has successfully been installed."
"Astra just surpassed 1 million active installs, which is the first non-default WordPress theme to have done that."
"Wordpress is the most versatile and best long term option for most business owners."
"Wordpress powers 35% of the top 1 million sites in the world."
"Astra is definitely one of the most popular WordPress themes available right now."
"This is WP Tuts, the channel where I help you create more powerful WordPress websites."
"It's probably the number one rated WordPress theme right now in the world."
"The stuff he offers, the knowledge, expertise, incredible, really really incredible, and really helpful to the WordPress community."
"I'm going to call this WordPress Blogging Course."
"But as we can see with a free plugin, free theme, and a little bit of work, we can get quite a nice setup for selling courses using WordPress."
"If you're a WordPress developer and you've mastered classic theme development and you want to explore the new block theme approach to full site editing, then you're in the right place."
"Block themes represent a modern approach to full site editing inspired by the block editor which in turn is powered by Gutenberg."
"Block themes simplify this process, allowing developers to create fairly simple HTML themes, lowering the barrier to entry for WordPress enthusiasts."
"WordPress continues to evolve, so by taking the block theme approach serves as a great strategy for future-proofing your website."
"Congratulations, you have successfully purchased your domain and hosting and installed WordPress."
"Actually, a lot of features in WordPress are drag-and-drop, and it's one of the reasons WordPress is very, very easy to use."
"WordPress is free and super easy to learn."
"WordPress powers 39.6 percent of the websites, and Divi powers more than 1 million websites."
"Congratulations, we have successfully installed our WordPress."
"SiteGround is designed for WordPress and WooCommerce users and offers great customer support."
"What we want is we want these to be options in our WordPress back-end."
"We can create anything with WordPress now, from personal blogs to ecommerce websites and in between anything imaginable."
"The WordPress REST API is what makes all of this possible and very elegant to set up."
"Let's keep things rolling and become a WordPress developer."
"WordPress has already created and defined lots of functions, and then we just get to come along and run or call or use those functions."
"If you're new to the world of WordPress but want to get a head start on building your first blog, this video is going to be perfect for you."
"By the time you finish this video, you should be ready and able to build your own WordPress blog."
"Elementor is a great way to build your website on WordPress."
"If you're ready to launch your career as a WordPress developer, I will see you on the inside."
"Custom post types and custom fields allow us to programmatically relate different content together in really compelling ways."
"You should now be comfortable creating your first pages and ultimately your first simple WordPress website."
"Building websites with WordPress is an accredited and warden way of building a website."
"Let's all start learning great ways of leveraging the power of Elementor Pro and WordPress together to get fantastic websites."
"My name is Bjorn from WP Learning Lab where we help you get better at WordPress so you can earn more for yourself, for your customers, and for your business."
"It's a complete website building solution for WordPress."
"This will be bundled completely into WordPress core."
"We have a brand new menu that says 'Site Editor'."
"Change WordPress from being a blog to a website."
"We're going to be using full site editing and we're going to be using the navigation block."
"By the end of this tutorial, you'll have learned enough of PHP to get started in WordPress development."
"WordPress is of course using PHP to pull in all this information."
"It's not too hard to extend WordPress."
"The amount of flexibility and variety of different e-commerce stores you can build with WordPress is incredible."
"ACF Views is a WordPress plugin which works on top of Advanced Custom Fields."
"Starting with groups, starting with that one block is really the building block of the rest of how patterns, templates work in WordPress."
"When you collect blocks, patterns, you turn it into a template and what you tell WordPress is, 'Hey, load this entire template on this page.'"
"The power of the query block is where it's going to get really powerful."
"What 2024 is doing is a really good step in the right direction."
"WordPress is getting a little bit better with the content editing and site editing experience."
"We built this with the core groups block because what we want to do is have the parent container be able to be styled and shifted in a more broader layout fashion."
"You can start to understand the building blocks of building out blocks inside of core WordPress."
"Website themes... you can use tools like Elementor for WordPress to create WordPress themes."
"If you're into WordPress and learning tips and tricks and getting better at it, make sure you click Subscribe."
"We help each other with WordPress."
"Using WordPress along with a free, super simple, fun to use drag and drop page building plugin."
"Now that we have the WooCommerce plugin here and we have WordPress."
"And as you can see we have a new WordPress installation in here, so everything is looking good so far."
"Let's go ahead and now install WordPress, press 'Let's go!'."
"My name is Bjorn Allpass and WP Learning Lab, where we help you get better at WordPress so you can earn more for yourself, for your customers, and for your business."