
Grandparents Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Grandparents give children something special: special memories to cherish and grow up with."
"If you get the chance to do that with one of your grandparents, honestly take it. It's one of the best experiences you'll ever have."
"Most grandparents delight in spoiling their grandkids."
"There's something really special about our bonds with our grandparents."
"If you have grandparents, make sure you always love them and show them respect because this is messed up."
"I find it funny how I've got a pair of grandparents who cherish the absolute f out of me and drop me off places when I need it and give me money when I need it."
"My grandparents are amazing people and I love them with all my heart."
"That was one of the best trips, we always just love going to the grandparents and helping out in any way we can."
"Kids have a real relationship with their grandparents if they are fortunate enough to have them around."
"One of my best memories as a kid is going to visit my grandparents."
"Can Georgina and Harold be my grandma and grandpa?"
"My grandparents loved me more than anything, man."
"Showing them my beloved Hometown was a magical experience and they relish their time with their grandparents."
"Kids get something from grandparents they can't get anywhere else."
"I'm so glad my grandparents are not on Earth just to witness and [ __ ] real. I don't whatever part of the simulation we're in right now, I hate it."
"I kind of want to go live with my grandparents."
"If you have any grandparents that are still alive, you should call them."
"Responsibility of grandparents, as my friend says, is to 'fill them full of sugar and hand them back to their parents.'"
"Grandma and Grandpa are going out tonight."
"Babies are not statistics at Nana's house."
"...while we might refer to our parents' maternal figures as grandma, grandmother, Nana, Nan, you've actually got one or two other phrases."
"I actually believe the way our grandparents did business is actually the real opportunity of the next decade."
"Grandmothers are like the Avatar that keeps getting more experience points and has more tricks up their sleeve."
"Grandmothers give you spending money, potions, and a golden dagger to kill the dragon."
"My grandparents' house was beautiful, huge, and old."
"Kids get something from grandparents that they can't get anywhere else in the world."
"Tegan was lucky Jerry's parents Gerald and Sarah Skiba leapt into the role of being loving grandparents and they did their best to fill any holes left by their son's absence."
"For now, she has one set of grandparents that will go to the end of the Earth for her and that's more than enough."
"Every time I slept over my grandparents' house, my grandfather would be sitting there telling me a story like every night."
"Pictures your grandparents would have loved to have seen when they were alive."
"I used to get sent off there regularly during the school holidays, or offloaded by my parents to spend the three-week vacation with my grandparents."
"Grandparents do play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren."
"Listen to your grandparents' stories, listen because you would never know what we went through, and we all survived."
"I hope you all enjoyed this vlog, there will definitely be more where we're over at the grandparents' house."
"It's like so special to have both grandparents from both sides of the family to be there with us."
"Grandparents, if you're looking for gift ideas, this is what every parent wants."
"I love hanging out with my husband's grandparents."
"I've never seen two people happier to be grandparents."
"Turns out our grandparents knew a thing or two after all."
"This is your sign if you do have grandparents still around to go see them."
"Your kids are going to make extraordinary, wonderful intimate relationships with your parents."
"Seeing my parents as grandma and grandpa, like it wasn't the main reason we wanted to have kids but I know I wanted to be like one to help give them that title."
"If you're lucky enough to have grandparents still alive, give them a call, say hello."
"Call your grandparents this weekend, tell them you love them."
"I want to be the first one to see my grandkids."
"Feeling the feeling of having grandparents that we've kind of lacked throughout majority of our lives."
"It was so surreal like seeing my grandparents for the first time in person after so many years."
"It's always so good to see my grandparents and to spend time as a whole family together."
"Don't take your grandparents for granted; you will miss them when they are gone."
"Grandparents are the next best things to Santa; they provide good food, valuable life lessons, plenty of cookies, and are the epitome of what it means to call anybody family."
"I had a Grandma that would actively sign up for a sleepover with the kids and it was a blast."
"Grandparents are older and need a place to rest."
"The girls need their grandparents; they're the only adults who support them and love them unconditionally."
"When you understand the importance of family, it's when you realize that your grandparents are so essential."
"They were totally excited about the prospect of finally becoming grandparents."
"Grandma said she bought lots of strawberries because she knows you and Daddy love them."
"We're the luckiest grandparents in the world."
"We are really the luckiest grandparents in the world, literally."
"My grandparents mean literally everything to me."
"They're not my blood, you know, but they're very much my grandparents and I love them."
"The best people that can be with you other than us is your grandparents."
"Have a lovely day or time with your grandparents."
"I'm sure the child will benefit from living with grandparents, right?"
"Grandparents are part of your family."
"Extended family is the only family here that contains grandparents, and grandparents are the main agents of culture transfer."
"Grandparents will literally drop some gems on you for real."
"Whatever your little one wants, they're getting it from Grandma and Grandpa."
"It's so great to have good grandparents, amen."
"I learned everything important about love and kindness from my grandma and grandpa."
"The backbone of our family is grandparents and next year they will celebrate 60 years of marriage."
"This puzzle is dedicated to my grandparents who are from Liverpool... especially to my grandmother who taught me from a young age to love puzzles and encouraged my curiosity in the world."
"Was great I got a chance to see my grandma my grandpa my mom."
"Robin's to me always remind me of my grandparents, my nanny and papa."
"I have some really fond memories of my grandparents when I was a young kid."
"Nobody loves the kid more than the grandparents."
"The best thing ever happened to me was having my grandparents around."
"Grandma and Grandpa's house is my favorite place in the whole world, it's absolutely magical."
"Best childhood memory? Probably just being with my grandparents."
"God can't be everywhere, that's why he made grandparents."
"Grandparents make everything better."
"Grandparents have the best life; we don't have to worry about anything, we just give them lots of sweets."
"It's amazing how much grandkids mean to grandparents."
"When I was a child, I used to visit my grandparents every summer vacation."
"It's just so nice to have family close by and the girls get to be around their grandparents and have very hands-on grandparents."
"My parents are lovely people, they're still together, and they're ready to be grandparents now."
"We have to learn, too. Learn to be qualified grandpa and grandma."