
Sports Technique Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Players can usually do this with the inside of the foot, but to do it with the outside of the foot and have it curl that much, is something that I had never seen and I don't think anybody else had before."
"Snap, don't slap. Nobody wants to slap at the ball."
"If I switch to southpaw and throw the one two, I'm gonna land a shot."
"Losing some speed there, not a very powerful technique for the record, would not recommend."
"A disc golf stride... looks really closed off but this is the proper motion."
"The more rotations you put on the disc, the farther it will fly."
"Your release point is the most important thing in your putting stroke."
"Leon has this tricks that he uses with his footwork that allow him to land strikes in good positions."
"The ball floats at the last second, so it's ace."
"It still stands as one of the most impressive and innovative uses of offensive elbows."
"Keep utilizing that middle, put so much pressure on the block."
"Mark Hughes, what a volley of a football he was. I mean the technique, hit the target every time."
"His discs just go too, I think he put some incredible spin on it."
"I've got a soft spot for the disarmer because it's been my finisher for most of my big matches."
"He's so smooth, there's no real hard... Oh, and I mean speaking of shaping shots, Maddio, also an old-school style player who does it like no one else and does it better than almost everyone else."
"Smooth power like be able to just manipulate the angle and let his body kind of work its way just like wow."
"Great putting will erase blemishes if your sidearm's coming anywhere near that rock you're going to be immediately eliminated from such committee."
"Learning how to properly Place yourself behind or select to the side of the rider in front of you is so important in Saving energy."
"The sky hook was efficient, effective, and replicable."
"A way to swing with a lot of power and not have any pain while you do it."
"This spin back I'm about to show you guys is actually very good too... Now if you have the ball in your right hand..."
"Push off your back leg—you'll find that you're able to generate so much more power."
"This fight is going to have its level of technique and chess in it."
"She kind of puts a little bit too much turn on her wrist and gets caught up in that big tree on the right."
"His technique is foolproof, he's a 5-year player, he's had incredible production, his ability to marry his incredible athleticism and foot technique with brilliant hand usage."
"Just focus on that takeoff and you're good every time."
"You're trying to put pressure in towards the left heel and down into the ground."
"We need to get the left shoulder over towards that ankle joint."
"The faster I swing, the harder I hit this golf ball, the more compression I'm going to get."
"Mobility and the thing is with the calf kick as well, you know you take away an opponent's mobility and it makes them easier for you to catch them."
"He threw the jab and came up with a hard right hand."
"Work behind the jab. Let him make the mistake and capitalize."
"Technique is so great though, even though he's getting older."
"A beautiful role underneath against Eddie there."
"When they don't hit the ball good, they're either, you know, too steep on it and then they don't rotate through the ball."
"So this is a big one, one of our probably top five. This is what you need to be doing in the golf swing."
"That's the thing, it's hard to deny an Achilles lock. For a lot of passes, you're going to stuff your kick a little bit, so you're slightly further back."
"Butterfly grip, same as a roll shot. Just aiming a little bit to the right."
"You can sink. But when someone has a truly intimidating cross face, regardless of the type that they employ, it's so distracting."
"If you can keep the club face square through impact down the intended line, that is the game."
"And the finish to the swing, to me, was the most glorious part."
"Most people can figure this one out pretty fast. Just keep that scoop in mind, you gotta see the bottom of the board and figure out that muscle memory of your foot doing a backwards rotation in the air."
"He really does nothing with it at all till he gets to the last step and then it's all wrists, fingers, and just a gigantic hand makes that ball turn so much."
"Do you use any kind of systems, kicking, aiming, anything? I use the feel system, yeah, that's the best system there is."
"Ultimately, we want to hit higher spin, lower launch pitch shots."
"Then I can shift all that energy through the ball, it's going to help me to complete the swing."
"I believe a drop shot is one of the most universal techniques there is."
"Right from the first stroke, it looked like they were executing a very efficient style of rowing."
"You're going to get a really nice solid golf swing that gives you much more consistency in terms of strike."
"That's one of the classic movements that you want."
"Stay in rhythm, getting the ball out of your hands."
"It's pretty much untouchable because the ball drops early and you can create angles with spin."
"Keeping the ball in contact with the ground for as long as possible is the way to get the ball to true roll as soon as possible."
"Middle of your foot here, middle of the ball there, and that's how you're going to get a good consistent pass every time."
"The most important variable for a consistent serve is a consistent toss."
"Swing within yourself and keep your rhythm."
"Get ready to take your serve to the next level using the correct grip, perfect balls, easy to learn technique, and positioning with effortless timing and rhythm."
"It's so pretty to see somebody get on top of the ball like that."
"Amber Rolfson has got great blocking technique, fast feet, she waits till the ball is set and then reads perfectly."
"Staying connected will make you a better, more lethal hitter at the plate."
"He's just splitting boards and absolutely purring it out of his hand."
"This young man just a beautiful textbook style."
"He strokes the ball, he plays the lanes meticulously."
"Split stepping is probably the most important thing so that you're balanced and ready to take the next shot."
"We're just trying to work movement, trying to work squareness, so we can maintain that premise and get them to feel it as well."
"The reason that this is an essential volley drill is because it helps you guys to be able to hit the right locations."
"Make sure you add framing into your game; it's a very important defensive concept."
"The catch is a big focus; it's really that 20% of the stroke that can make 80% of the difference."
"100% of lifters use some kind of arch on the bench press because arching really does seem to help pretty much everyone lift more weight."
"The sound is very important. If you hit it right, it's gonna make the perfect sound."
"That's top spin, see how it's bouncing higher, it's going higher over the net."
"Good technique starts with the catch."
"That was a textbook chase run by Kanta."
"That was a textbook lead run by Minoa."
"The finished position is the result of what happened before, and if you can get to the finished position, you can produce the speed and do the things with the body rotation and the motion that allow you to produce your maximum amount of speed and consistency and efficiency."
"You need to trust your body and you need to let the arms go, knowing that the body is going to do its magic."
"Catch the ball slightly on your throwing side for a quick transfer and release."
"Lofting is a really a lot more similar to throwing a normal shot than we think."
"It's less important to understand how fast you swing the club more than it is on how you swing the club fast."
"That's a way to step into the volley for Yunit Castillo."
"That's the blast double; this is where Bader can do a lot of damage."
"It's constantly thinking about how this foil is working under the water will help you become a better foiler much quicker."
"Learning to drop and get the leverage and then turning the hip, just by turning the hip, you can really accelerate the racket and feel as if you're just releasing the ball through the shot."
"It's actually very loose and you're letting it go, you're releasing your arm in a very loose, relaxed, and quick way."
"Keep a loose arm, meet it out in front, and get it down. Don't try to muscle it."
"It's just that Ippo lifts up, and because of that, he was able to get under your guard."
"A great throw, a lot of right-handed throwers have been working on that quick lefty break, is so effective in exactly these situations."
"The backspin slider is a great pitch to learn because it has a high spin rate and a nice sharp break to it."
"That release is special and it's pretty, it looks pretty compact there and it comes out really quickly."
"You've always got to be trying to trail the jack two feet with your first ball."
"Nice swing, good turn of the hips, good follow-through, good length of swing, all over the flag."
"I want to use the full length of this club to build lag and release lag."
"Controlling heights, playing with follow-throughs, having the confidence to be more dynamic rather than so basic often makes your basic golf swing really like a weapon rather than something that's harming you."