
Safety Awareness Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"What it means to really be safe is to be focused on those little warning signs and catching them early."
"I don't make these videos to fearmonger. I make these videos to teach you exactly what's out there and how to keep safe."
"Right now, you put on a helmet; it's not a fashion statement, it's a safety statement."
"Please, please, please take this as a cautionary tale of never ever do that. Be very careful with where you're going after dark, and just really make sure that you're putting your safety first."
"The truth is that sex education has never been associated with lowering the age of sexual activity. Learning about safe sex does not make me have sex. It makes me have safe sex when I do have sex. That's how it works."
"Just remember one thing: You can stop, trains cannot."
"Let's make these safety guidelines common knowledge."
"Uber drivers say they're sometimes the first people to notice when someone might be in danger."
"Safety is paramount, never take it for granted."
"Be safe be mindful of others wear a mask if you choose to go out and remember to take care of yourselves please."
"When it comes to our children, we try our hardest to teach them how to look for signs, to be aware of evil people, and to choose their friends wisely."
"Situational awareness is key. Notice exits, cover, and potential hazards."
"It's the most dangerous thing that you can do on a daily basis."
"All I could think about was what would have happened if I hadn't first listened to my mom before listening to my body when I started feeling like something was wrong."
"Blackpink asked fans to make more breathing space and offered water."
"It makes me feel like the day I first started, the realization that this job is a very dangerous job and you never know the day that you're not going to come home."
"We're doing it to inform, to educate, and to empower you guys."
"Be prepared, be aware, be careful, and be safe out there because we love you too much to lose anyone."
"Drowning doesn't usually look like drowning on TV."
"Be safe with things, really be safe with firearms."
"Stay safe out there. It's a dangerous world we live in."
"So with all of that being said, please be safe about whatever vitamins or supplements you might be consuming," she said.
"The most important safety is your brain." - Highlighting the importance of caution and awareness.
"Be mindful of your own safety as well as your children's."
"It really just makes you want to be even more aware of your surroundings."
"If this ever happens again, people will not be so hesitant to let others know about a potential danger."
"You're liable to get shot; just be careful of the side view."
"Understand what a gun is, its value, and how it can be used safely."
"Uncertainty is kind of your body's early warning system, threat system. It's the alarm that says there's danger here, you need to get out."
"We gotta be aware cognizant of that and do as many things as we can to help it be as safe as possible for doing a dangerous thing."
"You know going in how very dangerous this is" - Awareness of risks despite safety assurances.
"It is really important for people to look for these warning signs."
"I can never thank Forensic Files enough for teaching this small country town girl in a big city what can happen."
"These problems exist today and we need to be continuously on the lookout for worrying about safety, biases, risks."
"Be careful in your own City in your own hoods internationally nationally all across the board."
"Reminder of the day: kids do not vlog and drive, you will die."
"Be aware of your surroundings, know your exits, and if in doubt, get out."
"As with most dangerous events, staying alert and knowing the risk factors, warning signs, and steps of safety significantly reduces your risk."
"My heart goes out to the halacha family and I don't know guys just take care of yourself and and just be careful man."
"This chilling encounter serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder that even a casual outing can turn into something far more serious."
"Sadly, Jeremy told me that there's something like five other crash memorials in this general vicinity."
"She did the exact right thing and that they think it was some sort of a setup to lure women who would have that maternal instinct to check on it."
"Just be super careful so you don't end up a statistic."
"Lucia's story has shown us that we can never take our safety and those of others for granted."
"Stay safe, keep others around you safe, be responsible please."
"Thank you for watching and Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Please take care of yourself and each other."
"I left this candle on all night, that's not safe you're not supposed to do [__] like that."
"It's a reminder to always be careful but even then sometimes there's just nothing you could ever do to protect yourself from the evil in this world."
"Do not treat it like it's just 'oh it will never happen.'"
"It's a bit like a film for teaching you how to cross the road. It's all about minding where you're going."
"Stay safe, be kind, and leave no one behind."
"Everyone have a great day. God bless and until next time stay awake, stay aware, stay safe, and I'll talk to you all soon."
"Stay safe, remain Vigilant to the things that are happening."
"The incident is a sobering reminder of safety and the fragility of man-made structures."
"Drive safe, guys. Just pay attention when you're driving."
"Please stay safe everyone during this festive season."
"It's important to be aware of current dangers and things that are happening, but also to not be absolutely paralyzed by them."
"You have to understand your vehicle and the consequences of failures."
"Strangers come to parks like this and they look for the kid that's not with the parents, not looking right at them."
"oh that was so much fun learning about skateboarding with you if you think skateboarding sounds fun you should try it but always remember wear your helmet and all of your safety equipment"
"At the end of the day, you are responsible for your safety whether you want to be responsible for it or not."
"Now, equipped with this knowledge about the red flags to look out for, safety tips, and an understanding of what trafficking looks like, hopefully you can feel more at ease on your next solo excursion."
"I had three male co-workers get roofied. Two of them thought that because they were guys, no one would kidnap them."
"Thank you guys, I hope you all stay safe, be prepared."
"Safety first, right? Love that some are actually branded. Let's up the cool factor with some shades."
"Know at least two exits where you can get out of any situation."
"I wish his family healing and strength to take them through this."
"Mobile phones can be extremely useful but please not when driving cars, steering large vessels, or generally anything moving."
"We got to be more on our toes and more aware, mainly for our safety. Okay, and that's just anybody, woman, it don't matter. You just got to be more alert."
"If this video isn't proof that you need to make sure you lock all of your doors and windows even during the day and when you're awake then I don't know what is."
"Know the difference between safe and comfortable."
"Everyone be careful and aware of people because there are horrible people out there."
"Always be aware of your surroundings and never compromise when it comes to your personal safety."
"Don't engage in reckless behavior just because you see professionals on the internet do it."
"I don't usually give a lot of PSAs... but I do feel like with ATVs I want to make sure I'm very clear."
"Stay vigilant and stay safe, for danger may lurk where you least expect it."
"Your ongoing education about how to safely visit national parks has also been extremely helpful. I can't imagine how many lives you've impacted and potentially saved by providing this information."
"All jokes aside situations like this one are ones that absolutely need to be taken seriously."
"Remember to like this video and subscribe to support the channel. Thank you for watching, stay alert, stay safe, and I'll see you next time."
"Prioritize safety, particularly for teenagers."
"Don't sit here and tell me that yo I'm married so I don't have to use protection."
"Safety First when it comes to roller coasters."
"I just want to tell those people out there that it is real and it is dangerous and it is killing people."
"All of this content around safety is really important and not talked about enough."
"Try to always be aware of your surroundings, play it safe even if it feels silly, and never ignore your instincts."
"having that coverage is so very important especially for your decision making while you're on trail"
"Thank you guys. I love you and continue to stay safe."
"Be careful out there, accidents could be waiting around any corner."
"Safety is very important... incidents like this sort of made me realize that safety is very important."
"It's never safe. It's never safe."
"Live animals that need to be treated as such and they need to be respected because they will hurt you."
"You only live once, right? You know, and I know to some people I might seem really flippant about my safety, I am not flippant at all."
"... spread the motorcycle safety awareness. I always tell my friends to ride safe. My friends don't always listen to me."
"The thing is with new chainsaw users, they don't respect the dirt enough."
"Safety first, right? Safety first, yep yep."
"Floyd's story is not just a tale of a missing hiker it is a narrative that underscores the unpredictability of Nature and the importance of safety and preparedness in the wilderness."
"If you're not familiar with what it feels like for your body to hit asphalt or concrete without armor, you should think about that before you ride without it."
"If you see this logo, if you see it out in public or you see it posted up somewhere, to us that indicates that person takes their safety and their family safety serious."
"Listen to the science, stay informed, and please stay safe."
"I've just gotten more and more comfortable and I just always go back to being situationally aware of my surroundings and being prepared in every which way if something were to go wrong."
"More people die every year from vending machines falling on them than shark attacks."
"Safety is a concern both on and off the job."
"Cyclists and motorcyclists are smaller than other vehicles and so are more difficult to see."
"Everything that's important are all the sensors that allow you to know when there's a potential event going on in your home."
"Safety should be an issue that's at the forefront of our minds constantly."
"For out of the tragic events... would emerge a new and heightened awareness of safety and responsibility."
"We're all hyper aware of safety and security."
"Please pause the video and take a moment to read this important safety message."
"Don't become a statistic; call the Home Safety Hotline and keep your family safe."
"Always got to remember safety first."
"Safety first when it comes to the sun."
"Even in high school, I was thinking about proper safety."
"It's great that you want to improve your safety and security knowledge."
"So hopefully you guys can help me share this video just to spread the knowledge and help people understand how our fuel system works and how we can take advantage of ethanol safely."
"You are responsible for your own safety."
"This just goes to show you that you need to be careful and aware wherever you are."
"Be smart, watch your back, no car is worth your life."
"Last year, 10,000 people died because they thought they had found a good excuse for not wearing their safety belts."
"If you're going to be with family this holiday season, remember to hug them tight while also, you know, being aware of your surroundings."
"Safety first, always be patient because one accident can forever change your life."
"Be safe around trains, a message from Metro."
"Stay safe out there, stay hydrated, and most of all, watch the Garfield Thanksgiving Christmas and Thanksgiving holiday super special."
"Because when something like this happens to you, you change your mind on safety."