
Personal Attention Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"You made a decision to try to love yourself this year or to try to be more attentive towards yourself this year."
"Does this person know how to make you feel seen and heard?"
"I don't really check in on his daily life when he does something stupid."
"That is the difference between courting attention and just getting on with life."
"He rolls out the red carpet, Khalid is a player first."
"The accuracy of the prophetic utterances... was one thousand percent."
"He saw me as though I was the only person in the world."
"He fucked with me because he actually took the time to listen."
"You want somebody to give you attention and you want to give somebody equal amounts of attention."
"They will take their time with you on a sexual level."
"Wherever your attention goes, that is where Prosperity flows."
"One person definitely being obsessed with you, low-key obsessed with you."
"Be attentive to yourself, not just to others."
"This person's been watching you, they're sorry, they want to be with you."
"You're always looking out for others, let me do something for you."
"There's just no substitute for the care and attention of someone who cares and pays attention."
"All this energy I've been talking about is someone looking at you, Empress."
"David sets out to earn James's trust, he baptizes James Matheny and pays so much attention to him."
"They make you feel like the only person in the room."
"He had endless energy, he gave me attention like no other."
"Provide personal and visible attention to various personal services, particularly those concerned with the personal problems of individuals."
"When was the last time a doctor spent an hour with you and truly focused on your goals?"
"Despite this very nice man intervening... this man only had eyes for me."
"Hey, I'm Kai. Have a seat on the porch, and I'll take a look at you."
"It's easier for the professor to care about you and to know what you look like and to know your name."
"One of the key features in the school is I try to answer people's personal questions that they post in our members' lounge or a discussion forum as much as possible."
"He never made you feel small or hurried, took his time as he go through and speak to each one."
"I think they recognize that I do actually take the time not only to say hello but I learn their names, I know where they're going to college, I know who they're married to."
"There's something beautifully simple about coming in one-on-one, spending time, 60 minutes with somebody, and being there for them."
"She's actually going to take the time to listen."
"You know, Brooke was a star; she got more of my time and attention than any other kid."
"If you want a man to wonder at you, take care of him; when you take care of him, he will wonder at you."
"An affair involves more than just physical intimacy; it encompasses emotional involvement and attention given to another person."
"I feel like because we looked and sounded like fans, he really paid attention to the conversation."
"We love doing one-on-ones, we find that it's a much easier format to teach and to learn."
"We really get to know you and your dogs very, very well."
"You get to know your professor individually; they know your name, not just by your student number."
"Because of that small class size, you actually get to know your classmates and your professors really really well."
"My goal is to have each of my students feel that they are the only student I work with, that they truly are individual to me."
"This is the only program I know of where you get this level of live personal attention from people who actually know what they're doing."
"People prioritize you in person rather than whatever else is going on on their phone, their plans later."
"Every letter was read by an actual person."
"They really made you feel that you were the only person in the world."
"Anyone who knows Vic knows that he genuinely cares about each and every person who comes up to him in line."
"It literally feels like you're in a class and you have a one-on-one tutor with you."