
Vigilantism Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Vigilantism is never the answer, despite how emotionally inflammatory this stuff can be."
"Vigilantism always goes wrong. You wait for the professionals to show up."
"Watchmen divides its ire between savaging the very idea of costumed vigilantes as a force for justice and decency, while also specifically framing them as avatars of Nixonian, Thatcherite, and/or Reaganite authoritarianism."
"The Shield... a collective of outlaws who were there to rally against any injustices they saw."
"It is a scary moment where we continue to unleash people who believe that they can take matters into their own hands based on their individual impression of any given perceived threat of danger."
"This city is a battleground, Gotham does not need you taking matters into your own hands."
"This has less to do with racism than it has to do with vigilantism and then it has to do with corruption inside a system."
"Clown world, every man that is listening to this broadcast right now needs to understand that you must protect yourself, bro."
"Vigilante justice as long as they don't kill the egg throwers, it could actually be useful."
"You ain't gonna get justice with a badge, Will Reeves, you're gonna get it with that hood." - Unknown
"We are getting dangerously close to people having to resort to vigilante justice."
"Vigilantes like Basil, Vugi, or gentlemen have done far more harm to Man versus machine than pizza bot ever could."
"I'm kind of torn on this because while I don't necessarily support vigilante justice, I think if we went down that road, it would just be chaos all day long on the streets."
"I am the vengeance, I am God's wrath, here to break the curse and rise up against you and deliver this land from evil."
"I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night."
"To protect justice, I have become its merciless sword and executed justice."
"If they had just double tapped the killer it probably wouldn't be a problem."
"Some people will wait for the justice system to work, others will carry around a can of gasoline until they find the predator."
"Let the bigots be bigots, and when they harm somebody, you kill them."
"The final confrontation with him was a moment of cathartic purifying vigilantism."
"The Punisher a brutal vigilante introduced in 1974 spider-man comic who also starred in 2017 Netflix series has become an emblem for some cops and soldiers."
"Vigilantes are a double-edged arrow, some are good like the Arrow team, bad ones like Vigilante who killed like the OG'er."
"Batman is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire that puts his body on the line to protect his city from crime so that they don't have to suffer from the same things that he did."
"Vigilantism is by definition outside the law. In case you missed the trial, Kyle Rittenhouse acted within the boundaries of the law."
"What separates us from other killers is we only kill bad people."
"Crime is not okay... when he takes to the streets dressed like that it's no different than when a guardian angel puts on a red beret."
"Our job as a community is to stand up old west posy style if you will and help our law enforcement officers."
"It is a group of people who protect their community from crime or violence."
"Dog the Bounty Hunter is doing the god's work here, and he just went and knocked on the house of the laundries. I'm so excited he is going to find Brian."
"I devoted my life to battling criminals wherever they may be."
"Protecting your cat by becoming John Wick is not the worst thing you can do. Either way, the next one is titled burglary compliance."
"This kind of vigilantism has been deified for a while on the right. I guess it's just now there's every medium to do it on."
"I operate in the night. I've been keeping the town safe."
"It wasn't a villainous act, I just seemed to have accidentally partaken in vigilantism."
"The Dark Knight's presence challenges the city's views on vigilantism and justice."
"If I can kill these people and you know people can't figure out about it, then I'm obviously doing something right. You know, I'm taking bad people off the street."
"Punisher is the purest expression of the idea that law is not enough at times."
"That four minutes of conduct wasn't just four minutes of conduct, it was a culmination of vigilantism."
"The Regulators kind of didn't issue those warrants by paper, they issued them by bullet."
"No man however motivated, however justified, however driven has the right to take the law into his own hands and become judge, jury, and executioner."
"Taking the law into your own hands, is your way the right way?"
"Taking up the mantle of Kira, Light seeks to cleanse the world of criminals in a way no justice system could."
"Frank Castle wasn't an inherently violent man; his path to vigilantism was birthed the moment that his family were killed."
"Batman has been a hero for decades, constantly saving Gotham City from mad men and murderers."
"Vigilante justice sometimes sounds appealing but on further contemplation almost always sounds terrifying to me."
"Empowering vigilantes to do what cannot be done by the corrupt administrations and profit hungry corporations."
"I lurk in the shadows. I am what they fear. I am justice."
"From 1870 to 1910, John Wright served as a lawman, sometimes officially and sometimes not, taking justice into his own hands when needed."
"It's a very smart book about the negative side to vigilantism."
"Vigilantes put themselves and the public at risk, especially during the confrontations."
"The Punisher is not a hero, he never was. He is chaos with a vendetta, a lesson of how vigilantism won't save you."
"Vigilantism appeared and developed into its own microcosm as a means to curb the rapidly evolving criminal underworld."
"The simple fact of the matter is that some people deserve to be removed. I just became the scalpel."