
Espresso Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Espresso is the pinnacle of coffee brewing. It's not, but it is delicious."
"CEO David Hoffmann believes espresso is key to fueling the company's long term growth."
"The King Grinder does a lot better job. It does espresso really well."
"Being able to control the grind size is really, really, really important, particularly so in espresso."
"If you're grinding for espresso, you need that more powerful motor and that tends to mean you need to spend more money."
"Dessert dreams: espresso and ice cream, the perfect finale."
"Espresso as well. No sugar, no milk needed. Just straight up perfect."
"I need an espresso to function for my barber."
"Espresso is by far my coffee drink of choice."
"With a few tools and a little bit of practice, I was quickly making espresso that was holding up to the coffee shops like the best stuff I had tasted."
"It makes great espresso and it was fun to use."
"Espresso isn't the pinnacle of coffee brewing, it's just a brewing method."
"An espresso machine like a legit quality espresso machine will improve the quality of your life."
"Look at this pod espresso machine, it's beautiful."
"If you're looking to try something new and different, choose from one of their few espresso flight options."
"It's gelato with a shot of espresso over it. Order it next time you see it on a menu. Thank me later."
"It's like taking a shot of espresso and I feel like your relationship had so much power coming through it."
"do not let the size deceive you it can create espressos that rival that of machines much much much bigger much more expensive it is very simple with parts that are very easy to disassemble and clean it's just a very simple very effective unit"
"You can't cheat the fact that you need a great grinder to produce great espresso."
"As long as you understand that you'll get good but not great espresso from it... then I would absolutely recommend this as a great starting point for manual espresso making at home."
"Espresso is a hobby... Don't start making espresso at home if you don't want it to become a hobby."
"We're going on this little staycation with an espresso which is amazing because we use an espresso machine almost every day."
"The most exciting thing to me about this machine is the way they have dealt with the typical issue in closed boiler levers of temperature stability."
"I got an espresso machine last week, best investment I've made in my life."
"With a few fairly insignificant relatively inexpensive mods, you can turn the classic into a nine bar opv PID espresso machine capable of very impressive espresso when paired with a decent grinder."
"...at the end of the day I would recommend this to anybody who's interested in getting espresso at home for a fair price point."
"I'm very excited about the future with decent espresso and with machines in general."
"Ultimately what do you make espresso for? Well it's to drink it and if you're not actually drinking your espresso you don't know how it tastes even if your extraction maybe isn't perfect right."
"That's a big depression, yes, that's the price depressor espresso."
"I've been taking espresso like a shot of whiskey, just to see if it hits me, and oh boy, does it."
"Mad Beach Cafe is a vibrant new dining spot offering fantastic bagels straight from the Bronx, exceptional espresso drinks, and a variety of other options."
"It's more than good enough to get a great shot of espresso with any roast profile."
"It's going to make the espresso taste a lot nicer, creamier, and a lot velvety in that mouthfeel."
"The ability to very precisely adjust grind size is critical when making espresso."
"This machine makes a really, really nice espresso."
"All of the Flare espresso makers can make really good espresso if you know what you're doing."
"According to industry standards, you need around 56 coffee beans to make a single shot of coffee."
"If you've got a great espresso shot pulling, it's going to look like caramel sauce."
"This Burr here offers a more bimodal style grind which makes it really good for espresso."
"I was not expecting this coffee to be this good on espresso."
"The cutest espresso machines that ever did exist: the Bambino and the Bambino Plus."
"Once you have a shot of espresso, you now have the base of pretty much everything."
"If you have the texture right, if you have a great shot of espresso, it's going to taste fantastic."
"The beauty of espresso is we have these three things: the sweetness, the body, and the acidity, and they should all complement each other, they should all be in balance."
"The ESP simply stands for espresso. This device is able to grind very consistently, very accurately for espresso."
"A dual boiler allows you to brew your espresso and steam your milk simultaneously, which is great."
"If you're somebody that wants to do a little bit of the work for your espresso but not all of it, this is a fantastic option."
"When you're real tired and you pound back a few espressos, you get that boost."
"Espresso is coffee but it's just ground really really fine."
"The Flare Pro without a doubt will provide the best espresso brewing on the road."
"Espresso isn't a coffee bean or a roast style; it's actually a brew method."
"Espresso is simply coffee under pressure."
"This is more what the original understanding of espresso was: a coffee served quickly, here and now."
"If you can nail those two, you're going to have a good espresso."
"It's the oldest espresso machine I own."
"This is an incredibly different espresso making experience."
"It really does shine at doing both espresso and filter well, favoring brighter, more juicier flavors in coffee."
"If you're looking for an espresso machine, temperature stability and precision is paramount."
"I'm going to pull some espressos and some brew some filter coffees and do some blind tasting live."
"This makes a really good espresso shot."
"I don't like the taste of espresso, but I feel like it's the only way to wake me up."
"I hate when people say expresso, it's espresso."
"Original line espresso is a lot richer, a lot nicer, silkier."
"Another fantastic feature that the J8 has, which is completely new to espresso machines, is what Eura calls the Coffee Eye."
"I'm so excited to finally use my espresso machine."
"These baskets offer you a variety of ways to present espresso."
"This is like classic Italian espresso right here."
"Our espresso shot looks good; we're just in the gray range, so it seems like we could have used a finer grind size, but the crema looks nice."
"Better espresso shot was quite delicious this time."
"More grind sizes means more room for a better espresso."
"You're paying for the touch screen, the Barista guidance, which is your assistant in getting your good espresso."
"Espresso is the name of the coffee machine that makes coffee into their pure form."
"I love my espresso; it makes me so happy and brings me so much joy."
"It's a coffee drink consisting of espresso with microfoam steamed milk with small fine bubbles in a glossy or velvety consistency."
"It generally has a higher proportion of espresso to milk than a cafe latte and a thinner layer of microfoam than a cappuccino."
"Espresso is generally thicker than coffee brewed through other methods."