
Positive Emotion Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The hallmark starts to become improvement. Seeing yourself move towards a desired goal is the essence of the positive emotion that nourishes us."
"I started moving, you know, and that was in this amazing energy that felt, I guess, like bliss, peace, serenity, happiness, no stress, no struggles, no worries, no nothing, just beauty."
"The exuberance is real, the excitement is real."
"Look at that smile, Look at the smile on Scotto's face when he says that."
"I'm gonna have a lot of lead weight, and it's gonna feel like the best Christmas gift ever."
"It definitely puts a smile on your face ear to ear."
"This is just great, a wholesome experience that leaves a lasting smile."
"To be glad is to be happy and thankful for something."
"The power of a child's laughter is 10 times stronger than their screams of fear."
"It's like, kind of late at night so I'm very happy."
"Anger can be a positive emotion, it can motivate you to defend animals."
"Feeling good, those three kills, I like that."
"That's pretty epic, that's pretty goddamn epic."
"It's fascinating, but mostly it's wonderful."
"Feels good to win, feels great to win actually."
"I am just absolutely chuffed to bits with my results."
"From start to finish for nil win in the final against Ipswich I have the first trophy that's a good feeling."
"Welcome to the stream, everybody, this feels so good!"
"Legend power is back, it feels great to be back."
"The main thing I feel right now? I feel terrific."
"I'm quite happy and smiley right about now."
"It's true, it's the best feeling."
"I felt really happy during that movie."
"Wow, that was phenomenal. I can't even lie, that was a lot. That was really good."
"If you're just experiencing a lot of positive emotion in your life, if you're satisfied with your life, it might make it easier to make choices that allow you to protect your health in a way that can make you healthier and allow you to even live longer."
"I was happier than I had felt for months."
"Feeling awesome, feeling happy and grateful."
"It was great, it was really great."
"I surge on the uprising wave of love."
"The hero's eyes lit up and he smiled."
"I'm just happy, and it feels good to be happy."
"Looks fantastic. I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled, thrilled."
"I smiled and I haven't stopped smiling since."
"I'm feeling good, I'm feeling strong."
"I got a smile on my face the whole time."
"That feels bueno. That feels really good."
"We're not at the track, I feel like a winner."
"The vast majority of everything that we'll do will provide positive emotional states for the animal."
"This is beautiful, isn't it? This is beautiful."
"I have the biggest smile on my face."
"I'm smiling ear to ear; I don't smile often."
"A very big one," said Larry, pleased.
"They were all really happy people."
"It's associated in my head with happiness."
"We're back to where we were, and that's the best feeling."
"Happiness is when you express a feeling of joy or just being content with something."
"I love it, love it, love it so much, you know."
"When you pass a test, it's a wonderful feeling."
"It's so awesome, I absolutely love it."
"Holy, that's so sweet but in the best way."
"Joy is derived from the word rejoice, a feeling of great pleasure and great happiness."
"There's something about this whole thing that just makes me really happy."
"Well, that is a pretty good feeling."
"Yes, I love my job, that is great news."
"That never fails to make me happy, y'all. I just love it."
"Why are you so happy? Why are you so joyful?"
"Gratitude is a feeling of being thankful."
"I'm so happy I could jump for joy."
"It was so much fun, the nice weather, oh yeah, awesome."
"When you knew you had a three-day weekend coming up, dude, dopamine spike."
"These camera angles are putting a smile on my face."
"I remember having this grin on my face."
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, that is exciting!"
"Thank you so much for this massive map, okay, I made a smiley face out of it 'cause I'm happy."
"I am feeling fantastic, my friend."
"The science of well-being can increase people's positive emotion and give more sense of meaning in life."
"Being proud of yourself is a great feeling."
"I'm grateful, like totally grateful."
"I just really like this one, it is very wholesome."
"I'm so damn happy, I love it, let's go."
"The instant smile on my face says everything, I'm happy right now."
"I am absolutely elated right now."
"Oh man, I'm already so happy again, I mean, wow!"
"He looks so cute, I swear he has one of the most contagious smiles ever."
"New York is happy this morning, man. Hip-hop is happy, it's an amazing morning."
"I'm very happy now, that's great."