
Local Support Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"I want people to support local roasters, buy incredible coffees, and be able to turn them easily and inexpensively into delicious coffee drinks."
"If you're a local resident, find a way to take someone in from Maui if at all possible, because this rebuild is going to be extraordinary, but it's going to take time."
"Everything that has been happening has been produced by the community."
"Start supporting all your local people around, yes government and also your local farmer right. Everything needs to be in your community."
"Maybe we have to support those pesky, pain-in-the-ass local game stores."
"I can go to Costco, I can drive through Shake Shack, Five Guys, Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts, but I can't support my local bakery."
"Protect your community, protect your people, protect your friends' businesses, and be available."
"It's just the fact that we just love help in this community out."
"Order takeout from local places if you can, it helps keep them afloat."
"With the hometown crowd at their backs, Cloud9 did what only one team has ever done before and competed in a major final."
"That's in Dallas let alone in Liverpool right they went insane and and that's kind of a way for him to connect with the fans."
"They see that we're selling tickets 'cause Chicago baby, we're gonna ride for our team."
"Wow, what a moment for Lewis Mills in his X Games debut, in front of the hometown crowd, jumping up in a podium position."
"Minnesota Rocker looking to get their first win with a COD League cross-home event."
"I feel like inside of Cleveland, like the people and the fans here, I feel like they give me that hype and that recognition that I deserve."
"Shout out to everybody man from Boston that's doing anything man i wish y'all nothing but the best of luck unless y'all playing the sixers."
"There's definitely more heart in the country where your community comes together."
"Support our own film, support our own supermarket, support our own brand, support our own products."
"I've actually been thinking of ordering a couple. You should, Manchester."
"US lawmakers have proposed a $500 billion rescue package for local governments."
"Whether you're playing at home with some pre-release kits checking out the sealed queue on Magic Arena or you're just lucky enough to have a local game store able to run events safely, you're bound to be itching to dive in."
"Farmers will need more help from British workers this year to bring in the harvest."
"It's really good to support local businesses and they're super cute, at least where I live."
"Germany has 1,500 hidden champions, small firms dominating global market niches, thanks to local community banks funding their growth."
"With over 300,000 partners in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Canada, Australia, you can support your local go-to's."
"If we're still going to support them over businesses in our own Community what's the point of them even wanting to do the work."
"Support your local game store and speaking of your YouTube channel support your local magic the gathering content."
"Putting a dollar in a middle-class person's pocket so they can go to the grocery store and go to their local mom and pop or their local restaurant and order takeout, that is what makes a huge difference for the economy."
"This is not only your community manager, this is a community van built for work."
"Supporting your local CSA is definitely a really great resource."
"Faze are gone, world number one upset by a new org, a new home, and on home soil in Texas for the team from the CIS."
"It's gonna be a fun year next year for New York basketball, for sure."
"We need to ensure that we're encouraging Canadians to buy Canadian."
"Sean Porter should be selling out a stadium in Ohio."
"Support your local farmers and ranchers. Things are about to get bad fairly quickly. 1% of the population feeds 99%. We can't make it without the people. We're in this together."
"The reality is the Kokoda track campaign was fought on the backs of the men of Papua, called fuzzy wuzzy heroes in Australia because of their hair."
"Rather than choosing some random designer, we went back home and chose a dope designer from our neighborhood, a black owned designer to create our clothes."
"Support your local small businesses, bring cash if you need to, and much love to everybody in the grind and the hustle until next time we're out, peace."
"Local communities coming together is crucial."
"You really never can judge a book by its cover."
"Supporting the small guy makes a community humongous."
"If you have the choice if you think about it consider ordering something from your local neighborhood family owned and operated restaurant those folks have been hit really hard."
"One thing is for certain is that Drake has put on for Toronto, he’s been shouting out and even chilling with a lot of the local Somali rappers."
"I want to give back to the island that has given me so much."
"The only thing that I wanted was since this was a Scottish case, I wanted the charity to be a local one and ideally I wanted the money to go towards children."
"I'm coming out of Rockland County, which is 42% of the district, and I won it by 10 points."
"The most punk rock thing you can do in Hawaii if you're in Hawaii and you really want to stick it to the Man is to support your local farmers and harvest your own food in whatever means you have."
"Invest in the community; that's what we need."
"Justin Fields is always going to have fans here in Chicago."
"It was hoped the locals would become loyal supporters of Spain."
"We love the community, we love the local spaces, and we will fight for them when necessary."
"Significant shout out to all of my people out here in New York from New York popping off."
"I highly recommend supporting small businesses like these if you can, both online and in your local area."
"You ain't nothing unless you got your city behind you."
"Thank you for your hard work from Southern California."
"Join the locals, join the locals, join the locals. I know it might bother some of y'all for me to say it but join the locals it's very important you guys do that."
"When you do go to a small country town, you don't need to head to the biggest, most shiny multi-conglomerate chain."
"Worst trend in snowboarding is people not supporting their local snowboard shops and brands not supporting local shops. That's the worst trend because those are the pillars of our world, dude."
"...brand reputation and serviceability... having a bike that you can go and buy from your local bike shop as well as have them service it and maintenance it is going to be huge."
"Our most valuable resources out there are our local SBA District Offices."
"Everybody that's down here supporting local just makes my heart happy."
"We need people to come see us. We need people to spend their money here, to come stay in the hotels, eat at the restaurants. It's my favorite city in the world, and to have people come back and visit and help us and boost our economy, that's really what we need right now."
"You guys don't want to miss this; we're again supporting local businesses and showing you all the ono grinds."
"This month we've decided that in honor of Pride Month, we are going to donate here locally to the North Idaho Pride Alliance."
"I love stopping at fun places like this, local you know, supporting the local places that I travel to. So fun, fun."
"We're always trying to back companies that make things in our own countries."
"It's about a life better spent, a community mucking in together out of love for the local game."
"The government will do everything it possibly can to help the local community and those affected."
"Support a local artist, support your local bookstore."
"It is important to support local businesses by buying locally."
"When in Greenland, there's nothing you can do alone; you absolutely need local support."
"Support local, and guys, who knows, you might find your next favorite dish here."
"Right now, a lot of these local places are hurting... you could provide them tremendous value."
"It's always fresh, always quality, they support local fishermen."
"They love your food, they love to support local, and they can't find your food anywhere else."
"This team has made Iowa so proud to be from Iowa."
"I'm more about highlighting local businesses, highlighting local artisan things."
"The fact that Nova Scotia was a leader in looking after blind people meant that the help was right here."
"Support your local farmers market."
"We here in Africa have had to rely heavily on local support to keep the safari industry going."
"If you support local pizza, both the pizzeria and the end user, you should be using Slice."
"If you are a fan of sustainable fishing and supporting local, try alternatives."
"He's at home in front of his home crowd."
"You can't ask for more than that, but it's amazing for the Brits to take one, two, and three in their home city."
"Without a word of a lie, that coffee is as good as any coffee I can buy at any of the cafes in my town."
"Support locals and get fresh food."
"Don't buy things on Amazon, go to local independent bike shops first."
"If you're local and you don't know what you want to do on a Saturday afternoon and these guys are playing at home, come down and watch them play."
"I need to support the local economy."
"Let's support our local bait shops."
"I donated to Nesbits Lanes because Nesbits Lanes has donated to my life."
"Big thanks for the supermarket in Salou for providing me with this bag for Tutuki Splash."
"It's so important that we have local technical specialists working with local farmers."
"Locals still help and protect each other, even if you're not a local."
"Buy directly from your local fishmonger, get fresh fish day of, and support your local fishermen."
"We definitely need to appreciate our local communities and all communities."
"We trust this guy, and we need this here in Texas."
"That's really local, that's good. I like to help my community."
"I am going to support local industry, my country, my community, and my industry."
"We're well loved by the locals and we're so popular we even get long queues at the weekends."
"It's great that we can help our charities that work in the local area."
"You know people come here and spend all their money in the all-inclusive resorts on the cruise ships, but they don't support the local people that are out here grinding."
"If you've got some local support, you've got to really embrace it."
"If you are able to, I think it's so important to support them and to shop from them."
"Doing a farm tour is a wonderful way to support small local business."
"There are people in our local communities who need help, and I think that we should be looking there first."
"Always support the hometown team; love to see some red up front."
"It's great that you're doing this benefit for the area."
"I'm a huge fan of Starbucks, but if there's a local coffee shop that's really cute like that, I try to support local shops more."
"I love the idea that I was buying something local from a local yarn store while I was there."
"Responding to this trend, more people are supporting local CSAs and farmers markets where they can find vegetables and fruits grown locally."
"I love supporting local designers."
"I love supporting Toronto-based companies."
"Keep making us proud here in Southern California."
"I'm trying to buy as much local as I can afford and support as many as I can."
"I'm a big yellow gold fan. I love mixtures of vintage pieces, modern pieces, custom pieces, and I love supporting local."
"Enjoy your time and our local needle workshops need your support."
"I always say, support your local artists."
"We are helping people locally, we are helping all over the world."