
Snacking Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Ice cream is supposed to be a dessert, but what if it was a morning snack?"
"It's very important that you don't snack and you go periods of time without meals."
"Most of us bust into the chips on the car ride home from the grocery store when really hungry."
"Snacks are the primary way to prevent extreme hunger."
"Havarti: the world's ultimate snacking cheese."
"These are so good I can't stop, they're really good."
"If I get home and there's a fuckload of snacks in my cabinet I'm eating some goddamn snacks."
"You just had Smoky Paprika and Almond Pringles. Paprika is commonly used in the cuisine of this country, and this country also happens to be the second largest almond producer in the world behind the USA, and that country is Spain."
"I'd like to actually have it overflow a little bit."
"Technically it's a snacking chocolate too, but because the chocolate chips are made with the coconut sugar, they have that beautiful caramel flavor."
"Cheese puffs for five dollars. I'm addicted to Cheez-Its."
"Snacking on nuts and seeds... just so helpful."
"Popcorn is really just a butter delivery device."
"Choosing one of these 10 healthy snacks is also better than choosing an unhealthy snack, because it's gonna keep the calories down low, as well as help you get all the nutrients that you need for the day."
"Sometimes I'll go in there and I'll just like take five bottles of water and six bags of chips and throw it in my bag."
"We all have our battles and mine is snacking."
"Live in the moment. In the middle of your day, you might feel a bit peckish, so don't forget to have a small snack or meal."
"Anyways, we're tired and hot and ready to take a nap actually first I'm gonna have snacks, you know what I am."
"I advise getting a late-night snack, just try to be sneaky about it."
"Two o'clock and I'm having celery and peanut butter... Still have not had an actual meal."
"Almost trying to reach deep into the bag for the extra cheesy Doritos now that is a skill."
"Don't understand how much willpower I have to have to just stare at that red box and not eat the snacks."
"Nacho cheese chips are special because their recipe is specifically designed so that no flavor overpowers another. When foods lack a dominant flavor, people don't feel as full, and therefore, can't stop eating them."
"It's like potato chips, you just kind of have to have another one."
"It's not a cookie, this is one of those candies that I can just shove in my mouth over and over."
"Give me those Reese's man, I'll go through the whole bag without even noticing it."
"I'm gonna go finish these, and these, stop judging me."
"Most people benefit from having some kind of snack sometime in there around two, three o'clock to take the edge off."
"When you snack too much and you eat food way too frequently you're throwing your blood sugar constantly into a tablespoon."
"The containers fit in cup holders perfectly, making it great for snacking on the go."
"I'm such a snacky person, I love snacking all the time."
"Fat will take you to the next meal so that you don't snack in between."
"I prefer to have a good meal that's nutritious and that's going to keep me really satisfied versus having something that's going to keep me hungry and then I keep snacking throughout the day because that will add up."
"Having snacks in the room is so clutch because we can snack a little here and then go to where we want to go."
"These glass bowls come in a pack of two and are the perfect bowls for snacking, enjoying desserts, or watching the game."
"Snacking Done Right is actually a hugely powerful tool to maintain energy throughout the day."
"What is a road trip without a snack?"
"Snacking with your friends, snacking on your friends."
"I love the mission of this company to promote traditional Japanese culture through the medium of snacking."
"If you want to snack and stay healthy then naturebox is the lost city of Atlantis you've been looking for."
"Hell yeah, food! I'm going to raid the pantry for some munchies."
"It's packed with protein. It's a great healthy snack for just about anybody whether after a workout during a hike or at midnight late at night when you're watching a movie."
"I absolutely love this snack so I'm snacking on that while we're in the kitchen."
"I don't snack anymore, I don't binge. I just feel so good about everything that I don't need to do it anymore."
"Most of the reduction in calorie was due to reduction in late night snacks."
"Super handy having a snack drawer."
"we love bugles at at my mama's house we be messing up some bugles"
"Moving can get tiring, so you best bet I'm gonna grab a snack."
"Raw cashews, walnuts, macadamia nuts."
"I just can't help it, I see snacks that I've never tried before and I just like to try it."
"Pack snacks... rather than stopping at a gas station or a drive-thru to get something really quick because I'm hungry."
"I'm a snacker, I have no shame in my snack game."
"My sister's response was, 'Cool, do you know when mom's gonna get more snacks?'"
"I could seriously just snack on these all day."
"This might even be too much. I just wanted to snack before bed."
"Whether you're a Nibbler or a Snyder's guy you can put your snacks on this side."
"So much of the marketing effort in the store--in the design and the layout--is aimed at getting you to make spontaneous decisions, which leads to sort of mindless eating--if you will--in snack foods especially and will attract you to those most alluring products."
"Olives, so good. I could just snack on this whole jar before dinner."
"Especially when I'm just eating snacks and I didn't feel like paying for food out and about today, so just pack snacks, and I'll probably eat another snack when I get home."
"One thing they can try to change is limiting the amount of grazing of snack food throughout the day."
"Once you make that initial investment in that popcorn popper, you're gonna have some really cheap snacks."
"I think it's about time for you and I to eat some healthy snacks."
"Enjoy your snack because I'm enjoying mine."
"Twizzlers you could eat this whole bag and be like where are the twixes"
"You can nibble mid-lecture if you like."
"Usually, we don't eat a lot after dinner, but before bed, Cove and I have been having like a couple of those little oranges."
"Attack attack attack, I got the Doritos."
"This little snack dispenser... lets you eat things without getting your fingers all dirty."
"I just love to snack, snack, I need to stop because I'm not trying to, you feel me, like I just don't want to get out of control."
"People are always looking for something to snack on."
"...snacking a bit more when we're stuck at home so it's great to burn those extra calories and it's just so good for your well-being."
"We had to literally ask him to make a little bit more because we were snacking on it Non-Stop."
"I love just [ __ ] eating snacks and sitting places you know, people watching while eating snacks."
"This is going to sound really dumb but it is like the perfect snacking cake."
"Pretty soon we'll be doing our snacking out here in the great outdoors with our yard garden snacks."
"They satisfy my snacking when I'm feeling snacky."
"I'm going to pack some portable grazing boards and snacks."
"Why am I in here? I don't need another snack I just had one like five minutes ago."
"They caught you snacking I was snacking Big Time."
"I practically live off of snacks."
"I've been sniping the most outrageous snacks I can find on the internet."
"I always like to have a snack because sometimes I get like low energy and need something when I'm like out and about."
"No food waste with Lauren. Nuts and everything, just keep them inside and snack through the treehood today."
"That's the only time people eat popcorn, that's crazy to me. If I saw something, what's the last time you ate popcorn in your house? In my house? Yeah, I don't eat popcorn in my house, that's insane, yeah, of course you got popcorn in your crib."
"Some of you might feel hungry between meals right so you might be wondering what should I be eating can I just go for any snack I want no we suggest you guys to go for protein balanced snacks and healthy snacks low calorie snacks."
"Let's be honest, okay? We're all sneaking treats in."
"Whoa, I just downed a bowl of flaming hot Cheetos right before this started. I had a little bowl. Now my tongue is red and my fingers are probably red too. Flamin' hot Cheeto check."
"So just offering a little bit of everything is ideal so there really is no wrong or right way it's just about you know what you like to do and um you know what you like to snack on."
"Snackies is the ultimate snacking solution"
"What do you think I do when I put chips in my purse?"
"Snacking is a way of life. You either a snack go or you don't. There is no in-between."
"Always try to have a healthy snack, such as fruits or vegetables, before hitting the fast-food place."
"Naturebox eliminates that. They send you delicious nutritious snacks to your door. It arrives in a box. All you have to do is open the box and there's a bunch of bags in the box. You eat the snack line to the bags."
"Peanut butter and celery I think is a classic combination it's one that I really love again it's the fiber from the celery sticks the protein and the healthy fats from the nut butter."
"I have a saying on workshops, which is ABS: Always Be Snacking."
"Having things like meat sticks in the refrigerator to grab as a snack is an absolutely great way to satisfy that urge to snack without breaking our diet."
"Searches peak in January and February for a lot of people in the United States watching the Super Bowl and eating chips with guacamole."
"Snacking is a critical part of healthcare."
"One thing that snacking does is it curbs hunger, which is critical."
"Snacking maintains the energy level throughout the day."
"Make sure you have tasty and healthy dips."
"You eat until satisfied, snack when hungry, and never count calories again."
"You want to eat one small meal or one normal meal before the meet starts and then you definitely want to eat some kind of snack or some kind of food in between the snatch and clean and jerk."
"I'm not gonna be done, so then like 30 minutes later, I came out and had like a huge bag of popcorn and then another protein bar."
"It's delicious, and I was sat there driving, having my coffee, then having a peanut butter cup."
"We started unreal so everyone can enjoy out of this world, all real chocolate snacks without all the sugar."
"I love pickles; I don't even need to put them on anything, I'll just eat them right out of the jar."
"I think it's actually perfectly packaged for a bed snack myself."
"Tonight we have peanut butter filled pretzel bites. What are y'all snacking on?"
"It's interesting to consider what the locals enjoy as their snacking equivalent."
"I just love snacks. I think given the choice, I would just have snacks for the rest of my life, no meals, just snacks."
"While snacking on the wrong foods may cause you to pack on weight, choosing the right snacks may promote weight loss."
"I'm actually eating a bag of these right now, and they're really good."
"Idle hands always end up stuck in an empty tube of Pringles."
"The awesomeness that is Japanese traditional culture through the medium of snacking."
"Instead of snacking on junk food, snacking on whole foods that are really healthy for us."
"I love having these around for me to just grab, because it lessens the chances of me going for something super unhealthy."
"One whole bag of these is like 100 calories, so I like these because they taste like candy but there's no added sugar."
"Snacking is great, snacking is good to do if you're going to do it, if you make it healthy it's that much better."
"It's possible to have all these amazing benefits go into your little snacks, and you don't have to think that hard about it."
"The coolest thing about goji berries is that they're not super sweet; they're almost like a little bitter, which stops you from over-snacking."
"Sit back, get your favorite snack, here we go."
"Let's be realistic, we're going to snack, it's going to happen."
"Are you tired of having plain old popcorn? Well not anymore because I have the solution for you."
"I love that you can snack guilt-free."
"Turns out, I really like it, and if you like peppers and you use them a lot in your cooking or just like snacking in general, this is great."
"Snack accidents, when you eat all the snacks by accident."
"I carry almonds, fruit, and some dark chocolate as well; I'll nibble that every second hole just to keep me going."
"Twizzlers and Twizzlers Pull 'n' Peel candy, two ways to make mouths happy."
"It's just a good convenient snack that is higher in protein so it's a little bit more filling."
"Toddlers tend to be what we call grazers; they just like to snack throughout the day."
"I love just snacking on frozen mango in its frozen state, it's just like so good."
"I have the appetite of a child, but it's okay because it's my favorite thing and I love snacking."
"They pack in a ton of flavor, and whether you're snacking on a couple or stuffing your face with them, they'll go down a real treat."
"I sneak things into the movie theaters mostly because they have bad food options."
"Do you spend date night snacking instead of smooching?"
"I love pears; I grew up snacking on pears."
"Let's just take our time, just relax your mind, and eat some snack."
"Keto made me full, and I didn't feel like I needed to snack or constantly be eating."
"We're going to be snacking on 10 different meals and I think we're gonna get a very authentic experience."
"We love to just eat on frozen grapes."
"I love planting sugar snap peas and giant snow peas for snacking in the garden."
"If you just took out the idea that I'm just not going to snack, you will cut out so many random unnecessary calories from your day."
"Laziness, another unfortunate side effect of hunger. Grab a Snickers."
"Snackies is the all-in-one go anywhere snacking solution that's sweeping the nation."
"NatureBox doesn't use artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, so you can feel good about what you're eating."
"Melon is one of my favorite fruits for snacking."
"For anyone who ever wished they could eat warm mac and cheese like they do a bag of chips, Mac and Cheetos makes the previously unthinkable a reality."
"The key to nachos is layering your nachos, guys."
"New Smart Pop, because you can eat and eat and not feel the least bit guilty."
"Snacking on healthy food is what we like to do, eating apples, oranges, carrots, and some celery too."
"I've started to eat more healthily in the past few days and I love to snack."
"This guy guards the kitchen; he really stops the midnight snacking."
"The camels were outdoor pets at Rough Point who enjoyed snacking on the rougarou of roses and the hedges."
"I can buy a veggie platter for myself whenever I want and have it in the fridge at all times for snacking purposes."
"Always check the serving size before snacking."
"I like to keep a variety of nuts on hand just for snacking and recipes and when I make granola and things like that."
"Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable snacking adventure?"
"Can you just eat one Lay's potato chip? I don't think so."
"This is a good meal, I mean, I'm sorry, a good snack."
"I love putting tortilla chips on a plate and then putting cheese on them and then putting them in the microwave."
"I love baby bell peppers; they're just so much easier to eat, they're so sweet, they're the best snack."
"This whole like pregnant lady snacking like eating for two thing is a complete myth."
"It's kind of expensive, to be honest with you, but I will eat it for lunch, I will snack on these, so I kind of feel like it's worth the money for me."
"Hello friends, Wizards, witches, and Muggles, and people that love to snack."
"You're not going to feel the need to snack all day long every minute of the day."
"I'm trying to be a little bit more conscious of my snacking and different things like that in the new year."
"Tis the season to snack, am I right?"
"There's more to snacking than crisps."
"Nothing wrong with snacking, everybody loves a snack."
"People who skip meals end up eating snacks all day long."
"Dip your chips down in there, you get an amazing flavor that comes onto your chips that you won't be able to forget."