
Conventions Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"Comic-Con was insane, so I'd get these great big 400-pound gamer come up and fanboying over me."
"Hello from Germany and welcome to the biggest gaming convention in the world from the largest Xbox booth in Gamescom history."
"The DNC was planning to actually bring some prominent Republicans to speak at their convention."
"The franchise's first major convention gathered fans at the Statler Hilton for 'Star Trek Lives'."
"At the end of the day conventions are a lot of fun and I really really miss going."
"Those are just words we're using, conventions, mathematical equations. Those are all human constructs."
"People who are in a wheelchair are now going to be able to potentially walk again."
"I've actually had someone name a baby after me who came to a convention and the baby was called Phil."
"Now, I actually got the English voice actor of Tristan to say that at Comic Con 2008."
"Sometimes it takes an outsider unburdened by the stifling conventions to see the obvious."
"This is just severely inappropriate, I wouldn't wear this to a public convention."
"At least the Fanatic, that was how I met John Travolta because he was going to conventions promoting the Fanatic."
"The show's fan base is so massive that an entire convention was created... invader con."
"I do like people challenging that convention."
"You can't compare them. It's two different things because New York Comic-Con was all about TV and comic books, only a couple of films, whereas San Diego is a lot of film."
"It's more concentrated... feels less like a rock concert..."
"I'm gonna give the nod to San Diego... you still have comic-con..."
"Just feeling some sort of normalcy not that comic-con is normalcy but just IRA you know with your friends hanging out with your friends."
"Participating in fandom communities and conventions is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals."
"The bronies managed to save the future of conventions."
"The Iraq sequence avoids the majority of cinematic storytelling conventions."
"Don't grope people in public at conventions. It's just... don't. It's not difficult, especially without their consent."
"Never forget to bathe. Always use deodorant. Try not to be a musky husky, alright?"
"Don't follow or stalk people at conventions. Respect personal space and boundaries."
"The most effective convention in modern American history when it comes to persuasion."
"The main theme of the convention seemed to be telling lies in front of flags, because it was four days of a full-throated denial of objective reality."
"Stan Lee, the man you'd wait in line at a comic convention for."
"Meeting fans is the best part of conventions."
"And since it's always been a lifelong dream of mine to be played off in an award ceremony and I'll never get this chance again probably I'd also like to thank the fans that come out to meet me at conventions."
"Volunteers are the lifeblood of cons and it can be a really great way to do anything from making new friends to just, budget-friendly congoing. It can be really, really cool."
"I want to be able to still be going to conventions, still meeting up all the time, still talking about Dragon Ball Z abridged when we're all in our 60s and 70s."
"I think those of us who have been paying attention to what's happening in the convention itself we know what's going on."
"You come for the convention, you stay for the haha."
"I feel like it really does make a difference... I've met people at conventions who have mentioned the stream."
"I love that I go to a convention and I see people that I know and I've talked to and you know I feel like."
"He met notable voice actress Monica Rial at the anime convention."
"So excited for things like this. I wish we were at in-person conventions; it's just such great energy there." - Speaker
"If you guys want us at conventions, I highly recommend if you want to set a local convention or something, message the convention and make like a campaign or something."
"Gaming at a convention is a great way to game with a lot of people you don't otherwise get a chance to to play with and you can play games that you don't usually get to."
"Dragon Con is about many things, including cosplay and science panels."
"If you're a PAX or you're thinking about going to a convention but you're nervous, just be yourself."
"I love Comic-Con because we get to all be who we really dream and wish and want to be."
"Conventions are one of the best options if you don't have a built-in audience."
"I'm grateful for y'all or the fact I even get to go to conventions and meet so many great people like guys I got to meet Dana Schneider."
"For such a quiet event, conventions are where it's at."
"The character progression of its leads, the intricacies of its power system, the way it approaches each story arc and flips every convention on its head."
"This convention made me feel like the comic book community is alive and well."
"This is the way you create a startup, this is the way you write a book, this is the way you get fit. That has contributed to us just taking for granted that there's a way of doing everything."
"That's brilliant! So you adopt the conventions of the medium rather than the world you know very well, which is auctioneering or selling houses."
"These conventions certainly give you freedom. Let yourself go for a couple of days, you know, live it up. That's what I like, real unbound fun!"
"going to conventions honestly is so fun if you've never been you should definitely go"
"I think the answer is to just take a note from the furries and just have more space at your conventions, bigger venues, less people, more space in the aisles."
"Doing Artist Alley at Anime conventions... I go to cons, set up a table, and all weekend I am there selling my art making money off of my work."
"Artist Alley experiences at different cons."
"...even if you aren't a super established artist I still think it's worth throwing these conventions."
"That's how my first convention went and I'm definitely going to be doing more conventions in the future."
"I wanted to be able to people to have a conversation without knowing that this is a J-Tips product. It's like, 'Oh, what's this guy wearing? He's been at the conventions too.'"
"I feel like nowadays when you go to Anime conventions it's no longer surrounded by a stigma of the past where people think it's a group of nerds, these losers who watch anime behind closed doors."
"When I do conventions, I have my prints displayed kind of up above me using a photography kind of backdrop stand."
"One of the things I like most about coming to cons is it's a place where a lot of like small businesses or local artists get to Showcase all of their stuff."
"The only times I've ever seen fans really reach out to creators to ask that is, like, at conventions with more modern IPs that usually have some queer-baity ship already going on."
"I always run to this guy at horror conventions, it's Jesse the horror guy."
"It's like the weirdest thing I ever see: people will come up and touch strangers from behind at conventions."
"The best way is coming to these conventions and meeting you guys in person."
"Once you learn established conventions, you learn how to get creative with them. But that’s the thing—you have to learn the conventions."
"The content you produce is going to be an important part of what kind of conventions you'll attend, even past the beforehand knowledge."
"Welcome to hell, it's San Diego Comic-Con."
"One of the many attractions that is bringing more and more conventions into this area."
"When you're in a certain zone like a convention which you do and we've done, you get to hang out with other people and you're like 'Oh my God I love you!'"
"If you go to a convention, it's naturally assumed that you're going to be nice to people, friendly to people, sign autographs, shake hands, take pictures."
"I believe in the power of conventions. If you can sit at a table and interact in a human way with somebody as you're transacting over an autograph, you can change somebody's life in 30 seconds."
"Some of the best shows I ever did were for conventions."
"Safety tools exist because, let's be serious, cons were known quite a bit for very handsy nerds."
"It would be more of a purchase type of convention over a cosplay Commander drama but he wanted to dress up."
"I want you to give something that'll blow the Democratic or republican convention or the Beatles or the roaches or Bieber."
"At the end of the day, the server can do whatever it wants with the path or the query parameters, but kind of by convention, the query parameters tend to be smaller changes to the request."
"that's why I love these conventions especially the horror ones"
"You gotta love those naming conventions though, right?"
"...we're amazingly good at creating communicative conventions in the moment we're good at reusing them and give us a bit of a chance and we'll create you a system."
"To be a part of that, and to meet them at conventions, it's impactful."
"Chemical arms control eventually leads to the Chemical Weapons Convention."
"I think the movie tries to have its cake and eat it too when it comes to genre conventions. Absolutely."
"There's hundreds of country code two that by convention are two letters."
"Real talk, I've never been to any convention ever."
"I just wish more people would be more considerate at cons because I'm always saying excuse me or, you know, hey we're right here, whatever, trying to get through."
"Animecon dude, you can be crazy all you want, dude."
"The strange thing about human beings is our nature to create conventions."
"Puncturing literary commonplaces."
"One of my long-term dreams actually has been to table at an artist alley at an anime or comic convention."
"Thank you so much for your support. I have gotten so much fan art from you guys and I've met plenty of y'all in person at the conventions."
"I grew up in LA and going to Comic Con San Diego was so expensive and you put like all your effort into going."
"I miss anime conventions and walking down the aisles of the artist alleys."
"It's about competing models, not about competing conventions. You can use the AS convention, you can use the modern Einstein convention, you can convert between the two."
"No name belongs to a particular thing by nature but only because of the rules and usage of those who establish the usage and call it by that name."
"What a blue-collar attitude of like he's going to this convention to make fans happy."
"We went to these cons with a very specific intent; we were there as pros trying to get published."
"The best thing to do is to bring a friend and to be very friendly; ask people, people will talk to you."
"Comic cons generally, the most fun thing to do there is just go and watch all the costumes."
"It's just not the same as waking up at a stupidly early hour for me, so like 7:00 AM, trudging down in the freezing cold to a convention centre, standing there all day as my feet go numb, meeting you, taking photos, signing things, hugging. I love it and I miss it."
"They had all the conventions of a sitcom, of course, it was the central couple and the wacky next-door neighbors."
"I'm very excited because I am leaving tomorrow morning for Comic-Con in San Diego."
"Exercise great conscious caution no matter where you go at conventions; have fun for yourselves, but more importantly, be safe and be well."
"This is the most fun convention that I have been to."
"The artist alley is always my favorite part of conventions; people are so talented."
"This year was the biggest Gen Con that has been, ever."
"This is My City, this game was one that we weren't sure was actually going to be available at Gen Con."
"It's so good to be out at just conventions and seeing people again."
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Genocide Convention, and the Geneva Conventions for prisoners of war are the basis for international law."
"It's just a social convention, but it's lovely."
"I've worn spacesuits at several Comic Cons."
"Reasonable people might disagree; they're just conventions, they're not hard fast rules."
"Yep, there's something truly magical about conventions."
"Anime conventions nowadays are pretty different from cons back in the 2000s."
"That should be like a sub-theme of a convention, like make books and then do different scenes from them."
"Conventions actually are a fantastic way to find your local community."
"If you're at DreamCon and you want to come say hello, I would love to meet you guys."
"I actually can't wait to work conventions and use these wireless machines because I think that will be a game-changer for real."
"I did my job when I do these Comic Cons and wizard worlds and stuff like that, fans say oh you deserve to be a Hall of Fame, that's all I need to hear."
"Why in certain societies or how do we break this symmetry and come to different conventions where we all do something that helps us coordinate our behavior, but ultimately it could have been something else."
"If you're still nervous to go to your first convention, I hope this video can give you some inspiration."
"You can't go to a Furry Convention alone, right? Well, I disagree. Not only can you go to a Furry Convention alone, but you can have a ton of fun doing so."
"The convention center can accommodate between 5 and 10,000 guests."
"The naming conventions are important."
"We're going to be at PAX's Prime this weekend."
"It's my favorite part about doing any anime convention; it's just so fun."
"I love seeing people play; it's my favorite part about doing like any anime convention."
"Conventions are an awesome place to connect with people, make business relationships."
"It's a nostalgic staple and nostalgia is one of the main callbacks of conventions."
"Conventions are a lot of fun and I really, really miss going to them."
"Ross has participated in fan conventions for Independence Day and was also part of the Fresh Prince reunion."
"I love coming to New York Comic Con because you get to be in an amazing city, meeting amazing writers."
"The world of comedy is a world where we're no longer bound by those silly old rules and conventions that normally govern our lives."
"Pack drinks before you go to a convention. Water specifically, have a big jug, fill it with ice before you get there, and you can refill it throughout the day."
"Pack a couple of snacks as well, because you're going to be hungry, and you don't want to waste money on convention food because it's not cheap."
"Always have a plan when you go to a convention."
"Book your hotel early. The earlier you book it, the closer you can get to the convention."
"Carry your phone around your neck as a camera, makes it really easy to pull it up for pictures, and you're going to want to take pictures."
"Never pay sticker price, everything's negotiable almost."
"Sunday is fun day, especially with bulky items. Vendors mark stuff down because they don't want to carry it home."
"Thank you again so so much for taking time out of your convention experience to wait in line."
"Conventions enable you to move faster."
"I had a really good time, all my cranky notes about conventions, and I had a really fun time."
"The way you feel about Battlestar Galactica, the people that you want to hang out with are at Comic-Con because they feel the same way you do."
"I rather admire people who deconstruct conventions and then turn them into something of their own."
"There's something kind of tranquil about an empty con hall."
"I'm really looking forward to going to cons again."
"It's been two years since I did a convention, and I was really nervous, and then I was really happy because it's fun."
"Over 100 furry conventions took place this year, and about half of them had over 1,000 attendees."
"Looking at the graphs of how that growth has affected furry conventions in 2023 is truly fascinating."
"We saw truly unprecedented growth all over the globe."
"To see this many conventions at well over 10% growth rate, let alone over 50% or over 100%, is wild."
"We are extremely excited to see what 2024 has in store for furry conventions."
"Volunteering is a really cool thing to do, and furry conventions absolutely need it."
"The fact that furry conventions are growing at this exponential of a rate is really insane."
"The con was overall just a wonderful, wonderful experience."
"He really broke the rules, he broke down conventions."
"Beauty conventions are super special."
"We'd take trips to conventions where I'd meet people with innovative ideas, the kind of creative people I enjoyed best."
"I want to be that guy at a convention in his 50s or 60s, getting to relive those glory days."
"That's my favorite thing about coming to conventions, having that first-hand impression of the positive effects."
"Please make sure you stay hydrated and you eat at conventions. It is important; you don't want to be dehydrated and hungry because you won't have a good time."
"Class names usually begin with an uppercase letter."
"I forgot how much I enjoyed conventions. Love them."
"You want to ensure that you're writing code to a certain standard... Certain conventions, certain coding styles now become important."
"Out of the box, Dapper is really just like a set of packaged conventions, packaged features."
"The accessibility of people at conventions is amazing."
"It's one of my favorite things, if you've never been to a convention before, like I love going to conventions."
"The camaraderie, the conventions, getting together, and it's just one of my greatest memories of my life."
"The developer is actually breaking a lot of existing conventions set by other AAA games."
"I do love going to conventions, it is so much fun."
"Ruby on Rails is very convention over configuration."
"I always liked doing Q&A in Star Trek, Battlestar, and interactions at conventions and appearances."
"These look really good. You could definitely get away with wearing them to a convention, absolutely."
"You may want to go to a specific anime convention to see an anime celebrity or to experience a particular sub-genre of anime with other attendees."
"Have fun and try to experience the con to the fullest."
"The only difference between an anime convention and a comic convention is the content of the convention."
"I love this convention because it comes up a lot."
"I believe in conventions, and as a web designer, it's better to follow the convention unless you have a very good reason not to."
"Having a convention will make it easier for other people to read your code and for you to understand your code more efficiently."
"I think that's like one thing I didn't realize until the pandemic happened is that how much I miss conventions."
"I am definitely coming to Megacon now, hell yes it's going to be awesome."
"Anime cons were always our favorite, we loved it because it was always so fun to see all the clever cosplay and people that were excited about shows that we liked."
"I like to know exactly what's going on and when, why, but conventions have their place; it could be very useful at times."
"Imagine pulling up to a Star Trek convention in this; you'd be the coolest guy in the galaxy."
"He remembers names of people he saw like five conventions ago in different states or previous years."
"One of the things that I love about going to conventions is the connectivity, the relationships, and bonding with people."
"I try my best to collect Sailor Moon pieces as I go to different conventions."
"Going to conventions is like a reminder that you are valued and loved and appreciated."
"Some of the best evenings I've had in my life have been at Dragon Con."
"It returns the number zero by convention, which means all is well."
"Be respectful to staff members of the convention; they're going out of their way to put on this convention for you."
"Budget yourself; cons can cost a lot of money if you aren't careful."
"Purell will save your life in a con setting."
"Embrace progress, if there's a convention that isn't valuable by virtue of its own merits, it can go."
"Cons are probably going to end up being the best weekends of your entire life, so just try and be nice, try and follow basic rules, and enjoy."
"Dragon Con makes Comic Con look like amateur night from a costuming perspective."
"We're always looking forward to meeting you guys at the cons."
"I really love the feeling of Comic-Con."