
Intrusion Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"I was being described in all sorts of ways. I had reporters trying to go through my window. It was really violating."
"Nothing in the house was stolen, so someone just like came into this town home, went up to the second floor, and then stabbed Robert."
"I walk into your apartment, you open your back door..."
"It's only a matter of time before they show up to someone's house and say you are COVID positive."
"They made a complete mess of our house, but what scared me the most was how organized they were."
"Imagine having a conversation and a complete stranger walks in between you... hello!"
"It's a complete and total invasion of privacy."
"The invasion of privacy was just like what is wrong with you."
"The creepy man who was on my back porch please don't come back I'd rather not meet."
"What the hell was that thing? What was it doing in my house and where did it come from?"
"We are in your head, and you realize that this man is in the head of the woman that's beside you in bed, and you can't stop it."
"I was so tired of being like filmed that I'll have dreams I'll wake up and I'll see like cameramen in my bedroom filming me."
"Intruder is essentially allows us to edit the parameters, it allows us to edit the requests and then obviously edit them and manipulate them so we can get the desired results."
"Someone had indeed broken into our home and left this ghastly present under the tree for me."
"I still don't know how the man got inside."
"The only thing more scandalous than showing up in the back of a car in a cop photo is showing up in her bathtub."
"What are you doing in my house? Are you stalking me?"
"Their conversation broken by a car entering the park along the road behind them."
"It's changing over from a digital Swiss army knife to a portal by which thousands of companies can interrupt what you're doing and try to call you over to their app."
"He came in every day, every single day he came into my flat as if it was his own flat and sat down to watch TV and ate lunch and even did some washing up. He never did anything weird, he just came in and did that and then used my loo."
"These people have been extremely intrusive in my life and for a long time I haven't said anything or stood up for myself."
"They're in your space but they can't do anything."
"How do you actually feel about the consistent intrusion of Technology into our lives?"
"Mr. President, there's someone in your vault."
"Rosemary saw her target and immediately entered Lily's mind."
"You have very clear boundaries. It's like they want to crack into your life, but they don't know how. They don't see any opportunity."
"It was like she was marking her territory, claiming a space in our lives we weren't willing to give."
"I woke up to the odd feeling of someone being in my room with me."
"I slowly made my way to the basement and as I turned the corner, I saw two men digging through my grandpa's boxes."
"Something had broken into the house to get to me, disgusting, and my father was still out there."
"I'm gaming with my noise-canceling headphones and an intruder had entered his home and was harming his wife."
"Seeing a gray globe being in real life just inches from your unlocked door is a different thing altogether."
"I was really annoyed at him for following me and creeping me out."
"The audacious act was complete, leaving the homeowners in turmoil."
"Why they feel entitled to follow people around to a point where I'm basically a prisoner in my own home, I don't know."
"Honestly to me the idea of a game scanning through my computer files without permission is even scarier than this game."
"God will never break into your house, into your life, because if He breaks in, He becomes a thief."
"I told them both to leave while she tried to appear around me and into the house."
"The weirdest thing is that my alarm was set and my deadbolts were locked from the inside even when he was in my apartment."
"Michael Fagan manages to break into Buckingham Palace to confront the queen."
"Our visitors were no longer there, but they had broken in through the backyard."
"They have inserted themselves into your lives, annexed spaces from the children, and then pretend like everything's good whilst downright ignoring any external feedback."
"This is absolutely over the line. You have the right to make use and enjoy the property without excessive intrusion from your landlord."
"I'm not even turning around, what are you doing in my house?"
"In an occupation, if you're part of an occupation force, you are the outsider, you are the bull in the china shop, you are the stranger that is tracking mud into that old lady's nice carpeted house."
"A strange feeling to break into your own home."
"They hijacked your celebration and made it about them."
"Perhaps I'm intruding? You're not intruding."
"We're the mosquitoes of the large organizations... we have intruded into everything."
"A fan jumped the barricade and entered the ring."
"For you, I say, in hopes you'll overlook my rudeness in calling on you uninvited."
"She is doing this. Stop her. She is inside my head."
"...intuitively feel that the more turbulence and noise from nature there is then the more muffled your own personal intrusions will be."
"Empire always has to be invited in."
"We're in! Oh, hackers be like, 'We're in, sir!'"
"The police never found out the identity of the person who intruded upon our house."
"It's like somebody looking in your nicker drawer."
"Hello, what paparazzi, please no paparazzi?"
"He never saw you. I mean, that is so true. That's why I [ __ ] hate that you read comments."
"The man had gotten inside through that door."
"It was terrifying, like Lady Lady Lady has got lady has tried to Lady tries to get into her home lady will try to get into her home."
"He completely ignored my attempts to open the door and just kept talking to me. I can't remember everything he said anymore, mostly he carried on the same way he had been but with more references still watching me bend over."
"He was trying to get into the house."
"I am constantly reminded of Taylor Swift's existence, you know, whether I'm scrolling on social media and I see something involving her, a headline, or if I walk into a Starbucks, her voice enters my ears with no heads up and no consent."
"...you're now just intruding on what it sounds like everyone's lives, let alone someone's wedding."
"Why you keep putting that camera on me bro?"
"People get afraid to step into your business."
"It stresses them out that they feel like when they're with you, that other people will always be kind of nosing around."
"How does everyone keep breaking into this Billionaire's home?"
"Stop taking creepy shots of celebrities having family time. It's gross."
"What kind of person tries to force their way into someone else's home and then calls the police over not getting their way?"
"I had been sitting down for less than 5 minutes when a voice intruded into my solitude."
"Silence... alive... he had often felt its austere approach before, when it came, it burst in without subtlety, evidently unable to wait. The silence of the world could not rain back its greed, not any longer, not when it had virtually won."
"this person has made it their mission and their job to genuinely stalk and prowl the corners of your life"
"It's like a thief coming into your house, and as soon as you put yourself in its path and go 'Hey,' it's like the security light coming on."
"Evil is actually an intruder in God's good world and into your lives."
"It's bad enough that Skinner's gotten in my head, not good with anyone else getting in there without my permission."
"I'm in my workplace and you're currently pointing a camera in my face."
"You know, he came in my house kicked off his shoes and put his feet on my kitchen table."
"It's like when I split up with Tom, she was always hanging around when I was on the phone and stuff, trying to listen to him."
"It's an intrusion, and the earliest of the two manuscripts of this is from 977."
"Kinbote intrudes on his own notes countless times throughout the novel, often completely breaking away from the poem to launch into a personal anecdote."
"Someone probably traversed the fence and landed straight into my yard."
"I wondered how many days he must have been watching to know the house would be empty and that that time window he used to break into my home would be optimal."
"There was about 15 videos of me sleeping on the couch. The masked man that I saw had been inside my house and was watching me while I was sleeping."
"...there it was, this thing I had been in fear of for so long right up against the doorframe trying to make its way inside."
"Apologies for inviting ourselves into your school like this, but we had intel that All Might would be here today."
"Why can't they just leave me alone?"
"I was wondering when I would come in here to find you in my home."
"While I was sleeping, someone broke into my hiding place."
"I remember the exact thing my brother said: 'Hello, there's someone in our house and I think they're stealing.'"
"But then one night, whatever these things were, they forced their way back in, and it was also the night that it all ended."
"He just walked over and walked directly into the home from the front door."
"There was something outside, and it wanted in."
"Apparently, she saw two men entering my house and called the cops."
"You're enjoying your kids, you're gardening, everything's fine, and I come knocking on your door and I say ma'am, sir, you need to be screened."
"You had no boundaries, so they was walking all through your flower bed, climbing on your roof, in your closet."
"People be putting cameras in my face, I be like, 'Why is they doing all that?'"
"It's not even like she thought that you would want them to be thrown out. She knew what they meant to you and your son, and she had no right."
"He's trying to get in the back door"
"Bluejay must have known I was going to contact Lilith, and she’d broken into the Wrangler to spy on the conversation."
"I was shocked when I saw the neighbor entering my yard, spraying chemicals all over my lawn."
"I'm just hoping that everybody can stay out of our business for more than 5 minutes after it went down at breakfast."
"He literally swooped in and ruined your birthday."
"Imagine just getting out of jail and cameras are being shoved in your face every second, correct? Let her live, damn."
"They're in people's backyards while they're having barbecues."
"There was five paps waiting outside the gym, trying to take pictures of me pulling out."
"I feel I owe you an apology, Mr. Holmes, intruding on you on such a night and bringing these traces of the storm and rain into your snug chamber."
"The bird managed to walk in because the couple had forgotten to close their doors of the house."
"It's just pillow talk, that's all it is. You know? But, but these people want to like, and plus, why they pocket checking me? Yeah, why are they pocket watching? Facts."
"If this was just a prankster or an intruder, they were beginning to get awfully bold in their methods."
"It's mad how people get involved in other people's lives so much. It's just interesting, now we're so used to hearing from people constantly, that like a band doing what was really normal a bit ago is now shrouded in mystery and speculation."
"I heard someone in our backyard moving one of our patio chairs."
"TV hijackings... are certainly not to be taken lightly."
"I don't know. I was right at the top of fame. I couldn't go anywhere without paparazzi without people grabbing bits of me."
"Identifying when work becomes invasive is crucial. Don't let it take over like a parasite."
"Knowing that there was someone knocking at my door at different times of the day for seemingly no reason."
"This was supposed to just kind of be a special moment between me and Rick, somehow the rest of the team showed up, I guess they kind of got jealous but okay."
"Later that evening after I came back from work I went through Casey's purse."
"It's private! How could you? How could you read it?"
"The confusion and indignation of someone intruding in our space like that never happens."
"All I can say is that the lines have been tampered with. Intruders have been siphoning its powers for a couple of months now."
"It entered my room, tapped on the window."
"What are you doing in my place? Who or what are you?"
"Was this the entity she was convinced she saw, or was this an intruder that had somehow remained hidden in their apartment?"
"I woke up to the sound of someone breathing, a man stood in the corner of my room."
"But then a long skeletal hand pierced through the brick wall."
"Thank god I had closed the window that night because the bang was caused by a hand, a large hairy hand, covered in what appeared to be thick coarse dark hair."
"I was getting really upset by this man and super fed up with his presence in my life."
"If someone came into your house instead of videotaping you, what would you think? That's private property."
"It's perpetually lit in that sort of uncomfortable state right at the moment when a car drives by and its headlights beam right into the window."
"Who the [ __ ] cared who it was? It was an intruder, and that was all I needed to know."
"Shibalba's defenses were many and mighty, but no matter how secretive or how well defended it was, trespassers always found ways to get in."
"the banging only grew fiercer someone or something was trying to break inside"
"I believe they came in through here."
"...my stalker ass babysitter is banging on my window at 2 am in the morning..."
"TV might be all about fantasy, but every so often, the real world intrudes."
"Michael, something was really in our room. I thought it was Russell, but it was something horrible, not human."
"We've all been there before; we've all had excessive intrusion and attention in our lives."
"The ghost was here, but how did he get in?"
"Oh, oh," Honey gasped. "Someone broke into your house and hurt Ready!"
"Who looks through your windows? A peeping Tom."
"Sometimes corporations can be just as intrusive and oppressive as governments."
"Hey man, you're in the wrong house."
"Now, who is nibbling on my house?"
"Souls are just automatically and very non-consensually touched by this domain."
"The perp waltzed right through the door like he owned the place."
"I was woken up by Lisa frantically shaking me, telling me someone was in the house."
"I had stepped into a place occupied by someone or something else, and it did not want me there."
"It's like delving into someone's fevered dream without them knowing."
"Nature is saying, 'I want it back. It's mine. You intruded long enough.'"
"Privacy is our freedom from intrusion."
"I felt like I had five stars, bro. I couldn't even use the bathroom in peace."
"A royal ruckus has started over the man who had an audience with Queen Elizabeth uninvited and unannounced in the Queen's bedroom."
"The breach into the physical realm came as it usually does: with a shudder and a bang."
"The goal from a backdoor perspective is how did the attacker control the endpoint during the incident."
"I woke up and saw someone standing at the sliding door, just staring into our cabin."
"I whipped my head around to look out the window, and there he was, standing at the edge of my balcony, about 6 ft from my window, smiling and waving at me like he was just dropping by to say hello to an old friend."
"How long had he been watching me, learning my patterns, getting gradually more aggressive with every interaction?"
"I heard footsteps about an hour later... almost like something foreign had entered the house. Something that didn't belong. Something unnatural."
"Nothing was touched, nothing stolen; someone was inside my apartment just because they wanted to be inside of my apartment."
"The idea that a stranger had been observing me from the shadows, gaining access to my private life, made my skin crawl."
"The thought of someone visiting my apartment in the middle of the night didn't sit well with me."
"These words had hardly been exchanged between the engineer and his two companions when a body leaped over the palisade and fell on the ground inside the corral."
"I woke up and opened my eyes to see a man standing on the edge of my bed, looking down at me."
"He even lit a candle in the bathroom like their house was an Airbnb."
"Nobody in their right mind would walk into a stranger's house and act like they owned the place."
"I was really freaked out; this guy was hell-bent on getting in."
"My heart rate tripled. They went in the house."
"To whoever walked into my house that day, I never saw you, and I really hope I never do."
"Having something so close to the source of your consciousness is more disturbing than you can possibly imagine."
"I saw a big blue creepy monster going through our freaking cookies."
"Somebody just came in off the street, walked in the house, probably walked right on by me while I was sleeping on the couch, which is really creepy."
"Can you imagine, like you have this paradise in the woods, this beautiful cabin... and then when you check your security cameras there's a random guy just in the bushes watching you."
"The scene where SpongeBob gets into Squidward's home isn't even really creepy... it's actually really funny to me."
"I was a stranger here, unwelcome; this was its domain."
"I never found out if the two incidents were connected, but the guy was caught, and I never had another strange visitor come to my door."
"You sure got some balls crashing my party, sticking your nose where it don't belong."
"Something was in here," Mariah stuttered in a shaky voice. "I was lying really quiet, and all of a sudden, somebody, something, pulled my covers off."
"If someone really needed our help and they were a next-door neighbor, the last thing you do is barge in and start making demands."
"You're peeking out, and there was another crab trying to get in."