
Lucifer Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The strongest demon besides Lucifer is his son, Mammon."
"Lucifer, the lightbearer, endows Humanity with the gift of freedom and the flame of self-awareness."
"Lucifer, in esoteric lore, is the governing archangelic principality and power so to speak of this planet prior to the fall."
"Lucifer in the beginning was a righteous angel."
"Lucifer asks if John wants a life extension as a reward for warning him about Mammon, but instead John asks him to send Isabel’s soul to Heaven."
"Lucifer takes the whole 'humans are my favorite thing' especially hard."
"Lucifer will choose only one hell out of the 12 Hells created in recent times."
"You're the Prince of freaking darkness. It's all well and good to take a vacation, have fun in paradise with all the low hanging fruit. But you're losing sight of who you actually are, Lucifer."
"Lucifer was portrayed as a hero, but in reality, he's an Angel of Darkness."
"Lucifer himself appeared to me and said, 'You are my friend. I trust you to become my prince.'"
"Lucifer's desire to equalize with God reveals a proud and rebellious nature."
"Lucifer openly tells everyone he's the devil but nobody believes him."
"...Lucifer wanted to be more important than God, he wanted to be the new God in heaven."
"He refused to bow down to Adam and Eve, therefore Lucifer is known as the first sinner, the devil, and the adversary."
"You know [__] is bad when Lucifer seems like the good guy."
"Lucifer's origin here draws inspiration from classic Mythos and gives it a good-natured Twist."
"Lucifer, the Morningstar, declared that he would choose love for Humanity over obedience to the Almighty."
"Lucifer was a cherub, and the Bible describes him. 'How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!'"
"They really did that to one another even amongst all that death. They did that, oh yes," Lucifer replied.
"It's a matter of theology within these groups, and it's not my role as a scholar to say that it's wrong or right to divorce the figure Lucifer from Satan. If they interpret the entity that way, that's their prerogative, of course."
"Lucifer cannot be the name of the devil, meaning that he is the carrier of light. It is a description of a function, not a name."
"The spirit of Lucifer makes everything that is godly look evil, and what is evil to look godly."
"The most dangerous of these two is not the spirit of the antichrist, it's the spirit of Lucifer."
"The spirit of offense is the spirit of Lucifer. We have people who are offended about everything."
"Lucifer can bleed. Lucifer can feel pain. What does that mean?"
"Few luciferian male factors exist as the fall in hell diminished the force and righteousness of lucifer and his cause in the eyes of most of the fundamentals."
"Lucifer, the anointed cherub, was then placed over the earth and its inhabitants to be representative of God as the god of this world."
"Lucifer decided to find the culprit himself"
"Lucifer decided to see Dr. Linda who had a one-night stand with him"
"Lucifer will be a tragic villain booted by his straight white father for being too Progressive."
"...Lucifer became so proud that he wanted it all for himself...our belief system begins with that kind of a dark story and then continues on to the restoration of paradise."
"Lucifer, the name comes from Isaiah 14:12, in this verse the narrator is taunting a defeated King by telling him 'How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations?'"
"How did planet Earth ever become involved in this Cosmic conflict? When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, God did not create Earth as a dumping off place for Satan."
"The bloodline of Lucifer seeks dominion, control, often at the expense of other species."
"Lucifer, he had control over the earth, that was during his fall."
"Lucifer broke something in heaven, what did he break? He broke the Sabbath."
"Lucifer makes the pupil attentive to the frailty and destructibility of the human form."
"There is something extraordinarily seductive in the picture Lucifer gives of what man would have become if he, Lucifer alone, had had the making of him."
"Lucifer roams the Earth like a roaring lion looking for some to devour."
"Lucifer grandly purchases all the paintings, vowing never to throw them away."
"Lucifer devised another brilliant plan to punish his parents, grinning like a mischievous teenager."
"Lucifer realized just how selfish he had been."
"I have many names, but you can call me Lucifer Morningstar."
"Lucifer once again tries to use the Beast to ascend the Mount of God."
"God did not create Satan; rather God created Lucifer, and Lucifer by his own choice became Satan."
"Lucifer, a beautiful high-ranking angel, guarded God's throne."
"It was here that he gained an origin story, namely being the depowered and debased form of an otherwise biblically obscure fallen angel named Lucifer."
"It speaks to the character of Lucifer and the relationship that was already there between Lucifer and Chloe."
"Lucifer, according to Hesiod, is Eosforos, the bringer of the dawn."
"Hello, my name's Lucifer, but you can call me Lucy."