
Judging Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Absolutely fantastic, I actually had the privilege several years ago of judging the Para Agility World Cup."
"I'm gonna be the judge of the fashion show, I better see some good skins, alright?"
"There's confirmation of the three judges scorecards and difficult to see it any other way"
"Live ranking: there's no scores, you're just ranked, and it's happening as your runs go. You're judged on the entirety of your work here in that 50-minute jam."
"Eubank won on all three of the judge's scorecards there's no doubt though it's a unanimous decision."
"The biggest thing... that I'm looking for as a judge is creativity."
"How did they tell a story through their photograph?"
"It was a close and competitive affair, and when the judges' final scorecards were read, Holyfield would narrowly edged Bo out by a razor-thin majority decision."
"Um, I'll give you a nine and a half, okay, clap it up."
"I just love the simplicity of the judging here."
"Judging overall so that athletes get the fairest result."
"Judging is better than it was ten years ago, twenty years ago, and it'll be better than five, ten, twenty years from that."
"It's not about winning, it's about impressing the judges."
"When the judges bite the rib, they should see their teeth marks and there should be liquid on the bone."
"During these challenges, the teams will be given a score based on both the presentation of the food and how it tastes."
"Trick difficulty, the judges are scared."
"Hello everyone, this is InDefense Ido, and I am your host and your judge, Kenny JD."
"I think it's like one of my dreams to be a guest judge on one of these shows."
"Racing Prodigy has invited me here as a judge alongside some of the racing industry's biggest legends."
"But the fact is if you can land one flush and trust the judges, that can really send things your way."
"Unlike every other round of this competition, it will not be a majority rules vote this time. All the judges must agree on one winner, jury style."
"It's not all big opinion-based. It's like almost majority of a routine is judged on technical aspects."
"A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial decider who favors no litigant or policy."
"I love the judging portion of this."
"That's what makes Pebble unique, the judging lineup is maybe the toughest in the whole world."
"In fact, it’s impossible for the judges to tell, too, so they’ve adopted technology to help."
"We're gonna be judging our competitors on three categories: taste, delivery time, and most importantly, customization."
"We're done with the makeovers and have returned to the office, ready to reveal and judge."
"Judging skateboarding is so hard because there are so many variables to take into account."
"All right judges, time to determine who had the best tattoo of the day. Immediately, obviously Jimmy is a strong contender for the best color pop and color saturation and vibrant. I'm going with Jimmy."
"All in all, what you're trying to do is you're trying to bring in everybody at their best and let the judges make the decision."
"It's tricky I'm trying to think of better ways to do it but I'd in all the time that I've been thinking about this sport like every time judging comes up I go I'd [ __ ] we need to fix it."
"This is the reason why you never leave it to the judges."
"My judging style: honest, loud, loving, cutthroat."
"There's no more corrupt sport in the world than boxing, yeah, it's Chris, it's all based on judging unless there's a knockout it's all down to the track but at this level it's so tough to get a knockout at their high size level you have these two guys are so talented."
"Every [__] bar you said, yeah I'm saying like, so some judges just be like, yeah you know."
"If all you're doing is reaching the policy preferences you like, you're not being a judge at all."
"Well, you'll have to get all those judges of all these competitions that they go to and listen to them."
"Chloe, a good example of not judging a book by its cover."
"So you get to judge on the performance."
"The judges agreed, 90.83, it could be looking at a world champion right there."
"It's a bit unfair when you're looking at models on the winners page, you know, to say which should and shouldn't have won."
"After three rounds of action, we go to the judge's. Daniel Torres scores the contest 29-28 for Flores. Judge John Rupert scores it 29-28 for Deaton. And judge Elian Rodriguez has it 29-28 for your winner by split decision, Alejandro Flores."
"If the judge sees a rep and they're questionable, if you're not 100 percent sure that it's a no rep, you need to give the athlete that rep."
"I think it's so open to interpretation, it's hard to quantify it as an Olympic sport. But gymnastics is the same thing. You see it; your initial feeling is like, 'Well, if there's judges involved, then how is it...?'"
"From the edit, Minty Fresh won that."
"If it was all about knocking somebody out, you wouldn't have judges."
"However it's the dunkers the dunkers has to be better it can't just be on the judge you do got to get them something better to judge but the judges have not been great."
"Any season judged by RuPaul now has a double Chanté."
"Let's give her some style points."
"This challenge was judged in pairs. The right pair won, the right pair lost."
"Eric Koston and Paul Rodriguez are going to judge this contest."
"The judges want to see an angle being used to slow the car down."
"Kelly Rowland was a really good judge and her and the other judge, I can't remember her name, Tasha, they were actually going at it back and forth a lot on the American version."
"The narrative coming out of tonight will be ridiculous decision by the judges, man. He won the fight."
"Carrie Anne Inaba has assumed the role of judge on ABC's Dancing with the Stars since 2005."
"As judges, we go through all the recipes that the chefs have submitted and we judge them on merit."
"When it comes to judging photo competitions, every judge will be looking for something slightly different."
"One of the most important factors of judging or refereeing an event is consistency."
"The judges look at a car's authenticity, that it has stayed true to its original creation, and its mechanical capability, making sure everything works as it's supposed to."
"The quality judges just know when they see it, the factor of elegance."
"Boxing is subjective; it depends a lot on what the judges like."
"It's been a pleasure having you down, probably the realest realest judge we've had."
"I have eaten brilliant food today, it's days like this when I realize how lucky I am to be a judge on MasterChef."
"I've always been a part of these Spirits competitions... we take entries, distillers send their product, and the professional judges are people who taste every single day."
"I thought she was a really great judge and had interesting and helpful things to say."
"It's gonna be a tough call for these judges."
"Perception can be more important than reality in boxing judging."
"The last 10 seconds of every round are important, they leave the judges with something to look at."
"He would be scoring greatly with our judges."
"Judges will be looking for moves like windmills, the six-step, and freezes as dancers show off their skills."
"It's really a great honor for me to have been asked to be a member of the judging panel."
"The originality comes into play and the judges will reward that."
"This is a very tough fight to score."
"Judges actually care. They judge because they have a passion for bodybuilding."
"What the judges want to see is your tricks done cleanly."
"From a judging perspective, we want to see that the girls are having fun."
"I'm going with who I think the judges consistently like more from a PCS standpoint."
"It's not a subjective sport; it's an opinionated sport, and the judges get to decide who they like."
"He's the only guy hitting the transitions, the judges should judge him accordingly."
"I'm very happy to be invited by Bill to be a judge."
"How can we educate people if we're not broadening the horizon especially when it comes to the judges?"
"Judges are looking for the surfer that gets the biggest waves, the length of the ride, the maneuvers that are performed in the most critical part of the breaking wave."
"You know what, it's very much the reward, and I think these judges see it as well."
"We've noticed obviously a seismic shift in the judging in terms of longboarding."
"It gives me very great pleasure to introduce to the arena our judge for the terriers this evening."
"We have an amazing panel of judges that are going to be judging your work."
"Imagine if DC judged any Jon Jones fight."
"The spectacular nature of that move certainly is going to give the judges something to think about."
"You eat with your eyes, so the first criteria is appearance."