
Memorable Quotes Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The line 'I think you're just paranoid' is going to go down as one of the great Among Us quotes."
"Who talked the most trash in the league? KG talked the most [stuff] by far."
"My favorite thing about E3 was also Keanu Reeves, you're breathtaking!"
"As soon as Daniel Craig spoke the immortal line and the film smashed to black, I was a Bond fan for life."
"I'd like say the KNG made it in now team como sometimes he didn't say good old Boggs never walked again it's a classic classic line right."
"Qara fights Zuko, and we get that classic Zuko line of 'You peasant, you found a master, haven't you?'"
"Let's make love not war, and you can quote me on that, baby."
"The stuff of which nightmares were made, rewatched, and quoted endlessly."
"Transforming simps to pimps, that quote was for real."
"Groot's 'we are Groot' is the definition of heroism."
"It's amazing how many memorable quotes and references there are."
"There is not a single person who watched this cinematic whose ears didn't prick up when he said that."
"The Knives Out trailer really flipped my lid! That line about playing God is just gold."
"MJ made quite the impression: 'Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot.'"
"Remember when Edward said to Bella in the woods, 'Say it,' and then she's like, 'Vampire that.'"
"There's a quick quote... adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."
"There were also surprisingly wholesome and inspiring, like there were just so many great quotable moments."
"Trunks has the most iconic voice lines in this game. Everything he says is just a good one-liner."
"That's a great line that should be immortalized in the Library of Congress."
"My wife loved that $30 line so much she had me rewind that scene."
"Racism is like the word ugly. I can't always describe it, but I know it when I see it." - Darrell Scott
"Welcome back by the way...one of the greatest, most epic quotes of all time."
"Casablanca is home to so many quotables, a great setting, fantastic chemistry between leads, classic songs, and the epic Humphrey Bogart."
"Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica."
"If it's hysterical, it's historical."
"No one who comes on the show for the rest of time is ever going to say something like, 'Do you know how many times I've pissed on this wallet?' That's just gonna stay."
"Hasta la vista baby. I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my life."
"That is the first time and probably will be the last time that we hear the phrase flaccid crew of cocksman on a wrestling program and I love it."
"Smile, you son of a [ __ ]! Boom!"
"I love that line. That line is one of the best in the whole show, I think."
"I have no plans to call on you, Clarice. The world's more interesting with you in it. I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner, Dr. Lecter."
"Everybody got a bar in this movie. I caught the only thing that matters. Your eye. I'm writing that one down."
"...there are a lot of classic lines that come from this. This thing has some of the best quotes that I hear the most often."
"It's the (beep) Catalina wine mixer."
"She's like when's the last time you watched Toy Story it's so and I was like in just a minute."
"You had me at butthole, honestly."
"...the late Murray Walker dishes out this famous line of commentary..."
"Hey, everybody, I'm still in shock about the whole thing, but in all the unnecessary drama, at least we got the line of the night from Denzel: 'In your highest moment, be careful. That's when the devil comes for you.'"
"It's always the one-liners in this film that do it for me. 'You like hotdogs, don't you?' I'll never get over it."
"As a great man once said, 'Did they get a load of me?'"
"She is always providing that sound bite and that thing that you're gonna talk about."
"Tierra and react to burn a bow the Gunner Galactica that commentary is Iconic the Garner Galactica what a thing to say what could be a piece of commentary you think about it."
"All the best quotes in that movie are from him, but all the best quotes in this book are from Ian Malcolm."
"It's amazing how an accidental line from Blazing Saddles has become one of the movie's most memorable moments."
"Every line that Sirius says is a tattooable quote."
"That's what you're remembered for, isn't it? Churchill with 'We'll go on the beaches' and all that."
"Bob was classic for saying things that were hilarious."