
Resemblance Quotes

There are 863 quotes

"Wow, that is so spot on. What? They even have like the same beard and everything."
"There are sketches of men wanted in the abduction of Madeleine McCann. It's almost freaky how much they look like the Podesta brothers."
"Haven't you ever noticed how we don't look alike?"
"Albert notices that Sistine looks like their old acquaintance Sarah Silvers."
"You look like Jesus and Jesus Christ Superstar it's touching my knees easily."
"This picture of Christ, which was discovered hidden in an outhouse, looks remarkably like the Turin Shroud, doesn't it?"
"It genuinely feels like you're watching two different people." - Reflecting on the uncanny resemblance.
"He just looked like Sal so much like Sal... it was just eerie."
"Leo's doppelganger hails all the way from Sweden."
"Dictators and despots... there is a striking resemblance." - Speaker
"A two-year-old girl photos went viral because of how much she looks exactly like the singer."
"Everyone knows the British royal family has a long and distinguished history, but their family resemblance is definitely going strong."
"Fans believe Millie looks just like a younger Natalie Portman."
"Although his account barely shows any impersonations of Pete, Justin really doesn't have to do much for us to tell that he is definitely his twin."
"Marlena says she gets told all the time that she looks like Taylor."
"This TikTok star looks so much like the famous Marvel actor that he's even started calling himself the Spider-Man of TikTok." - Tom Holland
"You remind me a lot of myself and my former partner."
"They actually do kind of look like that so it's really impressive."
"That look on your face is like a spitting image."
"It's amazing how similar we look... by the way, I guess we didn't have our reinforcements there."
"Vega bears a great resemblance to the Mother Brain."
"The creature closely resembles a plesiosaur."
"With his ginger curly hair and elongated face, his resemblance with the beloved Pixar character is quite striking."
"This looks like some sort of a Pinewood Derby track or something. That's what it looks like to me."
"There's no doubt about it not only our qtpie and Alexander look-alikes they both have an outstanding work ethic."
"This actually looks like the real deal yeah like this looks like the old type is finished after I see Altoid my mom won't actually make the brick wall and bring it to party I was like every single event ever hello."
"She kind of looks like Kristen Bell, and I really like Kristen Bell."
"Some moves are really close to the official one."
"He also bears a striking resemblance to Bruce Lee if Bruce Lee had been jacked up steroids from birth."
"This was a goat that was found in India and when it was discovered it was looking back at people with a face that was very much like their own in a lot of aspects."
"She laughed like you, she's perfect. I'm so sorry you never got to meet her."
"She looks a bit like me, that's a lunar eclipse! I love that. That is exactly what we're trying to do. If she's looking like a real person, then we're on the right lines."
"I've always thought you kind of looked like the guy from Ratatouille."
"Oh Margaret, you know who you look like? You look like Cousin It from The Adams Family!"
"There's a lot of sightings of aliens that look exactly like us."
"The giant petrels are also sometimes known as sea vultures and they really do resemble African vultures."
"There's something wrong with your child, looks like a young version of Henry Cavill or something."
"Real life Joker, yeah, you look just like him for real."
"I love it! It's amazing! It looks exactly like her!"
"There's also this which seems less weird but still odd that it resembles David."
"There's times when I see one of his thumbnails show up and I'm like hold on what's this now because it kind of looks like me for a split second."
"He looks like baby Jack Jack, yeah the one that lights on fire."
"You look like Whitney Cummings a little bit right now."
"I am beautiful. I am--I look like my Daddy."
"Are you Jimmy Carr or do you just look like Jimmy Carr? Both."
"Why do they look alike? Why do I'm and the father also look alike?"
"You're just so like Tumblr right now, bro."
"It is possible to hide an affair from the world, but the one thing that cannot be hidden is the striking resemblance between a child and his parents."
"It is probably just a coincidence that it looked similar to his father's sword."
"Staring back at me was a man-like beast with close resemblance to a wolf."
"He cannot help but see how much she looks like her mother growing up."
"Paul Dano acts so close to an actual real-life incel, I can't help but watch him and say, 'Oh my God, literally me.'"
"It's unmistakably Guardians of the Galaxy-esque."
"I never thought I'd say it, but I think I've grown and I'm looking more like my twin brother Kerbox."
"This tastes exactly like a Mala hot pot, those are delicious."
"It's not bad looking. It's got flared rear wheel arches, a bit Bentley-esque."
"It actually does look like a farm fresh egg."
"I also love this clippy tongue cuz it's like I'm pretty sure it's just mimics The Vibes of a blow dry."
"You look so much like my mother in her pictures, I could never get mad at you."
"Armadillo girdled lizard, Ereborus cataphractus, looks just like a tiny dragon."
"It's so cute, it comes with this cute Kirby straw, the resemblance is uncanny."
"I bought this because it looks like Steve and it was like the only one like is that really pathetic it's so soft."
"...it's really interesting and almost looks like water."
"It's like something straight out of a movie."
"It's an umbrella. All right, you know, it might not be an umbrella, but it feels like an umbrella."
"Looks like something straight out of Halo."
"She loved him. It looked exactly like her sketches."
"It feels like I'm in a house, it's great."
"It's straight up Attack on Titan."
"...it actually looks very different than the tonali, but they managed to make it look like a Dodge."
"He's just such a beautiful reflection of his dad."
"...the likeness to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, yeah, it's on point."
"You look like fun to me. You look a little like somebody I know."
"He's a good mix of both isn't he, you're more like than you know Harry, time you'll come to see just how much."
"This puppy is so adorable and looks like a poodle."
"This is just like camping at night."
"The Bronco Sport kind of looks like a 1960s Bronco with the circular headlights."
"That looks like the toilet plunger I threw out yesterday. How much?"
"There's something about Kermit the Frog that always has reminded me of Jim Henson somehow, they were a lot alike."
"He's beautiful, he looks just like his sister."
"It still has that British Range Rover look."
"Like something straight out of a fantasy novel."
"I hate to compare everything to KFC, but I feel like this is almost identical."
"The lemon flavor is really nice. It just tastes exactly like a lemon meringue pie."
"And it looks like a Pocky stick, if I still went to school I would definitely get like 10 of these and put it in my pencil case and make them look like candies."
"You remind me of a friend of mine. Thank you very much, appreciate it. Innocent, remember that. Yeah, innocent."
"We most resemble Him when we forgive. So, we must be merciful to others."
"They look like twins. I really see it now."
"It reminded me of a marching band."
"Wow, that is so glittery that really does look like Felix felices."
"I thought my husband would slightly understand since even he sees the obvious resemblance between him and this kid, but he's moved out for the time being."
"Your appearance stands out, very charming, beautiful; some say you look just like your mother."
"My baby look just like you. You denying her, she look just like you. Y'all cheeks, y'all face structure, your forehead."
"This is exactly what my little sister looked like at this age like same hair cut and everything."
"They look like brothers on their first day of school"
"You remind me of myself at your age," Miss Lena chuckled.
"And lenny said that I was his son. You know and eddie graham said the same thing and you look at my son six seven looks identical to lenny montana."
"He reminds me of the dude from Jumanji."
"Oh gee Chan and Gigi look like that cuz we brothers and sisters"
"Polar bear came about because he kind of looked like a polar bear."
"It's amazing how much he sounds like Clinton."
"...ultimately at its core, this just feels like Percy Jackson to me."
"This little monitor is very reminiscent of a security camera monitor."
"She looks just like her. Dude, my heart."
"He looked just like her favorite video game character come to life."
"You guys, next to each other, do we look alike?"
"So closely will the counterfeit resemble a true that it will be."
"My bread looks like the Millennium Falcon."
"I feel like it's like me... but she did get bit by a werewolf and there is a new werewolf."
"She was very particular about her appearance, there she is. Yeah, I guess I do look like her a bit, a lot well you know what like you have her same eyebrows yeah I do yeah you do."
"It's like an anime come to life in a lot of ways."
"You remind people of someone they loved or idolized, triggering intense reactions."
"My six-year-old just told me I look just like Baymax."
"And she is like her. She has her personality, her laugh."
"I thought it kind of just made them look more like family."
"This literally tastes like you're at a steakhouse."
"The thing they noticed when the monstrous face was cleaned—the mocking, unbelievable resemblance to the late Dr. Allan Halsey."
"What makes it extra special is that it looks exactly like a beetle."
"...crazy little character reminds me of my own couples figures."
"It literally looks like a 911 that's been enlarged."
"...I see my husband whenever I look at my son."
"You can't tell me that that doesn't look like South Carolina. That is the state of South Carolina in a catfish nugget."
"I've always loved your smile because you have my mother's smile."
"It just reminds me so much of it but just not such a powerful version of it."
"They really look more like cookies."
"It does feel like a little hot hatch."
"I do believe that Alexis is my sister... we look just alike, we act alike, we have the same personalities."
"You reminded them of somebody they were attracted to."
"He reminds me a lot of, like, my dad."
"First impressions, obviously you can say that I think they've got everything right, at least the look of it, definitely resembles Arnold Schwarzenegger."
"This is the female version of me."
"Looks exactly like a scene from the game."
"That's a mini you man, that's a mini you. You going to see him grow, you know what I mean?"
"It's so cute how it's looking like a real cherry blossom petal."
"I think casting did an amazing job because the younger version and her look exactly the same that looks like a reasonable progression."
"This brother looked like he just came right from that movie."
"When it was fully laden with cargo, it looked like a whale surfacing."
"Look like me but you're kind of starting to freak me out now."
"You do dress like a bat. Like an actual bat."
"He looks like a real-life teddy bear."
"If you just get things in the vicinity, it will look like a person."
"She looked like the Goddess of Life."
"it was like something out of a movie"
"It almost resembled a magic trick done in Vegas."
"The fact that he looked exactly like my dad and turned back exactly when I turned back was unsettling."
"Everything looks like a Pokémon battle."
"He does remind me of Tom Holland. I don't know what it is man like just the young features or whatever it is he reminds me of Tom Holland."
"If you compare the head sculpt to the original figure, you'll see that it looks nothing like it at all."
"Do I actually look like Shizuku Tan?"
"I love the outfit, kinda have Marilyn Monroe vibes."
"He's kind of got a Jonathan Nicholson vibe."
"You want it to feel a lot like a pizza dough."
"The cars resemble the ones the fans drive every day to work yet under the hood, they're monsters."
"I'm enjoying it. Also, it has come to my attention that the girl that plays Eric's daughter, she could literally be my sister. Like, I see her and I see myself. She could be my little sister. We look so alike."
"I love it, I love how different it is, it's probably something very similar to what Derek would actually do like I would love to have seen this in the show."
"We resemble God the most when we are merciful."
"We have the same height, build, and even the same skin tone. Making me look like you would not be so hard to do."
"It's almost like you're eating a pumpkin pie in cake form."
"I agree, you do look like you've seen a ghost."
"They look like Celestial snow globes."
"She's a good kid. Every time I look at her, all I see is him."
"It does have a kind of Robin Hood vibe."
"This honestly looks so much like me, and I don't know if it's because we're only seeing one distinct angle."
"I look just like mine. I don't know how you start to look like your dog, but I just want to like be marrying my dog at all times."
"She was 100% sure... Don't they look like the same baby?"
"She don't look like me. She is-- She doesn't have my nose, she doesn't have my eyes. Like, I would see these, you know, features, you know, that would resemble me. And she doesn't look anything like me."
"She's her father's daughter. She'll be fine."
"The resemblance between them was uncanny."
"It literally sounded exactly like me, you could have fooled me."
"Someone said we look like twins like the movie twins"
"I swear this feels like Vader's theme."
"He reminded me of him, but he sounds cool. He looks cool."
"When you take after another person it means you resemble them in some way."
"Belmo, your three seed, little Captain Morgan type look right there from Belmo."
"This feels like a Metroid sequence straight up yeah it really does."
"The execution of the bloater was perfect and the entire essence of him being like a leader of sorts reminded me of the Night King during Hardhome."
"He's kind of like a meme that's I'm not Bruno Mars I mean it's a talented guy you want to see the picture again"
"He looks exactly like... like he should look, doesn't he?"
"Remind me a lot of my mom. Oh my god. So, um, I don't know if this is gonna sound corny, but I'm worried about you."
"It absolutely 100 looks like a mushroom."
"She looks so much like James McAvoy it's ridiculous."
"I think she looks like a really lovely friend of Mel's."
"But what I'm saying is we don't know that, yeah, with the original beat and original lyrics and it just so happens that these two people who are rapping sound like Drake and the Weekend but their names are not on the actual thing."
"Dude, these kid actors look just like Magneto, Xavier, like come on, you can't tell me it does not look like Ian McKellen, like that, they did a good job casting."
"The back of this reminds me of like a motor sale, that's exactly what this looks like."
"It's kind of giving me those Galactic Star Cruiser vibes. Remember when we had the windows by the bridge? Oh yeah, and you could look out, yeah, very similar to that."
"It's a remarkable lifelike resemblance."
"Scarlet is such an unusual child, she reminds me a lot of me."
"She looks like a SWR from Swan Lake, she looks like a swan, it's everything."
"I feel like this is Palm Springs but I know it's not."
"Look how human-like his little fingers are."
"I see a version of my parents in the sense that the father is a guy with a little twinkle in his eye and he likes to make jokes."
"I love Schmidt. But he doesn't look like that guy. He does. He looks like he could talk like that."
"I was blown away I mean you look like her you sounded like her"
"He looks and feels like a real-life superhero."
"John and Neil are doppelgangers, two people who share uncanny similarities which in their case extends way beyond the physical."
"He has the same look as the guy from Glee who turned out to be a horrible Criminal."
"Never been here, walk past the most amazing pub. Doesn't this remind you of Harry Potter?"
"He possessed such confidence. I saw his father's face in him through his blindfold."
"He reminded me of Jim Dandy quite a bit."