
Demonology Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"No demon is stronger than Lucifer, and the only being stronger than him is God himself."
"The strongest demon besides Lucifer is his son, Mammon."
"Satan has asked to sift Peter as wheat. This reminds us that we're not just fighting against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces."
"At the name of Jesus Christ, demons tremble. When you call on the word of God, it is living and powerful."
"The Bible doesn't discount the existence of the demonic nor does it assign everything to a demon."
"Our battle is not against human beings. We should focus on resisting the devil and his demons, for they are the ones we should combat and defeat."
"His reputation led to him being greatly feared by the enemies of the demon clan."
"Renowned as the vilest evil and most terrifying demon in all existence."
"Binding of demons is all over scripture it's actually all over the tradition of the church... it's a thoroughly catholic thing."
"Is there any scripture that says a Christian can't have a demon? ... No, there's nowhere in the Bible where it says a Christian can't have a demon."
"At your voice the demons tremble in fear; in your presence no other power can stand."
"The Catholic Encyclopedia defines exorcism as the act of driving out or warding off demons..."
"How to tell if someone is possessed by a demon and not mentally ill."
"Henchman: Friendly demon with a complicated morality."
"Demonic beings have been around for thousands of years. They understand human nature. They know how to tempt you, attack you, deceive you."
"I believe he did have the ability to control demons."
"Christ arrived to release Satan's prisoners."
"Christ publicly embarrassed Satan and demons when he had disarmed the rulers and authorities."
"Satan and the demons have no chance against Christ, faced with demonic opposition, the cross-accomplished God's glorification, freed the devil's prisoners, publicly routed evil spirits, and sealed their judgment within the spiritual realm."
"Valak is a terrifying demon who mostly takes the appearance of a creepy nun."
"What does it matter tonight if a demon comes out of me if I don't fill the void with the Holy Spirit?"
"I think it was like a demon or something because it was human-like but it's so immense in size."
"You're a guy killing demons, that's the most Christian thing you could ever do."
"It really is not complicated demons are on assignment and Believers are their targets."
"Can a demon indwell a Believer? The answer is yes because demons only indwell demons always indwell."
"To be demonized in the strict sense of that term is to be inhabited by a demon with varying degrees of influence or control."
"Unbelievable, I did not expect the father to have involvement in defeating this demon at all."
"To cap off our list, we'll take a look at a set of demons that have been worshipped as gods too."
"Also known as strange ghosts or strange devils, the Yaogwai were mythical demons who wanted nothing more than to be immortal and godlike."
"They are very similar to succubuses who are kind of demon that feed off your energy."
"Throughout history, there are a series of patterns that reoccur depicting demons involved with nightmares or night terrors."
"You don't argue with the devil, you drive him out."
"We have to be ready as believers, not just the churches, but all of you watching. We need to be trained and equipped and ready to deal with these demons."
"There are entities that he referred to as basically biblical demons that are at the core of much of what is happening with these sightings and the so-called technology of UFOs."
"But now let's explore the very complex text the Prestige de monam are on the trickery of the demons and the pseudo monarchia de monum the false monarchy of the Demons the ironic Foundation of contemporary demonology."
"This is probably one of the most flexible and unpredictable demons, a wild-card amongst demon kind, which is really saying a lot."
"Even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
"The zoo tablet inscription records an incantation that priests would recite to expel the demon during an exorcism ritual."
"Prayer is great and prayer works but there's something when fasting and prayer come into the same room demons gonna start trembling."
"Before you start calling people demons, please figure out what a demon actually is."
"The demon manifested exhibiting superhuman strength. It took everyone else to hold the demon down."
"Talking to demons without doing deliverance is not a very safe thing to do."
"The best way of interpreting this contextually is they were demonic, meaning they're evil of the spiritual realm."
"There's no magical power... all this evil is being done through the agency of demons."
"Supernatural power that does not come from God does come from the devil."
"Seriously though, why would you summon a demon? Well, they're said to possess great knowledge and power that they can impart with you for a prize, and it's usually a big one."
"Every demon that is infiltrated into your life will be exposed."
"The devil is aware that he is stronger and more intelligent than we are, but he also knows that we are not alone in the struggle against him."
"You would not believe how many unemployed demons are outside now."
"Demons are removed by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Acting like an animal is part of being demonized."
"Even the demons when they saw Jesus they said he was the son of God."
"The spirit world is real, and a lot of these mythologies are actually demonic spirits that rule particular regions, territories, and they have particular assignments given by their Master Satan."
"All demons, including the Devil himself, are beings who have direct connection to God."
"King James was actually an extremely devoted demonologist."
"Demonology is very much alive and relevant in modern day."
"They're so based. This is the right way to make deals with demons."
"You are Paimon, one of the eight kings of hell."
"Natural magic is beautiful because you don't have to worry about calling on demons."
"Let's make a deal. You think I'm that stupid making a deal with a demon like you?"
"Resembling a type of demon in hinduism and buddhism, Asura has three heads and nine swords, enhancing his cutting power threefold."
"You can't have a soul tie with a demon because demons have no souls."
"You cannot deal with it the same way you deal with a demon. They are an operation of a demon, but not a demon itself."
"Without demonology, there can be no theology."
"If there's a demon in your house, only the power of Jesus Christ can drive it out. Claim His name and declare the power of His blood."
"Behind every negative emotion and attitude, there is a corresponding demon."
"Knowing the name of a demon does give you a little bit more punch with the demon. So once you get the demon's name, you know you're closer to the end, and that's going to be leaving. But it still can be a big fight."
"My old friend Asmodeus. Well, I can tell you he's a three-headed demon. His first head is a bull. Second head is a ram. Third head is a man."
"We have authority over the fallen angels... we can cast out demons."
"What is Neuron's power other than the sum of demonic entities consumed over millennia?"
"In the entire New Testament, there is not one single example of a Christian being delivered from a demon spirit."
"Jesus taught that demons are disembodied spirits."
"...and at seventh level of warlock are spell slots get upgraded to fourth level and we get one more invoke since Ghost Rider does go up against a lot of demons and terrible creatures I would definitely grab the spell banishment to banish those demons back to hell."
"I never wanted Fame, that he was a worthless man who had the blood of a demon flowing through his veins."
"In the Papyrus Burel Andinus, the demon's power is depicted as an alteration of the natural environment, requiring a transformation of water into a solid state to enable passage across it."
"Exorcism is taking a demon and making him a prisoner of war, torturing him. An exorcist does not follow the rules of the Geneva Convention."
"If all we do is cast out demons out of people, we're in trouble because there are Realms that need to be taken."
"He literally binds the demon that dealt the death, like these ultimate insult."
"Jubilex is waiting patiently, accumulating his power and breeding new horrors."
"Jubilex is considered to be the most disgusting and loathsome of all Demon Lords."
"Starting off with tier one, we have the most mainstream and well-known topics as it pertains to demons and demonology within the Bible."
"Forcing a demon into a contract requires their corporeal form's identity."
"If the kingdom is ruling over somebody's life, a demon's not, and that is why that demon leaves in that scenario."
"If you see a demon messing up in a service, and it starts beating up the person calling out the name of Jesus, tie him up."
"In Christian tradition, Beelzebub is placed high in Hell's hierarchy and is said to have been one of the three Fallen Angels alongside Lucifer and Leviathan."
"This is my personal favorite Prince of hell and demon in general so I hope I did the great Beast Justice."
"White-eyed demons like Lilith are widely accepted to be the strongest demons ever."
"Demonology is not just another crack pathology."
"Mary heals people who are blind and deaf and she casts out demons by praying over people, making the sign of the Cross."
"In consideration of the many striking similarities between the Wendigo legend and Roman Catholic demonology... died a virtuous Christian death."
"Demonology had become a handbook for witch hunting."
"I always assumed it was just a nickname for the devil. I didn't know that he was his own demon, a separate creature, entity, being, icon."
"You know goo is one of the major demon Lords in Dungeons & Dragons."
"The locusts that appear in the scripture as a metaphor... they have a king, and that king is a demon king."
"The book of Soyga, also known as the Aldara, is a Latin essay about demonology with only two known copies in existence."
"The higher ranked demons weren't born that way but evolved through countless battles."
"Down there is a red-lipped demon who spits on our glory."
"Nonetheless, the demon in The Conjuring, The Nun, really exists, dates back centuries ago, but it's not anything like the film."
"Pazuzu sounds like delicious pizza; it's actually a horrific demon. What a bummer."
"I think this is a friendly demon for sure, he's here to help."
"Summoning a demon, even a low-level one, is a dangerous act."
"Ah, both are horrible, but they are what you will need to rid your world of the demons and free yourselves from Lucifer and Ishtar," her expression hardened.
"Once a demon was believed to be inside you, there was only one cure: physically forcing it out."
"C'thun is one of the most powerful demons to ever exist... he is responsible for all the witches, werewolves, vampires, and other dark creatures."
"Ed and Lorraine Warren were the two most famous demonologists in the world."
"There is only one demon tamer in the universe, and that is our splendid Christ."
"However, there is one demon family that has managed the impossible of surviving the Sun."
"Sherlock says that the demons were not cruel anymore; they did not torture other creatures to obey them."
"The Exorcists were an experiment designed to create a new breed of demon hunters."
"This theory is great because it would then explain why the demons... have different types of magic too."
"Witches and Sorcerers are actually those who seal and exterminate demons."