
Pilot Training Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The investigation threw a spotlight onto the operations of Colgan and raised questions about pilot qualifications, training, and pay."
"When you do get your pilot's license, keep going and get your instrument rating too. It will serve you well."
"Pilots are trained to handle all kinds of situations, including the unnerving experience of flying through turbulence."
"Pilots trained to handle real emergencies. Every possible scenario can be staged."
"Without it, we would not have had the pilots with the skills necessary to prosecute the war against Japan."
"Airlines need a systematic, scientifically based approach to pilot selection."
"When you are not trusting and believing your instruments, it is very hard if not impossible to overcome."
"In the end, the operation provided Ukraine with crucial resources it may use to fight Russia."
"Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Souza affirmed Portugal's readiness to take part in the training of Ukrainian pilots and engineers on F-16 fighter aircraft."
"The gyro gunsight made accurate deflection shooting a reality even for Less experienced Pilots."
"This experienced pilot, taught to use one of the most advanced mechanical weapons in the military, seemed completely unprepared for being shot at in a war zone."
"I'm very fact oriented, analytical when it comes to science and life."
"Safety has improved considerably and also the quality of the pilots."
"Having more information is better for the pilot."
"Airspeed is a crucial component of staying alive in an airplane."
"Thrawn would make sure to design the pilot training program himself and be sure to hand select Pilots that had seen more action..."
"The beautiful thing about flying is no flight is ever the same which enables us to learn something brand new every time we crawl into a cockpit."
"That's lowered the barrier of entry of becoming a pilot and because of that, more people who are interested in becoming pilots are actually doing it."
"The biggest killer of all was training because it was such an unknown profession at the time it was brand new and people didn't really know how an aircraft works let alone how to fly one."
"Pilots need to understand the complex technology at the heart of their airplanes."
"with more pilots needed the huge cost of the 2-year course has now been passed on to the trainees themselves"
"The RV12 can be used to get both a private pilot license and even your commercial."
"Real pilots aren't born, they're made by flying in these types of conditions."
"If all of this just helps one of you become a pilot faster and cheaper, it was all worth it."
"Higher performance aircraft with expanded flight profiles like the upcoming American Starfighter demonstrated the need for an expanded training program for pilots."
"Can a simulator help make you a better pilot? Absolutely."
"...an 18 year old kid could become a professional pilot and within just two years be making six figures a year."
"When pilots are faced with multiple alerts, they're not performing or reacting in the way that Boeing thought that they would react."
"I got to fly F-18s really fast so that other pilots could practice tracking me as a missile."
"As we enhance those skill bases, it makes us better, more well-rounded pilots, and probably a little bit safer along the way too."
"They want to see confidence with the sectional and command of basic VFR flying."
"The history of this airplane, it started off in Holland flying for KLM, teaching new pilots how to fly."
"I passed, so my written's done, next it's on the check ride and then I can finally say I'm a pilot."
"It is essential that a pilot become intimately familiar with the performance characteristics and capabilities of the aircraft being flown."
"America, China, any number of European countries are all scrambling for Skyhawks because they desperately need pilots."
"The success or failure of this mission may depend entirely upon the pilot's knowledge of the ice which is forming on his aircraft and the steps he should take to avoid its hazards."
"This work was if not revolutionary, very well received by pilots in the US and NATO allies."
"This novel follows flight school and space fighter pilot combat, it's so fascinating."
"It's a grind for sure coming up and getting your ratings and getting to become a commercial aviator."
"To recover from a stall, it is absolutely imperative that you decrease the angle of attack."
"Fifth generation pilot training is different and once again more complex than ever before."
"The VMU test would help to define a safe minimum takeoff speed for future pilots."
"It's a really important safety feature that gives the pilot time to recognize that there's a problem and get the airplane on the ground and get the occupants to safety."
"We have become the largest university level pilot training program in Canada."
"Do your private pilot's license first; after this sort of flying for a while, it's fantastic."
"We've been working and helping thousands of pilots per year navigate the complexity of FAA testing."
"I'm a student pilot, and I train in a Cessna 172 with the G1000."
"It's important that instructors customize training to suit pilots' individual needs and types of flying, especially during seasons of cold, snow, and icing."