
Character Choice Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Who do you want to be? A brave dwarfish warrior, a wizard who can cast spells, an elf who is skilled in the art of archery, or a stealthy hobbit thief?"
"Thank you guys so much for watching man...leave a comment down below what character I should do next."
"Doom: the devour is really the reason for picking him."
"Dorota is the perfect character to choose as Gossip Girl."
"Fuse is a great pick in nearly any mode of Apex."
"Bloodhound is the easiest of the tactile and information grabbing legends... get a lot of information for the team."
"The guise of an evil time mage out to destroy the world is a fiction that Knox chose."
"Pikachu's my original main, going back to Smash Brothers 64."
"Lancelot should be first in line for your crew if being the king of the twin blades sounds good to you."
"Ryuken decides that Uryu should be the one to fire the arrow."
"Is it going to be Batfleck? Is it gonna be Battenson? Either way, you're wrong."
"Everybody out there should note that whatever one of these you want to play you are going to be one of the coolest characters on the battlefield."
"I still consider myself to be a waifu over meta player because I think it's more important to play who you want to the best of your ability than feel forced to play a very specific unit because somebody told you to."
"Viego is good to main for all ranks for all time in all matters."
"I just do not want to see bandana d I'll just say I just don't wanna."
"I thought red mage was like one of the coolest... like as soon as I saw what it could do, I was like, it's lit. We're playing it."
"Maybe it was Daenerys who chose to destroy the Iron Throne."
"Who deserves the right to rule? We're going with Raven Queen."
"Choosing Ivy pool would be a good decision on the parts of the authors simply for Ivy's popularity."
"Having Joker be the main villain was a complete no-brainer."
"Which will you pick first? Street kid, nomad, or corporal?"
"Who are you gonna play, a hero, an antihero, or an antivillain?"
"The real question here is why would someone as competent as Shinobu ever choose to join the Arataki Gang?"
"Khajiit is really I think the coolest way to play a night blade so what it what it releases it is awesome."
"Harry comforts his son Albus in the epilogue by reminding him that if it means so much to you, you can just tell the hat, 'Not Slytherin.'"
"Chaplains are maybe the choice that I might have been most tempted to rank towards tier one."
"I decided to go with Angel's Revenant because their name is badass."
"I chose the pilots Red Samson and Spark because they increased damage with the weapons I'd currently unlocked."
"Festus is absolutely going to be the lord for you."
"Kirby was chosen from a game development standpoint as well because he's so easy to use compared to characters like Bayonetta and Palutena."
"Will you be a murder machine, Ash, or will you be a persistence Ash? Will you be a lasting snare, Ash, and you know, play the long game, or will you be a twin snares?"
"Barbarians are perfect for people who like to fight up close."
"When I played Street Fighters a kid Chun Li was my main."
"LR Genemba is my pick for best defense unit in the game."
"Maybe don't give over Yuumi games in a row, that's one of the best."
"Using a character you like is more than meta."
"Yamato doesn't join, which makes me like this chapter quite a bit."
"Play who you like, that's the true essence of the fighting game."
"I kinda just wish I could play as the default shark. This looks pretty damn good."
"Which civilization do you want to be? I want to be the elves first of all but there's new jobs."
"Watson is a great choice for those looking to play their solo games a bit more tactically."
"I'm ready to play, man. I got ash, I'm ready to go."
"I play Chun-Li because she's cheap, but also because, you know, I'm a fan of very female characters and also characters that move really fast."
"Believe It or Not There were reports at the time where players were getting banned just for picking this Champion."
"My god tier choice for this patch is going to be Greninja."
"Date John Wick, marry James Bond, kill Ethan Hunt."
"We're betting it all on Kirito, guys. We're betting it all."
"It's almost like you pick your favorite character and just go for it."
"Persifint is my personal favorite as something I'd put on my team."
"Sombra is actually an actual off-meta good pick."
"This was just way too easy and you gotta love Sparky because it works out at any trophy range."
"I recommend taking the fiend if you're a new player for a couple of reasons."
"I can't recommend enough to choose a class based on their aesthetic."
"That was just what I needed I think I'm really happy... viola I think that she's gonna be my choice for the tournament."
"Nia might actually be my favorite actual ninja."
"Like Roserade, there's a reason why Cynthia's got Garchomp as her ace pokemon."
"Cinna specifically requests to work with Katniss."
"The most important decision you're going to have to make in Gotham Knights is choosing the right character."
"Jungle Diana: Not your typical pick, but incredibly fun to play!"
"There's something empowering about playing a champion from Freljord."
"One of the most interesting races for me to play in the game."
"Highly recommend playing as him, especially with a team."
"If you want to play Seraphine, you have to be able to hit her note, otherwise you have to play another champ. I don't make the rules, okay?"
"Phoenix Wright would be absolutely hilarious as a character."
"He chose Tyrion...but that's not the way the world works."
"Why'd you pick that starter? Because it's cute or because it's cool? Well, that's great 'cause I think it's both cute and cool."
"Nice mega Charizard Y having uh having a great first game."
"Play Ram if you like an easy to understand goal, great neutral, and simple execution."
"Breach seems to be a strong pick for tighter maps, just like Reyes is."
"Astra is the main smoke agent of champions as she has been picked in basically every single match."
"Players are allowed to live out whatever sexual orientation they choose, be that straight, gay, or, I don't know, maybe you have a preference for reptilian species with green skin."
"We're gonna play as a dwarf because I like dwarves, they're cool."
"I'm gonna win this versus with what Pokémon? Furret."
"I'm stoked that we're going to be using Ninjara, he's my favorite."
"Ultimately though, please pick whatever you think looks coolest and be reassured there is no bad choice."
"She's gonna like actually be honest and say like um ladybug gave this to me or is she gonna like make an excuse but what excuse is she gonna make is what I'm wondering."
"I would have loved to actually get myself a Garchomp."
"Rumble with the armor buff coming back into pro play... he is still such a good flex pick."
"It's just impossible to know. And I think that there's so much to be said for the fact that he specifically chooses Harry who was a half-blood versus Neville who was a pureblood."
"If I want to play Zangief like let me play Zangief. I want to play Keith."
"Guess who I'm going to be? Oh no, we defending... Can't be Master Chief."
"Definitely my two favorites from this spot would be Sonic and Doc Brown."
"Don't let anything that you read or digest about how to make your character discourage you from playing the character you want to play."
"You can play through the entire game as any character you want."
"Well, my strategy is counter-picking, and I feel Sakura is very good against Rashid. So, I'll pick Birdie in matchups that I feel confident with him, but I'm not going to play no bad matchups."
"For the first time ever, I'm gonna play as the girl character. Look at this, it's so nice. I missed the pixel pokemon games."
"I just feel like it'll be way more fun trying someone different."
"If you lose with an easy character, that's okay. There's a lot more that goes into winning a fighting game than the character you pick."
"Mario is a teapot of a man and that he is short and stout so a stout halfling will be our choice for his race."
"I think Gengar should have come out first because Gengar would have been able to pressure Sylveon."
"Putting Fire Emblem at the cherry on top just felt incorrect."
"Whoever character you pick, that's who you're gonna play with the rest of the game. But, um, they play vastly differently."
"He chose Deku because he saw basically like himself."
"I think Delta was the best choice for him based on York alone."
"Piccolo was a great choice to be in the game."
"Regardless of what the community feels, if you think a character is cool, play them."
"Players who think the gameplay is too slow gravitate toward octane for his insane mobility."
"Will Batman side with Reggie or will Batman stand against Reggie?"
"Valdemar Harrelson has picked a blue known as the tyrant Slayer."
"I feel like Drax might be my new pick here because he has the ability to move so slow."
"Now even more so than before, Peach chooses violence."
"If you don't know who to wish for, I recommend Raiden."
"The Lord of Contagion is probably my favorite."
"Swampert as my water, you can't really get much better than that."
"I'm glad they didn't do Luna though."
"Give me Crabbe, give me literally anything else."
"Anya has the option of killing bond and yet chooses not to"
"We also won’t be including any Kraang characters, as we feel their robot suits would be too big of an advantage for them."
"Yeah, and this man chose Goku when Beerus is on the board, that's just crazy to me."
"Like Harry Dresden, you know, he's an actual wizard and he actually chooses to play as a barbarian, you know? So yep, that's good enough for Harry, it's good enough for me."
"When a GM is excited about the character you've chosen to play, it's almost always a better experience for both of you."
"I feel like Catwoman would be really fun to play as because she's so agile."
"I think this is my Night Elf with this face and I should never have picked that because there's so many more friendly faces. This is nice, there's a nice friendly face."
"I think my favorite out of this lineup is Danielle Moonstar."
"Funky Kong with the Flame Runner bike is essentially the best character and vehicle choice there is."
"Mega Man's a good pick, it was a great character."
"Goku or Vegeta, that's a tough one right there."
"It's so great, I think it's really fitting that I used Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy."
"Golden Flower would absolutely have chosen the kids over Tiger Claw, no questions asked."
"I would go with Dwight Schrute 'cause he would do anything for me."
"She immediately answered Jolene when asked which character she would want to play in a live action adaptation."
"Peach was pretty cool in Super Mario Brothers 2. I usually did play as Peach and a lot of my friends made fun of me for it, but she just had the best jump."
"I would be Aang from Avatar, that's such a good answer."
"I would rather be Morty because Morty goes on like cool adventures."
"I probably pick Will Herondale because I love him."