
Anecdotal Evidence Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"My grandmother was cured of her end-stage heart disease by one of Dean’s predecessors, Nathan Pritikin, using similar methods."
"It darted from above the school to the hospital in a blink of an eye."
"My dad literally, his medicine is honey and cinnamon. He takes honey and cinnamon, mixes it up, and he takes a spoonful every day, and my dad has never been sick."
"I've dropped that phone off my second floor to the first floor of our house and it's completely fine, honey."
"How can that possibly be more reliable than my aunt Josephine telling you about the time that she saw a spaceship?"
"Even if it's something out of their control, like you're saying, it's the wind. And I frankly, I bet you it's the wind getting out here and feeling how gusting it is."
"There was an attorney... and what we found for example was..."
"Anecdotes are fantastic sources for hypothesis generation."
"Using singular anecdotes to extrapolate broader inferences is powerful."
"What was it that you had? These earrings. I had a few experiences with the earrings."
"There's so much anecdotal evidence from real people who had real results."
"I think we learned about it from our landlord where we're living at."
"I think it's quite egotistical to think that you could hear a few anecdotal stories of adverse side effects and think that you could interpret that in a better way than the smartest people on earth."
"It's hard to have a conversation with someone using anecdotal evidence."
"The plural of anecdote is not data, but it's promising."
"When anecdotes and data disagree, the anecdotes are usually right."
"Anecdote is not science. Everybody will tell you that. But if you see a million people do the same thing, that means something."
"You could also argue that would have been your fault driving a Ford, Ethan don't want to admit it but a Ford saved his life one night on the road."
"Within three days, my daughter's warts decreased markedly... within four weeks, she was free of warts."
"Well, it seems that his little girl was suffering from very severe warts... So I placed a photograph of my daughter between the input plates of my wishing machine."
"Those purple power things, man, they really get to you."
"If this was just placebo effect if it was just temporary you would find a handful of stories you don't you have hundreds you have thousands"
"He affirms it has the same effect though he hasn’t conducted any experiments."
"I don't need anybody to tell me it's real, I've seen it with my own eyes."
"There have been literally now, you know, probably millions of miraculous kinds of healings that have been proven from this form of medicine."
"I found a story of a man who supposedly ate a 15 year old salisbury steak dinner and according to him it was pretty okay."
"I remember telling someone about it and they were like totally tripped out like that's not right."
"I beat the crap out of it, and it did survive."
"If I had not been treated with Ivermectin, if I had not used massive doses of Vitamin C D zinc, I really doubt that I'd be here with you today."
"Their past behavior is the best indication of the future."
"I saw that story, just a picture of a guy drunk, 90% chance drunk."
"I'm tired of these guys saying it's a waste until it's in a research journal... Screw you, man! When I see powerful anecdote, I'm going to reference that shit!"
"I hope they don't mind that I kept it, but you just made them 50 cents that they're never going to have to pay."
"People using studies from the United States, anecdotes from the United States, it does not apply."
"It runs, I'm speechless. I legit think somebody was driving this until they parked it and took the carb off."
"Mind speak is hard to swallow but you can only walk back parts of people's stories so far until you end up saying, well, they just saw a bear."
"The most subtle kick you can imagine but this bait stays upright and it has that subtle kick and they eat it even as I'm sitting here looking at this bait you can see the teeth marks in the side of that bait they eat it."
"We have all of this so-called anecdotal data, thousands and thousands and thousands of patients run through trial after trial after trial where it shows a very strong benefit."
"Black seed oil helped me with pain in my feet, vanished overnight."
"He could meet you today and you would end up liking him." - Retired police sergeant Samson Wana
"There are hundreds of documented cases in which near-death experiencers come back to life and report in detail actual events that occurred while they were dead and out of body."
"What worked on Reddit is personal anecdotes. Experience where you say I was in this kind of situation and I felt this or I saw this I experienced this witnessed this particular piece of evidence, those kinds of things did change people's minds."
"I believe very strongly that where scientific evidence is lacking, asking people who've been through a life problem how they got through it, what their advice is for other people, is our next best source."
"Around three weeks after the incident, I noticed that I'd get dizzy more often and had started to lose weight unexpectedly."
"Anecdotal evidence suggests a certain type of person, often adolescent males, might benefit from reducing or eliminating excessive dairy intake, particularly in the form of whey protein powders."
"Every single guy that started the practice that I've told about, there's literally every single guy who starts doing it reports benefits, reports better morning wood, better libido."
"Listening to a recording with the sounds of bacon being fried might help lots of people insist that it works even better than white noise apps."
"If you understand it and you've lived through it and it's anecdotal then there's enough people in the world to go ah that happened to me."
"Many on the property tell of smelling the scent of Joseph's stogies, or of citing wafts of smoke always from around corners."
"One of the failure modes of empathy is our susceptibility to anecdotal data."
"I try to be very evidence-based in my research, but I don't discount the value of anecdotal evidence that's out there."
"Medical cannabis looks promising; there's very good anecdotal evidence."
"I mean, so far in my life doing what I do, I've seen three Sasquatches."
"The accumulated anecdotal stories is what's important with carnivore."
"People on the carnivore diet tend to report significant improvements to their graying."