
Political Communication Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Liberals need to get better with their messaging, making a better effort to communicate things to people that disagree with them politically."
"When the president asked me to serve in this role, we talked about the importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room."
"We went for a matter of months without any of these traditional press briefings, but by design, the Biden administration is doing this literally within hours of President Biden taking the oath of office."
"The only language politicians understand is your vote."
"Giuliani did not do that, he was continually pushing this message that was the big lie as Dominion calls it."
"This kind of rhetoric, right, memes, jokes, irony, this kind of super-referential way of talking about politics."
"The left can use that frame in our language to our advantage."
"The headline: 'Fiery remarks in which he hit back'... oh yeah, of course, immediately the next day story people are going to pounce on this."
"Trump was giving the COVID press briefings daily, yep, he saw his highest approval rating in aggregate for his entire presidency."
"The president's been clear that there wasn't a campaign violation beyond that I can't get it he didn't know about these might be on that I can't work again I would refer you back to the president's comments."
"I live it, it's all over Twitter, but it's coming directly from the President of the United States."
"This may be a historical moment. The president of the United States sent out a video, a press conference from literal doctors."
"Social media platforms and the influence of gen Z users like him have democratized political messaging."
"The American people will hear you. Stick to the teleprompter, Mr. President. No exaggeration, just say what's true."
"Trump is obsessed with ratings. Even bragging about the number of viewers his daily coronavirus briefings drew."
"It's not hard to look into the camera and say I'm the leader of the country and I messed up and I'm sorry. I will do better."
"Joe Biden... he's authentic when he speaks he doesn't sound like he's speaking of a teleprompter."
"Reality actually matters more than messaging or misinformation or political ads."
"If you say the same thing that Joe Biden said, which is hundreds of thousands of people will die by the end of the year, and you're a Democrat, this is you telling hard truths to the American people."
"Unless you're reading it as some kind of dog whistle for anti-abortion supporters, it's pretty reasonable."
"Practically every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie."
"If he was going to lose, he needed to get a few things off of his chest."
"As conservatives, we often forget that stories are much more powerful than facts and statistics."
"But the truth of the matter is is that 60% of the people are-are occupying what I would consider a more reality-based, uh, universe, and those are the... those are the constituents we're speaking to."
"DeSantis has put out a statement: 'The insinuation that Florida is underutilizing vaccines is totally disingenuous.'"
"What also is important that he talked about was that it wasn't just Dave right."
"Let them ask them questions, answer the questions them, and that way you have a communication, you know, a kind of relationship with the people. That's a good thing."
"President Trump tweeted directly to the leaders of Iran in both Farsi and English: 'To the leaders of Iran: Do not kill your protesters.'"
"They want to hear how this Administration is delivering for them."
"President Zelensky tweeting videos from the site..."
"We're moving from traditional media defining these candidates to direct to consumer."
"Someone who can articulate our message, make us sound reasonable, and help us win the 2024 election."
"They're basically broadcasting that they hate my guts no matter what I do. So there's no virtue signaling I can do, there's no middle ground that I can appeal to, there's no compromise I can appeal to."
"I'm pretty sure the people who listen to me can understand my argument as to why it's wrong, whether they agree or not." - Kamala Harris
"No one has ever said to the Ukrainians that there are different definitions of nationalism."
"The fact that I'm standing here taking questions, the fact that the president took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House's commitment to accessibility."
"This very young candidate has a clear, concise message."
"Labour articulated social patriotism eloquently and powerfully."
"You have to have a very clear message to Black voters especially young black voters."
"You can't end up being obliged to have one conversation when you're talking to your party and another when you're talking to the public."
"This is just, you know, a four-page memo that makes some really consequential determinations. And it seems to me that the American people in Congress are entitled to hear substantially more than simply this document."
"Trump talks to the audience but you want to jump in every two seconds and say no."
"I think that methodology and that messaging from the White House has been really positive."
"This is all reminiscent of Noam Chomsky in his book Manufactured Consent."
"What I like about what Peterson is saying here is putting forward a positive agenda."
"The reason the media despises Donald Trump's Twitter account so much is because it allows him to bypass the media to speak to the people."
"Trump's speech and his Q&A were positive, powerful, and for the people."
"We need you to tell Americans what you're going to do."
"Democracy really depends on how you message it."
"Speaking truth and being able to go to other constituents and say Here's what is really happening out there here's here's the real facts."
"If you can speak to their pain, if you can speak to their frustration, they will never vote for Democrats, but many of them would be open to those who are speaking to their needs."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"Trump's tweet that Senate investigators found no evidence of collusion explained Trump wants you to believe that Richard Burr is the final word on Russia. He isn't."
"I think it's important to explain to the American people ... two very different Futures."
"These platforms had helped President Trump to be so efficient in making himself heard then cut him off at the very second when they were sure it was over."
"Republicans are so much better at messaging than Democrats, especially when it's a lie."
"Fox News did show Schiff speech, Fox viewers see it."
"The first problem Penny Mordon would have is that the public don't know who she is."
"McCarthy flatly denied it, calling the report totally false and wrong."
"It's those Miniatures that you want to look at over and over and over again."
"Ultimately, the most effective, quickest, sharpest instrument for getting a political point across is using a cartoon because it will be seen quickly, it should be understood immediately."
"Subtlety is still important even for left-wing messages and messages you agree with."
"Khrushchev wrote a threatening letter to the president."
"Donald John Trump is the one signing his tweets."
"Don't take the bait. Don't take the bait. Allow me to call out the absurdity once in a while."
"Joe Biden knows how to listen and have a respectful dialogue."
"If Putin were to get on the phone call and say, 'Hey Tony, I believe this, I think this,' nothing that Putin has ever articulated comes close to mirroring what Blinken is saying."
"Here’s my answer, I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing. Then he says this is the final word from the president of the United States, I want nothing."
"I think Bernie actually advantage that...because Bernie is very effective at speaking to a split in people."
"The burden is on the president to explain why this matters."
"Ron DeSantis understands that if you articulate why you believe what you believe in a way that is calm, collected, and cool, that more people can actually come into your category."
"It's all gonna be declassified, it's all gonna come out." - Speaker
"I think a lot of what Trump says on Twitter is really dumb."
"The job of the president of the United States is to level with the American people about everything."
"Quick explanation of Federalist Paper... Hamilton assures people... stop worrying so much."
"The job of a political figure was to communicate with people."
"I don't have messages. I basically don't have conversations whenever the president calls me or wants to visit. We talk genuinely as person to person, as two people that had the experience of being in the Senate."
"The left talks about socialism in a moral way. We should speak in precisely those moral terms."
"Did we hit zero zero zero? We do. Try Q." - POTUS tweet
"If there's one type of ad you're not allowed to lie in, it should be your political ads."
"Three Democratic candidates have now added their preferred pronouns to their Twitter page."
"Low information voters... cannot tell the difference between somebody who's telling the truth and somebody's lying."
"I keep people informed, that's my mayor." (Repeated for emphasis)
"You know in politics you say what you really mean that's what pierre is talking about we say what we mean we don't say you know we don't try to use flowery language to try to confuse the issue we just we speak in simple language plain language."
"You don't succeed by just sending instructions and forcing everybody to follow them. In politics, in democracy, in a free world, you have to listen, you have to learn, you have to look for consensus."
"Donlin saying, 'The writing has to stop.' Christie, as you know, and I know, it's showing up in the polls, it's showing up in the focus groups, it's the only thing right now that's sticking."
"I think conservatives need to get better on the media game... bypass the mainstream media let's go directly to the source, give us the details, stop filtering everything through CBS."
"He's actually really effective in speaking out progressive ideology in a way that you can bring in conservatives potentially into the process."
"The White House is now briefing TikTok stars about the war in Ukraine."
"Biden may not have Obama's charisma, but when Biden is speaking directly to the American people, it does seem very genuine."
"The President very clearly laid out what he meant by that tweet: that looting leads to shooting."
"Politicians are just one more type of influencer and they have to master these forms of communication to connect with future voters."
"Republicans speak in simple language, and we have to do the same, because the truth fundamentally makes sense."
"How do you articulate yourself as a politician showing leadership in a political crisis?"
"I don't want to use the word in this case, misleading. It's a much more complex subject than anybody would understand, and most people understand. But essentially, I have done that."
"Representative Alexander Acosta Cortez tweeted about one particular case."
"AOC is able to communicate that message and make that exciting for people who normally haven’t been on board."
"The wit is all there and conservatives have used social media very effectively since the beginning."
"Will you shut up, man?" - Joe Biden during the debate.
"I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia."
"These aren't partisan issues," said Press Secretary Jen Psaki. "We aren't looking to split up a package into two despite what you may have read this morning. We aren't planning to split the rescue plan into two."
"Modern politics is all about messaging, who can get their message heard."
"Attorney General Bill Barr has delivered a letter to Capitol Hill."
"He's communicating directly to the American people in a way that we have not seen from our president since Ronald Reagan."
"I've been trying to translate politics into terms that the average person can mess with and understand."
"We solved it. You know why you don't hear about it? Because we solved it."
"If you have a good, decent program, if you have something to say to people that is well thought out, if it excites them, if he talks to them about the future and not just about the past."
"President Trump will have words with Ms. Obs."
"From Modi...basically saying look how great I am."
"It's whatever he thinks he needs to say to get your vote. Let me be clear, I believe the vaccine absolutely saves lives."
"Trust and communications are important for ensuring trust among the population for the political parties as well as for the different institutions in these countries."
"It's about communicating with the voters. It's about being authentic with the voters."
"It's about convincing people and leading people, making people feel that you were doing a good job."
"She did think it was very important for democracy for politicians to use the media, use television, to convey their ideas and their beliefs."
"In politics, we have to learn to say things with tact and finesse."