
Humor Appreciation Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The reason why telling a girl you like that she makes you laugh is attractive for her about you is because you're actually complimenting her on her brain, on the way she thinks."
"It's just funny. If you can't enjoy this, then take a chill pill because it is one of the more enjoyable things in life."
"I think Drew is actually funny and she genuinely made me laugh a few times."
"I thought he was the funniest human being on the planet."
"This has to be one of the funniest fanboy videos I've seen in a very long time."
"He showed empathy and had a delightful sense of humor."
"We should never dismiss something just because it started off as a joke."
"Leave Leslie Jones alone. She's funny. Stop picking on her."
"It wasn't worth it for the amazing joke that Helen made where she's like now you look like father."
"If you can appreciate and get entertainment out of this style of humor, awesome, you're gonna have a good time."
"Funny is entertaining for me and even if they're not meant to be funny, I miss them."
"Both Disney and Pixar have a sense of humor, especially adult humor."
"We all want to be part of the joke, humans are a social species."
"I almost want to take a sin off for the show pointing out that Borat isn't all that funny."
"If you don't have a good sense of humor, don't come here."
"I thought you had a good sense of humor since you became an Eli."
"But like, the Trump Girl thing is so f_cking funny. It's so funny."
"I just think it's kind of endlessly fascinating and hilarious."
"I will try to be a little less edgy, but that type of humor is something that I grew up with and I do personally find humorous."
"Richard Pryor was just funnier than anyone, you know, so it's like, I love Kris and I love Chappelle and they're [ __ ] they're both the best, yeah, but Richard was Richard, there was something, you know?"
"I would never do it, but that doesn't mean I can't find humor in such a bizarre joke."
"Damn those jokes are [] fire dog bro, what the [] damn that shit's so funny."
"He recognized that I like to make a lot of dirty jokes... he would always dial it up to 500%."
"Oh my gosh, it was so fun. Gosh, I love the sense of humor they bring to these."
"That level of humor will never not be funny."
"If it's funny, it's funny. If it's not, we're just not going to watch you."
"Humor is one of the great joys of life." - Elon Musk
"Maybe I should just take the fan that gets the jokes."
"I just think everything is hilarious, especially when you know you shouldn't be laughing."
"Do you guys feel like right now we're maybe over-intellectualizing something that is quite funny if not over-intellectualized?"
"I don't think enough people appreciate the genuine level of intellect, timing, and planning that goes into crafting a well thought out joke."
"Jim Carrey's the funniest man on earth. We could all debate number two all day long, but Jim Carrey is the funniest guy."
"It's not a great story... it's just pure humor."
"I love drunk academics, I think he's so [ __ ] entertaining."
"Humor is a big deal, right, it breaks through... it also means that you don't... take yourself with the same deadly seriousness that your ideological opponents do."
"Everyone likes to have a little bit of comedic value in their life, a little bit of joy."
"I couldn't really come up with one so this isn't a like crucial crucial question because Reena loves to laugh she loves to laugh especially at memes and vines so I wanted to ask y'all what's your favorite meme or vine reference."
"Happy birthday to you! I share my birthday with Ray. I watch some old stuff, he was really funny."
"You have to protect the attempt. People will joke about things that are, on paper without context, horrible."
"I'm already liking it, it's got a lot of the comedy in the romcom, which I personally do not mind."
"Extraordinarily unambitious and that's what made it funny."
"It's clearly the funniest Star Wars and that meaning it has a lot of humor but a lot of it hits like a lot of it's really funny."
"Joyride might be the flat out funniest pure comedy that I may have seen in the last five years."
"It's comedy man, if you don't find it funny that's your problem."
"I love that you remember my jokes more than me."
"It's possible to have japes whilst also recognizing that the things you jape with have problems."
"If a vast majority of the people find the joke hilarious, what does that mean? It means that the joke is funny."
"He really did! He was like Jamie Kennedy, like laugh-out-loud moments."
"We live in dark times... dark comedy is hilarious..."
"Timing is important... fast humor usually ages better."
"That's hilarious. I don't care who you are, if you don't find the humor in that, go back to the Jeff Foxworthy schools."
"Yes, it's cheesy, yes, it's ridiculous, but you know what? It's still entertaining."
"Better to be thought dead and funny than alive and ignored."
"I want to make everybody laugh because that's the only thing that can still unite."
"That's funny guys, you know that's really funny."
"All the Straw Hats are hilarious, and I'd definitely watch a stand-up routine from all of them."
"I think comedians specifically feel safe to being around each other because we know we don't have to be funny."
"All the funny people are on this side, and all the people who are all emotional and triggered, they're always woke."
"Life is short, so we might as well have a good laugh."
"Yeah, fart jokes are about as low brow as you can get when it comes to humor, but man, a good one can just break me."
"It's just like those little meta jokes are just so awesome."
"It looks like the best kind of dumb... it is well-executed dumb that knows exactly what it's."
"You have a great sense of humor. You have a great sense of humor means the other person thinks you are funny, that you are good at telling jokes or you make them laugh."
"That joke will never get old. But you know, now that we've had all the fights, I thought it would be pretty cool just to go back through them."
"The Pirates! Band of Misfits may not be as good as Aardman's past films, but it's still really enjoyable with good humor, great use of animation, and lovable characters."
"They took a crisis, turned it on its head, used social media and celebrities, put $13 million in, and turned it into a celebrity event."
"If something's not funny, I'm not interested."
"Letterkenny is the funniest thing I've seen in ages."
"She thinks I'm funny, damn, the other 1% I'm probably just like, thrown a tantrum or something."
"It's like, hey! Alright, that's pretty funny, I just can't take this killer seriously, he's too funny, too funny."
"Seriousness is overrated, just be silly sometimes."
"You know how to laugh at your mistakes or have a sense of humor about life."
"I like humor, I appreciate humor, so I'd want my partner to have that."
"He's probably the funniest human being I've ever met in my life."
"She her humor is so funny it's so funny and easy to follow and you just like I literally read that book in about three days I just blew through it."
"Yes, I'm a 23-year-old woman and yes I still think fart jokes are the funniest jokes on the planet."
"I could never make that joke ever again, 'cause Kendo is perfect in this game."
"Openness and agreeableness expressed a greater appreciation for humor as a topic."
"Quirky off-the-wall humor, I do definitely like that."
"When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy."
"I want to give this guy something though, yeah. This guy's honestly, yeah, he's hilarious, he's so funny, bro."
"Rick and Morty did a goddamn good job and it's a goddamn good show..."
"Humor is healthy. Who doesn't like to have fun and laugh?"
"Like chat is freaking hilarious like I would love doing stuff like that."
"That is the funniest thing, oh my gosh, I love it."
"This is brilliant, this is such a good comedy."
"Do we want a world where you can't joke and be sarcastic anymore? That's not the society we want." - Sarcasm helps us through
"I appreciate a good pun, and I appreciate what they did to further it. Foliage, I love it!"
"Despite how controversial and crazy it may be, Conker's Bad Fur Day is still very funny."
"Don't disrespect him. Computers hate comedy."
"Some people can't read and understand banter."
"We still have great comedy out there. There's always Ramblin Joe Biden."
"These jokes are fine. It's just our humor. I don't understand, exactly."
"Dry like perfect humor. First last, whoever you are, I want you to know I salute you because you delivered humor the way it should be delivered. So crispy and just confusingly dry."
"Expectations are the key to happiness. The expectations are super low, they're like there's no way this guy could be funny and then he makes you laugh once you're like oh [ __ ] here we go."
"It's about time all of you realized that we are living in a comedy not a tragedy. It's like the joker says right? It's meant to be funny."
"We're a comedy show; we're a joke show. People need to lighten the [ __ ]."
"One thing in the 80s that maybe we've lost a little bit of is that there was a certain sense of humor in everything they did."
"It's wrong but it's class, it's funny, it's class."
"Clowns are always funny in my book... in my book they're just funny looking."
"I think there is something extremely attractive about somebody that can make you laugh."
"I think you guys are so sick. These are funny too."
"The humor and I normally really like Taika Waititi's humor."
"You don't need to retroactively apologize for finding things funny."
"Humor back is important. Wokery is where comedy goes to die."
"If you made it to the end of this video and you did not laugh cuz you have the emotions of Squidward and the personality of a rock, comment a W down below."
"Sometimes, you know, civilians will be trying to be funny. Yeah, you'll laugh every once in a while but this guy was legit Pro."
"I actually saw this thing in like I don't even know either on Etsy or Pinterest and I thought it was so clever and so funny."
"That's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"Legends is not a cup of tea, it is my giant jug giant jagged teeth because it embraces how stupid it can be."
"But for me, the most hilarious character is the dean from the original."
"Thumbs up thumbs way up for that one. That's a great pun."
"I'm not saying it's one of the funniest things you've ever seen ever, but for me, I enjoy watching it."
"No matter how old I get, farts will never not be funny."
"Both of those jokes got me – Simon’s silly plea for his life, and the fact that he apparently has a physical coping mechanism in the absence of the Ice King persona!"
"The dry humor is the cherry on top of your excellent continuing analysis."
"They love anything to do with humor and funny things."
"It's just people take things way too seriously and they can't just sit back and roll and relax and just laugh at it."
"Now that's comedy, I don't care who you are, that's funny."
"If you can make me laugh and just be down-to-earth and genuine, we can be best friends."
"I think James Gunn is a good director and he has a good sense of humor."
"They immediately got the humor of it and enjoyed it, and that was a great moment."
"There's nothing like a gleam of humor to reassure you that a fellow human being is ticking inside a strange face."
"Hilarious if you haven't started watching it yet."
"Defender's sense of humor is what I really love."
"The litmus test for being a screenwriter or creator should be watching Blazing Saddles and loving it."
"We need your help. We need your support. If you're one of these people that watches the free YouTube, oh, sham hot's so funny. No way I'm ever gonna pay."
"I love this game so much, it has a fabulous sense of humor, I believe it's still on sale."
"Definitely check that out if you like airplane and Naked Gun kind of humor."
"I laughed out loud. Jam forever. They do there is a heavy emphasis on two things weirdly in this movie: one is awkwardness, yes, and two is dancing, sure."
"Real easy, you are my favorite and the funniest gamers."
"I've been laughing my ass off this entire time."
"You see, you gotta appreciate it. They got a laugh out of me on that one, Mark. But it's true. I mean, you think about that."
"Jokes are fun. It wasn't that big of a deal."
"My gosh, that was so funny. I find it, you may not have found that funny, but I did, especially because it was Barry."
"It's funny, you know? Like it is objectively funny."
"Language I'm loving your sarcasm so funny funny little side story so when I was there at Facebook they implemented a new."
"The best comedies are the ones where people don't realize they're in a comedy."
"I just found the click bait very funny, like oh so that's what it feels like."
"Few things are more attractive than a great sense of humor."
"I kind of suspect I'm probably gonna enjoy the humor just because you know I do love that stupid humor."
"She had a wicked sense of humor and she had the biggest heart."
"It was her sassy humor, not her voice, that got her noticed on TV."
"Sam was the goofiest person that you could ever meet. I mean she was a real comedian. Like she could make you laugh even if you're about to cry. Like she's great."
"Most people in my life they don't let me make stupid jokes all day but you guys have no choice."
"Gotta love the humor. Gotta love the puns. Respect."
"There were moments where I was like, 'That is just legitimately funny.'"
"It's also one of the funniest things that I've watched in a long time."
"Everything kind of goes down better with a joke."
"She's hilarious. I want that power."
"Jack Black is so funny. This is just like an iconic Jack Black movie."
"So, for you to laugh together, even if you're laughing at two different parts of the joke, doesn't happen a lot."
"He's hilarious, people don't realize he is hilarious."
"I thought it was hilarious when I watched it. I was like, 'not the cameraman.'"
"When it's good enough that it feels like real guys, you go wow, imagine if a really talented group of comedians had sat down to write a film with this exact storyline except they did it right."
"The fact that these jokes had way more of a modern feel and even though it was from the 1970s, it was still very recent to the time that we're now, I just think that it was so freaking well done, so hilarious."
"I really like this. This is really funny and you could totally wear it."
"I love it. I love dad jokes so much."
"I thought it was hysterical, they're all very cute and really not too bad as far as the price goes."
"I like girls that are funny, that don't take themselves too seriously."
"I thought it was so funny, yes. Surely I didn't know."
"The creativity was decent. I like the goofiness of it, and it made me laugh."
"He was full of life, he had a great sense of humor."
"I happen to like him a lot. I find him funny and he really is a nice guy."
"I am a firm believer in laughter."
"I would like to laugh at it and appreciate it a little bit."
"It's important to look for humor wherever you can."
"I think I wish more people took that approach to humour."
"I think it's actually pretty funny."
"It all worked. Simple, subtle yet undeniably hilarious."
"The reciprocal of wanting a man that's funny is a woman that can take a joke."
"The Adam Sandler movie collection, which I may be one of the few people on this planet who genuinely has a dry enough sense of humor to find the guy still funny."
"It even has a rare moment of Boomstick actually complimenting Wiz on the pun he came up with."
"That's funny but also kind of the best thing ever."
"I'm a fan and he doesn't even try, like he is just funny."
"A bit of humor is quite a good bit of humor, essential things for an entertainment show."
"I love it when she's dumb funny, like she doesn't try to be funny but she just says something and it's hilarious."
"He's so much funnier than most comedians."
"I love a good joke, if it's funny, it's funny."
"They nailed it. I honestly think that they know how bad these jokes are."
"I love your humor. It's spontaneous, like you say what comes to mind."
"Luna, the ever more distant and unapproachable, was actually extremely kind to animals and enjoyed sharing a good laugh."
"The story was intended most logically to prove that there is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures, provided we will but take a joke as we find it."
"I find this product to be one of the funniest things on the planet."
"It's not hard to make me laugh, but it's definitely hard to make me enjoy comedy."
"Absolutely love it, how tacky is that? Superb."
"She's got a really nice sense of humor which kind of helps me because I've got a very dry sense of humor."
"I'm gonna pause the video kind of a lot actually, mostly so that I don't talk over the jokes and miss them."
"You guys are pretty funny today, you woke up on the funny side of the bed."
"I love comedians; I love comedy, I could watch it all day long."
"I love crude humor, and I love dark comedies as well."
"Humor may be a form of recognition of a kind of beauty."
"They were fantastic, very funny, great lines just like in Smokey and the Bandit part one and two."
"I think I would go for any kind of humor really, as long as it is human and humane."