
Medical Procedure Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"The surgery is quite simple. We replace every branch that holds feelings of joy in your brain with dedication."
"The important bit, though, is that this is a procedure that is expected and heavily regulated, so there are a lot of genes to try and prevent this, which is one of the reasons why cancers take decades in order to manifest."
"This is a picture of something called a flap... and this piece moves down to cover the hole, and then this gets closed together into a straight line, and you can see this has a really nice cosmetic outcome."
"Here's another picture of a defect... and this is a skin graft... we hope that a new blood supply will connect with that piece of skin, and it'll stay alive. And again, when they live, they have a pretty nice cosmetic outcome."
"I want to talk about the hard road we've been on for the past half a week since the egg retrieval on Wednesday."
"Throughout labor, it's very important to monitor the fetal heart rate and ensure that the pattern is reassuring."
"Systematic approach: Check labs, consider history, trust your instincts. You've got this!"
"The main thing is we'll run the meter on the back, we'll do the static motion examination, and we'll get right to work."
"So what we wanted to do was to use pills instead of a surgical procedure to end a pregnancy."
"This surgery is for patients who identify as non-binary."
"He went in, he got the worm out of my head, and he did it in a great manner."
"If you stick the needle in and you don't draw back, you're blind, you don't know whether you're in a muscle or a vessel, you simply don't know."
"They knew they were not in a vein, they drew back, didn't see blood, so then they could inject knowing it's going into the muscle."
"Administer anti-platelets and anti-clotting carefully, with repeated tests to avoid bleeding."
"I call the doctor, made the appointment, they did ultrasound and biopsy, came back atypical."
"Surgery is done if the patient has my laboratory and laminectomy is contraindicated."
"I thought it was gonna be a lot worse. People said it feels like someone is tickling your brain."
"With Sculptra, you do have to get multiple injections, but once you get them, you get that gradual onset of volume restoration."
"You can still revitalize somebody for quite an extended period of time."
"And potentially trim that and alongside that also you can see how her nostrils are almost little slits."
"Pericardiocentesis for pericardial tamponade."
"It's a very elegant procedure in that the fibroid is almost by virtue of being so greedy in terms of blood supply, sort of... with their own demise."
"It wasn't that big a thing, a little procedure on my tongue just to remove a little lump off the end."
"Implantation number two, finally back in the hospital, IVF ready to do one round. This is round two."
"They, I had surgery scheduled for March 4th which, I might add, was successful."
"Assess fetal heart tones, and that is the correct answer."
"Exploring everything surrounding the presenting complaint is the golden rule of taking a history."
"The more you can see of the ear canal, the better you can plan the removal."
"Yeah, so that's a huge win for you, huge um, if Ryan wins, we do a MRI slash colon cleanse... so we see what's in there and we suck it out of you."
"Mammograms: it's less of a boob smash and more of a boob shakedown."
"Nothing beats just the Precision of a needle and a good injector."
"Drug reconstitution requires precision and following instructions."
"I think this operation will change our life they'll give her the ability to reach our full potential and she's not starting off with a disadvantage."
"So you could just say somebody who had someone admitted you need a dependent hurry so you just flip the hands under the pen and put the needle on and dial up the toes and give it."
"Do it. Find a qualified surgeon who can do an en bloc or total capsulectomy and who believes in breast implant illness."
"It's doable, oh I don't know what the star means but doctor."
"It's just incredible, it's very very painless, it's easy, it's fast."
"Listen, we gotta just do the operation. That's me cutting open her stomach to take the baby out."
"I opted for non-sedated so I wasn't like knocked out or anything."
"Tonsillitis: infection of tonsils causing uncomfortable swelling, sometimes requiring tonsillectomy."
"Fat grafting transfers stem cells to the face."
"Maybe I'll get this one seated first, and then we'll let her relax a little bit, you know."
"I'm going to be dilating my nose for the next 72 hours."
"Let's go ahead and clean on the inside now, I don't think this thing is particularly nasty in here."
"You've made my knee surgery possible so sincerely thank you."
"So you really do have friends, huh? I like how everyone's surprised at Gaara's friends."
"The correct answer is option A: applying oxygen via face mask."
"The cause of death will not be determined from a CT scan and the coroner may need to ask a pathologist to conduct a limited awful invasive post-mortem."
"They've taken another heart and they put it in MY heart 💞"
"Abby and Aaron, conjoined twins at the cranium, underwent a risky separation surgery."
"A lumbar puncture is both diagnostic and therapeutic."
"I feel like it took me a while to fall in love but I do quite like it so that's staying."
"It's less intrusive, right? It's like back in the head and goes down his neck."
"She got this yeah he uh drew me up to show everything he gonna do he cut my whole scar out."
"An endoscopy is a procedure that allows him to see inside the body using a specialized tool."
"The earlier you woke up, the less times that hypodermic needle penetrated your skin."
"That's a critical and very very important part of the overall facial rejuvenation process."
"The most common one right now is called laparoscopic cholecystectomy."
"I'm telling you once you get the epidural in your back, all your problems go away."
"The electroconvulsive therapy produces seizures for therapeutic purposes."
"If we needed to amputate part of your body, this would be drawn round in one smooth cut to take the flesh away, and then we would use a bone saw to go through your bone, as the name implies."
"Your bare metal stint is no longer showing, it's covered up with cells and Scar Tissue."
"...i remember waking up from getting that colonoscopy and him just saying i wish so badly that's what we were dealing with but it's not..."
"We'll have that growth taken off right now. It should be a fairly easy and almost painless operation."
"He is in his Mayo Clinic shirt and he is ready for surgery."
"We're going to take your blood. Are you willing to give it?"
"It's essential because it produces a rapid paralysis that is essential for emergency surgery."
"The Foley catheter drainage system should always remain sterile to prevent infection risk. Therefore, it should never be disconnected unless ordered by a doctor."
"She's 10 centimeters dilated and we're gonna start pushing soon."
"The success rate for fusions for spinal stenosis is excellent, around 85%."
"The operation was a success, well at least Elizabeth didn't die on the operating table."
"...you get to directly look at the brain you get to directly look at the central nervous system in a way that an a gastroenterologist can directly look at the colon right."
"After it was done I felt incredible, great except when I did get home my stomach sounded like a motorcycle restarting and restart as a kid like a baseball card in the spokes of your wheel that's what my stomach was sounding like just sitting in my house by myself."
"Ok, so let's get started, but I just want to quickly go over what the implantation process is."
"The goal of minimally invasive surgery is to speed up recovery by doing things with the least damage to the muscle and soft tissues."
"We're gonna go down and get this coil removed right now."
"Six hours and three pints of blood later i'm finally in."
"...the porcine valve just functions better in the mitral position than the pericardial valve."
"have a c-section yes totally okay right"
"They would use a crazy word for that. It deserves a crazy long hard to spell word. Episiotomy, like you don't want an episiotomy, you don't want to have to spell episiotomy, you don't want to give the definition of episiotomy."
"It would be almost unheard of today that a patient would have a prostatectomy that has done anything other than through a robot."
"I have thought about it and if I wanted to get a port I'm sure they would give me a port."
"No one wants their bladder and prostate removed or no one women don't want their bladder removed and have a bag on the side or the neobladder makes it much more comfortable and palatable for many of them in terms of quality of life."
"It's nowhere near as effective as a colonoscopy but of course it poses no risk so it's it's in my mind kind of better than not doing anything in the off years."
"It can easily be cured with an ablation procedure which is often done in childhood if the problem is detected early but if the problem is detected in adulthood then we can perform this at any age."
"Pericardiocentesis is used to manage malignant pericardial effusions."
"It's non-invasive and a good way to be able to save somebody's life."
"Neck pain is very common following this procedure. We have to make an incision about this big in the back of your neck."
"Child/infant mouth-to-mask ventilation should be performed using a pediatric pocket mask if available."
"If either ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia is detected, the AED will advise the user by voice prompt to deliver the shock."
"The ultrasound process like did it...it was painless."
"It's called AR Ray and basically they're going to take like two toes but my foot is going to look so ugly and for the rest of my life I'm just going to have like the ugliest feet ever."
"What the doctors have done was just put two tubes in each kidney so they can drain individually."
"Kenny's kidneys are being drained of excess fluid by tubes that doctors have inserted."
"Okay, looks like we have six more vials. Well then, you don't need me anymore, huh? No, I should be okay from here."
"...after this breath, I'll take the BVM off while Chris is innovating. Still taking the mask off the BVM, holding it in my hand. I also have a backup airway on hand. This one's much easier to use than the ET tube, so if Chris misses it for some reason, we've got this on hand."
"Pulmonary vein isolation should give you 80 percent chance of being arrhythmia free for at least five years."
"The success rate is about 70 percent with a single procedure for paroxysmal and in about 10 or 20 percent of patients, we have to do a second ablation procedure, which raises the success rate to about 85 percent."
"I wonder if there's a name for it, uh, leg lengthening surgery... What's your news?"
"Damn, I'm so glad she took that bloody thing out of her neck."
"As with any medical procedure, a colonoscopy has risks."
"The procedure that we've done on your arm is not to be the end all. There's a bit more work to do there. But at least it's a bit more comfortable for you. There's a bit more work to do."
"Britney, talk about LASIK, seems like a big decision."
"His vasectomy wasn't really successful."
"You're desperate to do this without him. You're not trying to cure her; you're trying to prove. Stop the tape. Zoom in on the anastomosis."
"When you're 51, you have to do this colonoscopy."
"How much time on the marrow, Michael? Bone marrow, thank you."
"So, uh, he opens his eyes, right? And, uh, it's brilliant. He can't believe it, either. Perfect, is that. Is that he's had the op."
"...75 to 80% of patients correctly selected can be seizure-free after temporal lobectomy."
"...laser amygdala hippocampectomy has some great results for temporal lobe epilepsy."
"When things happen, we imagine, 'Okay, I have this thing on my finger, it's going to require surgery, not, 'Oh, it's going to be something I can take medicine for and be done with, right?'"
"Doctor's got the gloves on got the pipes."
"It's like bar it's a barric surgery in in injection form."
"Lin then picks up a circular saw and carefully cuts out a section of his skull one side at a time."
"Patients who had microsurgical clipping of their aneurysms were a little bit more likely to have some disability with regards to their short-term memory."
"To me I think the first time I was a little more nervous because I had no idea what the process was like but now I know that I have to come in with a full bladder so I've been drinking water since I woke up."
"It's called radical prostatectomy for a reason."
"This is not your regular boob job. This is a reconstructive surgery."
"He's performed a life-saving procedure."
"Imagine somebody just digging inside of you and pulling out every organ one by one it was awful."
"The actual surgery? Less than 30 minutes. They banded your eye and you go home."
"The baby? I don't want to. Nobody. I don't want to. They just give you a pill and it's over. No, but that's what I'm saying, the pill. They just give it to you from a doctor and then you're good."
"If I wanted to see a lot of these leukemic cells a lot of these like I'm sorry these lymphocytes that were present in the lymph nodes I could do a lymph node biopsy."
"So it'll keep the ductus arteriosus open and allow blood that is nice and oxygenated to cross over into the aorta and go through the body."
"And what this is is it is a heart cath, a do with your heart house."
"For the pause button method, it's pretty simple you just want to press and then hold the pause button for the time that you want the generator to be paused in order to view the patient's rhythm."
"Now if you just keep doing it, maybe he could... Whatever. For the facial reconstruction surgery."
"The goal of atrial fibrillation ablation is to isolate these muscle fibers from the heart so that when they give electricity off, it can't enter the atrium and put it into fibrillation."
"For the most part, it's something that we do to help control symptoms; however, recent data has fairly consistently shown that people who are younger and those with heart failure actually have a survival benefit, meaning that they live longer with atrial fibrillation ablation."
"I have seen countless patients over countless years who tolerate this just fine. That doesn't mean they like the insertion of it."
"Option C is correct because after a pyloromyotomy, it's ideal to position the infant with an elevated head and slightly tilted to the right to aid gastric emptying."
"Option B is correct. Dilation and curettage is the typical method for elective abortion for pregnancies under 13 weeks."
"I need to have them removed in the safest way possible so that I don't have any health issues further down the track from explanting."
"This is going to be a view from the side as if we cut you right down the middle of your body."
"Option A is correct; it is crucial to prioritize the verification of the NG tube placement before proceeding with any other measures."
"It's a very low-risk procedure in experienced hands."
"So, as soon as we would do cancer operations and we were faced with putting drains in folks because we had these huge wounds to deal with, we wanted to get them out as quickly as we could because we knew the longer we left them in, the higher the chance of an infection."
"You want to provide peri care before you actually insert the Foley."
"Chest compressions must be between 100 and 120 per minute. Compression depth should be at least two inches in adults."
"We want to avoid excess ventilation. Excessive ventilation can lead to complications such as a reduction of cerebral blood flow."
"Therapeutic phlebotomy is just a fancy way of saying bloodletting."
"A patient who has had a mastectomy should never have their BP taken on the affected side."
"To palpate a Carotid pulse, you should place two fingers lightly on the side of the neck just underneath the mandible and over the trachea."
"Laparoscopic hysterectomy is now being done as an outpatient and that's the way we do our hysterectomies, is an outpatient."
"Ablation can be life-changing without the risk of hysterectomy."
"Right after the procedure happened, the doctor said, in terms of visibility and placement, it was like textbook perfect."
"A laparoscopy is a very appropriate way to handle this."
"Tomorrow they're hoping to get, you know, most or all of it. It's a big operation to go through for any child, and it's our child which is really important to us that he gets through it and gets through it well, but he will."
"he didn't live but I think it's bad if anybody needs a transplant for a penis we got them right now silicone uh type beat type"
"...you should have 40 stitches..."
"The anterior lumbar fusion is a great operation in the right patient with the right preoperative studies and a good outcome from a functional and aesthetic standpoint."
"Cardioversion doesn't address the underlying cause of atrial fibrillation but restores normal rhythm."
"...using that flap of internal limiting membrane rather than just throwing it away."
"So the thing that we’re ablating, the heart muscle that we’re ablating, has a very dramatic electrical impact on the function of the heart."
"Not only were they able to alleviate the pressure on my optic nerve, but my wife had made a miraculous recovery during the procedure."
"...pre-oxygenation often includes bag valve mask ventilation, ensuring proper seal, ventilation rate, and volume, allowing time for the patient to exhale."
"...the part of the process that horrified Dr. Lynfield was the very last step when workers removed the pig's brain."
"This video will be looking at why vitrectomy operation should not be feared, but instead should leave all floaters sufferers feeling less anxious about their eyes and more hopeful for the future."
"It's not a dangerous procedure. We do it right in the office."
"Overnight Lasik changed everything for me."
"Before you get the biopsy, the radiologists or pathologists would give you the risks and benefits of the procedure."
"45-minute procedure, totally awake, back on his feet within a day."
"The duration of how long microneedling on the scalp was done, as well as how frequently it was done, seemed to enhance and accelerate hair growth."
"I had to go in and get a procedure where they go in and they have these things in your inside like the back of your nose where it hooks into your skeleton."
"The kind of anesthetic that when it's administered the anesthesiologist says count backward from 100 and you get to about 99."
"That's one of my biggest fears: getting a catheter."
"The back of your throat will be sprayed with a topical anesthetic to numb it out and so you don't even feel the tube and so you don't gag."
"Dat chat is basically the metaverse but in your phone, it's a metaverse, yup, like beta that you can download, sh*t's incredible."
"Nephrectomy by itself seems to improve survival prior to immune therapy."
"It'll be similar to labor and delivery except these patients are not pregnant and they're not in labor."
"I went and got tested to see if I was a match. I was. I did the therapy and met with the doctors and his therapist. We scheduled the surgery."
"So many appointments, so many injections, so much medicine, and, like, today is the day they're put a little boy inside my belly."
"Membrane stripping can induce labor if dilation has occurred, but requires a provider."
"If it's too enlarged, that makes it far more difficult for the surgeon and it also can add a lot of risky factors."
"So we remove the bone and we expand the sack."
"He will be removing both part so in our scenario, axillary lymphatic lymphadenectomy was not performed. It was just a lump in the right breast which was removed."
"If they are still hoping to have kids, then even if it's a bigger prostate, I will sometimes attempt an incision."
"My dad removed my gyno, dude, my dad remember that?"
"Ablation for afib and ablation for flutter so both Chambers basically they go through their freeze you know the area the heart that's got the signals that are in there."
"...we don't need to do that and they don't tell you that... they're not going to tell you okay we're going to take your uterus out but you're going to be having incontinence."
"Pill. I don't want to sit through the infusion. Ding ding ding, let's do that one."
"All I really wanted them to do was just cut out the tumor and dose me out with some drugs."
"The UroLift procedure offers rapid relief with zero long-term risks."
"UroLift procedure preserves sexual function and has a quick recovery time."
"Symptom improvement with UroLift is durable and can last up to five years."
"86 percent of the people achieved a high-quality recovery within one month, and the satisfaction score of this is extremely high."
"Another big concern during intubation is actually pulmonary aspiration."
"We're just gonna shine light in at this side. Okay, constrict, constrict."
"If you follow the echo literature at one time even before the days of tissue doppler one of the things that was favored was doing a balsalva."
"The doctor stitched the laceration on the patient's forehead after a fall."
"Vaccination is the act of introducing a vaccine into the person's body to protect from a specific disease."
"...much less painful for your patient... straightens everything out and simply pulls out."
"Introduce air into the pleural cavity."
"Pulse Field ablation is right around the corner. We need to increase experience, fine-tuned tools for delivery, but the most exciting thing I think about Pulse Field delivery in the ventricle is what things look like with delivery on top of healed infarction."
"The promise of Pulse Field ablation is mostly valid in initial reports but refinements in the catheters and PF waveforms should continue to improve things."
"When you see a pericardial effusion after an ASD core PFO closure, you have to be very suspicious of erosion and you need to evaluate the device very carefully. It is the canary in a coal mine, it is the harbinger of the possibility of erosion."
"So therefore, what should I do? I should only put a Suprapubic catheterization to drain the urine."
"Resuscitation is done first, followed by debridement, then autograft or allograft."
"What I always like to show you is what the waveforms look like as this catheter is being threaded. I think it's really interesting to watch at the bedside."
"When you advance these needles slow and you don't have to do a lot of pass-throughs where you put that needle in slow and you get it in the first try, you're going to hear your patients say wow you did a good job that didn't hurt at all."