
Colonial History Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"In colonial history, you're asking yourself to question the apparent neutrality of knowledge, including the instruments of knowledge: languages, spellings, maps, library organizations."
"Can you equate casteism with racism that happens globally?... Caste is not race... Both have similar outcomes where they grew up during the colonial."
"What good came from colonialism, if any? Infrastructural development."
"France's historical actions in Congo include atrocities during its Colonial period."
"During the colonial era, Guinea-Bissau was under Portuguese rule but France's involvement in the region's broader geopolitical landscape left an impact."
"Following the arrival of Europeans to the New World, tales spread of a lost city made entirely of gold called El Dorado."
"The academic study of colonialism and decolonizing is unable to accept Islamic colonization."
"The Legacy of the British Empire is marked by a dark history of exploitation, violence, and oppression."
"Just because the British ruled it doesn't mean they became a part of you."
"Slavery thrived under colonial rule. British and Dutch settlers relied on enslaved people to help establish farms and build new towns."
"The stubbornness of some colonial powers resulted in some of the most brutal conflicts in history."
"Indeed, by the reign of Philip II, the American colonies provide one fifth of the royal revenue."
"The Spanish conquests subjected the Maya to economic exactions, religious impositions, and social subordination."
"The Haitian army of free slaves was able to beat off both the British and the Spanish."
"these were a people that mattered a lot and they saved the colony from likely doom by helping them"
"Belgium's growing Colonial Empire in Africa, along with new means to prevent malaria, has made us a serious contender for Colonial control of the continent."
"The most important and profitable colony of all was not in the Americas, it was India."
"The Battle of Dien Bien Phu led to the end of French colonial rule."
"I don't see colonization occurring again, but in the end of the day, you do need to make sure that you're doing agreements and making treaties that work for the people that are there." - Anastasia Sanat
"It is clear that without uniting around a single cause the colonies would have never effectively beaten back the British and formed America as we know it today."
"What was life like for the 17th century settlers and the 18th century colonists?"
"Massachusetts: the first British colonists in what is now Massachusetts were members of a branch of Christianity called the Separatists, better known as Pilgrims."
"Human zoos were a very real phenomenon, born of colonialism, racism, and abject cruelty."
"Race is in many ways the wounds of colonialism our species still bears, and we can work to mend them."
"The British rule in India was extremely oppressive, tyrannical, and exploiting."
"If it didn't belong to the Spanish, English or Dutch, it was free real estate."
"The fate of this colony has become one of the most enduring mysteries in American history!"
"The sudden mass disappearance of the Lost Colony of Roanoke remains baffling to this day."
"It's believed that the Cannonball was likely left behind by Spanish explorers or early settlers."
"The British Empire may not have technically ruled the world, but it was in fact the largest empire to exist at any point throughout history."
"Many of the families were surveyors employed by the colony."
"The Treaty of Paris in 1763 significantly reshaped the colonial landscape."
"Enjoy torchlight caroling and a visit to Santa in Colonial Williamsburg."
"The British take over the eastern half of North America."
"California or Alta California was a part of the Spanish Empire; this portion of it was called New Spain."
"The town is a fascinating mixture, combining its Inkan ancestry with that of the Catholic conquistadors, a fusion of two cultures."
"The Cape to Cairo Railway was designed very much with the idea of cementing British rule."
"Before 1763, the way that Britain ran its colonies was with this salutary neglect approach, so hands off, basically let the colonies run themselves."
"India the colony turned into India the colonizer."
"Britain acquired possession of most of the territories of Southern Africa in the nineteenth century in what one historian referred to as a fit of absentmindedness."
"It won't really matter who colonized us in the past if we today do not take a stand to defend our sovereignty, to defend the rights and the freedom of our people."
"Life is good for the people, the British colonists... the quality of life in these colonies for the majority of people is better than it is anywhere else in the world."
"The colonies are more educated, the people are more educated than anywhere else in the world."
"The island of Dominica might have been claimed by Spain, but the people living there already had other ideas."
"In 1660, England and France... agreed to keep Dominica neutral, an island of the Kalinagos as they called it."
"The neutrality agreement lasted a full 100 years, remarkable considering the on-and-off hostilities between England and France during that period."
"Dominica was now a British colony."
"The colonial America suffered from a great shortage of species, shortage of gold and silver, and therefore because of the shortage, colonial governments had to print lots of paper money to make up for the steep deficiency."
"Only a powerful blow was needed to weld those bodies into a common mass, nourishing the spirit of colonial nationalism."
"The colonial administration was not the only governing body interested in kipus; Catholic missionaries saw a lot of potential in using kipus in religious conversion and ongoing evangelization."
"After nearly 130 years of colonial rule, Aden and its hinterland of former shakedoms was an independent nation."
"Pennsylvania was late in recording births, marriages, and deaths compared to other states, making it challenging to trace people back in colonial records."
"The Portuguese famously hugged the coast like crabs for much of the colonial era."
"Any country on this planet where there's a population of brown people who have some sort of issue with colorism, they have all been colonized at some point by some European country."
"Do you know what it is to gain independence under a colonial power without bloodshed?"
"In 1884, in Berlin, the enlightened countries of the world... divided up Africa among themselves."