
Trait Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Having a very keen sense of curiosity is super important."
"The best adventurers always shared one trait, and that was their unrelenting heart."
"I think that we're supposed to accept that's a cool trait that's just always been there."
"I really value that trait, I hope my future spouse has that too."
"Number one autistic trait that I'm surprised again and again to see is not in the DSM 5 is perfectionism."
"I'm also non-confrontational to a fault."
"this is a known fact that Homer Simpson is pretty dumb and really likes Donuts"
"Amber has quite the stubborn type."
"I think curiosity is a really great trait."
"Confidence is the number one most important trait of men that women find attractive."
"Courage isn't some trait that we're born with or not, it's a practice."
"Courage isn't just a trait you're born with, it's something you cultivate through practice."
"Persistence is one of my special gifts."
"I think it's a personality type, absolutely."
"The only personality trait that she actually consistently has throughout all of this is being grouchy."
"The common trait among very successful people is actually their orientation towards action."
"I think I've always been a Precision person."
"Relentless curiosity is probably my number one trait I look for."
"But what's really interesting about these animals is that it's actually a trait that has evolved several separate times."
"That above all else is the most important trait of an adventure bike."
"I think that the number one most important and most consistent trait is adaptability without question."
"The essence of the process moves from state to trait."
"I've always been a very curious person."
"Number one trait of an anti-hero... is that they do it anyway."
"Interesting is quite a trait that's, you know, you can appeal to it in so many different ways."
"Having good agility is a staple trait that will benefit you in all areas of life and training."
"Generosity has to be your character."
"My goal is like, am I happy? Can I give you an observation? This is the trait that I admire in you most: your number one priority in life is to keep the things that are important and make you happy and make you feel comfortable."
"Someone who's as prickless as they are."
"Loyalty is a trait that defines the heroic Primarchs."
"I think confidence is a really nice trait in a guy. It's very sexy to be confident."
"Riddler, like just do riddles all the time, man."
"Being curious I think is the most important trait to have as a person for me."
"He's a devil fruit consumer who shows no mercy."
"The number one thing that people rate as the thing they find most attractive is confidence."
"probably one of the best traits you'll ever see in your life"
"That number one trait is resourcefulness."
"Self-awareness is a very important trait to have in poker."
"The trait you need is relentless determination."
"The Hallmark of a sociopath is a lack of empathy."
"Most good creative people have a burning curiosity."
"The single most important trait for an investor to have is extreme patience."
"I think somebody that is very charismatic is a key trait. There's a level of self-confidence and also a level of invincibility."
"She's empathetic and caring, and it's such a beautiful trait to have."
"People have become incredibly siloed and I really do think that curiosity is the underrated human trait right now."
"I always thought that was a really good character trait."
"Curiosity is a sign of an intelligent mind."
"Curiosity is the underrated human trait right now."
"The survival trait is conformity."
"Fearlessness is one of the key traits of lions."
"The sense of humor is usually a good signifier of intelligence."
"You're obsessed with quality, and that's obviously a good trait to have."
"That takes some serious confidence and he has that."
"Intellectual curiosity would be the number one characteristic that you look at for anybody."
"Endurance is going to be an important characteristic."
"That's something that's pretty unique."
"It's actually one of our greatest traits, this desire to collaborate with our fellow humans."
"Curiosity is just like a great trait to have in general."
"Persistence might be the greatest trait of all that you can have."
"Peacefulness is a character trait."
"Being a doer is a crucial trait to have in business."
"She's very protective, that's what I love about her."
"Confidence is the most attractive trait of man or woman to the opposite sex or the same sex."
"Perseverance is something that, if there's anything you've got to have in a protagonist, that's it."
"There's something about them that grants them an aesthetic sensitivity, and that's an inbuilt trait."
"Motivation is a fascinating trait."
"I think being late is a personality trait."
"What's your favorite personality trait of Isaac's? He's a very good listener."
"You got to be brave in this world; the biggest one of the biggest traits missing on Earth right now."
"Receptivity is a most beautiful trait of creatures."
"Perseverance is the most important trait you can have."
"I've got a high percentage of open-mindedness."
"Consistency is the trait that makes you successful."
"He's really such a perfectionist."
"Understanding is a valuable trait that's valued in everyone."
"Curiosity is one of the best character traits you can have."
"I think that is a trait we should talk about in positive lights."
"He had a remarkable sense of humor."
"I'm very calm during crisis... that trait has served me very well."
"Self-awareness is a huge trait of people, and not many people have it at 60, let alone 20."
"Aquarius woman tends to be really honest, honest to a fault."
"My emotional intelligence, it's a good trait."
"I think my protective instinct is a good trait."
"It's sort of like a quirky personality trait."
"Vegeta's endurance is his most defining trait."
"The number one characteristic of amazing entrepreneurs is they persist."
"I have this trait in my personality that I think is a good trait, but it's actually gotten me into trouble in the past."
"Your ability to make other people feel comfortable is your defining characteristic."
"Phenotypes are the physical outcomes or traits that we get."
"How hopeful you are... that's a very good quality."
"Skepticism had become something of a fashionable trait."
"He has a neutral eyebrow tilt, this is a very attractive trait."
"Humor is like another sign of intelligence."
"Noel genuinely does care, and that's something that is really great to have as a personality trait."
"The willingness to have the courage to take risks is one of the coolest traits."
"It's quite an advanced trait as a human to be empathetic."
"Fearlessness is a most sexy trait."
"The best trait for a ninja is for no one to know what is his or her secret."
"This particular family, these descendants of this specific individual, have redheadedness in their families at a rate more than two times the European average."
"Generosity is the biggest characteristic of their character."
"The ability to see things naturally from multiple points of view is a leadership trait."
"Curiosity is like a very great quality I find in people."
"They actually have a romantic side."