
Prohibition Quotes

There are 523 quotes

"When Prohibition went into effect in 1919, sale and consumption of alcohol for 'medicinal purposes' was allowed, creating a legal loophole that many physicians and pharmacists exploited."
"90% of the drug problem is prohibition related, not use related."
"Chemical and biological weapons cannot and must not be used in war."
"The 1972 Biological Weapons Convention... effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling, and use of biological and toxin weapons."
"When you end prohibition you make it easier for people to come forth without fear who want help with their habit or their addiction."
"Prohibited from all the things destroying society today. It's beautiful."
"The prohibition poisoning: government agencies poisoning industrial alcohol with lethal chemicals."
"The Herald Tribune used their report as evidence of prohibition's complete failure."
"Killing animals online should be banned I don't think there's any reason why we should have it on there."
"I have made oppression and injustice forbidden for myself."
"Merely being told not to do something actually decreases the likelihood of vandalism."
"This was forbidden knowledge...going against the teachings of the catholic church."
"Isn't it crazy how in our generation we saw prohibition be lifted?"
"President Trump is right to call for a ban on this barbarity."
"Places where it's expressly forbidden to enter are some of the most interesting."
"Prohibition was completely foreign to the immigrant population in Chicago, so to them, it was only natural to start to produce alcohol. But then as they produce the alcohol, they realized that they could also make a lot of money off of it."
"When you ban something, you make it distinctly valuable."
"You shall not eat of every tree of the garden."
"Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house lest you be doomed to destruction like it, and you shall utterly detest it." - Deuteronomy 7:26
"We know that the current system of prohibition is a complete failure... waiting for political leadership."
"Prohibition led to the rise of organized crime."
"By 1933, the country had changed and turned against prohibition."
"The time of gangsters, bootleggers, and public enemies number one."
"The prohibition era started in 1920 when the 18th amendment went to effect, banning the manufacturer, transportation, and sale of intoxicating liquors."
"Bootleggers got around this problem by hiring chemists to re-distill industrial liquor, which removed the adulterating chemical."
"If you tell Americans not to do something, that's the one thing they'll definitely do."
"You make something illegal that people are going to do anyways, it opens the door for it to continue but in a less safe and more harmful way."
"Should the whole prohibition experiment kind of be seen as a social experiment for that sort of thing?"
"In Banning alcohol, the U.S. had created a massive and highly profitable illegal alcohol industry they could not simply put that underground industry back into the bottle."
"Rooting out a bad habit costs lives, whether the government deliberately intended to poison American citizens or not."
"Many of Prohibition's legacies live on today."
"He saw the Volstead Act as a victory over Satan himself."
"The Roaring Twenties: a liquor-infused party known as."
"It harkened back to the day when the mafia would stage a field position with coffins stacked to the hill with booze."
"He decided he was going to make marijuana illegal... that movie 'Reefer Madness' was that propaganda."
"Acknowledging the failure of prohibition and the need for a more practical approach."
"The word I don't want you to ever use again is 'No.'"
"We're living in the third wave of masculinity prohibition, each wave popularizes and enriches a new breed of masculinity bootleggers."
"The ramifications for the prohibition of masculinity are far worse than the repealed 18th Amendment."
"You cannot film drag races, street takeovers, or stunt driving."
"It's a dangerous road you travel to deny humanity a thing will only make them crave it all the more."
"God does not command you to pray to be strong enough to do something He told you not to do."
"You do not get to take a gun, point it at people, and then pull the trigger."
"No man should ever put his hands on a woman."
"The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was instrumental in bringing about the banning of the sale of alcohol, and in doing so actually gave a start to the careers of multiple female activists."
"Given its historic and symbolic association with slavery and white supremacist groups in the US, displaying the Confederate flag is prohibited."
"Quetzalcoatl, the radiant bearded figure who arrived from the ocean to help grant gifts of culture, leadership, and organization, had apparently banned this practice of cannibalism, blood sacrifice, and wanton cruelty."
"In Islam, it is forbidden to not worship the true God."
"Islam came to preserve the intellect, alcohol and drugs are forbidden."
"Islam came to preserve wealth, gambling and interest are forbidden."
"Islam came to preserve marriage, fornication and adultery are forbidden."
"Islam came to preserve life, killing people unjustly or harming your body is forbidden."
"Elevate yourselves and listen to what your Lord has prohibited you to do."
"Our institutions have become corrupted by prohibition."
"Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable, but that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies." - Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
"You cannot pray to Mary, you cannot pray to the Saints."
"Contamination of superstitions and blind rituals intoxication such as alcohol tobacco and other drugs are strictly forbidden."
"Prohibition doesn't work, it never has, it never will."
"There should be times of mass innovation during times of mass prohibition."
"Every prohibition that Islam has prohibited is something to save you as an individual."
"Just don't go in the cave period end of story."
"Torture is absolutely forbidden in Islam. It is Haram. It is prohibited. Muslims cannot indulge in torture."
"Reward is now banned in Australia, sorry about that."
"Nobody has a right to make something haram that Allah has made halal."
"Sin is not bad because it's forbidden. Sin is forbidden because it's bad."
"No! The blade must remain buried! You cannot have it!"
"When you forbid something, it increases its popularity."
"It is forbidden for you to interfere with human history."
"The prayer... it prohibits you from sins."
"Nothing is more desirable than something you've been told you cannot have."
"I'm excited, I specifically have forbidden her to go in the pin because she will try to hug a cow, guaranteed."
"In just 10 years, Al Capone built an empire through these underground tunnels and speakeasies."
"You can't throw someone in a car, Sean."
"It's been banned in a lot of States, it's illegal in the state of Tennessee."
"Living room packed up like the prohibition."
"The Air Jordan 1 was initially banned by the NBA."
"Do not touch makes me want to touch."
"Despair is haram in every Abrahamic tradition."
"To outlaw is to prescribe. You say that is not allowed, it's prescribed, you can't have it."
"This mass is not forbidden and cannot be forbidden."
"Magic was considered illegal except for potions and divine magic, which were both legal until they weren't."
"I forbid you from lying, stealing, or slaying anyone if you want to be in the baby's life."
"Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population is prohibited."
"The greatest overall category of what saves a person from the fire is doing good deeds and keeping away from what Allah made prohibited."
"Actually banning a door shine would just result in people getting the mail legally and unsafely anyway"
"The only fruit mentioned by name as forbidden in the Bible is a grape."
"Hey, don't do that. Nay, don't do that."
"Some of these gangs are still active today, and while Prohibition has been over for nearly a century, it is clear that organized crime in America is here to stay."
"When you make drinking illegal all that happens is people start drinking with no prior experience and end up drinking to excess."
"This is a man whose business would have made him a vice lord just a very few years before it was illegal in most of the country."
"Allah never forbids anything except that it is harmful, damaging, and destructive."
"From the US Food and Drug Administration's conclusion that LSD was 'the most dangerous drug' to have ever been created, possession of the psychedelic was made illegal in 1968."
"Capone expanded operations to encompass illegal breweries, transportation, and legitimate businesses."
"When you ban something like alcohol, you create underground markets, which can be more harmful than the substance itself."
"So here with when it comes to sorcery having spiritual experiences using things like divination like a Ouija board or other things like that it was forbidden because you're Crossing Realms you're you're you're not abiding by the divine order of things."
"100% prohibited for recreational purposes and for spiritual experiences."
"There is no joy or happiness in those domains that Allah has prohibited."
"The happiness that is found in prohibited things is temporary pleasure, not long-term joy."
"This time there would be no arrests, no fines, and no imprisonments. The only action was to padlock the saloons for one year."
"Anything that's not explicitly legal is outlawed."
"The US government banned alcohol in the 1920s, it set forth a ripple effect through time and now some dude in 2023 has my dream job of making a million dollars a year to convince people of some [ __ ] they already knew."
"Given Europeans prohibited mushrooms and other non-alcoholic intoxicants in the 16th century, their use was driven underground so much so, that during the early 20th century western academics weren't even sure if psychoactive mushrooms existed at all."
"Nobody is allowed to go up there."
"Herb is a plant. I mean, herbs are good for everything. Why these people who want to do so much good for everyone, who call themselves governments and this and that, why them say you must not use the herb?"
"Perhaps the most useless sign in the world is a keep out sign."
"In the mob in New York, facial hair was a no-go. Giving girls head was a no-go. Don't ever do that. And don't ever believe broads. They won't tell nobody because they're [ __ ] liars."
"You cannot do it, I tell you, I won't have it."
"I'll have a drink yeah how long did the prohibition go on for I don't know four years maybe five years imagine that five years without a drink"
"I'm the only one who's not allowed to kill her."
"But they couldn't. You know why not? Because there was a law against it written into the Constitution."
"The government were basically saying they were going to ban them."
"I'm guessing you're not supposed to do that."
"You’re not foam rolling, right? Because for this problem, foam rolling is banned."
"You can't do this. That's the point."
"It was known to the honorable Judge that this is not to be touched."
"You cannot date this person, you absolutely can't."
"I sentence you to live out the rest of your days in the mortal world and to never put your hand on a weapon again."
"You can't buy gum in the park. That one's kind of obvious cuz they don't want people sticking gum places on the ground on trees so they don't sell gum."
"All impure actions with ourselves or with others are forbidden and it's grave matter."
"You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk."
"Thou shalt not eat the blood, thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water."
"That smell is too awful. You can't have those sneakers in the house!"
"I do not condone any Turtle hunting by doggies, okay all you doggies, you better be listening out there you do not get to hunt turtles."
"It feels so authentic to the prohibition era."
"Football was banned for years because of archery practice."
"Man shall not lie with like a boy."
"Everything God has permitted except that which he has explicitly prohibited."
"Everything God has permitted except that which he has been explicitly prohibited."
"Don't do it, that's it, you're done."
"It is illegal to possess or consume alcohol or cannabis products while driving."
"...no vehicles or bikes are allowed on Rock Island."
"Prohibition's not working. The war on drugs does not work."
"In many countries, you are not allowed to trade in addictive drugs or human organs."
"The more we criminalize things, the more we drive the behavior underground."
"Don't do that, bro. Don't do that."
"The core feature of totalitarian systems is the prohibition of questions."
"Twenty-first Amendment ends prohibition, allowing states to regulate alcohol."
"No living thing shall enter Scarsdale Manor ever again."
"...forbidden from ever doing stand-up comedy ever again..."
"Thou shalt not add unto the word which I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it."
"What you've just heard there is a little sample of barbarism. This is the mutilation of children and it should be prohibited by our law."
"Slavery is not going to be allowed here."
"Islam is against fortune telling. Quran says, 'Oh you believe, most certainly, intoxicants and gambling, divination of stones, divination of arrows, obtained from this, Quran says, this fortune telling is sitting in handiwork, abstain from it, that you may prosper.'"
"From 1920 to 1933, when the U.S banned alcohol consumption as a part of the national Prohibition, it hit the local economy pretty hard."
"I hate to talk about marijuana or any illicit drugs because, you know, basically that's how we lived our life in fear, oh God, it's a government from persecuting people for using plants."
"I love studying the American Revolution because people were able to grow an incredible amount of pot back then and get away with it."
"The drug had to be banned and the CIA and the FDA invented stories about the harms of LSD."
"Why why these people want to do so much good for everyone who call themselves governments and this and that why them say You must not use the herb."
"Oglethorpe famously banned liquor as well as slavery from the colony. He knew the dangers of excessive drink."
"Allah prohibited us from dealing with interest is disabled who prohibited the Jewish Community from dealing with interest is prohibited in Christianity for fact river is prohibited in the abrahamic faith for fact."
"Prohibition of alcohol was not limited to the United States in the 1920s."
"perhaps it's not surprising to know that none of these other 1920s prohibitions were especially popular or very effective."
"Prohibition didn't stop drinking, but it did convert a lot of otherwise law-obedient citizens into lawbreakers."
"Moreover, you shall eat no manner of fat... for whosoever eateth the fat... shall be cut off from his people."
"He said, 'No, it's clearly like, you're not allowed.' And then I thought, 'You know what? I'm rapping about gardens and drugs. All the rapping, all the music, it's haram, bro. You can't do it.'"
"The Bible simply does not promote the use of alcohol."
"If it's forbidden in the Scripture, it is forbidden for all believers."
"You're not allowed. Okay. That's what the religion is making impermissible for you."
"The only thing I shall command you to do is to forbid things evil."
"You're not gonna let him sign up, right?"
"Oh no, boy, oh no, no, you can't do that."
"The fundamental principle is that the government can't do indirectly what it's prohibited from doing directly."
"Prohibition was really the jumping-off point in America for a lot of organized crime and gangsters in general."
"The Bible absolutely forbids God's people ever to attempt to try and communicate with the dead."
"...until a degree arrived that forbade anyone on pain of death or exile to Siberia from having anything to do with the foreign Sailors."
"Last time I was there, they told me that I couldn't film, and they were really, really serious about it."
"Forced marriage is not permitted in Canada under any circumstances."
"Arnold Rothstein became one of the biggest bootleggers of the early 1920s."
"Hatred is off the table. It's not something that is permitted."
"You're not allowed to use the word 'hate,' but you are mandated to hate."
"...God forbids tapping into any spiritual power from a source other than Himself."
"Thou shalt not kill no matter how hard you try."
"Thou shalt not steal what does not belong to you."
"There's a couple words that are not allowed to be spoken here okay the first word we can't say is 'no' okay and you also can't say 'you ask me to recycle you no' no you can't say that."
"Al Capone's sunken prohibition-era speakeasy revealed in eerie photos."
"Prohibition ended on December 5th, 1933 right in the middle of the Great Depression."
"There shall never be another cemetery within the Chicago city limits."
"We do not condone stealing, no condoning."
"The worst act you can do is to put something in this religion that neither Allah nor his messenger allowed."
"Prohibition may have shut down all the bars in 1920, but if you wanted alcohol, Atlantic City certainly had it."
"Here is the secret: set apart the forbidden."
"Several people came around. He was later banned from playing."
"The Sentinel forbid outsiders from coming to their island and kill those who try to get to them."
"A judge also banned him from driving for 2 years."
"The Abyss runneth deep. By the King's decree. None may disturb our mistress's slumber. Turn back, unknowing visitor."
"What began as a daring adventure during prohibition soon spiraled out of control."
"It's against the law. I don't want to discuss this with you."
"However, there was one wish she could never grant: the wish of resurrection, which was strictly forbidden."
"Mut was permitted then abrogated then permitted then abrogated and it will remain forbidden until the Day of Resurrection."
"You cannot show me that within our books of fatwa or Akida. Something like that is permissible is absolutely Haram."
"If you drink coffee in 2022, you're not allowed to attend your own son's wedding in a Mormon temple."
"What is not allowed is to put perfume on yourself with the intention of perfume."
"Do not film this. Do not film what we're showing. It was like we were all... it was like everyone's like laughing and like frolicking and like eating nerds and skittles in this home theater having fun and then it was like do not film this."
"Verily, intoxicants and gambling are the filthy acts of the devil, so stay away from it so that you may prosper."
"The Prophet Muhammad cursed all four: the one who takes RIBA, the one who gives RIBA, the one who records the transaction, and the two witnesses."
"If you were taking RIBA even after this revelation has come, then not only do you belong to the Hellfire but more than that you remain there forever."
"Idol culture is taken very seriously in Japan, which is why dating is prohibited in the idol world."
"Red o means no - no motor vehicles."
"If you work on the Sabbath, what happens to you? You die. You get cut off."