
Language Impact Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Stop saying 'I can't.' You CAN. Whenever I say 'I can't do this,' I catch myself. It's not 'I can't,' it's 'I won't' or 'I don't prefer to.'"
"Words are powerful. Language is powerful. It can make somebody do horrible things and think the worst about ourselves."
"The language we use degrades animals, but they're individuals with feelings."
"The term cracker just does not mean and have the same implications as the n-word."
"Words matter. They hurt and they will live with you forever."
"It's not just a word. It's a word rooted in hatred and evil."
"Some words can be offensive because they are dehumanizing or worse."
"It's this kind of dismissive language that both invalidates victims of child sexual trauma and allows their abusers to continue down a path of Destruction."
"If the sentence contains the word life, appeal is almost mandatory."
"Light cursing can make you seem more authentic to your supporters but there are shades of language that are dangerous."
"The only reason swearing has power is because of how people react to it."
"The language you're using is the language of abuse."
"Linguistic relativity: Does language shape our worldview?"
"We don't want to see a kid starting with Nicholas Sturgeon who now talks about detesting the conservative. I think that language is really dangerous."
"Man's word is his wand filled with magic and power."
"Yes, all slurs have history and yes, they're all offensive to somebody but they cannot be held to the same standard."
"Calling it a baby minimizes the options that the pregnant person feels like they have."
"His words wound people. That's how he hurts people."
"We have an opportunity to support one another."
"Language is a substitute for action, crazy but true."
"Language makes reality. Trans women are women is catechism."
"When somebody calls you a racist this is far worse than somebody who casually drops the n-word."
"That language is trivializing of domestic violence."
"It changes the complexion entirely of what the word 'monster' means. For Chopper, it's only ever had negative connotations, it's only ever meant pain for him—the idea of 'monster' as others have ostracized him."
"The more extreme you could make a situation, the more extreme language you could use, the more emotional ammunition you have."
"I'm hoping that one day we can just stop caring about what words mean and what words weigh."
"This word is bigger than a term of endearment, this word is a very powerful word."
"Vulgar comedy works because it teaches everyone to not care about these hurtful words."
"If thought can corrupt, language cannot also corrupt thought?"
"Expect some new epithets at the end of this conflict."
"Fear should push it away. 'Can't' should not be in your vocabulary."
"Intention is everything. If your energy is good, using a curse word isn't necessarily a bad thing."
"But for it to become so synonymous with the most shocking and upsetting thing for you to say, for that to also be the word you should dehumanize Black folks is actually quite an indictment of the phrase."
"Words matter. Words create and build and convey not only idea but character. They bring these people to life."
"When you have mental things going on with you, and people say, 'You're triggered.' That is a deadly word."
"Words matter. Words have been and still are used to inflict pain and to make people feel less than equal."
"Instead of saying landlord say owner which is like a hundred times more racist and offensive."
"Language is so powerful it can literally destroy a person or it can help a person."
"Learning a language... changes the posture of how you approach people from that culture."
"Language changed everything. It's so understated, but it's allowed us to accumulate knowledge from one generation to another."
"And I agree it's it comes down to sometimes language and leadership. Some of these things we're talking about don't necessarily require massive checks. They require some leadership."
"That languaging is in essence what you're doing is you're harming your abuser because you're staying in the relationship with them."
"That's why you shouldn't sometimes say, 'Oh, I could never do that,' because that's not true and you don't want to reinforce that in that kind of language into your head."
"It takes you one second to think about the language that comes out of your mouth, and it's going to take you an exceptionally longer amount of time to fix a child's broken spirit."
"We're talking creatures who affect each other through the language we use."
"Hate is a really strong word and it's not a very nice word."
"It changes, it alters your mind through language."
"Language skills developed in preschool and kindergarten have their greatest impact on the reading process in later grades, third and fourth and beyond."