
Positive Interaction Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Complimenting a woman or girl is a great skill to have because it makes her feel good, and when she feels good, she associates feeling good with being with you."
"What's the nicest thing your tics have said? I think I've called someone gorgeous before."
"I almost felt like this message was taking me down a peg so I took a deep breath and I went back into the message and I realized this person was really really sweet."
"If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you."
"You are amazing... Oh thank you very much, very cool."
"Hopefully you guys have an amazing rest of your day."
"You can't have a good, positive relationship with a person that you don't understand."
"Having that kind of nodding, genuine smile, open posture and maintaining eye contact, that is a great way to have excellent conversations."
"Thanks for the discussion, it was wonderful."
"You're breathtaking! You're all breathtaking!"
"Pedro says he is pleasantly surprised about getting help from the younger generation."
"If she engages well with your kids, that's a green flag."
"Everybody was on their p's and q's. Look how respectable everybody is presenting themselves. I love it!"
"Your apology is accepted, good sir! Let us not obsess over the past. We will look towards the future!"
"Any good word will find cooperative sentiment with any other good word."
"We've got Kobe in the Super Chat as well, yo shout out to Rev and everyone keeping it poke positive in the chat."
"You are making my day even better than it is."
"My challenge to Lucasfilm is, respect the fans for 365 days in a row. Do not engage negatively with the fan."
"Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences; it's been a wonderful conversation."
"Welcome back everybody! Thank you so much for joining us. I hope you're having an amazing day."
"People don't realize their influence... everything they come in contact with."
"I want to say a huge thank you for being you, for being here. I hope you guys are having a fantastic day."
"My goal... is that everybody feels like they had a good experience, everybody feels like they were heard."
"You look so happy, that's awesome. Thank you."
"Thank you so much and yeah and hopefully we can do this again soon this is really great thank you."
"He was really nice and really helpful and really understanding with everything."
"Thank you guys so much for being so respectful."
"That's great. I love hearing that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts."
"I've really enjoyed that we've had a bit of a laugh which is what it should always be about."
"He always came across as one of the nicest guys in the world, always friendly, smiling, you know, just a super guy really about it all."
"Be positive, remember their name, smile, and eventually have empathy."
"They want to make you happy, they want to see you laughing, they want to see you smiling again."
"No one pissed me off there. I think you guys are all great."
"It's about assuming the best out of someone while dating."
"Pretend everybody you meet had a flashing sign under their chest that says, 'Say something good to me. Make me feel special. I want to be somebody.'"
"Thank you, that means a lot to me, I appreciate it."
"If you're kind and you speak to people with a smile and love, you will always be beautiful."
"When you come to somebody with pure, absolute, unadulterated love, typically the response to that, the reception to that, is attractive to the recipient."
"Remember that people respond well to communication, not abuse."
"This campfire chat was a huge step in the right direction."
"Snoopy's always got his back and it's never really mean-spirited."
"Phase rush is so much better. That might actually have been the nicest comment I've seen in chat all day."
"Thank you for making today a beautiful day. And thanks for those kisses, Apollo. All right, everyone, have a good day. Lots of love and light. Take care."
"Be nice to people, yeah, be nice to plug in kindness."
"I've had an absolute blast doing this with you and I hope you've had a good time too."
"Thank you very much for this. What's up buddy, great to see you!"
"Did you like her? I did like Miss Halderson a lot."
"Josephine Mathias was actually a really pleasant conversation."
"Good thing I only brought four things. The lady was awesome, she's so sweet."
"Keep playing, keep high-fiving each other, be nice to each other."
"Shoutouts to the crowd for supplying so much energy and love."
"You're such a wonderful delight and delightful person to talk to."
"This person is gonna put a giant smile on your face."
"Yes, hey Scott, no problem, good luck out there, thanks."
"You guys definitely make an impact on a lot of people."
"Thank you so much, you are a wonderful person and a blessing for me to sit and talk with."
"What an absolute pleasure it has been to chat with you and I look forward to hopefully continuing many of these conversations in the future."
"Have a wonderful day sir and thank you guys alright have a great day everybody Batman."
"It's nice coming from Instagram where people are like here's an emoji and then you guys here on YouTube expressing like gratitude and compliments and encouragement is awesome."
"A contact, a smile, a compliment, a sign of hope... can be what stops someone from taking their own life."
"When somebody meets Darius for the first time what do you hope they think? - That he's awesome (laughs)."
"Thank you guys so much, man, you guys are the best!"
"Smiling has been our most effective means of plugging in."
"We connected immediately... it was fun, not awkward at all."
"Encouragement should be the fruit of accompaniment."
"He's alive! Oh good. Maybe you're a good kid for letting me know."
"Working on that side of our relationship, how we treat each other, our behavior, all of that allows us to focus on the fun and the happiness and the flirting and the dating and the sparkle."
"Could there be a more positive, supportive community on the internet than what we got going on over here? I am grateful for all of you."
"People are going to love you this month, they're going to be interested in what you're having to say, they're going to listen to you."
"Thank you for being here today. You are always truly appreciated. Take care, guys, much love."
"You really make them feel good about themselves."
"Lead on with a smile and some love and you'll get the exact same back, I promise you."
"I appreciate that a lot. I'll definitely keep in contact."
"Helping people is nice. The cheerful reactions of rescued clients transcends language barriers and really is one of the most unique gaming experiences I've ever had."
"Hey, that was nice of him. That was super nice of him, actually."
"She's concentrating on the pattern and she's really enjoying your attention."
"It's never like a dare, it's like you're cheering each other on."
"Have an amazing day, make sure you be kind to somebody. See you guys tomorrow!"
"I really like you man thank you Winnie that is a a compliment can you tell it's great riffs it's gonna respect you I like you"
"Wow, someone actually invited me out. He's really nice, I don't know, he's really sweet."
"Congrats big guy, I had to pull over and say that."
"Appreciate it, guys. Lots of love in the chat."
"Very good, very good indeed to you, Brian. Hey, Lucas, appreciate that. This is living."
"Lots of couples are in love but Noah and Mallory are enjoyed for each other it's not that they just love it they like each other their best for it and it's beautiful to see how that flows out."
"You're always so happy to see everybody and you make everyone feel so welcome."
"You guys are like the nicest subscriber base."
"Master giving out compliments, a great way to show genuine appreciation for the other person."
"This has been such a great conversation. I feel like I have to have you back sometime. Please, please, that would be great."
"Smiling brightens your light even a little smile to a stranger can leave behind a long trail of good vibes."
"I promise you this ain't beef, that's how we build with love."
"They seem to be genuinely legitimately excited to meet you."
"Your words can be very generous...giving compliments giving encouragement to other people."
"Show us some love, you know, and you know many times over what you show will reflect you know so you give love and you get love."
"You see how you just took a picture with that little boy over there? You made his day."
"Be better to each other, be excellent to each other."
"It's a little kitty cat, wow! Oh, they wouldn't attack us. The kitty cat's nice, right? It brought the baby to its garden."
"It's really cool to see people actually say that they like me for my personality."
"You guys are amazing, I'll see you very soon."
"Thank you each and every one of you for all of your support and the positivity that you have with engaging with Ed and I on crime time with Duty rock. You guys are again what makes this a great place. I mean, thank you, thank you."
"I've never seen a man this kind to me. He's so kind."
"I think you catch more flies with honey in a situation like this."
"Welcome mr moon hope you guys are having a great friday so far"
"Haikyuu community is amazing and the most positive one."
"She listened. She fu*ing listened. She listened, she actually listened. There's no way. Yo, thank you for being nice. Thank you."
"It was really nice talking to you. I hope we can talk again soon."
"Hey there hot stuff, like who's not gonna smile?"
"Thank you for this beautiful experience as well, especially those of you on the comments that go help other people in the comments."
"Heavy tank thanking an arty, that's how the game should be."
"I've always done this, just kind of like ask questions like what's up, what's that, like I just, I'm a curious type of person, so and they were really, really sweet about it and excited to talk about it, which that I love, I just love it."
"Good luck have fun, I hope I made your day a little bit better."
"So many people are so nasty, let's be kind. I'm into it."
"The flow was smooth, the laughs genuine, the love felt."
"Your community is really wonderful and positive and like I'm just reading like the comments as we go and it's just really nice and insightful and polite to each other and it's really nice to see you've carved out like a really cool community, yeah."
"The officer is super chill with him and very kind."
"There will be progress, there will be movement, there will be this Mutual beautiful bright energy."
"Come on, Lady, come on, Lady friends! Awesome guys, so much hype right now, honestly so much love and respect to you all."
"You guys overload me with joy, and it just really enlightens my day."
"You are changing people's day and you are changing people's lives with how you come off to people."
"It's not gonna be like they come in like 'you're my you're the one,' you know, it's just more like the way that you guys kind of get along, it's gonna be positive."
"They love anything to do with humor and funny things."
"Doing this is just very good, very good. Wonderful, wonderful to see you, and thank you very much."
"I have met some incredible men and women with Down syndrome and they were just the best, most honest, most beautiful people inside and out."
"It was an amazing conversation, let's go ahead and just jump right into it."
"Telling my parents about him was actually really easy for me, they saw how amazing and sweet and considerate he is."
"You guys have been amazing, thanks very much for all the positivity and kindness."
"Whenever I spend time with you, I'm enlightened."
"It's been so great, everybody's been respectful."
"I'm so happy too, so it's like it's awesome good mix and she's she's great."
"If you notice something really beautiful about someone, you should tell them."
"I wouldn't refer to you as a bald guy... there's so much more to you that is fascinating and interesting."
"Glad to see you get man... you look healthy... that's the most important thing... I'm in a good space man."
"Thank you guys, you guys have been awesome today, seriously."
"If you make a good game and you be good to people, they will be good to you."
"Mad love and respect to everyone passing through today's stream."
"I love hyping people up like even people just out in the world if I see someone and I'm like."
"This has been wonderful, amazing. One of the most interesting discussions I've ever had with anyone."
"Everybody's so creative and just so nice to each other and awesome."
"I talked to the PhotoPass photographer and I talked to a few families who are around and everybody seems to be like really happy and really orderly."
"I am wonderful, you're looking incredible today!" - Positive interaction between hosts.
"I know, I appreciate it. Bless your face, dude."
"It was a great conversation, really lovely person."
"You're definitely coming off very well in this exchange."
"Wow, that was a good moment between them."
"I'm glad to have you guys. I met Reg Rick last night in the livestream who came here because he saw this. Man, you guys are cool, good people."
"Thank you for the opportunity. It's a pleasure meeting you. You're freaking awesome."
"I just had the best interaction with Shangi."
"It was a great interaction, we got a little photo and it was so cute."
"Thank you so much for joining me, like, I literally had so much fun talking to you."
"Well, Shane, I really appreciate it. It has been absolutely great."
"I really can't emphasize enough how great of a chat this was."
"I love hearing from good parents. It's just such good people that reach out."
"Excited to spend some time with you excellent."
"Go out, have a great day, and be nice to each other."
"Who doesn't like a nice positive compliment from time to time when you're in the fragrances and somebody wants to tell you you smell nice? Doesn't it make you feel good?"
"We just met today, but we already got good vibes."
"That's pretty dope when they reunited, okay they still got some good chemistry."
"I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day, you will definitely be seeing me soon."
"You're all beautiful people, and I enjoy reading the stuff you post online."
"Good morning, how are you doing? Welcome aboard."
"Hello my friends, how are you doing today?"
"As long as you're building that bond, as long as you're having that positive interaction with your parrot from the very beginning and you're always reinforcing it, they're going to be willing and more eager to do things with you."
"Honestly, my good sir, please do."
"The principle of reciprocity: if you walk into a room and you smile at the person, you are incredibly warm and energetic, that person is also gonna smile back."
"Truly, I hope you're doing well, and I appreciate you being here."
"Interact with your loved one as if they were better."
"I want to see kindness between the two of you."
"Good people coming together, that's what it's all about."
"Make the interactions feel good... If the interaction just feels good, you're going to make progress."
"Have a lovely day and I'll see you soon."
"You guys are amazing, you blew me away with all your generosity, your sweet comments."
"Hello Miss Rosabella, that's a lovely smile."
"It's kind of exciting to think like, wow, I can meet someone that is so sweet and thoughtful and affectionate."
"This was like an amazing moment of good faith discourse."
"We'd actually gotten very good at making friends."
"The staff of Hermes represents very solid communication or just positive communication between you and another person."
"Thank you for being so kind to me."
"I just wanted to say that I love your outfit."
"Synergy, it's a word. It means when things meld together in a good way."
"I'm never gonna attack you personally, you've been nothing but sweet and everything right."
"Have a great day, I'll see you next time."
"He was such a likable fella, always a pat on the back, always a really cool way about him."
"It's refreshing to talk to people that just have such good energy."
"The employee was super nice, he was just giving off good vibes."
"You're probably the nicest people I've ever met in my life."
"We want to give them a positive experience of having other human beings with whom they can be friends and whom they can interact and build social supports just like everyone needs."
"It's beautiful, the ladies there were incredible, so personable, so chatty, so helpful."
"Appreciate all your positive energy and your support of one another in the comments section."
"I've never come across such a nice, chilled out bunch of people."
"It is good and refreshing to see people online reacting with support and love instead of jealousy and hate."
"Just nice people, people can just be nice sometimes."
"You have yourself a great day, I really enjoyed having you in my shop and I'll see you again soon."
"Thank you so much. This is good chemistry."
"I always feel much better after talking to you."
"We met a super friendly gentleman, just such a friendly guy."
"You've been the absolute treat with the spirited comments."
"Thank you. Hope you have a great day today."
"I was there and everything and he was dead nice to little kids, really nice guy."
"Enjoy your afternoon, guys. Thank you so much, have a great day."
"This is such a wonderful community, I love all of the uplifting comments that you guys give one another."
"It's been so great talking to you both, what a delight."