
Meal Prep Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"Introducing a flavorful sauce into your meal prep can turn even the simplest meals into something you're excited to eat."
"Meal prepping is also something that really helps me when it comes to food waste, when it comes to planning, and just ensuring that I'm making healthy wholesome food, but also that I'm wasting as little as possible."
"This recipe is perfect for meal prep because it makes a lot."
"It's meal prep that doesn't suck, all the meals are backed by nutrition science and they taste great as well."
"One of the best ways to avoid that is to have a base grain in your fridge cooked and ready to go."
"The goal of meal prep is to really nail down a balance of foods."
"One of my biggest pet peeves are people that don't take advantage of leftovers."
"The last mistake I see when it comes to food prep is thinking that it's a chore."
"I basically have to force myself to get used to doing meal prep one day of just like forcing myself through it and then I get to enjoy and reap the rewards."
"These will definitely come in handy for lunches like bagels or sandwiches."
"28 meals, 100% from scratch, plus pre-cooked for future ease."
"The veggies differ depending on what I'm cooking for the week."
"Most of HelloFresh's meals are on the table in about 30 minutes."
"Welcome back to the channel; if you're ready to get this epic burrito meal prep video underway, then as always, I'm here to cook for you."
"Meal prepping... takes such a load off throughout the rest of your week."
"The dressing has to be healthy and I'm recommending people make a big bowl of healthy vegetable bean soup on the weekend."
"A major pro for meal prep is not counting calories."
"Meal prep means you get to put a lot of love and time and energy into your food."
"Homemade burger patties or falafels are an amazing thing to have on hand and to meal prep."
"The beauty of a sheet pan dinner... everything gets prepped on prep day."
"Prepping a salad for the entire week is a great idea."
"Frozen coconut yogurt cubes make smoothies a breeze."
"Grilled chicken keeps really well for meal prep."
"I absolutely love reading all y'all's comments on my meal prep videos about how much they've helped you reach your health and weight loss goals."
"My fridge is fully stocked and ready to go for the week."
"If you are enjoying this healthy meal prep series, be sure to give this video a thumbs up."
"Don't forget that for this week's meal prep I have the free downloadable grocery shopping list linked below."
"We're gonna get these in the freezer but I need to do a big thumbnail picture with them so for now we're just putting these back in the refrigerator."
"Enjoy clean eating without the hassle, choose your meals and enjoy fresh flavor packed meals delivered to your door in just two already in two minutes of a quick microwave."
"Cooking once or twice a week will drastically cut down the amount of time that you spend in the kitchen."
"Ensuring food safety and proper storage is crucial for meal prep."
"Meal prepping is about saving time, money, and making eating better easier, so keep your bigger goal in mind."
"It's really not that hard if you strategically do a little meal prepping."
"It took maybe 15 minutes of prep, but we're going to cook like an entire week's worth of food in about an hour."
"Do you know what an amazing game this is? Looked as if it was going completely one way, all of a sudden we're almost level again."
"The reason I call these pancakes toaster pancakes is because I heat them up in the toaster when I meal prep them. This is life-changing if you're a pancake lover."
"Everything is perfectly portioned and measured so it's so easy to do."
"Welcome back to another video. Today, I am doing an extreme budget challenge where I am making five dinners feeding my family of four for just $25."
"If you're trying to create multiple meals on the same budget, figure out things that you can use and buy and then use them across multiple meals."
"All of these meal prepping ideas are perfect if you are in a rush at night and you need a quick dinner."
"Rather than prepping meals, prep ingredients that you can then make into meals."
"I cannot stress enough how having pre-prepped protein in the refrigerator makes it so much easier to put together healthy lunches and dinners during the week."
"Look at these amazing meals, guys: all affordable, all easy to prepare, all freezable for up to 90 days, all healthy and delicious."
"Are you ready for eight breakfast freezer meals that use whole foods, simple ingredients, and taste that the whole family can agree on?"
"These breakfast freezer meals are busy morning grab-and-go approved."
"The last two weeks at the start of the week, I will meal prep, and that has been the biggest game changer."
"That's why I'm gonna prep up my freezer now, stock it full with some keto freezer meals."
"So my intention today is to share with you guys my favorite keto freezer meals that will provide enough keto dinners to last pretty much the entire month."
"Try really hard to clean up as you go so you don't get so discouraged and never meal prep again."
"Whatever I get done will be very helpful for our week."
"We've got a lot of easy meals, I think I'm done cooking for a week."
"If you're ready to change your life with my style of freezer meals that can be frozen raw, a membership to our VIP site will be your best friend."
"I'm a full-time working mom with two kids and I love to meal prep on the weekends."
"Let's do a food shop, let's get some nice healthy food in for the week ahead."
"If you do it once per week and you dedicate two hours, you shop and you meal prep, you're gonna remove an entire week's worth of decision making and willpower battles. You're gonna prepare ahead of time and pave the path to success."
"Your meal prep time will drop considerably when you're eating an animal-based diet."
"The goal of this meal prep is not to have fully cooked meals that I can just reheat in the microwave during the week, because honestly, prepping five lunches and five dinners on one day takes too much time."
"Best of all, by spending just one hour on meal prep, I get to spend the rest of my Sunday doing fun stuff, like hanging out with my family and friends, traveling, or just relaxing."
"It took 30 minutes total with just 10 minutes of active cooking. That is the beauty of this meal prep."
"Isn't it great that when you're doing something difficult like a fat loss diet that requires a lot of your cognitive bandwidth that you can free up 10 hours of the day with bulk meal prep? Yes."
"...because one thing about meal prepping is it's only helpful if you actually eat the food that you prepped."
"When it comes to meal prep you need a protein something that you can really base a meal around but that protein whatever it is has to be functional."
"The trick to eating whole leafy greens is really to meal prep."
"So I thought it would be a good idea to set aside at least one day where I can make a handful of meals for breakfast and dinner to stock my freezer so my future self will thank me."
"I have a fully stocked freezer now of breakfast and dinner meals and I feel so good about it."
"Why not make two or three or even four and have those in the freezer ready to go on another night when you don't feel like cooking or you're tempted to order pizza or have takeout."
"If there is one big tip that I could give you guys to make meal prep easier, that would be to have all of your vegetables prepped out ahead of time."
"Prep does not have to be that complicated."
"I promise you this little bit of effort on the weekend before you start the week is worth the little bit of time."
"One great way to make sure you are maintaining a healthy diet is with very easy meal prep delivery by Factor."
"Meatloaf is truly one of those dinners that works perfect to be a freezer meal just because the simplicity of it."
"It's like, if you know you need to make dinner and you don't know what to make, you can just grab something right from your freezer. So simple."
"Can we feed our family seven main dishes"
"I would have loved to meal prep more but I really wanted to showcase to you guys some meals that I'm loving right now that are super easy but are still really tasty."
"Meal prep makes eating healthy during the week so much easier."
"Repurposing containers for meal prep is a great way to reduce waste."
"No prep, no cleanup. Just heat and eat. That's it."
"Enjoy meal prep breakfast sandwiches with me for the new week."
"Prepping healthy ingredients ahead of time always makes meal time so much easier during the week."
"Frozen veggies make meal prep much easier."
"Instead of ordering takeout, clean out your refrigerator and make a dish from what you have."
"Meal prepping is an extremely successful behavior."
"Find a way to work with a meal prep company, try to get some Meals On Deck so that you can literally just either warm it up at work before you leave or go home warm it up so you don't have to spend time cooking."
"Not only is it going to taste amazing but it's just going to be the easiest meal prep you've ever done cuz you don't have to do it."
"I find meal prepping to be something so amazing."
"Often times when we're cooking dinner and I make liver, I'll stash it in the freezer to be able to crumble it into things like that."
"... freeze-dried meal prep, that's what this is, what it is."
"You guys know I'm obsessed with HelloFresh. I cook at least one meal a week, and things that I would never look up to cook on my own."
"The key to my meal prepping is waiting to put dressings or too much sauces on until I'm going to actually eat it because otherwise, it's just going to get soggy and gross."
"It's so simple once you have your ground turkey meal prepped, you can honest to god make this in one to two minutes."
"...you can make a pot of lentils for a meal prep to have throughout the week to round out your meals and from start to finish it's 25 minutes and you have to do zero prep work."
"The instant pot is incredibly useful for batch cooking and meal prepping beans and lentils."
"Super excited to show you guys how quick and easy it is to make healthy lunches whether you're at home or taking them on the go."
"Meal prepping is a major component of that. It's a major attribute to why I can be successful and get results."
"It's really easy to pack all these veggies and have it ready to go."
"For breakfast prep, I'm planning on doing breakfast bowls."
"I like to think of meal prep kind of like a budget. Get the most bang for your buck."
"Welcome to another Sunday meal prep video."
"Hello Fresh saves the day for me every time, especially in this heat. I'll be honest, not a lot of energy, I don't have a lot of energy."
"This meal prep came out absolutely beautiful. I'm actually really proud of this."
"Something I love to have in the fridge all week is a tomato salad."
"Five dinners prepped for my family basically our entire week's worth of meals in right around an hour, that's a win in my book."
"These containers are my favorite thing to use when prepping Freezer Meals."
"I'm making like 20 freezer meals. That's over two weeks of dinners!"
"With a lot of these things that are kind of breakfast items I'm going to make up some quick breakfast sandwiches to have in the freezer so this is a little bit of a freezer meal prep item."
"If you don't know what hello fresh is it's basically where you can go online order your meals for the week."
"I think a large part of meal prep finally feeling sustainable for me is that I try to embrace simplicity."
"Each of the bento boxes is two layers, which is perfect for a main meal in one container and snacks in the other to keep you full all day long."
"Just get ahead a month's worth of one or two meals and then next week or next month start getting ahead more and then you'll always stay ahead."
"It's so important to meal prep. If I don't have time to eat, I'm not the type to eat rubbish."
"Factor cuts out any of the planning, cooking, or cleaning–and meals are ready in 2 minutes or less."
"ready to heat meal kits Me and it says it right here they're fresh never frozen meals Chef prepared dietician approved no prep No Mess which I love"
"Everything comes pre-proportioned, you know exactly how much food you need for each meal."
"Cook just enough to have a few extra meals throughout the week."
"Make two or three extra portions... so that we have additional meals that we can eat through the week for our lunches."
"Meal prep doesn't have to be boring. This is taking me about an hour and 15, hour and 20 minutes to do in total, and that's with filming. So if you weren't filming and you were really efficient, you could probably do it in an hour and a half, hour and 15 too."
"I feel like I've just been showing you me cooking various things in this kitchen, but today's like a meal prep day, so a lot of cooking ensues."
"Because guess what doordash is unfortunately my best friend but with factor I feel like I don't have to use doordash because I have so many easy quick meals sitting in my fridge ready to go."
"Daily Harvest really takes the guess work and effort out of cooking."
"Factor makes it so much easier, you can skip the grocery stores, the prep work, the cooking fatigue."
"Imagine never having to shop for ground beef again."
"Welcome to today's video and welcome to the final video of me trying out different meal preps."
"I've been loving doing the veggie kits lately. You guys know it, but I want to go ahead and make some lunch."
"Factor meals help you skip all the prep, all the cooking, the chopping, the cleaning up."
"We’ve been doing this since before these two were born. It started out as our favorite thing to do on a date night in, and it’s still that sometimes, but mostly HelloFresh is our secret shortcut to healthy and delicious meals for the whole family."
"My New Year's resolution was to be better at meal prepping and planning and just overall eat healthier."
"Having those meals readily available is the key."
"Hopefully you guys liked seeing that little grocery haul and easy meal prep."
"...don't forget I'll have all the important links for this meal prep listed for y'all in the description box below."
"Let's get started with meal prep."
"You can make up big delicious salads, put them in the fridge, and help yourself throughout the week with lunches and dinners."
"The biggest thing to do: HelloFresh cuts back on time spent in the kitchen."
"No grocery shopping, no cutting peeling chopping washing."
"All the food comes in pre-portioned ingredients, which means that you spend less time meal prepping and you waste less food."
"Having dinner ready every night does not require you to get a pricey meal subscription box or hire a personal chef or spend every single weekend in the kitchen."
"Veggie chopping takes a long time, so even if you're not a meat eater, meal prepping and chopping up your vegetables a lot saves a lot of time later in the week for you."
"If you're trying to avoid restaurants or eat out a little less, I highly recommend meal prepping."
"Meal prepping usually results in saving money and eating healthier."
"Meal prepping really does make your life easier."
"Sometimes just having the meat thawed is a huge step in the right direction for meal prep."
"I'm really trying to get in the mindset of meal prepping."
"...these delicious meals not only have helped me continue to eat better, but they are the thing that I look forward to during a very, very long workday."
"You just want to sit down, have a nice cooked meal and, guess what, get 40% off meal prep with code 'dozen'."
"Let's meal prep some breakfast sandwiches."
"We did it! We've got everything plated up. We've got five weeknight meals for two for just under twenty dollars."
"I'm just not a meal prep girl. I am not a meal plan girl. Like, I'm just not."
"...now you have three new meal in a jar recipes to add to your repertoire and your prepper pantry."
"Big batch meal prep like this also helps you save money by taking advantage of sales."
"Meal prepping is kind of the way to go with a big family."
"...you can assemble them with sandwiches without the condiments of course and just wrap them up and pop them in a freezer bag and then the night before just defrost it in the fridge and you have a perfect grab-and-go lunch it works out really well."
"Meal prep is a completely other thing to talk about... I don't meal prep everything... I've identified and discovered systems that are much more effective and efficient for me."
"The simpler you keep it the easier it is honestly if you feel like making a fancy meal and spicing it up you totally can the meal will be there for tomorrow."
"Sometimes when life is busy... it's just nice to have a meal ready in the fridge to grab and shove into your mouth."
"This kale salad lasts for days in the fridge."
"I'm going to be showing you how to make the best meal pre chicken you'll have this year."
"With HelloFresh, it eliminates the hassle of grocery shopping and meal planning."
"Meal prep or even freezer meals, highly recommend it."
"If you ever feel like you're too busy to cook or you just want to change your eating habits and eat a little healthier, please please please check out Factor because a lot of these companies that do these meal prep and delivery services, the flavor just don't be there."
"Meal prep. You can start doing this now. Nail down the recipes that you like and freeze them."
"...meal prepping was a game changer... the bulk was like it was muscle and I felt so good..."
"Seriously, do it. Start meal prepping. It's going to help you tremendously."
"The Magic Bullet is ideal for turning leftovers like last night's chicken and vegetables into taste-tempting chicken salad for a six-second homemade lunch."
"I like to focus on lunches that are fun but also easy to make."
"HelloFresh legit just makes life easier, at least for me, it truly does."
"It sounds crazy but HelloFresh legit just makes life easier, at least for me, it truly does."
"I'm a busy guy and I don't have time to think about meals like I just legit don't."
"It's really easy to create a balanced meal if you have the items pre-prepped."
"What helped me be the most successful this week was just meal prepping."
"That is one of the great things about these jar meals - it keeps you out of the restaurants and the takeout and the delivery and it saves you some money, it saves you some time."
"Your meal preps are gonna save your life for your lunch and dinner meals."
"It's still really good to have a food scale on hand especially when it comes to meal prepping. When I'm meal prepping I'm almost always going to use the food scale so I know exactly how much to put in every single container."
"Someone please bless me and save me with a high protein meal prep recipe that tastes good and don't be sending me [ __ ] like this because this is a joke I cannot believe this man actually sent me this"
"I've actually made those lasagnas and popped them in the freezer because I think that they will freeze, and then the moisture in the sweet potato will help them with cooking later on."
"This is a great make-ahead meal for the week."
"Trifecta Nutrition is the best meal prep on earth."
"Curries are other one pot wonders that you can make them a way ahead of time and put in the fridge."
"A reminder to you, if you are at a point in your life where you are able to make a double of a casserole or something, make one now, put the other one in the freezer to bring out at a later date. It is just such a treat to have a couple of those in your freezer."
"Meal prep isn't just about planning, it's about flexibility and creativity."
"We're making the ingredients to make different meals throughout the week."
"That's 3 months worth of meals, that's not even all of them."
"I was able to come up with almost 16 meals here."
"When you're making freezer meals, why not make dinner for the next couple nights, right?"
"Meal prepping allows my family to eat healthy balanced meals throughout the week and makes meal times less stressful."
"I like to meal prep ingredients instead of complete meals so that we can mix and match foods to create a variety of healthy flavorful meals throughout the week."
"You could probably even make a larger batch of this and meal prep it to have a few days worth of lunches if you wanted to."
"Make yourself some freezer meals, and I bet you'll find some time."
"You can freeze these packets and then when it's time to cook some dinner on a weeknight, you just grab one of those, toss it into the oven."
"I don't have a lot of time in my life right now to invest a couple of hours into meal prepping and meal planning."
"Meal prepping is a really great way to save both time and money."
"Meal prepping is so flippin' easy, you guys."
"I'm like okay blackberries and blueberries I can put in a yogurt bowl, add some pumpkin seeds and flax seeds on top. Great, that's one meal. That's like a breakfast meal."
"Do not make meal prep harder than it needs to be. If you do not have a rice cooker, you need to get one. Having a rice cooker has been one of the easiest ways to make sure I always got rice on hand."
"...increasing the quantity of something you're already cooking is one of the easiest ways to start meal prepping..."
"...if I end up going out to dinner unplanned or like if I just come home and I don't feel like eating what I've already prepped I can pop that meal into the freezer..."
"If you want to save some money this year and eat healthier, start with the basics of meal prepping."
"They deliver you ingredients and a recipe card, and you can cook a meal from scratch."
"Gusto, our family have tried Gusto quite a lot and personally I think it's my favorite meal prep that I've ever tried."
"We need dinner? Great, we've got it. It's in the freezer."
"Make sure you not only make time to go to the grocery store but also prep your food."
"You're going to pack a lunch with leftovers and go to the park with your family."