
Evacuation Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"We need to evacuate, because it's the only way we can prevent a disaster."
"We have just concluded the largest air evacuation of civilians in American history; it was heroic, it was historic."
"The fire produced a huge plume of black smoke, leading to the evacuation of a portion of the city of Superior."
"Thousands of people in the Philippines evacuating after the restive Taal Volcano spewed a plume of gas and steam more than half a mile high."
"Massive release on local radio, people were given like two hours to take only the most important things."
"Millions of people... suffered both mental and physical trauma as a result of being evacuated."
"We are the United States military and we fully intend to successfully evacuate all American citizens who want to get out of Afghanistan..."
"How the hell does it make any sense to withdraw your military before your civilians?"
"Pripyat was abandoned exactly 36 hours after the explosion."
"Don't leave your pets behind when you're evacuating."
"The more people that heed evacuation, the less likely that you're going to see fatalities."
"If people will heed evacuation orders, I have a 100 percent guarantee that they will not die from storm surge."
"Just get away from the storm, that's the easy way to put it."
"Finally they're getting out of there like they should have done all along."
"An 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocks the coast of Chile, driving almost a million people to evacuate their homes."
"There's nothing innocent about that. Get out everybody! Get out! A big explosion has just occurred. Everyone is running from the entire Financial District now. Let's go, come on, go Brad go!"
"Barney changes his mission from taking over City 17 to getting as many residents out alive."
"Barney and his team worked tirelessly to evacuate as many civilians as possible."
"Dunkirk: the largest sea evacuation in history, a miracle achieved at great cost, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat."
"I'm begging you by the grace of God please get our people out."
"A miracle and the largest evacuation in military history."
"There will be a reckoning. Vector will be ours. The civilians will not be killed. We will give them a chance to leave, and if they choose to stay, that is a different matter."
"Plymouth, Montserrat: evacuated after volcanic eruptions, leaving behind a ghost town covered in ash."
"Operation Baby Lift: a tragic but necessary evacuation effort during the Vietnam War."
"Move higher inland, stay away from the water, there's going to be dangerous currents and you have to wait for the all clear."
"I didn't sleep at all last night... we've been dealing with a fire in our area... kind of a tentative evacuation notice right now."
"and got them there are Americans currently stranded in Kabul the question is are you going to go out there and are you going to say them well one of the."
"We're leaving Americans to die while carting Afghan citizens out of the country."
"The pilots were dealing with a crippled aircraft which apparently could neither stay in the air for very long nor stop once it reached the ground."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"21 critical care patients have been evacuated, not a single patient died."
"The smoke was just so thick, people were running around looking for refuge, the heat was unbearable during the chaotic evacuation."
"If they prepare properly and heed the evacuation order, these are survivable events."
"We've not only evacuated fifteen thousand people under Operation Pitting, but we've supported since then four thousand six hundred more."
"Nearly the entire city of Gotham evacuates overnight."
"It is now inevitable deadliest creatures... safe evacuation routes have been established."
"You deserve a government who will not stop until all Americans are out of Afghanistan."
"How much time do we spend on it where Afghans were clinging to our planes and falling off?"
"It's just a miracle that all of those people were able to evacuate the airplane as quickly as they did."
"So, not only should we make sure every American is taken out of Afghanistan, we should secure our borders and we should do it today."
"317,853 people have already been evacuated from the territories of active hostilities."
"I think the only thing I would have done differently is just tried to get more Afghans out."
"Get your belongings, pack up women and children, grandmothers, you can walk on the road, go to the next country or next town, you can get out free, there'll be nothing there, that's the visual."
"All citizens to leave these two area region as soon as possible."
"When it comes to hurricanes, be prepared. Take what's important to you and evacuate if necessary."
"The Japanese evacuation had been a masterful display of skill by the IJN, under the noses of an American foe that enjoyed ground, aerial and naval superiority."
"Dozens of students now being escorted away from Royce Hall with their hands up."
"That got their attention fast, and most of the people ended up running right out of there."
"We left Vanuatu in a bit of a hurry, Cyclone Lola was bearing down on top of us."
"We're going to evacuate the client to a safe area."
"We're just hoping and praying that everybody will be able to get out in time."
"The entire town of Frank was evacuated by rail to nearby towns."
"Everybody evacuate the store now, we're evacuating. Get out of the store, head eastbound, leave your stuff, go."
"The animals are terrified like I'm terrified like it's definitely time to go."
"Evacuation protocol initiated, proceed to get out, get the hell out"
"The captain ordered an evacuation on the left side of the aircraft as the fire brigade assessed the situation."
"The reason why the evacuation in Manchester wasn't achieved in 90 seconds is because the conditions in a real fire evacuation are completely different from certification conditions."
"You'd dramatically improve the speed at which people could get out and you'd reduce the likelihood of people falling and slipping and so on."
"They were able to evacuate about eight thousand people from Cloquet... remarkably only five people died in Cloquet."
"Pods like these have safely evacuated more than 2,000 people in over 60 incidents around the world since Lima was built."
"If you're bugging out, you're a glorified refugee."
"This winter storm has the potential to spill over on our soil. The elites start moving out of America. Mass evacuations for Americans are being discussed."
"I decided it would be best if we just slip away in escape pods until we could get a distress signal out."
"We moved 12,000 people out of Afghanistan... 11 percent of everybody that left the country during the evacuation."
"We could have gotten every single person out of that country."
"That is the answer: nuts. Copy of that, in 30 seconds, let's get out of here."
"We've got to get everyone out before it's too late."
"Gotham is beyond saving no i must be allowed to die just for the bus in case there's a chance to evacuate"
"How sick was that? We've got a cyclone coming, so we've got to get out of here."
"I want every man off that crawler now."
"Tano coordinated with Captain Antilles and Senator Organa to orchestrate the evacuation of the farmers as Imperial forces escalated their assault."
"While plans are going ahead for planetary evacuation, we're going to have to leave this planet."
"The evacuation was just a safety precaution, but the idea of a possible explosion or poisoning at any moment was scary nonetheless."
"A full Boeing 737 is designed to be evacuated in less than two minutes."
"Evacuate, evacuate. Please stay calm and don't panic."
"The final charge makes sense in order to buy time for the children, women, and other civilians to escape through the mountains."
"So between State CIA DOD we were able to evacuate about 125 000 people."
"This fast process allows approximately 30 people to evacuate within 1 minute for added convenience there are telescoping stairs that help children and the elderly reach the exit with ease."
"Well, let's take what's left of it and get out of here."
"I need you to get all their stuff and get out. Maybe it's a crime scene now."
"They come in peace, you know what's something is that if they were putting a meteor shower why are people still on the damn Beach if they evacuate in their City."
"I've never understood people who did that even in movies why wouldn't there be someone just in case...okay let's have a 100 ships that will take us out of here rather than be like a firm no my no my no you can't make me if you try I'll banish you you know he will not be alone."
"It's getting dark, we need to get the hell out of here."
"The homeowners were alerted to the danger by the loud banging and they quickly evacuated all the children from the house."
"Tens of thousands of evacuees didn't need to evacuate at all, making their trauma unnecessary."
"Emergency managers face disbelief rather than action in convincing people to evacuate."
"48% of Harris County's population evacuated despite not being in an evacuation zone."
"The evacuation effort would eventually be known as the Miracle of Dunkirk."
"When everyone tries to evacuate at once the roads turn into a huge traffic jam."
"The start of the month had me running up and down the east coast of Australia trying to avoid bush fire smoke and then evacuating from bush fires."
"This is the end of everything. The military is evacuating on American soil."
"We have wives here. We have children. I say we Evacuate the town."
"I gave the order. We evacuated the rural population and raised the cities. The survivors were placed in work camps to prep the world for loyal colonists."
"Everyone out! Panic ensues as miners scramble for the above-ground exit."
"Walk to the nearest stairway exit."
"When you're hitting these particular buildings, having the West Wing of the White House also evacuated, it is looking more and more as if everything is becoming shut down."
"Amid almost relentless enemy attack and near impossible conditions, over 300,000 men were evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk."
"everybody out of here don't leave anybody behind"
"They think they have the people out of the homes but they're not sure."
"We need to warn everyone in the city and evacuate the island."
"We were faced with a critical situation, how we could evacuate all of the Americans from Saigon."
"During the 1930s the British government drew up plans to evacuate children to safety from cities and towns into the countryside in the event of war."
"'What is war, dad?' 'Never mind, never mind you're going on a trip. You're going on a trip and you're going to go away.'"
"As soon as you see signs of an eruption or receive official warnings begin moving away from the volcano as quickly as possible."
"We've got seconds to clear out of here before the end."
"The evacuation underscored the seriousness of the situation, emphasizing the gravity of the mysteries veiled within the ranch and amplifying our collective sense of uncertainty and anxiety."
"Geyserville is under mandatory evacuation."
"Titanic's lights stayed burning right up until the very end to ensure that as many people could Evacuate the ship as possible"
"The evacuations are not only a physical upheaval but also an emotional one."
"The fires are just absolutely terrible right now. I know tons of people have been evacuated."
"Holy [expletive], that's the tornado! We gotta go!"
"We always looked at it like, 'I ain't about to always evacuate for no Category 5 storm.'"
"I grabbed the dogs loaded them into my car and got the hell out of there."
"Alarms blared throughout the halls, and the team scrambled to escape the suddenly hostile environment."
"Soldiers, you have to leave now. Everyone, if you don't go, it'll be all-out war. War has already begun. Yeah, they started it. War and human will not forgive. You must go before fighting begins. Thank goodness Maurice is okay."
"We should just round everyone up and get them on the ship. The sooner we're gone, the better," Ranger suggested.
"Lee quickly evacuated the staff from the hall and disinfected every corner."
"Attention, this is not a drill, collapse imminent, evacuation underway," the announcement blared.
"I'm like, how difficult will it be to get them out of here, hopefully not at all."
"The mob attacking the Capitol quickly caused the evacuation of both the House and the Senate. The count ground to an absolute halt and was ultimately delayed for hours."
"You know the rule when you're in a sinking ship: women, children, Coleman and Yeti first."
"The operation would become the biggest evacuation in military history."
"America's own Dunkirk and considered to be the largest Maritime evacuation in history."
"You have one job in an evacuation map, to not confuse people and help them get to the exit, are you kidding me?"
"They failed to organize evacuations."
"It was the greatest rescue, the greatest evacuation, lower Manhattan in the history of the world."
"One of the engines, the gel truck, knew us and we said time to go and he bugged out immediately."
"The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is forced to evacuate due to the barrage of earthquakes beginning to damage the building."
"Thousands left King's Landing afterward until the Dowager Queen ordered the city gates closed and barred."
"Oh my god, it was so close! Where are they? Ellie, we've got to get everyone off the volcano."
"Ramsgate played a very big role in the evacuation of the soldiers from Dunkirk."
"There is no time. We're running the Boons and everyone in that cabin out of the country."
"Get everyone out of the castle, save all the valuables you can. Get everyone down to the river and tell them to hide in the brush at the big swamp. The invaders won't go there. Move!"
"The principal duty of a fire warden is to ensure that people get out safely in the event of a fire."
"Rather than create a weapon we should be evacuating the ordinary citizens so that if Kira attacks they won't be hurt."
"Prince Woo you work with the police to coordinate getting people out of the city now everyone get to it I want daily updates."
"We did very high-risk evacuations... that gives you an idea of how high-risk we would take."
"Our priority is to help those people who have been unable to evacuate the aircraft unaided."
"The time to evacuate and heed the local warnings is now."
"The engineers deemed the entire building to be unsafe and recommended a full evacuation."
"Mississippi River rises, thousands flee homes."
"The life safety plan... shows you like okay the person is going to travel and this is how they're going to get out."
"Scope of the transfer was extraordinary, almost 15,000 passengers per day were flown out."
"If something bad happens, you have to evacuate your home, you can take this bag with you; it's got everything you need."
"Why is everyone just mulling around, unconcerned, when it's clearly time to evacuate - and fast?!"
"Grant chased him down, Richmond was evacuated, and Jefferson Davis went on the run."
"People near the coast should evacuate immediately."
"Attention everyone, this is Captain Barnacles of the Octonauts. You must all leave here right away; the volcano is about to erupt."
"Our coastal communities have been devastated... and evacuation efforts are continuing."
"This whole town evacuated after a 12-year-old boy fell into a sinkhole."
"Suggest you evacuate your passengers as soon as possible."
"This is a bag specifically designed for evacuation purposes where you have to evacuate your home and possibly go to an inexpensive hotel or motel."
"Hopefully I never have to use this motel go bag during an actual evacuation situation, but if that were to ever occur, I'd be able to grab my bug out bag and the motel go bag and go to a nearby motel or hotel and be able to ride out that type of emergency evacuation situation."
"Don't brave the storm, everybody evacuate."
"Some good people from other towns drive to the area to help the residents evacuate faster."
"440,000 people evacuated successfully during those 45 minutes. 26,000 didn't."
"We were able to evacuate billions of people with spaceships."
"We're going to drive there us, with no Army units, no nothing, and we're going to go get some civilians who want to leave."
"Civilian evacuation, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Let's get all those people out of there, just take your time, don't rush, don't push."
"Her attitude is what managed to calm people down while they were being evacuated."
"We have to get people out of town. We have to let my people know what's coming."
"That is just about the number of people who safely evacuated the World Trade Center that day."
"I have to evacuate my people. If something happens to me, I want you to know that you made my life."
"Operation Frequent Wind is about to begin."
"Bing Crosby sings White Christmas, people take one overnight bag and hurry to their departure point."
"The US Navy achieved a massive evacuation, managing to load 91,000 refugees."
"Well, the term 'bug out,' that's an old term."
"You might have to bug out of your neighborhood when things get too unsafe to be there any longer."
"The only way out: an evacuation to Britain across the channel at Dunkirk."
"The purpose of these fans are to ensure that people can safely evacuate a building without having to walk through toxic and potentially deadly smoke."
"When the mining facilities are destroyed, Duke Leto orders an evacuation rather than sacrificing life in an attempt to preserve the valuable spice."
"It was amazing how fast crowds could evacuate when a horde of disgruntled fighters were given freedom to roam."
"Get in the habit of backing into spaces; in an emergency, you're going to find it a lot easier to get out."
"The evacuation area is getting bigger, so I urge people to pay attention; if they are urged to evacuate, please do so."
"Operation Hannibal, later known as Germany's Dunkirk, recruited hundreds of merchant vessels to the cause of saving as many civilians as possible from the Soviets' wrath."
"Through the front exit doors, people one by one streamed out of each side of the aircraft."
"The great boat lift of 9/11 became the largest sea evacuation in history."
"The whole town's in danger; we have to evacuate."
"We are wearing life jackets, we are abandoning to our life raft, and we have a VHF radio."
"The main priorities once the order to abandon ship are given are to make sure that everybody can get off as quickly and as safely as possible."
"All 161 passengers managed to get off the plane in just two minutes and 21 seconds after the plane stops."
"There was no pushing, there was no shoving, they helped each other every step of the way."
"Our mission today is to evacuate all inhabitants of the Radvec chain."
"The evacuation of the remainder of the Channel armies proceeded today but under greater difficulties and with heavier losses than before."
"It is believed in Paris that about two hundred thousand men have been got out so far."
"We've been able to evacuate more than 105,000 people as a result."
"'Broadcast a general distress call on all frequencies. We need evac, any ships in the sector need to get us the hell off this rock.'"
"Everybody got out of Fort McMurray, and they evacuated 80,000 people, and there was no deaths, no injuries."
"Evacuation has to be with a viable plan."
"This is imperative: if you are still in the city, you need to calmly, and immediately, leave."
"The scientists know when an eruption is gonna happen and they're able to give people enough time to leave the island."
"All the animals left, if that's not a reason to flee, what is?"
"Wear shoes that if you need to evacuate, you can get out of there in a hurry."
"We are in direct contact with every American citizen we have contact information for -- email, phone, text, WhatsApp -- and we are working with each of them and their families on an individual basis on how to get them evacuated to the airport and evacuated."
"No time to lose, organize an evacuation of the city."
"People of Republic City aren't losers; we're winners that are going to get out of this city in a calm and orderly fashion."
"The crisis is temporarily resolved. Everyone, evacuate now."
"Encourage consumers to create and use an evacuation and emergency action plan."
"A mass evacuation throughout the country follows this ominous announcement."