
Film Interpretation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"An interpretation of a film has a lot of plasticity, and Bird himself cannot shut down discussion of the text of the film outside of the realm of authorial intention."
"The movie The Matrix is not science fiction. The movie The Matrix is a documentary."
"But is Batman Forever a misunderstood masterpiece? In a way, yeah."
"If you think Black Panther is not a politically or racially charged film, you are wrong."
"Scorsese's films often aren't about what they seem to be about."
"Schumacher's Batman is as valid as any other."
"Jonathan Kent's sacrifice in Man of Steel was beautiful."
"I can’t watch Wonder Woman be one thing to Patty Jenkins, and then be a completely different character in the rest of the DC Universe."
"I would love to know exactly your interpretation of this movie and how it made you feel."
"Even to this day, it's still my favorite interpretation of the Dracula legend."
"If a guy cannot relate at all or empathize at all with what the movie says about women's experience in the modern world, I think that's a huge red flag."
"Even if you wanted to, you could look at this movie as nothing more than Jack losing his mind."
"It's not an endorsement of his actions. If you see it that way, then it probably says more about you than it does about the actual film."
"Seeing a lot of people shocked when the judge says what the Avengers did was supposed to happen. Have we forgotten that according to Strange in Infinity War there was only one way?"
"The whole movie looks like it may be a dream."
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"Wall-E has been compared to Christianity and Greek mythology."
"Godzilla is absolutely massive, one of the biggest inclinations of the character that we've ever seen."
"If we accept a supernatural explanation of the film, I think that the film uses supernatural elements as a metaphor for trauma and abuse."
"Scar was actually the hero of the Lion King story."
"Paul Verhoeven saw Robocop as like the ultimate American Jesus figure."
"I mean, go back into what is Star Wars if not an amalgamation of all of our myths and great fantasy works."
"But most surprising of all was Schaffner finally coming around to Wilson's argument about the ending: instead of Taylor's death, the finale is the discovery of where they truly are."
"Everyone has a right to interpret the movie in any way they want, and at the end of the day, it's a kid's movie. No matter how serious the message of the movie is."
"Resurrections is saying that while we may be caught in yet another loop of capitalism, things have changed."
"His films have true symbolic meaning they have a spiritual seriousness - as if they're imploring the viewer to transcend to some higher plane of existence."
"You mirror the trades of very successful traders. You as an investor do not have to do a thing."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is an iconic gay film even though most of the gay content is beneath the surface and could be denied by the screenwriter."
"I just personally couldn't have a lot of fun with it because I don't see like oh yeah super powered person going ham scarlet witch is finally doing things I see like a traumatized woman who has tried time and time again to do the right thing."
"I just thought this was the most pure authentic feeling rendition about what would happen if Kal-El, the last son of Krypton, actually crashed to Earth today."
"Every movie has a meaning even if it's not trying to have a meaning at all you would sign your own meaning to it."
"This led some people to come to the conclusion that this was a snuff film."
"The MCU isn't a ripoff of the comics; it's derived from the comics."
"What I love about this movie is every conversation I had about it, brings up a subtly different interpretation."
"Starship Troopers: the book is right-wing Star Trek; it's a sincere attempt at a better world future. Starship Troopers: the movie is a satire of war movies."
"It's a sci-fi movie about shooting bugs. If you want there to be social satire, you can look for it, but at the end of the day, it's just a fun movie."
"The first time I read it, I got it was a stomach punch. It's a film about how great love can be turned into enormous fear and eventually into enormous hate."
"The Legend of the werewolf would find its definitive modern interpretation in Kurt siodmak and Robert Wagner's classic Universal monster movie The Wolf Man."
"Hell, he states that Full Metal Jacket was basically predicated on Jung's concept of the shadow."
"This movie was like a strong rebuke of January 6th. That's what it's about, did I not watch it? We're watching January 6th happen and we were like, 'We gotta do something about this.' But we can't come right at it, so let's couch it, let's bury it in a story."
"In Kill Bill, The Bride doesn't kill Bill; the last scene suggests they never killed Bill."
"This movie does not have a very favorable view of 60s counterculture, 'cause that daughter ends up coming back and murdering the neighbors."
"The Riddler is gay. Like, he's a gay guy if you watch the movie again. He's definitely gay."
"I didn't care about what was happening. I didn't get it. That one's kind of lame, that whole [ __ ] joke with cops locked down there."
"However, Pitt portrays Death as a cross between Dr. Manhattan and Forrest Gump."
"Potter insists, repeatedly [in interviews] that her film is about an 'essential self' that transcends gender."
"Rosemary's Baby can be seen as a look at the soul of 1960's America."
"Legendary's take on the classic monsters is more than a remake; it's a different world of its own."
"Watch this movie knowing that it's about Tommy Lee Jones and that he's too old to live in this new society, you'll think it's a great movie."
"Titanic can be viewed on many levels, as many as you're prepared to participate in."
"Each movie is an interpretation of issues that plague human society."