
Presentations Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"A presentation is not about you; it is about the audience completely."
"I've got some questions but I'm gonna be polite and save them until the end of the PowerPoint."
"PowerPoint makes it really easy to pull together professional looking presentations."
"Great presentations are good... but it ain't what you want."
"I don't want you to feel blindsided at work where you thought you did great in a presentation and actually didn't land."
"Create presentation slides with AI in seconds."
"It's so true, mock-ups will do so much for your proof decks."
"Everybody was very happy when they actually saw the presentation at the end of the night."
"Every time I'm given this ability... I try to pour something into my presentations that leave you better than you were."
"Your words are so important, especially in interviews or presentations."
"Just talk about it for a few minutes as if you're giving a presentation."
"When you win for hardware, you get to bring props."
"It's always nice when you have a presentation or something like this where he's spitting out like new ideas or new thoughts he hasn't really expressed before."
"Spaceworld 2000 expo saw perhaps the most exciting – and misleading – Nintendo presentation of all time."
"I use gifs in my presentations and for my clients and on Behance. It's really simple."
"You'll be presenting to us now at least you've been around us so hopefully that will help you."
"There was literally zero discussion in the entire 130 page deck."
"You know when they have like the special guest... that's Marbles, so, uh, in front of me, I have 10 different pitches from you guys pitching me your shark tank inventions."
"People come to see you talk about something, not to see the thing that you're talking about."
"Keynote Live makes it so that everyone in your audience can see your presentation right on their device."
"If you want to export your keynote presentation as a video there are two different ways to do it."
"In this presentation I'm going to explain to you how most of these extraterrestrials... are not from zetor reticuli but are actually much closer to home."
"Creating a slide deck presentation is another great template option."
"I've completely changed the way that I make my slideshows and it is so much better."
"Everyone was like the first one. The presentations and the lectures. Something would be wrong if I wasn't nervous."
"...and the eyedropper tool is probably the single best thing in PowerPoint that you can use to make your presentations look consistent."
"Solving problems is the name of the game when it comes to succeeding in your presentations."
"I like to use keynote to prepare my presentations, and that way I can set up a template so it's much quicker every time I need to do a new project."
"What is a presentation without fun facts? Love it!"
"I can't wait for others to read your research, to hear your presentations, and be moved in the same way."
"Free resources can really take our PowerPoint presentations to the next level."
"This will open the door for so many more mac users to start to elevate their presentations."
"Remember when every presenter made a joke about Donald Trump?"
"We hope you found the presentations informative."
"These presentations, they teach me."
"If you watch a smartphone presentation these days, 75% of a new phone presentation today, especially a flagship, is camera stuff."
"Four days of stellar presentations from market wizards, fund managers, training psychology experts, and U.S. investing champions."
"A good slideshow guides the audience through your main communication points but doesn't repeat every word you say."
"I help you create professional and engaging online presentations."
"There's a wheel that will spin and it will select one person who will basically present the following week what they've seen on social media, what they're into, world news, automotive news, what's really happening."
"This inline editing and output mix is great for doing presentations."
"Being able to naturally interact with the content means that you can add another dimension to your presentations."
"Focusing on the story of the presentation is one of the secrets why some of the top management consulting presentations are so compelling."
"Google Slides is Google's answer to a presentation software, and it's increasingly powerful."
"Awesome presentations using PowerPoint... there's probably some really great features that you just don't know about."
"The more cats that you have in your presentation, the luckier you're gonna get."
"We do emotionally engaging presentations."
"Animations again are a strength of Apple Keynote; they really do set Keynote apart from its competitors."
"It's a good idea to limit the number of animations that you use; if you have too many, it can be more of a distraction than anything else."
"This really helps with timing the presentation experience for your audience."
"We're super excited this year for all the presenters."
"Built-in AI tracking could be the perfect solution for presentations or if you like to move around when you record."
"We have 22 nights in a row of presentations just like this one."
"It's great first start to hopefully many more presentations to come."
"We've been blown away by the quality of the presentations."
"Change the way you do presentations with the Acer Chromebook Spin 13."
"This allows you to actually add interactivity within your presentations."
"These are highly productive and high producing presentations."
"Having someone like Robert Ely or Ann Bailey come to speak to your group can really breathe life into these historical figures and make them seem more real."
"Guess what is the most common question we get in our presentations? That is, 'Where are the slides?'"
"If it's natural to tell a story at this point as you're going through a presentation, then you ought to do it."
"If you can make a pie chart, that works really well because corporate types understand pie charts because pie charts mean food."
"Slides make more of a difference for the success, and I would say more often the downfall, of scientific presentations than people realize."
"I look forward to many of these presentations as we continue to roll these off the assembly line."
"I'm super excited to be here for the second Google Talk."
"I've got newfound energy for product presentations."
"I give many presentations on mythology and mythological storytelling in animation."
"Beautiful reports and presentations with Quarto."
"Every time I do one of these presentations myself, I end up learning a ton."
"Dragging and dropping is a really quick and easy way of bringing in PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, files and so on."
"These presentations are meant to be interactive, so if you have any questions as I'm talking, please by all means, I get better as I get questions."
"It's nice to be able to come up with different graphics to mix up the presentations."
"PowerPoint is something everyone's familiar with already, it's for presentations."
"Nobody quotes Webster's anymore at the beginning of a presentation; they quote Google."
"I hope you had fun and learned a lot about PowerPoint presentations."
"You can anytime create the animation and use it in your PowerPoints."
"We can get quite creative with using these to help convey the exact mood that we're looking for with our slides."
"I hope you found this video useful, I hope it's given you a good insight into how you can use the slide animations and some of the other effects to good use on your slides."
"Hopefully, the next presentation we do will have a lot more road behind us."
"The way that you hone your skills is face to face presentations, not Skype and Zoom."
"Successful presentations are always built on clear storylines."
"Thinking through this on the front end makes for better and more effective presentations when you're done."
"If you can build supporting slides that you feel great about, it can give you the boost of confidence you need when you are giving a presentation."
"You can make changes to any calculation and reevaluate, then you can discuss the results, which makes your presentation much more dynamic and engaging."
"Definitely presentation style, great for school graduation, birthdays, you name it."
"We can leverage VBA to only update certain linked objects within our PowerPoint presentation."
"For those of you who want to do presentations, or maybe you have this idea that you can show a movie to your kids on the back screen while you're actually trying to get work done on the front screen, you can do that."
"For presentations, Prezi is a really cool online resource that flows your whole presentation together."
"It makes presentations a lot easier."