
Industry Support Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"We're not just fixing machines; we're keeping industries alive."
"I want to give these people health care, an opportunity, an industry to work in."
"We're going to make sure that [the cruise industry] is there for many, many years to come."
"We want to help industries that are hurting right now, like the airline industry, like the hospitality industry."
"I never ever cheer for the failure of a product."
"People are making money and giving back to different industries and causes."
"If you love professional wrestling, then you want All Elite Wrestling to succeed."
"To keep the genre alive, we do need a franchise like Resident Evil. This is how the entire industry will know yes, there are people that like games like this."
"It's going to be hard because your parents don't know, you don't have an industry looking out for you."
"We're sending direct cash payments to millions of Americans and rushing aid to the hardest-hit industries."
"The government directly invested in promising industries."
"It's definitely an industry worth supporting if you're a fan of all things creepy."
"The fact is that roms and emulation actually do help companies in a concrete way."
"I do have an interest in being helpful to our industry and building a business together with the creative community."
"Activision say they have full confidence in what Treyarch is working on and I know that I also have full confidence."
"AMD catering to enthusiasts? Positive for gamers and the industry."
"He single-handedly helped this industry remarkably."
"We've had 21 new titles supported at the day they launch—that's important."
"The gaming industry needs a healthy and vibrant GameStop."
"Games are never going to evolve if we aren't willing to give aspiring craftsmen a chance."
"The restaurant industry is deeply appreciative of all the support and efforts."
"Janet Jackson is an artist that always had a massive career because she had what you call a machine behind her."
"We're all for supporting domestic manufacturing, we're supporting globally competitive companies across the board."
"This is a blessing for independent Studios right now."
"Got to help our fellow businesses in trouble. Airline industry, cruise industry, those workers."
"If Wizards of the Coast wants to revitalize standard, it has to reinvest in the local game store."
"It should therefore be common sense... to make sure that they should be supporting seed producers."
"The store is the community, the store is the lifeblood of the industry."
"It's not about competition at this moment, it's about how do we save an industry."
"Just about everyone one knows who ram is by now alone that doesn't make them a Cool brand but I'd argue that they probably reinvest more than any other industry brand into athletes events and Trail associations around the world."
"It's worth reiterating that if you really wanted to help gamers, you would just start producing more cards for gamers."
"That was a giant shot in the arm for the Creations community."
"Actual industry supported me because I was like he's been absolutely stitched, jail this boy's record, my criminal record."
"One of the bigger goals with butyl group is to help as many people start and grow their detailing business."
"She's such a supporter of our industry... she's such a force of nature."
"They needed to do this. I mean, I think it's great all the way around. It's great for Matt Reeves, you know? I mean, the guy's an incredibly talented filmmaker. Lock him up."
"If Epic wins this, helps a lot of people, this helps like a lot, especially during the COVID and all this stuff, this helps a lot of smaller developers."
"La Reid, he seemed in them, he gave us more than what we were even asking for."
"President Trump is stepping up for America's lobster industry, signing a Memorandum to protect it." - Video Narrator
"I just love seeing the industry rally around accessibility as a core pillar of their games."
"Before I go I also want to once again shout out the writers and actors strikes."
"The announcement is being framed as a way to bolster domestic semiconductor manufacturing and address the global silicon shortage."
"So, again, I wanna give a big round of applause to all the game devs that did not stand for Unity's BS."
"Even if Warner Brothers knows Wonder Woman has no chance at any Oscar nominations, for Warner Brothers to come out and demonstrate support for Patty Jenkins and the team behind the movie is incredibly smart."
"Among the very first acts that I did was to stop the deal that would have dealt a death blow to the US auto industry."
"Tariffs protected Australian industry by making foreign goods more expensive."
"It's one of those games that makes you feel a bit happy about the industry... uncontroversially good and that everybody can get behind."
"History has shown that Europe's government and the EU were more than willing to financially support and promote their semiconductor Industries."
"It’s important to support smaller studios like this."
"What President Trump has made clear to industries around the country is that we're gonna do whatever it takes. We understand this is an extraordinary moment in the life of our nation."
"It's essentially somebody who gets broad support from like an industry in the background right where people can't see."
"It's almost as if they care about the thing that they're making a great deal."
"But thank goodness for AEW, thank goodness Tony Khan."
"I hope whatever happens, it is a success because I think Nintendo is really good for the industry."
"You have an opportunity to invest in an industry we all believe in."
"If we raise each other up, we don't have to compete as much because the industry will be one big happy family."
"Motion DSP has been sporting the law enforcement industry for over 15 years with their robust Suite of video and audio redaction and enhancement software."
"Helping the industry is good because the more help the industry gets the better it gets, better it gets the more anime we get in general, and that's a good thing to me."
"We support the home care association completely..."
"The construction sector is calling for a special stimulus package to keep the industry afloat."
"Support the animators. They should get more time, they should get breaks."
"Properly thought-out regulations can help the industry."
"The PPP loans kept the comic book industry afloat for the last year or two."
"Pay writers. Big supporter of the writers and actors strike going on right now in Hollywood."
"The government is investing 500 million to retain steel making at Port Talbot, detecting 5,000 jobs and thousands more in the supply chain."
"It's really awesome; the people that built Splunk are doing this in their free time because they like the industry and want to help."
"It's a really cool resource and it's getting just very broad-based support and buy-in across the industry."
"Thanks for all you do for the industry."
"To have somebody back you up like David Selznick and have a studio behind you... gives you a firm footing in that old stardom racket."
"We got producers, we got songwriters, we got stylists... we're giving you the umbrella for everything."
"The Academy television Academy Foundation restores our libraries and puts trainees in and giving back to the industry that's so good to us."
"Seeing the camaraderie in this industry over the past few months has been inspiring."
"The idea of personal computing that Alan Kay championed so much and Bob Taylor was completely behind."
"Our focus as Xbox is about how we do things to help the industry all up."
"Together, we can both make a statement and genuinely help this industry in a way that doesn't reward businesses that don't actually care."
"China has an incentive to keep industries afloat because you can't buy cheap goods if your unemployment has zero income."
"It allows us to bring the webinars to you guys at no cost, which is a great thing for the industry."
"We are specialized in technology that supports multiple industries including architecture, construction, engineering, civil infrastructure, and manufacturing."
"We all genuinely like to see each other grow in this industry."
"Master P received help from Wendy day founder of rap Coalition which helps rappers get better contracts."
"If you can find someone in this industry who is looking out for you, who is willing to answer your questions that you have, absolutely reach out to them."
"I'd like to thank D-Roots for what they're doing for the industry."
"We're not telling people to go cruise now and risk your lives or whatever, but we want there to be a cruise industry when all of this is over."
"It's a self-supporting industry where we all see that exchanging ideas and thoughts is far more powerful."