
Annual Events Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I believe that each and every one of us will experience something special at least once a year."
"Whoo June is here, that means E3 is almost here."
"It is a chance for us to showcase the very best films of the past year."
"The legacy of BlizzCon: bringing gamers together year after year."
"Every year we have a new crop of people who come to this sport who become fans and every year they love it."
"There are five things that are certain in this life: birth, death, taxes, Ecate making a video about Zora every year, and being the people's champion of every Deadman mode."
"Two big events in October: Halloween and the release of a new version of Ubuntu."
"Watching this movie has become as much of an annual tradition for me as paying my taxes is."
"This has been a joy to record, if these get made every year honestly I'll probably just make one of these every year."
"The pro-life March is one of the great events that happens every year."
"Bungie seriously does not hold back on them to the point that the community almost expects one every year."
"Schedules are a year-round thing in college football."
"Birthdays are special, why not? They only happen once a year."
"There's definitely going to be flaws every year there's flaws... I think that's just the evolution of the sport."
"Call of Duty has become more than a product people buy, it's a brand people buy into... we kick off an annual unofficial but worldwide phenomenon called the Call of Duty season."
"I just want to let everybody know... we are a group of people that enjoy this once a year festival of dressing up."
"One of my favorite parts about the end of the year is YouTube rewind... not the video specifically because we know that it's gotten worse and worse."
"The year doesn't officially start until we get our first Nintendo Direct announcement."
"The food is always really delicious this year hopefully will be no different."
"Clawball: an annual event that pits teams against each other in various Santa-themed contests."
"Do you guys have any Halloween traditions that you do every year?"
"Feast week is going on right now, one of the best weeks of the year for a sports fan."
"2021's gonna be a huge year for spaceflight."
"Believe it or not, this will be the ninth year in a row that we've done this. Yes, this tradition is older than YAI."
"We're set for another fascinating year of Formula One racing."
"It's like the end of March, it's always nous time of year."
"This sale is one of the best sales of the year."
"Each and every year people show up here and absolutely top it."
"I think it's important to have this family reunion once a year and get everyone to squash their beef."
"How do they do it? They keep innovating every year."
"Unsellable player cards will also be used as rewards throughout the year."
"We can't wait to kick off another year of Disney food blog."
"People get so confused with the New Year's resolution they almost think that it's Lent."
"You guys are making your assumption of the same three [ __ ] Euros every year."
"Champions League football has arrived at our doorstep once more."
"He believes every year they lead a march on madness."
"It was the highlight of every single year. I just love it here so much."
"What cryptocurrency asset out there could you use for payments?"
"They were all excited, except for like the National Enquirer. They would have the psychics on once a year."
"We take a team every year in November, and of course people go with us."
"Christmas Eve boxes are just so exciting I don't know one every single year."
"TV saw the beginning of a New Year's tradition."
"I'm thankful that Thanksgiving only comes once a year."
"Once a year- once a year- no, o- off- off it, like--"
"One of my favorite shows of the year, the Royal Rumble."
"Every year we start a new worship season."
"We'll see you next year, so long for now."
"It really is a joy for me. It's the highlight of my year every time we get to do these camps over this 20 years that you've done this."
"Without question one of the highlights of my year."
"Premier League to me is the most exciting tournament throughout the year."
"It's a party week, we made it; it's like the best week of the year, every year, birthday week."
"It's something that you do with your family every year."
"We're all familiar with the four seasons of weather: summer, spring, winter, and fall, but there is a secret fifth one that happens annually, and it's called Wedding season."
"The St. John's River gives us a different kind of show each and every year."
"I just love seeing him; he just has this great big smile on his face, and it really makes me feel welcome every year."
"Everything is so beautifully decorated, and they do change it up every single year, so it's always worth to come check it out again."
"Everything's going to come back each year and will become bigger and better."
"Every year I have around five to ten proposals on the boats."
"It's been a treat every year, it's a treat, but especially this year, it's been just terrific."
"These boats sure give excitement to us down here every year in Key West."
"This year is really going to be incredible."
"Black Friday is right around the corner, just like 2023. Let's start the year off right."
"This is a tradition now, this is the annual game night every year."
"The tradition, unbelievable, it's the event that we look forward to the most every year."
"It was just something that we want to have become like a yearly tradition."
"It just marks an exciting time of year and the culmination of a year of research, so to speak."
"You do one big year-defining thing a year."
"Tonight guys here in Riga is what they call the Riga White Knights, and it's a yearly festival that happens all over the town."
"I don't mind the bustle of getting gifts for loved ones as long as it's only once a year."
"Every year these just give more and more happiness."
"A quiet peaceful little town going about its own way most of the time, but once a year, oh it happens."
"I hope we can do it again next year."
"I feel so relaxed this year. It'll happen, right? It happens every year; there's no reason to stress about it."
"I'm looking forward to September every single year now."
"It was like my highlight of every year of my childhood."
"It's what they look forward to all year, it's what we look forward to all year."
"One of the traditions of attending the Atlanta show is breakfast at the Waffle House."
"The Atlanta show is one of my favorite shows of the year."
"Every single year they pull it out of the bag."
"Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and you know what, next year we're going to do it all over again."