
Mischief Quotes

There are 798 quotes

"Oh yeah, that was so much fun, but we almost got caught escaping school."
"What's the point of being a journalist if you're not going to cause a bit of mischief?"
"The fun of being a kid is getting away with something."
"Shout out to this eyebrow thing that Georgina does when she's up to mischief."
"Loosen the straps binding the Giant, wait what? Loosen the... oh someone's tampering with it!"
"My father had a button on the desk that he could summon Hoover, and one day we were mischievously pressing that button."
"You're blowing up that quadcopter, long? Thanks, you know, I was thinking, I sure hope you don't mention anything to the cops about my explosives bunny business."
"I had just gotten word that the hornet's nest I threw into the company's garden party was starting to sting some important butts."
"Loki is a god of chaos, he's a god of mischief."
"I believe you used my furniture selling tips for evil... if it's a good tip, I'm gonna use it."
"Cuphead: Mischievous and unapologetic, but still a kid."
"If the lines are ever really long at Disneyland, just get two kids to fight so their moms fight each other, and then you'll get a fast pass."
"Comedy is about eating candy and [] smashing [] car windows or throwing eggs. Shaving cream vandalism. The idea that you would just vandalize things, it's a beautiful idea."
"Oh, look at this game. I'm gonna walk into this foreign man's house and ruin his whole day."
"A wild Stark child causing trouble in Winterfell."
"Having a baby means sacrificing your own sleep until they're old enough to understand the value of a good nights kip."
"If you're too young to watch John Wick, just sneak into your parents' Netflix account and watch it while they're out doing groceries or something."
"He stuffed that neat little explosive into Dex's car and how it made him feel good that night doing something wrong and getting away with it."
"These were just some of the times that the god of mischief lived up to his title and outplayed everybody."
"I only did it once and we may or may not have made a sparkler bomb."
"We successfully scammed the gumball and got to the finishing party at the playboy mansion."
"The little people's mischief can very quickly turn into open violence."
"To ride the hobby horse was to 'raise hob' or raise the devil."
"That's the American mischievous spirit, and it might be fake. It might be gay. It might be illegal. But here's to hoping that it's real and that guy's out there doing the Lord's work for us because the IRS is..."
"I see it as you know these are the teenagers smearing dog [ __ ] on people's car handles because they're so bored."
"Boys, I hope you're feeling naughty, 'cause we are about to break some rules."
"They still let her get the bad stuff just to mess with me."
"I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids."
"Dude, we actually snuck into the Avengers tower, made it through all of the sections."
"Sprite, unlike most Eternals, is a rather immature trickster who loves to play tricks on the other Eternals as well as humans with his illusions."
"That's the ultimate mischief right there - just becoming a bee and flying around the inside of like someone's helmet but then turning into an elephant while you're inside there."
"The impression I've already got is that they could all be up to mischief."
"He decides at that point that he might as well troll his stepmom."
"We can do anything, but if we got caught, we won't get caught."
"I'm gonna ruin his painting real quick, don't mind me."
"As the cat is away, the mice come out to play."
"They don't know that the thief Lord is here to liberate them of all their tasty goods."
"No eating that cake that was for my friend at work tomorrow. Oh, that was so naughty, Molly, you really hurt my feelings."
"Sprite is basically the eternals version of Loki... sprite causes problems right sprite is just kind of a prankster a trickster."
"I am called Asmodeus among mortals, and my business is to plot against the newly wedded, so that they may not know one another, and I sever them utterly by many calamities."
"He's sort of like the Loki of the Star Wars Universe."
"Here's what we do: we find the biggest jack-o'-lantern, throw the costume and the dynamite inside it, and run."
"The trickster Spirit, they're a smart ghost that knows they like to mess with people."
"One must always be prepared for mischief, both inside and outside of the castle."
"Tricksters from Norse mythology, like Loki, were considered tricksters of their time. They go against the rules of their kingdom and our laws of physics for the most part."
"The devil decides to do what any rational embodiment of evil would do and simply scorch the records, making the auditor have to start all over."
"I think I just committed a crime. Thank you very much for funding my crime and exploits."
"I'm gonna lie I'm gonna cheat I'm gonna steal but most importantly I'm gonna have fun."
"The dreadnought hoax... the crowning prank of his career."
"Just mischief and mayhem, or is your true aim to lull him into eternal sleep?"
"I just want to blow up the bottom floor because it'll be really funny."
"What would you say if I told you I want to break this guy's Chicken Machine to create the mother of all distractions?"
"It's fun lighthearted and engaging it gives you the keys to unlock that mischievous devil inside of you."
"It's still Halloween. Why don't we TP somebody's house? Yeah, cause mischief."
"And if you've already got too many humans on your timeline, follow this little mush bag right here because he's almost as big of a troublemaker as Anansi is."
"He wouldn't steal the flashlight; he'd take the batteries out."
"We have our new plan now. We're gonna go to the nightclub and cause a ruckus..."
"How to really piss off your teacher: Step one, get the gum from under the desk. Step two, stop time. Step three, throw it at her. Step four, wait one second has passed."
"A small dog pulled a cheeky and mischievous move on a bigger dog."
"Sticking your hand into the fan is a great way for a cat to give itself a pedicure."
"What if you could slightly damage somebody's car by bumping them... people would hate that but it would be kind of fun."
"Never have I ever liked to get away with something."
"That fruit-stealing freebooter is taking this too far."
"You are a troublemaker but you are so charming."
"It's really funny to see Angel being sneaky behind Devil's back."
"...when you look your most innocent is when you are up to something."
"From the emerald isle to your place in the hood, I'm the man of green comes to do no good."
"Doesn't it feel so good to be bad?"
"The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another."
"Loki is the personification of trickery, deceit, and mischief; in the unchanging perfect realm of Asgard, Loki is the flaw."
"I like being bad. It makes me happy."
"Wow, I'm really in trouble for this. I think my pranking days are over."
"I was once dragged into the headmaster's office after I was caught leaning out of a window and firing a Cream Egg into my friend's mouth with a catapult."
"I just like messing up the game a little bit every time we play it."
"Dr. Evil is planning a trap for you tonight at the electric psychedelic pussycat swingers club."
"I'm hungry, but if you want to try cursing someone, you can."
"And wow, can you just imagine the fun AND trouble these two would get into running around the Revolutionary Army base?"
"You're going to want to start out by going invisible and placing a wyvern toxin into the Kool-Aid."
"Prepare for trouble, and uh... wait, there was a cat too, right?"
"...there is a worthwhile distinction to be made between the sort of pranks that the Hobgoblin would make which are more along the lines of annoyances rather than lasting harm to the person that they afflict."
"My brother was getting yelled at by my mom, so I decided to play background music."
"My revenge came when I went to visit their house six months later. While she was out at work one day, I rearranged every bit of furniture I could by myself."
"No more good intentions for me. I'm swearing that off. Only evil intentions from here on out."
"Every single teacher in spirituality acknowledges the lower Realm of mischief."
"This is why the one time I toilet-papered the house, I borrowed my sister's car. This is the worst."
"Prepare for trouble and make it double."
"Here's what you do next time act stupid stupid frustrates people it does all right."
"I got another one for the bad kids so they won't be hating. I'm gonna go through the line. Line up. Hey, look, look, I already found the mail."
"It was rotting meat and something indescribable she takes the jar and goes over to the cars as quietly as possible she dumps the rotting pea soup onto almost every car's windshield and into that space where there are the windshield wipers"
"I guess she was just stealing for fun."
"That wholesome moment when you got away with committing a federal crime."
"Rapunzel is always looking for trouble. Climb on the table, careful, and get it. The target is close, a tasty chocolate croissant."
"Those little bastards going to love this."
"Some people commit crimes just to be part of the hanging, a rollicking good time, does it not sound?"
"Piebald, though she enjoys scaring the turtles, can't be called a villain, putting her in the gray area."
"We're going to piss Daphne off today."
"Pranks are satisfying and plentiful but after some time you must become more and more creative to get away with it."
"Let's see how long before my husband notices that I took his phone."
"I just stole three muffins from the bakery."
"Hobbits being hobbits, hobbits go on hobbiting, doing hobbit things, and otherwise just causing chaos and shenanigans."
"Sorry, this baby likes to steal money."
"We got to get ourselves in trouble here."
"Let's do it, oh I love that. Shall we go steal from this house? That's a bit of fun isn't it? Why not?"
"So, if your air conditioner goes on the fritz or your washing machine blows up or you check all the closets and cupboards, look after all. Make sure it's not gremlins doing it. There just might be a gremlin in your house."
"There are moments when the Predator himself is playing pranks, he's punking people."
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. You solemnly swear that you're up to no good? Is that really Dumbledore?"
"That was one of the greatest pranks ever."
"I'm here for the shenanigans. I'm here for the games."
"He's always been pushing boundaries and doing things, and he's instigating problems and causing trouble. He's the God of Mischief…"
"The former leader has gathered a couple of his buddies and they were planning to have some fun with the humans."
"So, guys, you want to hear about how we snuck in a tequila bottle?"
"Rejoice in how you almost stole that guy's Christmas."
"So Tanner, I'm gonna write something. Don't look. 'Duties and cheese.' Okay, I got it in there. Now my secret is safe. I walk away."
"Wow, now I did actually almost get in trouble for this."
"...i pull out the mooses my older sister and bopper actually clap how did you get those back here right under dad's nose my sister ass my grandma magga lasts so hard she has tears in her eyes."
"Sometimes I feel like there's something magical about guitar that kind of feels like you're up to no good in the best way."
"I used to steal [ __ ] like CDs. You know the tr-- you know we used to do all the time with that was like? We don't-- we would go and shove them up. Shove them up my ass. Yeah."
"Using an oil filter wrench to tighten an oil filter. See that? That's just the kind of evil that I am."
"No matter how angry the world seems or how rebellious or how much mischief they're doing... I'm like, 'Wait, what are you doing? Shut up, no!'"
"I woke up feeling extra diabolical and I decided it not only am I going to prank the one that I love but I'm also going to give you guys this horrible camera angle because I forgot my tripod at my apartment."
"Dogs literally chewed the letterbox out and making its way through the door that's uh must be a tasty door."
"This rain was artificially created by the emperor himself to pester Sierra."
"I understand it from you right, exactly, so I thought the only thing logical we're going to Walmart right now getting 10 cans of propane and a lighter and then we're putting it in his room."
"I'm just hanging out with two friends, you guys are watching this and I'm getting in trouble."
"When the cat's away, the little mice play."
"I've been doing damage on the Chicago Streets since I was young and now I'm ready to cause problems elsewhere."
"The moment they get in there they say mac you know be cool they keep telling him lay low the moment they get that Matt gives and he takes one of them bare hands off and starts stealing kids Cokes"
"I solemnly swear I do not have your keys."
"I think we can all agree that one of the best things to do is to lie about things your colleagues didn't do because it's funny."
"This video feels amazing, like hanging out with friends after school and getting up to the stupidest mischief."
"Hey Mike, I was a frat man I know what it's like slow night, nothing to do, have a couple of beers, stealing mummy."
"I'm just trying to live to annoy Ben actually at this point."
"I only smashed a little bit of the window."
"I just pretended to be head girl."
"Just gotta show with a little cheeky grin, you know, just like, 'Let it through, I'm causing havoc!'"
"What's black and white and red all over? It's the nerve gas canisters that I spent the last few days planting around the grounds."
"They're always the perfect blend of laughter, fun, good morals, better times, and, of course, mischief."
"Messrs Moody, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs proudly present The Marauder's Map, a highly accurate depiction of Hogwarts castle and every single inhabitant in the castle and where they are at that moment, or almost everyone."
"Number 82: After the gods realized Loki's role in Baldur's death, they decided to bind him, making sure he'd no longer be able to cause mischief. Once caught, he was bound using the entrails of one of his sons in a cave."
"Three-year-olds will lock you out of the house in the snow without remorse and will think it's the funniest thing that's ever happened in the history of the world."
"The silence of a toddler is dangerous. They are either by one corner chewing soap, drinking hypo, or using a barbecue Fork to pluck out their left eye."
"This outfit makes me want to go gallivant about town and cause a little mischief."
"Fred and George Weasley are the biggest practical jokers in Hogwarts."
"We tried on all the wigs in the wig department, we were trying on hats and joy, I don't know how we did not get thrown out, it was absolute chaos."
"The baby crying was insanely annoying, so I thought it'd be best if I annoy Anthony."
"We got him good guys. That was a good prank. Did I prank you good?"
"The bananas shattered a glass panel of the Dome. All those years of shenanigans, that was the greatest."
"Kids can be truly great at malicious compliance."
"We're always goofing around and like, we're up to no good."
"I'm literally going to pull my dirt bike into our room start it up in our room and scare her like crazy."
"You can stick around just to piss people off a little bit."
"You know what me and my brother did when we were kids? We put Pebbles on top of a car and we slid down the front roof on our asses on top of the Pebbles like we made it into a slide."
"...this was almost epic they almost tried to unload that bike with like little ramps it was about to be awesome gorilla arms over here down so we're just going to get drunk and take Daniel's bike apart..."
"We are going to set fire to Carlo P's hat."
"What's wrong with the wrecker? Letting the air out of the lockers?"
"We gave him some chocolate oh yeah I think we he had some chocolate and now he's lost his mind."
"You are now suffering from the goblin curse."
"Let's create mischief and mayhem."
"On to the next event, let's go ruin this car."
"Firefly would go to work committing acts of arson against popular attractions like the fairground and the zoo that he never got to visit as a child."
"That's enough for me, I say they I say this [ __ ] unmuted just to [ __ ] with you."
"These guys were like the class clowns they didn't care about anything they grabbed my backpack and they threw it on the floor."
"I guess there was this one time that I dressed up as Mother Gothel but it was all to fool you guys. It's like bad planned out though."
"Miniature donkeys escaped out of the fence and are heading to town and I'm pretty sure the damn cat orchestrated the entire plan."
"Guys, the seagulls are definitely evil."
"He's got her card. If you don't mind, I'm gonna buy a couple things with this."
"You and me are going to mess some people up and cause some trouble."
"He had fired a lot of people for being lazy I guess some of these people were mad and sent him these gins to make his life miserable."
"The point is to make Eggy jealous and have a blast."
"Have you ever done anything truly Wicked? One time I cut the line at Disney World for the witch ride."
"We're taking it. I'm sorry about that, Rob. Not sorry at all. We're taking your boat."
"When I tell you it gets worse every second, I'm doing story time on the first time I snuck out."
"I kind of want to terrorize the Lego Booth."
"I'm going to do something so bad it'll go down in history."
"The pig had somehow figured out how to open the mini bar door and was rooting through the candy and other snacks inside."
"Have we ever tried just robbing him of all of his money?"
"Run along and don't get into mischief."
"Go home and be a [__] Menace, just absolutely tear it up."
"This is such Fred and George diet light calorie-free thinking because it's just a little bit of lighthearted rule-breaking."
"Damn bro, it'd be a shame if I just robbed this whole place, huh? Someone tell them the story if someone tries to rob the Stu."
"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."
"We stole all the candles from the house, like layers of wax"
"Bullying Zeus has become my new favorite pastime."
"The thing about practical jokes you don't know when to stop as well as start and Now's the Time to start putting Garris person positions in jelly."
"Nobody really gets harmed, it's just a good old revenge."
"What a great trick I played on dumb old Santa."
"Jeffy just said he threw a penny off the top of the Empire State Building and hit someone."
"If I like a ghost, it'll stop bothering me. Move a chair, I [__] up every shot, slime definitely did that."
"There's not a lot of pranks going on anymore around the league. Back then, it was like you did it all."
"They're sending the owners a string of photos of their beloved gnome doing a variety of activities."
"I'm gonna run over here to Blaine's car and steal some stuff, Bobby's not looking."
"Someone will catch your eye one day, my dearest friend. I only hope I am present to congratulate him on the feat," Josephine remarked, a gleam of mischief in her eyes.
"We like causing mischief but we're not malicious by nature."
"Make some Mischief, create a bit of harmless chaos, bring some laughter into your life."
"My cat used to sneak into the refrigerator and he would steal the mushrooms."
"Sorry you're salty but the snowballs were hilarious."
"I guess one of the things I haven't in common with Lucifer is I've got a bit of a naughty sense of humor and I like you know pranks."
"I haven't pranked you in a long time."
"We should keep this to ourselves. It was probably just some teenagers causing mischief," she said with assurance.
"Have y'all ever gotten into drama just because you were bored?"