
Business Skills Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Emotional intelligence is far more important in business and in life than your IQ."
"He knew branding, networking. He knew everything before everybody."
"I think the more skilled you are, the easier it becomes, but there are obviously challenges that come with anything in business."
"The people who are good at smuggling drugs are good businessmen, they're entrepreneurs."
"In order to be super successful in any industry, you kind of have to have a business mind."
"The single most important thing you need to learn for any job in business is how to communicate, how to write a memo, how to talk, how to think."
"Most of these content creators are kind of dog [ __ ] at business."
"If you want to be irreplaceable, you learn how to generate leads."
"Creative thinking, good communication, problem-solving skills, and negotiation skills – essential soft skills for any business analyst."
"Success doesn't happen overnight... it really takes... hard work, talent, the right business skills, and luck."
"Creating a community around your art is nothing more than constantly jumping back and forth between stellar business practices and being relatable."
"I want to learn how to be like a businessman."
"Practice makes perfect, okay? So even though you're on the phone with a motivated seller for your first time and you asked the wrong question or say the wrong thing and you lost a deal... move on to the next one, right?"
"Your ability to execute, your ability to market it, build a brand around and build a business around it."
"Relationship Theory... it's just as hard to maintain a relationship as it is to build a successful company, maybe even harder."
"We nearly got scammed but my business skills saved the day."
"Price is a creative act that you can learn through implementation and practice."
"Executional skills are rare. Great ideas are a dime a dozen."
"Mercury in Virgo gives you the business ability second to none."
"Are we going to teach our people how to do business, how to actually understand the entrepreneurial journey?"
"Storytelling is the new competence in business."
"Leveraging the experience I've gained in modern business, I know the power of a personal brand."
"Audience building is the greatest skill stack of our decade."
"Learning how to communicate will help you present your idea, articulate that to others, as well as ask really good questions."
"If you develop this soft skill, you'll be able to collaborate with your internal team as well as external clients."
"Becoming wealthy like these rich Chinese citizens takes a lot of skills – people skills, business skills, marketing skills, and much more."
"Knowing how to pitch is a very valuable skill."
"Business is a skill that must be learned... It can and must be learned."
"You gotta be shrewd, patient, and strategic."
"You have a natural gift for business and entrepreneurship, knowing how to brand and market yourself."
"There is a lot of money in art and it's there for taking for artists who are not only creative and skillful but for those who understand that under its transcendental and inspiring layers art is still business."
"It shows great patience, resolve, execution, deal-making skills."
"If you are in school or college for anything creative, take a business class."
"I don't see any focus in Black America on training the Next Generation to be good in business and to learn the tools of success."
"I believe several things set me apart from the other candidates... I have a good level of business acumen and I am a loyal and trustworthy person who wants to build a long-term career with your company."
"You are selling the fact that you have the business that achieves the result of that work."
"I just showed you in an hour and 15 minutes or so how to print, save, load invoices."
"Lead generation is one skill that is at a very high premium."
"You can be very skilled in business, great wealth can come from this position."
"Your people are everything, bro. You gotta know how to handle your people. That's all part of being a boss, you know what I'm saying?"
"Forget the art; everyone knows you have to have good art. What a lot of people aren't told is how much business they need to know."
"Reselling is not just about finding stuff, it's about detailed information."
"Business people need to get more creative and creative people need to get more business."
"Marketing is I think the most important skill and the first skill."
"How do you create a compelling powerful jaw-dropping shock-and-awe elevator pitch every real estate agent needs?"
"Learn the business, get good at the business skills."
"Listen. This is so important if you want to be a good negotiator."
"Understanding the psychology of sales will make you an exponentially better photographer."
"The hard part of eBay is mastering yourself. It has nothing to do with eBay."
"Business skills are kind of an evergreen skill."
"If he gets the job more than likely he'll flourish and he'll do an amazing job the same way he does in business."
"Tip number 10: get good at selling yourself and your brand."
"Learning the business context is super important."
"Communication is a basic business competency; crystal clear communication sets you apart."
"Every entrepreneur is exactly that way. So I'm a good sales marketing person I hate logistics in manufacturing bores the [ __ ] out of me but without that skillset I can't really scale."
"Sales and marketing are two of the most valuable skills."
"I feel like golf teaches you a lot of skills that can transcend into business...skills like...being courteous, abiding by the rules, working hard."
"Start with your photography...if you can get really good at photography, you'll have the skills necessary to learn internet business."
"Empathy has always been a great enabler of sales and growth."
"Entrepreneurship is about building relationships."
"One of the hardest things as an entrepreneur is being able to ask people for money."
"Negotiation is important. Always negotiate. It is not offensive, rude, or uncouth to negotiate."
"The skill most lacking in valuation is basic statistics."
"Life path number eight: you have amazing business skills. People are going to respect you because of your toughness."
"There are different just fundamental business skills that you need to attain regardless of whatever position or industry you're going to be working in."
"...Booz Allen Hamilton allows you to leverage the experience that you prior had and be able to gain the business skills that you want transitioning into Consulting."
"The ability to sell is one of those skills that is always needed."
"Maybe some about living in China maybe some about like, you know, like how you can improve your skills in general and like business related."
"Learn how to ask the right questions... The better you get at asking the right business questions, the better you're going to be as a developer."
"Martin Greenberg was a terrific promoter of the SF genre but an inadequate businessman."
"There are a few key competencies that you need in order to be successful as a business partner: business acumen, problem-solving, and communication."
"Understanding Business and Finance, using research and analytics to design, and leadership and teamwork are skills needed in practice but designers don't bring them from the education."
"I start to recognize quality when I see it and that's helped me a tremendous amount in terms of sourcing items."
"That is the game of business, if you want to make a million dollars you have to acquire more and more skills and get better."
"Perhaps the most important single skill you can develop to become a successful business person is goal setting."
"A business degree will put you in situations where you have to talk to people and network and understand how to use these soft skills in practice."
"You have YouTube, you have online education; I believe 2021 is a much easier year to learn business than it was five, ten years ago."
"I've learned so much in doing this startup at Instagram that I never learned at school."
"People have to learn how to write, people have to learn how to speak, and people have to learn basic business math skills."
"Just go for the most interesting things and then learn core business skills so that you can turn you just doing what's most interesting to you on a daily basis into a profitable money-making event like venture."
"It also taught me a lot of business acumen and how to deal with things."
"Pattern recognition is something millionaires are really good at."
"I learned how to talk to people and how to make really nice business emails."
"The most important skill that you can develop in this business is the ability to consistently find and purchase profitable products."
"The art of pricing your services profitably is the number one skill all business owners need to master."
"The price of loyalty is not just money but political business skills."
"Business skills really do translate, and they move from one type of business to another."
"You don't have to be the best painter to run a paint party business, but you do have to know how to market."
"Learn to read financial statements. Extremely important."
"What you're learning for business English is how to sell."
"The most important thing that you can ever learn... is how to define and categorize a motivated seller as quickly as humanly possible."
"Learning to write effective letters is not a lost art in the workplace; in fact, it's a skill that you need to be successful in business."
"Storytelling is the most underrated skill in business."
"Build your own powers of magnetism and persuasion so you can influence those you contact in business."