
Esoteric Knowledge Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"All knowledge of any social importance begins as esoteric occult knowledge and it's hidden from the masses then it's propagated through science fiction books and then later TV and movies to condition the masses."
"The stupid world has always treated in this way men who, like Saint Germain, have returned to it after long years of seclusion devoted to study with their hands full of the treasure of esoteric wisdom and with the hope of making the world better, wiser, and happier."
"You start looking into the numbers, the geometry, the placement in the landscape, and the astronomy and this kind of secret tradition emerges that is only kind of encoded within the site itself as you know how to decode it."
"The Emerald Tablet is perhaps the single greatest and poorest understood of all texts in the Hermetic and occult philosophies."
"Ancient humans knew how to harness [Earth's] energies by placing their monuments in specific locations which can then harness the Earth's energy grid."
"As above, so below. As above, so below. This is the secret of the 'Drowned God.'"
"Luciferian knowledge is characterized by its potential to ignite the inner spark of creativity and to inspire the soul to reach for lofty ideals."
"The occult is about hidden knowledge or veiled knowledge, stuff that you can't quite quantify."
"Occult knowledge is self-explanatory; it's just having knowledge on all of these types of things."
"The akashic records: a vast database of information imprinted on a subtle energy field, containing the collective wisdom and history of all souls."
"This gospel emphasizes the importance of secret knowledge, predation the key to salvation."
"Fortunately however, the esoteric tradition survives in the racial subconscious."
"If you understood energy frequency and vibration right, you would understand you would hold the key to the universe."
"There was a lot of writing, I wrote about the secrets of immortality."
"Great knowledge and hidden secrets are found in the darkest places."
"To achieve the primordial knowledge, the very first knowledge to be able to understand the rest, the entire journey all the way into the future."
"These ideologies and archetypes are all going back to the original teachings of Thoth from the Emerald Tablets."
"A lot of the verses where Jesus, really Yeshua, is speaking in the Bible is really fragments and fractals of what he learned in the Egyptian mystery schools."
"We're gonna get us some esoteric knowledge coming soon if you stick with us."
"That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below."
"Just as the dumerians and the byrgenwerth scholars sought the eldritch truth... the alchemists sought the veritas."
"Symbolic imagery holds the power to unveil wisdom long obscured from Human understanding."
"But I think that the mystery School line mystery School language bringing it out to the public means it has to be up there for our consideration for our awareness level when we're dealing with it."
"From the point of view of what they stand for, what they symbolize, and their fun and their function in esoteric knowledge and in science, they are the same person."
"Exploring the esoteric realm of self-improvement is part of the journey."
"The first technology of magic is something I call wordlessness."
"The mystery schools in general have a predictive aspect to a lot of the information."
"For those of you who feel like you're chosen for those of you who have Cosmic intelligence and are able to get downloads from the spiritual realm."
"How much of the knowledge hidden within the theosophical movement may gradually be communicated depends entirely on the attitude of our contemporaries."
"Time and time again we hear of gurus who claim to have some kind of power and knowledge that is unattainable to the masses."
"You don't get access to Universal secrets and ancient truths without deep trust."
"Perhaps Divine knowledge was also kept to a certain group."
"The High Priestess knows your secrets, silence speaks volumes."
"The central secret of a lot of esoteric traditions is to look for Jesus within, look for God within, look for the Buddha within, what you're looking for is yourself but it's not yourself it's your higher self."
"He who knows these understandingly possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open."
"Your mothers and fathers of old who built the greatest, most powerful, most influential civilizations, they understood that there were other powers and energies available to them and they knew how to harness them."
"The akashic records are the great library of the earth, the great newspaper of the earth, the great history of the earth."
"I really, really recommend this if you're interested at all in the esoteric human body."
"You have to go to the subconscious of the egregor, or what we call the sacred Halls of Amenti."
"Valyrian steel signifies knowledge of the higher mysteries."
"Wisdom ingested in the age of Pisces is now accessible through DNA activation."
"They all lead to the same truth if you, as an esoteric seeker, try and find it."
"There are these spiritual powers who gave to man knowledge he wasn't ready for that's been destructive."
"The true Secret of the ages: to magnetize the higher frequencies of light into this whirling field of Darkness."
"Those who know it, what thou is, tell it not; those who tell it, know it not."
"Every student of psychics... desires to know how to develop his own powers and faculties."
"The rosicrucians were said to possess all the knowledge in the world and the potential to give people salvation."
"Sometimes culturally impactful products are known more esoterically for how they influence the artist who ended up becoming successful than for their own popularity itself."
"Your third-eye is this vortex, this transformational place where you have access to things that maybe seem illogical, but your intuition just knows that they're right or wrong."
"When we take the trouble to search in the human figure for the hidden secrets of the spiritual world, we arrive at knowledge that is of the utmost importance for the human heart and soul."
"Get grounded in Hermetic laws and you'll get grounded in all the rest of the stuff."
"The secret teachings of all ages is perhaps the most comprehensive and complete esoteric encyclopedia ever written."
"She was reputed to be the most accomplished scholar not only in all of the ordinary sciences but also in all of the esoteric sciences of religion."
"You must put in the knowledge which comes from understanding the symbolisms of these teachings."
"This is your source for authentic tarot, astrology, magic, and manifestation."
"Live esoteric knowledge and the wisdom of life are not obtained through formal education."