
Knowledge Exchange Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The free exchange of ideas and knowledge are agreed and determined to develop and to increase the means of communication between their peoples and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other's lives."
"Sometimes people come in knowing more about it than I do, and then they teach me, and that's I love it."
"I could sit here and pick your brain all day. This was a hell of a chat."
"This is 'In Class with Carr' because I'm a student. I'm learning as you're teaching, and then it's sparking questions and then I'm asking, filling in some blanks for myself."
"We love questions, but we also love answers."
"We all have something to learn, and we all have something to teach."
"I think it's great... sharing the knowledge and supporting each other."
"I think it is about as intellectually honest as it can be. Maybe somebody else knows more and they can teach me."
"We have to be allowed to learn from each other."
"I think it is, but there was a lot of cross-fertilization of the different disciplines."
"Let's get busy because the wealth of knowledge and the way we play off each other, man."
"House is going to be a high IQ conversation, let's get into it, let's go."
"You can learn... getting to sit down at lunch and even just ask questions of people is amazing."
"We all have lots to learn from each other if we listen."
"Fred, this has been an incredible knowledge talk or dialogue that we had and I think people are going to really use this data to survive better."
"Learning things and unlearning things is a give and take process."
"The person most likely to correct something you're wrong about is someone that you disagree with."
"Greek scholars are said to have journeyed to Kemet to study various disciplines such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy."
"Remember what Emerson said: 'Every man I meet is my superior in some way, in that I learn of him.'"
"We offer knowledge: insights into our technology, our energy systems, our medicine. In return, we seek asylum and the chance to share in Earth's cultural and scientific bounty."
"Our intention is only to teach everyone and while we are exchanging this knowledge, we are also gaining some part of it."
"Even when we came in this morning and we were just chit chatting and catching up on life, I wound up learning two or three things from him about stuff that I do on an everyday basis."
"I think we had a really great conversation and hopefully you've taken away quite a bit of new knowledge from this."
"In the organic growing community we like to share knowledge."
"I'm learning so much from you as you're telling me that you're learning from me."
"The end is not to prove that we are right, rather our program brings diverse minds together so that we can clarify what we do and do not know."
"He's heard that advanced Warriors occasionally gather there to exchange knowledge."
"The exchange of knowledge and expertise between China and Chile is a testament to the collaborative spirit in addressing this shared concern."
"Our speaker will do his best to answer all your questions during the Q&A portion of the event."
"How many scholars came to study at Alexandria, did some scribbling, and then took back a bunch of knowledge to their own nations?"
"Our conversation is a good way to learn."
"Not only to help our membership but also support the radiation protection community worldwide and promote knowledge exchange internationally."
"The practice of telling stories is the practice of sharing theories, philosophies, histories, and diverse experiences."
"Scholarship, really at its heart, is a conversation among different people contributing to the ideas and knowledge going on in that conversation."
"Intelligence Squared is the home of debate."
"The exchange of information helps us move towards a better understanding of the truth."
"Trust is required to share knowledge at a personal level."
"That's a pretty worthwhile trade."
"I love being on the ground and learning from others."
"Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don't."
"Let's make gardening fun again, take the profits and the money side out of it, and let's just exchange knowledge and information between each other."
"I've learned more from you than you could ever have learned from me."
"The fastest way to learn is to teach."
"Everybody should be open to learning from other people, like yeah, 100%."
"I respect the game, and when you can find someone who's a peer, and you can share knowledge and grow in knowledge, that's a beautiful thing."
"This was definitely enlightening; we should have more of these discussions."
"Easing the movement of labor between our continents... should contribute to peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, improve the flow of information, and bring about new innovations."
"We have good conversation, information, revelation."
"We got to get to the point that our people need this, they don't need to see us arguing and killing each other, they need to see us exchanging knowledge."
"The community is fantastic and there are lots of people out there including this channel that if you ask an intelligent well-thought-out question, you'll get an intelligent well thought-out answer."
"There's no telling what we might learn from each other."
"All of the information is out there, and everybody shares all of their different ways of doing things."
"We passed on knowledge to each other, but also we applied that knowledge, and then we execute on it."
"I learn as much from my subscribers as they do from me."
"It's actually fairly easy to listen to the indigenous voice, speak with people like him, come back with questions, and go back and forth even between systems of knowledge."