
System Integration Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"We must get rid of any notion straightaway that control is something imposed on the system from outside; it has to be built into it."
"If your system is assembled by a system integrator, everything's going to be upgradeable in the future."
"What we've done is we've plugged a bunch of systems into each other in ways that our protections don't anticipate."
"There's tremendous power in being able to do that, so you know we have, there's no part of our system that is not heavily that does not heavily, you know, leverage."
"Everything just works beautifully in the ecosystem."
"It's super cool, it's something that once you get used to it, you want it in every system."
"Systems and within all those systems... build that one super system for us."
"And finally, the icing on the cake, the system uses data from FlightAware, a company that provides real-time aircraft information."
"We're all part of the same system in a much more integrated and thorough way than we ever appreciated."
"Fallout 4 is a very successful game, like they managed to make all these systems work really well and blend together."
"Our goal is ultimately regardless of how you guys are integrating or considering your systems we just want to give you the flexibility."
"Expandable system: integrate new appliances or upgrade existing ones."
"Congratulations, this capability is being added."
"Seamlessly into a system that he already knows."
"Wow at its worst feels like a lifeless collection of systems and content. Like all of those things is the cure to that problem hopefully they nail it."
"I'm pleased about that because essentially the company is paying me to progress my open source project while getting a friendly, reliable system for me to use at work."
"Definitely pretty awesome that you can link up these two systems and they can talk to each other so well."
"And that's an end-to-end test over multiple independently deployed applications. That is just super cool."
"Half the fun is in all of these little systems that come together very nicely to create this ornate picture that is Imperator Rome."
"Young quarterbacks have to learn... you've got to put yourself back into the system." - Joel Klatt
"It all works together so seamlessly and in such a refined and quiet manner."
"Awesome! So now it is working and it's integrated with Stripe."
"Valedictorians don't shake up the world, they tend to settle into the system."
"Now we can talk about parallel and series connecting system components."
"Unprecedented interoperability big idea we are starting to see this idea of interoperability take flight."
"But one of the more unique features is it looks like certain PS5 games are going to offer a system-level support where you actually make use of the UI to help you kind of quickly get to things that you want to do in specific games."
"The challenge right now is how to put the centralized and non-centralized systems working together."
"My problem with Black Excellence is that it becomes less about how you can succeed as an individual and more about how you can be more like them or work in their system."
"We need Sky 360 out there and we need this network... otherwise it's very confusing with so many different machines."
"A lot of the ingenuity is figuring out where to take this superpower of supervised learning and put it into this much bigger system."
"... integrate this with a RAG system. So that you can actually just use a Q&A to basically query your screenshots and get the answers back that way."
"Uniformly describing events is fundamental to integrating our systems."
"I think that is just the perfect way to implement a master tag database, merge it with the knowledge vault and make all of that information and all of that visibility and all that sorting and filtering capability all part of the same system."
"And then finally, some of these things are just best practices in the industry, and Kubernetes automates and has those best practices built into the system itself."
"NetSuite comes built-in with tools to integrate with other systems and customize your instance."
"Everything is connected, everything makes sense, and everything works."
"Apple ensures that Mac systems are optimized to work together, which makes Macs run more smoothly for the duration of their lifetime."
"We leverage the Yocto Project to create a common experience for system and application development among our products."
"System design is the practice and method of creating many disparate pieces of software into an entire system."
"The move toward a shared system model is both human readable and computer readable."
"If you really want to be the best that you can, you can't neglect or just ignore all those other systems."
"Data pipeline refers to an automated process of moving data from one system to another."
"You could build your collection on that drive, and then you could distribute it to your systems."
"Contracts are incredibly useful when we're gluing large systems together."
"The digital twin paradigm is really about integrating models, data, and decisions."
"You have to ensure that the whole chain of events or this whole integration of tasks works as you'd like it to work."
"I would propose a solution that includes a centralized inventory database, integration with ABC Corp's existing ERP system, and a user-friendly interface for managing the inventory."
"It integrates better into the Nexus system."
"This whole system is all integrated; it's all designed for future expansion in mind."
"I wanted to see more of that work brought into the system."
"Project Operations integrates with customers' current systems such as sales, finance, and HR, without the need to replace existing systems."
"A good way to reach loose coupling is asynchronous messaging."
"Integration via messaging makes it really simple."
"The Sync 3 is seamless, it's an awesome system."
"Our philosophy has been to complement but not conceal Kubernetes."
"Bollinger Bands should be incorporated within everybody's trading systems."
"We'll gradually start hooking up our front and back end and bring it all together into a full stack application."
"API Gateway is a very important component that all of us would need at some point in time when we are building microservices."
"We have an integrated and connected system."
"You can connect anything to this system which is the beauty of it."
"HDFS provides various access mechanisms: a Java API, a Python and a C language wrapper, a web GUI, and an FS shell."
"If you want to integrate any on-premise system with BTP... you have to integrate your on-premise system using Cloud Connector."
"You can just gather that data right up front and then move it into your system of record or that template that you needed."
"Bulletproof task management integrates these needs within a sophisticated, streamlined system that's manageable for every user."
"The system simplifies the collaboration of all devices in operation through flexible data exchange."
"Automatically, Flutter will detect the theme of the system and will apply the theme on your application."
"Not fighting with the power structure of the world but getting into the power structure of the world and then changing it from within."
"Those assets once they're on chain can be a building block in this new financial system."
"The presenter... purely mediates or translates between the model and the view and connects these two worlds."
"It's just a really well integrated system and I think you're really going to love it."
"It's using all that information from our Excel sheet and putting it into our routed system."
"There are five different aspects of visibility and four different sources of visibility, and all of them should come together to provide a more holistic picture."
"By combining all of these systems together in a single environment we can test system level integration and optimize the design of the entire system."
"There's no reaching out, no REST calls going on between the different systems; it's all message-based."
"The value of doing a paper mock-up... gives me a really good 3D model and also a system integration model."
"One service doesn't need to know how another service functions internally."
"Integrating systems is hard, but based on my experience, BizTalk does its job well."