
Drought Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"One of the predictions from future climate modeling is an increase in both drought frequency and severity."
"Asia is currently facing a major Water Crisis, and by Major, I mean major: a record-breaking drought, the longest and most severe drought in recent history."
"If not, the resulting mega drought could have a catastrophic impact, not only on the Southwest, but also the entire nation."
"I think we're in a little bit of a drought, a drier spell one might say."
"Eventually, a drought will come every so often, blowing a sandstorm throughout the entire map."
"Global warming was the primary cause of unprecedented Amazon drought."
"Drought indicators showed a potential worsening in the coming weeks."
"Our water is at risk. This is one of the worst drought situations that I've ever seen."
"The western united states are drying up. This is the effect of 21 consecutive years of drought."
"It's the worst drought situation ever on record."
"The climate Engineers again completely shut down the flow of rain into the West."
"Utah's Great Salt Lake has been shrinking for years, and a drought gripping the American West could make this year the worst yet."
"It's like we've had a drought and now the tide's coming in, and it's like your person's part of that tide coming in."
"Finally, Texas is getting some moisture. You can see it's very wet here. It rained yesterday. It's supposed to rain all week, I think, which is great because Texas been in drought for like two months. So hopefully that is ending now."
"This drought isn't the 2008 Phillies' burden to bear, but it is their opportunity to heal an entire city."
"I'm happy to be back in drought mode. Just means I get to spend more time with my friends."
"This is not Montana normally this is, it looks a little bit more alive than this and just from the drought this summer so as you can see up here that's their current hay supply, they're down to like just a few round bales left."
"An article by Phys.org shows they're trying to pinpoint peanut plants that can survive during a drought."
"We've had no rain for like three years."
"We talked to people, it is in a massive drought out there."
"Hope is a powerful weapon against anything, even drought."
"Someday there's going to be a very severe drought and they're going to need that water."
"This weather makes me so happy. We have not had rain for the longest time."
"Cubs haven't won the World Series since 1908."
"Severe drought in Texas exposes 113 million-year-old dinosaur tracks."
"...Williams will arguably deserve the MVP award later put the game away with a 38-yard touchdown to give the Chiefs a 31:20 victory and that was it Kansas City's 50-year Super Bowl drought was all over but not without a few Internet breaking plays."
"They haven't won a monument for a quarter of a century."
"Biology can deliver nutrition and continue to deliver nutrition to plants in drought situations because biology can deliver water and nutrients in the absence of abundant water even in drought stress situations."
"Hidden beneath the waters of some European rivers lies historical markers of past hardships: the hunger stones."
"A recent drought in Italy described as the worst in 70 years has led to the remarkable resurfacing of an ancient bridge known as Nero's Bridge."
"This number is very important... surviving a drought with your food plot."
"The US West is experiencing the worst Mega drought in 1200 years."
"Prosperity gave way to misery as drought and famine took hold."
"Now that we're in the middle of this mega drought, and Lake Mead's going dry, Lake Powell's going dry, all the states are having to cut back."
"This is the lowest the lake has ever been since it was flooded in 1935."
"Not for 160 years has Ireland experienced a massive drought and heat wave like the one that's going on right now."
"Because of the drought, the henge after thousands of years allowed itself to appear in the photographs."
"We're now going through a drought of proportions; it hasn't rained since March, it's now July, and our grass has just conked out after the last few days of 40°, it's just really like the end of the world."
"We have a domino effect right, we have a widespread droughts in the heartlands of these people that kind of push them into motion."
"Imagine the same drought as in the US in 2012; what would that do to global food prices in 2030?"
"It is completely bone dry and it is absolutely devastating to see this occur."
"One of the challenges that we all have, especially this year in really most years, is severe drought."
"There is little money; there is little water."
"The current drought in the Mississippi River can be attributed to several factors, with climate change emerging as a prominent and undeniable cause."
"The drought's repercussions extend beyond transportation and infrastructure, reaching basic human needs."
"We desperately need rain," said the head of California Tomato Growers Association.
"These droughts are being fueled by record temperatures and unprecedented climate swings across the map."
"For the first time, maybe a drought would yield much more than stress, suffering, and inconvenience."
"The WAAC Bennett Dam and climate change have created drought conditions that threaten the largest population of free-roaming wood bison in the world."
"This Mega drought, which has lasted for over two decades, is one of the driest periods in a thousand years."
"We think the person who killed Robert Kussler had a bigger plan to make the drought happen."
"Hello everyone, thank you for joining us for our first session of our ARSET webinar series on remote sensing of drought."
"Looking at groundwater changes or depletion, you can look at hydrologic drought."
"The severe drought has led to fantastic findings at Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas."
"The legend tells of a cow given to the villagers during a time of drought."
"It now looks as if this ancient society crumbled almost overnight because of a sudden lack of rainwater."
"Due to the extreme drought that we're in right here, the wildlife absolutely has nothing here to eat."
"That's impressive, the amazing thing is we haven't had consistent rain here in over six months."
"The worst drought in the last 800 years in this region occurred between 1587 and 1589."
"The lack of rain is what in your opinion has caused this drought."
"If it's flooding in one area because of excessive rainfall, it's probably going to be a drought somewhere else."
"Droughts are nature's fault; they happen. But water shortages are our fault; that's a choice that we made a generation ago."
"This city goes back 3,400 years to the ancient Matani Empire and was revealed thanks to an extreme drought in Iraq."
"It felt really scary actually because the whole climate, the whole landscape is just drying out."
"Water is the biggest [issue]; we can do everything else right management-wise, and we go three weeks dry this time of the year, and we're cooked."
"The entire State of California is out of drought for like the first time in years, which is amazing."
"Just over a third of California remains in some level of drought, the lowest amount since the drought began."
"The Dust Bowl refers to the drought-stricken Southern Plains region of the United States that suffered severe dust storms during the '30s."
"The heavens were shut up by Elijah for three and a half years."
"This area of California has been extremely dry for about the past two decades."
"We are officially out of a drought, which is insane."
"Many people say the worst drought in living memory."
"The country's agricultural sector lost $7.4 billion in production and 70,000 jobs in the 2002-2003 years alone."
"The Millennium Drought was a only herald of things to come."
"The Federation Drought - sometimes called the 'Great Drought' or 'Long Drought' - which lasted from 1895 to 1902, was the worst drought in Australian history."
"The thing about the Millennium Drought that made it so distinct was that there was no above-average rainfall in between all those dry years."
"The chitrava has been pretty much dry all these years but there are some big storms coming."
"The country and the Horn of Africa has been hit by the worst drought in 40 years."
"Her nobles send their servants for water; they come to the cisterns, they find no water, they return with their vessels empty."
"We're getting into some pretty dangerous drought conditions around here right now."
"It hasn't rained here in a long, long time."
"We've just come out of one of the worst droughts that South Africa's been in the last 100 years."
"It's very important for us to understand that with the drought, it's there for a reason, it's weeding out the weak."
"Changing weather patterns resulting in prolonged dry spells and sea level rise have compounded Tuvalu's water woes."
"A drought is a shortage of precipitation such as rain or snow over a period of time."
"Southern California, as you know, we are a very, very dry, drought-ridden place."