
Life Progress Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The power of positive thinking and moving forward in life and achieving what you can while you're here."
"Once you get yourself going and flowing you're gonna look back on your life two to three years and be like wow."
"True progress in your life, true new progress."
"Now is the time to let go and to move forward, let's stop making excuses, let's take responsibility for where we are in life right now."
"The eight of wands is an energy of once the opportunities present themselves, it'll help move you along in the direction of making these things."
"So yes, I feel that there is a bit of an ebb and flow relating to how people want to press forward in their lives."
"Life is about keeping it moving, keeping it progressing."
"Just keep moving forward, man. You don't have to have any kind of experience."
"Everything is moving into motion, it's all about timing."
"My life is piecing together gracefully and abundantly."
"I definitely feel very grown-up I guess and I feel like you know braking braking levels in life or something"
"Time will pass anyway; you might as well use it."
"Never allow the past or something that was once toxic to keep you stuck. Grow from it, move forward from it."
"He does seem like he's grown up and has some things figured out in his life."
"Until you take over that driving seat and take responsibility and accountability, you're not gonna go anywhere."
"Strength and courage lead to movement; push forward with fortitude."
"You need to forgive yourself and you need to move on with your life. Thank you, Steve."
"We just want him caught. We want to be able to close it out and go on with our life."
"Progress equals happiness. Progress is an aliveness."
"You will have the victory, the clarity, you will be moving forward with a renewed sense of balance in your life."
"Legacy energy: seeing some of what you've been working for and building."
"Every day is a new day and a new step towards a better life and a better future."
"Everyone has an opinion. I find it's better to focus on what's in front of you and to keep putting one foot in front of the other."
"You're protected in a lot of ways. It's almost impossible for something for you to not level up or go to the next phase in your life."
"Things couldn't be going any better for Oscar Brown."
"Personal records extend beyond the gym; it's about progress in life."
"It feels like it's finally starting to fall into place."
"If your deeds hold you back your lineage will not push you forward."
"If you've been waiting for some sort of income or you've been waiting for something to flourish just know that it is going to come."
"I'm proud of where I've come to where it used to be."
"This new moon will really mark the beginning of the wheels finally spinning forward, and I think we're all gonna feel really good and very pleased with where we're heading in life."
"We're either going forward or we're going in Reverse."
"You're going after your heart's true desire right here, and it's allowing for you to move forward into smoother and calmer waters."
"I'm feeling very happy with where my life is going."
"Time moves regardless of if you're standing still or you're in motion."
"It's really easy, especially with social media, you look at people around you...who are constantly working...but just because they're doing all these things does not mean they're progressing in life."
"If a person is not educated in life, they can't go far and they can't take their community back."
"I'm happy I can inspire them and push forward in life."
"If you feel like you're behind in life, you just need to access or look at what you've done."
"What a difference 30, 40, 50 years can make."
"I'm happily married now and getting on with my life."
"I definitely feel a lot more at peace and I know exactly what I need to do in order to move forward in life."
"Life is what you make it, and trust me when I say this: if you're being alone because you're smart, if you're not trusting many people at all because you're smart, you're getting so far ahead in life."
"You have progressed your life in some way, shape, or form; you put yourself out there, you know a little bit more about the world around you."
"If I knew then what I know now, I would be much further in life."
"You're really progressing in your life."
"It's time to put certain things to rest and mean it. Say your goodbyes, kiss it goodbye, and move forward with your life."
"Remember where you come from so as you progress in life, you don't forget your humble beginnings, your origins."
"It's like I can feel the pages turning in my life in a positive way."
"When you finally finish this, it's like this huge relief, and you could just throw it off yourself and get on with the rest of your life."
"By moving forward with your life, and when you finally do that, you're finally in alignment to the energies that you are looking to receive from the universe."