
Overcoming Negativity Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"Don't let hate win, you always have to let love win."
"Allowing yourself to love and be compassionate towards yourself is the key to overcoming negativity and embracing joy."
"Let a man overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth."
"You can't drive out darkness with more darkness; you can't expose someone who's going to hurt you by being someone who's closed off and holding back yourself."
"I am not going to let my mindset stop me. I'm not going to let these negative thoughts run me down."
"Hope is to any situation that is negative, you got to have something more positive to hope for."
"This year is going to be big regardless of what's going on, regardless of the BS, regardless of the negativity."
"The idea to be held in mind is that of rising above these lower levels of fear, anger, and worry to the plane of indifference, cheerfulness, and confidence."
"Being called a scam by everyone is an opportunity. We did a million x on being called a scam."
"Cut away those chords of things that are holding you back including negative beliefs that hold you back or like negative things that you tell yourself."
"All these negative feelings you're feeling right now, they will go away, even if you don't feel like they would, they will."
"There's a lot more love than hate, haters that won't make you succeed."
"Once you find that [passion], it kind of shuts out all of the darkness around you."
"Yesterday sucked, whatever, let's try and make today not suck."
"The more you and this person walk away from fears or negativity in your life, the more you guys will probably come closer friends."
"Worry, fear, and angst are no match for your light."
"Preparing myself for that and getting out of that mindset of negativity was seeing the possibility."
"The good stuff kind of does bury the bad stuff."
"Don't let other people's limiting thoughts hold you back."
"Fast your insecurity, doubts, shame, guilt, jealousy, and comparison."
"Love breeds more love. Do not pay attention to the negatives because it will only feed them and make them stronger."
"We didn't stop believing in us... we said, 'We're not gonna allow negativity to kill our frequency.'" - will.i.am
"The devil wants you to think that you're stuck. Choose differently and unshackle yourself."
"Developers don't want to see you win, but ignore the haters."
"Have some strategies that shake off any morbid feelings."
"Don't feed into bitterness. Use past experiences as motivation for success."
"As long as you believe in yourself and don't really listen to all the negative backgrounds, you can do anything you set your mind to."
"Hate got us in this position but love is going to break us out."
"I think the fact that you do the work you do the altruism and this will is an extraordinary way of undoing that that ugliness."
"Fear and doubt are not a good thought process, because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy and optimism and action."
"It's a very important moment in time to stay on your path, to stay on your journey, ignore the negativity as much as you can."
"Trust the process, believe in your personal power, and don't let negative thoughts control you."
"Change your thoughts, change your life; challenge negative thinking."
"All of the conflicts, all of the negativity, all of the bad things that you're experiencing now, you will be walking away from it."
"New beginnings and a fresh start are taking place, and your prayer is, 'Thank you for bringing me new opportunities and offering support.'"
"Connecting to the joyful capacity of your heart will heal so much negativity and uncertainty."
"You are not who other people said you are, conclusions are within reach."
"Express yourself and speak your truth, regardless of negative influences."
"Don't miss out on your blessings allowing other people's fears and projections to talk you out of good things."
"Your hater is your best guide for actual greatness."
"Don't let someone else's hate stop you from loving."
"Kill somebody that's hating on you with success."
"I wanted to be a photographer so bad and I had so many people tell me that you can't fricking do it."
"Action is the antidote to anger and despair, and it's what we do together that really affects positive change."
"Death endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation, and transition."
"When you can let the hate motivate you, you're really going to win."
"It's the end of like a very sadness, depression, negativity and it's naturally going to make you understand that the very big change in your life it's absolutely imminent."
"Don't hear no. I eat no for breakfast. Don't hear no. Always believe in what can be, unburdened by what has been."
"Everything I ever did, the thing that they heard out of people's mouths was, 'That's impossible. That can't be done.' Or, 'No.' That is exactly what I heard."
"You're attracting someone who will blow past negativity out of the water."
"Haters will always hate; love your courage and love always wins."
"If you want something, you have to go out and take it. You can't listen to all the haters."
"The positivity far outweighs the negativity."
"Leaving behind the negative stuff, turn your back on it."
"The doubt is real, the hate is real, the fear is real, but you know what? The love is far stronger."
"Let go of past failures and feelings of guilt. Choose to stand firm, to battle each day, and ignore the negative talk and assaults from others."
"When you stop listening to other people's negativity and focus on you, that's when all your blessings come in."
"All glory to God... I'm not going to let these haters get me down."
"You've got to be stronger than the negatives around you."
"Sometimes the negative comments are louder than the positives, but love always drowns them out."
"Successful people did the work and not wallow in self-pity."
"You don't need their hate anymore, you've grown past it."
"Those people are miserable and they want to bring you down whenever I was starting YouTube uh I had really toxic family members and old school classmates who tried to make fun of me for doing YouTube but like I can't I can't"
"Every time I have a self-limiting belief now what I'll do is I'll write it down in my journal, I'll cross it out, and then I'll write something more positive."
"Don't bow down to your haters, rise above them."
"Interrupting all of those self-loathing feelings that you have, all of those self-loathing thoughts that you have, all of those body sensations that take you to a low place of shame and regret and failure and feeling like you're not worth anything."
"Do not allow negative energy or temporary setbacks to interfere with the path that you're on. Keep the faith and keep going."
"When I see the love in person, it completely trumps the hate."
"The right people will be there rooting for you, even if you have haters."
"You can overcome the darkness inside your heart." - Yugi
"I'm dwelling on the goodness of God, not magnifying the works of darkness."
"Books are empathy machines; they let you see through someone else's eyes."
"You're finally breaking free of this devil energy which has been restricting you."
"I'm praying for this man lord. I pray you take the smell of smoke, the disappointment, the bitterness, the anger, the feeling of betrayal and loss."
"Positivity will always triumph over negativity."
"Your life is about to change big time, cancer. Um, and these people, they're gonna regret losing a blessing."
"Ending envy, jealousy, self-sabotage—because you deserve peace."
"That's the news of the gospel that he cares about what others don't care about and in the midst of all the haters in the midst of all the chatter God is saying I have hope for you somebody say hope."
"You have broken free. Their plan didn't work."
"Success minded people defeat the tendency to complain about their health."
"Start giving, start cultivating that and stop taking the pity route."
"You're done with that because the negativity of that treatment has bled into other areas."
"Even if you have one positive in your life and 40 negatives, focus on the positive."
"Victory lies within my grasp. I am your source of hope. Today, all negative thoughts, all pessimism, every sense of inadequacy shall dissipate."
"Don't let the devil tell you that your end is going to be worse than your beginning."
"The love outweighs the ignorance by far, by far, by far."
"Learn to be proud of your accomplishments instead of downsizing them. Don't let others' opinions hold you back."
"By assessing your thoughts, writing down what's holding you back, and testing them, you can overcome all sorts of negative ideas."
"So the real question is what is it that you can fall in love with enough that makes all the fighting through the negative voice worth it?"
"You are going to feel as if you have to fight for it. You're going to feel as if you have to go against the negativity of others."
"She knows how to manifest something good out of a negative experience."
"Don't worry about the others, just don't let them bring you down."
"Controversy aside, the love for this watch, like anything in life, has prevailed over evil."
"You ain't gonna get nowhere in your life if you sit there with bitterness and pray for people's downfall."
"Them trying to diminish your light just made it more colorful."
"You spend so much years in toxicity, when you feel peace, you'll be like, this [ __ ] don't feel right."
"Don't feel like a failure, don't feel discouraged, people the comments you get will support you."
"You are smart enough, you are capable enough, and don't let the negative feelings that you had within the Watchtower carry over in your regular life."
"Set your mind to be free from suffering, set your mind to be emancipated from your mental defilements, set your mind to be free from your jealousy, your hatred, your violence, your greediness, the disappointment, the depression."
"The time for nihilism, self-pity, and excuses is over."
"For all the haters out there, go do something else with your life. Get rid of that hate in your heart."
"If I am one with God and I am here as God right now would I fear would I doubt would I be negative or would I power through everything."
"It's about fighting the bullshit for you, fighting your self-doubt, anxiety, excuses, and childhood stories, and reminding you of who you are and what you're capable of."
"You need to express disappointment, release victim consciousness."
"Ignore all the negativity and trust yourself because you will realize what was slowing you down."
"Never allow people who gave up on their dreams to convince you to give up on yours."
"But don't allow this very bad comments, people, situation to hinder your progress because where you're heading is beautiful."
"Take envy or jealousy and use it in a positive way. Get inspired by it."
"That voice is going to stop talking with you, that when you kill that voice, it will be the last time it ever takes stage in your life ever again."
"Never let negative energy pull you off course or off track."
"Screw the haters. You are beautiful. You can do it too."
"Love is stronger than sin and death and hatred."
"This is us, punching all the haters out of the way."
"You can't beat darkness with force, you can only beat darkness with light."
"I did everything I could to hide, but what people used to tear me down about was actually a superpower."
"I'm not just going to grow roots of rejection and roots of offense... I'm gonna bear fruit."
"Take every negative thought and decide to be like, you know what, I don't like this thing but what if I wasn't thinking limited?"
"They want a breakthrough, to break through any drama or negative thoughts."
"Concentrate on the good things you want to happen in the future. Don't go back into the sea of bitterness."
"I would love to get past all this angry nonsense and get back to doing what I like to do and make videos."
"Having a victim mindset is going to get you nowhere."
"If you ever want to give up, no, no, no, no, no, you... that's a loser's mentality."
"Countries that invest and strengthen their democracies avoid civil wars. Full liberal democracies don't experience civil war."
"Turn those negative experiences into something amazing."
"Jealousy and hate from others? Ignore them, focus on yourself and keep winning."
"Don't let negativity overshadow your exciting experiences."
"To talk back to those voices shut the enemy down."
"Every time he does [transporting Yami around], he feels proud because he isn't a useless bum like his family and everyone said all his life."
"Members calling you an [] are just mad that you outsmarted them and their ass-hattery. You are not the []. Congratulations!"
"Transform self-sabotage into self-mastering."
"Realize that there's way more people out there who love you than the one person that's hating you."
"Positively will come to you, you know? If you're stuck on the negative, can't be a debbie downer."
"You can't focus on the negativity you get hit with you got to figure out okay what did I learn from that what can I make happen from that."
"Challenge your inner critic... rising above your inner critic... we all have that negative voice inside of our heads."
"Confidence is not an instant evolution. It takes time, practice, and unlearning toxicity."
"You're no longer really feeling so completely overwhelmed by the negativity."
"Spirit got y'all haters binded, they are confined."
"The negativity only made him want to prove her wrong."
"People get so caught up in the moment of the negative and the darkness and they don't see the light."
"Quitting, failure, saying 'I can't,' seeing, telling yourself these negative things is never going to get you where you want to be."
"The only people that tell you you can't do something are the ones that have failed."
"There's somebody telling you that you can't do something; don't listen to them."
"Feeling it overtake all that I used to hate, one by one every trait going with what I always longed for." - Rihanna
"The venom has been pulled out. She can now start new, start fresh, clean that poison that Vince McMahon poison."
"Haters are gonna hate, but don't let that stop you from being great."
"Don't let your feelings decide. If you want it bad enough, you'll stop whinging and get into action."
"Rise above the negativity, rise above the situation because I can see you being very good, very amazing, very professional."
"You can be whatever you want to be, even if a million people tell you no."
"Shadows only exist when you let them, shine your light into them."
"Being around people that you love this week and really just being around people that make you feel good, people that make you feel at home, that's gonna help you break free from this helplessness and hopelessness energy."
"Your success isn't dictated by unfavorable news or negativity, but by your unwavering trust in me."
"I guess it's positive...part of a negative turning into a positive."
"Stop self-sabotaging and allow ourselves to actually receive good things."
"When we are overwhelmed by negative thoughts, God does not abandon us."
"After getting married and officially getting rid of the toxic team that had been around her, Leanne went Full Speed Ahead."
"Positivity is always going to outweigh the negativity."
"Maybe take some of those negatives out of the way, and then investing won't seem so tough."
"The love I receive trumps all the negativity."
"I will never allow you to drag me down to your level again. Let's go."
"Turn away, break free, nobody is raining on your parade anymore."
"Stay the course, don't buy into fear, guilt, or shame."
"Do not let this low vibrational energy stop you from being your best."
"Natsume isn't going to let failure after failure or naysaying peers keep her from learning."
"You've now turned something negative into a positive."
"If fashion is something that you really enjoy as a form of self-expression, you have to build up the courage to get rid of those voices of negativity."
"You are the only one who can illuminate your path, even in the midst of negativity."
"Self-pity and diminished self-esteem will only obscure your view of what is to come."
"Trust yourself and block out all the negative comments, all the haters, and all the bullies out there. You can and you will make your dreams come true."
"Don't let them discourage you or bring you down."
"The devil wants you to feel that you are not worthy, that you will never make it. That, well, this is from the devil, obviously."
"Don't let anybody kill your vibe. Rise above negativity."
"Ignore the haters... have a positive attitude, set a goal, make a plan, and simply go for it."
"Bitterness always handcuffs the God-ordained version of you."
"I've been really trying to take positives from all the negatives that have been happening to me lately. It's honestly made me a lot happier in the past couple of months."
"You're going through a radical rebirth. It doesn't matter what anybody ever said to you or did not say to you. It shouldn't have any effect on you."
"We're watching what was written thousands of years ago come to pass right in front of our eyes."
"My written word destroys the power of the wicked. It destroys their plans, their deception, their fear, doubt, depression, and their hold over you."
"Maybe they were that dark cloud hovering over you, and you had to get away so your blessings could come."
"You'll have more positive than negative even though the negative is there."
"Overcome victim mentality. You have more power and control than you realize."
"If I spend three days worrying about some comment that somebody made, I'm never going to get where I want to go."
"This Oracle indicates triumph over even the most severely negative energies with the help of the supernatural."
"You have all the negative thoughts, like every human being, and yet you don't let it stop you."
"...I want to make golf fun for everybody you know what I'm saying cuz when I first came in golf people were super upy to me and like just rude and just like just had this thing solely but surely..."
"For every negative arrow, once the arrow gets a major bounce back, it goes back to its source."
"Shake the devil off, shake the devil off, don't let him ride, he might want to drive."
"She made me realize that life there was more to life than just the bad things you know drugs and parties and you know toxicity."
"Instead of criticizing yourself and beating yourself up over a few shortcomings, what happens if you become your biggest cheerleader?"
"Maintain a confident attitude instead of succumbing to despondency."
"You are not what the enemy says that you are. You are not what the enemy has lied to you about."
"The surest way to handle bitterness and all its ugly sisters here immediately cultivate kindness, tenderheartedness, and a forgiving spirit."
"I could focus on the small negatives, but I chose to enjoy the bigger positives."
"So much way more good has come out of it than the negative stuff."
"Congratulations on your rainbow baby; don't let these jerks ruin your joy."
"I could flip this negativity around and use it as an acceleration for growth."
"Hatred, anger, negativity - that is a thing of the past."
"Tell the truth about the real reasons for your limitations, and you will turn that negativity which is real into jet fuel."
"I also still am in therapy weekly and am improving my symptoms and doing well with getting my mother's belittling comments out of my head."
"Having that negative attitude, that negative energy, it will break you, so you have to stay positive."
"The best way to combat darkness is not to attack the darkness; it's simply to introduce the light."