
Market Demand Quotes

There are 549 quotes

"I think people want the chips, but the capacity for paying these higher prices is going to limit their ability to raise prices."
"I really believe this is a pent-up demand. I think that as soon as we say let's go, it's gonna be sooner than people would think."
"Listen to the market and show up to the market with something the market wants to buy."
"Salaries are based on competition, market demand, supply and demand aspects, so the more money the orgs have and the more profit they make, actually the more they will invest."
"Real estate exists for people... you want to be where people want to be."
"The first thing you got to focus on is increase your income, meaning develop skill sets that the marketplace will value."
"Let me tell you, if they thought there was an audience for it, they damn sure would produce it."
"Total Addressable Market (TAM) is the total market demand, meaning all revenue for a product or a service."
"Competition is rising, but so is consumption. There's never been a bigger demand for high-quality content."
"With an increase in demand for pets and animals comes an increase in demand for their health, so if they can really capitalize on that market, which I think is pretty niche, there's a lot of opportunity."
"People aren't just going to get rid of their pets. There's always going to be that demand once they're there."
"Gender inclusive Barbies because that's what the kids are demanding, of course."
"I really want Yamaha to bring it to America."
"You want to charge more money? Drive up your demand and restrict the supply."
"There's a market among us young people for authenticity."
"Pick a service that you're going to deliver... needs to be a skill that you already do or needs to be something you can learn pretty easily."
"Pick something that's in fairly high demand in your area."
"Does the card need to exist? Like, is there demand for some sort of archetype that it's supporting?"
"The customer is the one that decides what the market wants."
"The expectations are that people do want more."
"There's a lot of demand for the product and we're growing the production rates as fast as we can."
"The demand for this is through the roof, and as a result, we're getting lots of development occurring."
"Look at the demand in my market; this is today right now information."
"Only release products that your existing customer base wants to buy."
"You're gonna see there's a pent up demand like a lot of people haven't seen before."
"Web application hacking is in high demand right now... where the big money is."
"Aquadots. Another brand of toy that seems to be popular no matter the generation. Toys where you can use beads to design pretty patterns. There's always a market just waiting to express their creativity in whatever medium you happen to dream up."
"NFTs are all one-of-ones, so there is a scarcity aspect to them driving demand up."
"Demand for organic food is at a record high among consumers. And it's only going up."
"Make it even if someone's already made it... there's verified interest."
"Freelance writing... is going to always be in demand... it's that art... putting your voice into words on a page."
"The overall demand for the product hasn't gone anywhere. Even if we see a decline in volume or pricing, people still want it."
"There's a difference in real demand and fake demand."
"Bitcoin isn't likely to burst in the near future or ever. Institutional demand is through the roof."
"This market is so huge that even with giant players like Intel, Micron, Nvidia, AMD, and Qualcomm, there still isn't enough supply to cater to the skyrocketing demand."
"ForUsAll and Coinbase wouldn't be doing this if there wasn't a market. There are people that want this with these types of funds."
"Tampon industry Executives have explained that the shortages are due to high demand..."
"Revenue triples amid sustained demand for food delivery."
"The institutional, the traditional investors, the financial advisors, they are having to study up on crypto because there's so much demand."
"The basic premise of business is to supply what people demand... to do otherwise is pure arrogance."
"No one would complain if the price was lower, and that's all that matters."
"For example, Axi took off because it had so many players, there was so much demand, and it caused an entire bull run."
"Fortunately, the demand for ball pits is still alive and well."
"This risk is a bit greater to dealers, in part because strong recent demand means manufacturers still have the task of refilling dealer inventories to keep them busy in the short term."
"There's a substantial market for smaller vans."
"It's almost like we're seeing basically a peak in demand like Christmas without the four month buildup in planning."
"They let me know they finished that and did another pre-order list and you buy them up in minutes."
"The key to YouTube success? Find a niche that's in demand, lucrative, and versatile."
"If there's a demand for something in the world and you can find a way to offer that in a high-quality way, you can make a living."
"Beauty will always have some sort of stake in the market. So, you will always have a job in society that's in demand."
"The truth is guys, it's up to nobody but you to decide what the market demands and where the product is consumed."
"Wilde feels like something that people want to play."
"Satisfy a demand. Find something where people actually want to buy."
"Product market fit is when you've made something that people want."
"If you're an equity holder in a SPAC and the SPAC goes bankrupt, you're not automatically going to just close out. You're not just going to lose the investment. Those assets, some of them are going to come back your way."
"Being able to spend dollars over the lightning network and be able to receive lightning network payments as dollars is an experience that has a good market."
"Next week could be bonkers, $25 billion in demand for Bitcoin from China expected to be unlocked."
"Tesla, which doesn't spend a penny, is selling more than it can make."
"This ultra premium collection, corona, that this product is, I know it's gonna be hard to get."
"All the pre-orders have sold out everywhere."
"There's an exponentially growing demand for what they are offering."
"The grand triumph of persistence in engineering, in marketing, in meeting a demand."
"Corporations and countries everywhere are making Net Zero goals... you'll see an even bigger ramp in demand."
"Give the people what they want and you'll have a huge success. It's really, really easy."
"The success of the giant bears proves Costco's basic business model: there is a market for anything if the price is right."
"To meet the demand for personalized clothing, we need a staggering amount of stores and clothing lines to exist."
"Make cool stuff, people want to buy cool stuff."
"Real estate is truly a generational wealth-builder and will always be in demand."
"Just because you love something, some idea, you've got to figure out if the rest of the world wants to love on that idea."
"This is it. It's the buyer most people want."
"People want graphics cards, they have never been in more demand than now."
"Demand for fiber optic connectivity is picking up again."
"Less demand for student housing in the UK as the cost of university education rises."
"Charlton is around like 2 million coins, so I feel like asking for Charlton obviously up there, but it's not like we're asking for an extinct player."
"Virtual land has the same characteristics as physical land - limited and in demand." - Crypto Stash
"I really hope people realize that we should be pushing these films more because there's a place for them clearly."
"Our industry is facing a new normal with subdued demand."
"DDR3 sticks aren't compatible with modern motherboards or CPUs, that creates demand for new memory."
"Everyone has a mouse, of course, they're going to want a cat, right?"
"If you have something that people would pay for, this is your sign."
"The Model 3 invasion is happening and the demand is real."
"You maximize value by competition, by scarcity, by creating those buyers who want to pay more money."
"The success of this one tells us that there's definitely a market."
"The long-term demand environment is still strong for Tesla."
"There's enormous market demand for honest dialogue."
"Population growth... best long-term indicator of Demand."
"You make money to have something everyone wants so you can just sell your fish to someone who wants them."
"There's already a lot of pent up demand for solar roof at its current price point."
"Tesla will sell every vehicle they produce for years to come."
"Produce something somebody needs and wants and will give you money for it."
"If you focus on the product everything becomes easy it starts to feel like you can't build the company fast enough because there's so much demand for what you have."
"The price performance of hex could really still blow people's minds because there ain't much for sale and the demand is as good as it's ever been."
"Chocolate demand has just been outstandingly high and so supplies can't meet the demand."
"Stock may not even meet 50% of the demand in the next season."
"You have to have something that people actually want to pay for."
"There is one in early development but only as a possibility of being released if there's enough demand."
"Listen to what they're saying and give them what they want."
"First you must have something which the world needs and is willing to pay for."
"They won't do anything but as people buy them, the demand to buy those assets will increase the demand for the token as a whole."
"The demand is effectively unlimited as long as they can make more cars and they can make them affordable, which is a challenge making more cars and making them affordable."
"Demand is now exceeding production to a ridiculous degree." - Elon Musk's statement on the high demand for Tesla vehicles.
"Make something that people want... and you're successful."
"The one that's more powerful is the one that people want to use."
"There is an emerging element within both the merchant side as well as the consumer side for a demand."
"In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for dietary supplements and functional foods has soared."
"Demand for battery cells far exceeds supply, and that’ll be the case for the next decade."
"PlayStation 5 sales performance has been dependent on the company's ability to supply the demand, with the console sold out globally."
"Find a way to create something a lot of other people want... at a price they're willing to pay."
"Gold will continue to experience high demand while geopolitical uncertainty dominates."
"The fundamentals for oats are supplies going down, demand skyrocketing."
"If you're putting your love and passion in something that sucks and nobody wants let's put your love and passion into something people love and want like I don't know bad company three."
"The birken bag has become a collector's item driving increased demand."
"What is a winning product? It has real demand in the market."
"All you need is one billionaire to say, 'get me every single piece of silver you can possibly get your hands on,' and it's gone."
"It's what everybody wanted in the market, without the premium price tag!"
"The more volume that goes into these type of services, the better because it will bring more and more institutions in, it will show demand for this type of stuff."
"We need more affordable EVs coming to market."
"You have to learn how to monetize on those skills. Even traditional skill sets have high demand and potential in the market."
"But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a market for those who want their trip above the clouds to be less of a shuttle and more of an airborne retreat."
"And you are getting most of those features that people are wanting."
"Tesla's gonna have enough demand to sell every vehicle they can make for quite a while here."
"There is clearly a market desire for games that are fun. There is also clearly a market and desire for games that don't hide that they have a political message."
"Honestly, good luck getting a pair of these."
"This is one of the last times we can show them that there is demand for more games like this."
"I really do think the biggest thing that has to be remembered right now is we have over 40,000 pre-orders."
"Bitcoin is going to get cut to 450 Bitcoin and so if you have only $20 million or $25 million of Bitcoin getting created every day but you have $500 million trying to find Bitcoin the price has got to go up to accommodate everyone right?"
"People have been really waiting for an ice cream like this."
"There's excess demand for a very finite and scarce supply of an asset; that's the bull case."
"You're spending a lot of time trying to build a business that you don't know for sure if there's really demand in the market for."
"You need proof, and the only way you can really get that proof for sure is to have people actually pay for it."
"Demand is slowly being satisfied as expected."
"The relationship with animals illustrates the importance of not being completely selfish."
"The market was very hungry for a very reliable very accurate... it got it in the Tavor."
"You have a great idea, you have a product or service for which the world has been waiting."
"On average, 58% of houses that went under contract had an accepted offer within the first two weeks, an all-time record high."
"All credit to him for that, but when I saw you guys doing it and people saying how successful they were, I was like, 'Oh, people have an appetite for this. They still want to take part in this experience.'"
"If anything, it's proving that people are paying for what they want."
"There is a massive amount of demand for people who have these skills."
"It's supposed to feel like this is the world... this is my... these are my things."
"People don't seem to mind the look and are placing orders anyway."
"However, it's still a Raptor and that alone will make it especially cool and desirable for a lot of shoppers."
"GM might at some point accept bitcoin if there's demand for it."
"Dedicated Robo taxi products have quasi-infinite demand."
"The market is ready for it and asking for it."
"Why aren't they coming out with a moderately priced or low-end pickup truck?"
"Amazon is hiring like crazy, explosive demand."
"Teslas are in high demand, and over the past year, we've only seen their prices go up."
"It should just have a low volume of sales if it's what people didn't want."
"Y'all gotta create the products, man. Give it to them. They're gonna buy it."
"Revenue growth signifies what's the level of market demand for the products."
"I totally agree with what you said they can try to stomp it out people will still demand it."
"Oysters may only have a nine-day shelf life, but their demand is only going to rise."
"Tesla gets more demand for their vehicles, helping them maintain prices and margins."
"As we've seen with pretty much every other Air Jordan retro that's released over the last year, this shoe will most likely sell out."
"Supporting Xenoverse 2 DLC shows developers there's demand for more content, potentially paving the way for Xenoverse 3."
"If you're selling a product or service that nobody wants to buy, you do not have a business, you have a hobby."
"The market has shown that it wants yield on stable coins and I think Athena will be the highest yield available at scale on stable coins for the foreseeable future."
"There's still a lot of people buying it and keeping it up."
"These premium packages are often sought out by fans and diehard collectors alike."
"Timing of the product's availability and market demand are critical."
"I don't think demand is calming down this year, and even if we secure a lot more devices and produce many more units of the PlayStation 5 next year, our supply wouldn't be able to catch up with demand." - Hiroki Totoki, Sony CFO
"People want meat, it's in massive demand, it needs to be done nonetheless. There's no stopping it, it's just you may as well carry on with the way it is."
"The movies that seem to fetch the most money are generally popular movies."
"Financial systems skills and interpreting accounting standards are hot in demand."
"People would pay a lot of money for that, that's a damn good idea."
"Tesla's demand is through the roof... already sold out for the quarter."
"How can I invest in this type of demand? There is an enormous amount of demand for people to get out of their home and have experiences."
"Literally, yeah, it's selling, it's flying off the shelves bro, actually, guys."
"As long as you offer a product with value at an affordable price, you don't have to worry about demand." - Tom Zhu
"They're sold out everywhere! So crazy how these little guys went viral."
"Home prices in New York suburbs are surging, with listings getting multiple offers."
"Metroid Dread is currently number one in terms of new pre-orders for post E3 game announcements according to GameStop."
"You have the largest silver trust in the world saying we have more demand than we are able to throw silver in."
"There's definitely enough space. Look, Cybertruck has like a million reservations. Tesla is going to be able to sell every Cybertruck that they could make for many years coming up."
"Demand should be drastically higher than what Tesla's able to produce."
"The type of vehicle Americans really want to buy."
"They made millions of them and people are still after them."
"The market is needing to clear 95 million ounces."
"We're going to have Six Trillion different models available because that's what consumers want."
"Look no further than the success of Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Ghost of Tsushima to tell you how hungry the growing masses are for more."
"I love that people are such demanding of the limited supply of knives. And that feels good as a small business owner."
"They know what the people want and they're willing to provide it even if no one else will."
"Valve announced that they are fully caught up with demand and if you want to buy a steam deck you can."
"It's a very frustrating spot to be in when your customers want it, you have the money to buy it, but they don't exist."
"The demand for the model 3 and model y especially the model y will be like huge in china because most of the people they especially the last five years they're more into like a bigger size of family car."
"This is a must cop in my opinion... probably gonna have to pay resale for it."
"If you make something and you make it well, the world will beat the path to your door."
"Do with what you feel comfortable with and what you think the demand is there and that's that's that's what I got for you guys."
"There's enough public interest in them that there's a demand for it for dozens of companies to be selling these products."
"Tesla is experiencing high growth and demand."
"Write books people want to pay to read, create products people want to pay to acquire."
"Rising gas prices and a reputation for massive excess killed the Excursion after the 2005 model year, but demand started to increase after it left the market."
"If you were selling a product or service that nobody wants to buy, you do not have a business, baby, you got a hobby."
"People were just going to buy any cards you put on the market right now, and in fact, they were having trouble keeping up with demand even after switching more of their volume to gamers instead of to miners."
"The ETF can be $100 million a day of demand."
"Nobody wants an Xbox, huh? Well, as soon as they go into stock, they sell out. Man, they're selling Xbox One!"
"Activision doesn't want to sell that because I'm sure it would sell like hot cakes."
"Be an online tutor - there's high demand for it."
"They're insisting that the demand is there but the issue is getting the cars out."
"Tesla's really shown the strength and the underlying demand of their vehicles."