
Awkwardness Quotes

There are 459 quotes

"What an awkward, but hopefully, productive conversation."
"That's when you cringe, that feeling Dahl describes as 'The intense visceral reaction produced by an awkward moment, an unpleasant kind of self-recognition where you suddenly see yourself through someone else's eyes.'"
"Our relationship might be awkward for a little while, but we'll get through it together."
"There are also some sentences which, you know, they can read fine when you're doing it in your head but when you read them out loud, they just sound super awkward."
"Don't stop just because of people like that, like I get it all the time, it's so freakin awkward."
"I don't know how to talk to a girl outside of the club like that like I don't like it's awkward to me..."
"The Last of Us theme... helps reflect... awkward first impression Joel and Ellie have..."
"I was left alone in my vehicle caught in an awkward staring match with a Karen who's also in her car."
"You can be fumbly and awkward and still look there's this guy who still finds you attractive."
"Maybe there's an awkward beginning and you just gotta get through the awkwardness."
"Wow, that's embarrassing! Can't imagine how embarrassed that guy feels right now!"
"I've met celebrities, and it's just been the most awkward thing ever."
"Daddy's home, ah, weird thing to say to your ex-wife who you had a kid with someone else accidentally."
"I swear to God I had a dream I showed up to the comedy club with no pants and no draws on."
"Whenever I wake up in someone else's house, I feel so dirty and disgusting."
"I was helping him with some work for filming stuff and just talking to him was so just it was just so awkward."
"The 'what do you bring to the table' question, asking it in that particular fashion, is a little bit awkward, it's a little bit cringe."
"Because I always sort of felt a little bit awkward in that way, it seemed natural to make fun of the way I looked or the height or whatever sort of before anyone else did."
"Neither did I... simply to avoid the awkwardness."
"If you come to my house, I won't even try to laugh it off, I won't even try to like laughing Lee Blake okay."
"Peace, love, and a high five. All right, and see this? It's the awkward thing. It's the awkward things that I have to hit stop streaming. Bye."
"I found his apologies and explanations way more cringe-worthy than the actual mistake itself."
"It's meant to be hunts his birthday but because of the awkwardness with the parents and they're both sleeping for the whole thing which is kind of sucky."
"Imagine if someone just walked into the room right now and saw me doing this, they'd be like 'what the hell are you'."
"It was the most embarrassing moment of my life."
"What's your opinion on the photo Vanessa Hutchins meeting Kaya Gerber on the carpet when she's a child? No comment, I think it's weird."
"There's choices. You don't have to accept how it is now if it isn't working for you."
"I swear, he was out of the show, like she was like, 'You guys are such a cute couple.' She turned to him, she made it even more awkward and said, 'You better treat her right.'"
"He's a sweet young man, but hopefully this is really okay. It feels so relaxed in such a strange situation."
"It's not about the hi, it's when people try to engage in a longer conversation and it gets very awkward."
"Teenagers are awkward and this show is campy."
"Let's talk more eat, let's talk more like how uncomfortable this first one is."
"Scale of one to ten how embarrassing and cringe-worthy are these stupid post-fight face-offs?"
"Hugs get real full. That's the way it feels. Awkward moments."
"You look so cute, I don't want to make it weird but you're just a little cutie in my heart."
"It is embarrassing where you're trying to do this cool thing but then it just blocks the whole Road or it's just not doing like a good job it's like driving like a worse than a student driver."
"I'm just laughing because you just walked forward like two meters. This is strange. That was a really strange building area."
"You ever grab a boob and it's like a bag of sand?"
"The fact that you're so close, it is kind of weird."
"If you know what I'm saying, it is cringe aside!"
"The reality of sex is that, especially early on, it's pretty awkward."
"Ash's giving Linda a gift so we mostly just see close up to their eyes for an extended period of time without any dialogue just a music I guess maybe it's supposed to be awkward I don't know it's not quite romantic."
"I mean right off the bat, Chiaki asks Makato out in this super awkward scene. Oh my God, that's so cute!"
"He looks like he's just farted and he's kind of awkward about it."
"It's always awkward to end these videos after I've been talking about a murder mystery."
"It doesn't do it all in one dump, it doesn't do it awkwardly with like, 'Oh well, this is my friend who just like...'"
"The more awkward it gets, I think the more love they have for you."
"Sometimes it just is not clear at all what you're actually saying and yeah, it's a little bit weird."
"Of all the bathrooms on all the floors in this super huge mega office building, the boss picks the one Sam is having a non-gay bathroom stall fight with another dude in because comedy."
"Tenille Dashwood has her character down so well, she kind of plays this awkward person but it just works."
"Anya's inability to read social cues and escalating inappropriate questions leads to her monologue which, I know, is precious to many people."
"Thanks man I love the mountains and I love Montana also my first name starts with Tana he knew he'd let go if I did it slowly dude stop touching my cake."
"Oh, he's dancing by it's so cringey okay I kind of love that they did that."
"Fred Figglehorn is a socially awkward and emotionally underdeveloped teenager plagued with a high-pitched voice who has an obsession with his classmate Judy."
"Awkwardness plus punching power makes guys awkward."
"I genuinely can't believe that I went for an awkward hug instead of a handshake."
"It wasn't entertaining, and all of it felt pretty awkward."
"As she becomes increasingly more desperate to find a real friend, she makes one awkward choice after another."
"Can you imagine how awkward seeing your ex at the mall would be if you and your ex were both effectively immortal?"
"That's not a hug. I'm just grabbing the door for you."
"There's like an element of awkward band geekness to it all."
"That made everyone laugh very awkwardly."
"It's like you've been caught at someone else's wife's house, and you're trying to get your clothes on as quickly as possible to get out the window."
"Oh jeepers, that's not what I meant, you know, no, it looks good on you, the weight looks good, don't worry. Oh, Oh fiddlesticks, I'm fumbling on my words."
"Hey," I said, not really knowing what else to say.
"This Is It guys this is the farewell I hope you guys enjoy this video don't forget I post two times a week love you guys I do not know how to do outro [ __ ] you're so awkward can I get it together bye."
"I explained what just happened and we both laughed as it was weird, inappropriate, and something that most people should probably have learned way earlier than someone who seemed to be in her 30s."
"But if you try to do it last minute and you haven't practiced, you're gonna look like dog [ __ ]... you're gonna look goofy, yeah, you're gonna look super goofy because you're just not used to it."
"Some of you, this person gets tongue-tied um when you're around, what's happening here and what I'm getting is I'm not going to lie it feels like this person may have you on a bit of a pedestal."
"Middle School is just an awkward place."
"So, the other day, I was on a date with this guy I've been speaking to on Hinge for a few weeks and mid-date I stumbled on my words and word vomited, but instead of apologizing and carrying on like any other human would, I went, 'B, b, b.'"
"I think it speaks to what brought me to the story, which is the extreme awkwardness that comes from that time in life where you're just trying to figure out what you can do to matter, to make things work."
"Social anxiety doesn't make you rude in social situations. It makes you awkward."
"Nobody wants to see Uncle's o face."
"This whole feeling you get when there's a line delivery and you go uh."
"It felt really weird being naked with shoes on, like I was like, should I be wearing a bikini?"
"Think about sex every seven seconds, which I think makes talking to your dad creepy."
"I got kind of too close, and I think her left leg was going a little faster than her right leg."
"Just embrace the awkward. It's awkward, so what?"
"the idea of sitting there eating in front of your dad high oh dude I'm talking a mountainous bull."
"...this Spider-Man just straight up has enough of trying to convince little Tim's full of and decides to leave God it can't get any more Awkward right right."
"All I can see is your boobs, I know, sorry."
"Middle School Is That Awkward transitional stage."
"'I mean, should I use you as a living toy?' he asked awkwardly."
"I thought he was cute, you know, they want to know was it big? You can answer that if you want to. I don't care. I will say from what I remember in that very uncomfortable moment between he and I was that he was 'normalized.' That's what I remember."
"I am the awkward goodbye that lasts for far too long."
"Or a masturbator. Yeah, that's just weird."
"...but then when it's awkward on top of that, then it just turns into like the room basically."
"I thought it was my sister, so I wrongly asked her, 'Hey, what are you doing?' because it was just really weird the way she was standing there."
"Good luck trying to prove the S is like you're not getting jerked off by your like sex creation that's sitting next to you on the plane while you guys both have a blanket over you and you're like you're streaking."
"It was awkward, overbooked, enthusiasm, excitement, people doing things that maybe they shouldn't be doing."
"Oh, so that's why you need a sitter while staring blankly at my bleeding hand. Wow, I wish I'd caught that on tape. It must have been a funny sight."
"I just feel so awkward because I'm like I'm not a beauty Guru I don't want people to critique me but you're asking I'm delivering."
"Someone feels awkward but wants to connect."
"32% of Britain's age between 25 and 39 live at home with their parents. I guess that can be awkward sometimes, for instance, if you're a grown-up who's currently watching this with your parents, why don't you all just take a moment to imagine each other having sex?"
"Study finds: No one ever actually liked U2. It's just that everyone thought everyone else did and no one wanted to speak up and make it awkward."
"How about we just push through the awkwardness and get to know each other?"
"She recalls that he didn't ask anything except when she'd begun menstruation when buying her."
"You don't have to do that awkward thing."
"Scott tells him about his new girlfriend Knives Chau, a 17-year-old high schooler five years younger than him. Ouch."
"I think it turned out to be very funny because it's still awkward talking to random people in these oversized suits and knocking on random Hotel doors."
"I just get self-conscious and I'm like this is weird and creepy."
"Well, this seems awkward. Why is this awkward? I blame Wrath," she piped up.
"That was my first kiss ever with a guy. Such a sweet moment until I looked past them and saw that a guy was staring right at us, which happened to be in a cop car."
"So I was kind of stuck so I tried to check her out as fast as I could and didn't say much."
"Not making things weird, but Terry don't be weird, I'm not okay, you were my crush."
"Walter Walter stop saming every 5 Seconds Walter Walter stop touching my dick."
"Things got quite awkward when Steve's new friend, Tony Stark, showed up, not because of the friendship thing, but because of the whole Bucky killed his parents thing."
"Maybe it's more awkward this way, but at least it's real."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Bummer, this is like mega embarrassing."
"It's weird, it's awkward, and you can come off as a creep really quickly."
"Lean right into that awkwardness. Being human is freaking awkward. Leverage that."
"Nothing's awkward even when we bungle it."
"I feel so awkward when people compliment me I never know what to say."
"I don't know how to tell you this because you're my best friend, Star, and that makes this super weird. But...I do have a crush on you."
"It's not going to be as awkward as you think."
"A very awkward conversation ensued in the exam room that I'd have paid anything to Eevees drop on."
"Poor Samuel the the this the uh The Bard there and uh yeah so she doesn't seem to enjoy hanging out while all the high Lords fawn over a little baby aegon um which you don't really blame her for that it's awkward and boring."
"Vlogging in public never gets less awkward." - Hannah
"Sex in real life, especially when you're a young kid, is super awkward. It's clumsy."
"I remember hearing a few years ago that you choose if you want to be awkward, and I do believe that."
"Say there's an awkward situation and someone's all chill about it, it's like, that's even more awkward."
"Everyone seems like they always talk about awkwardness, like not as much anymore, but like, 2014, it seemed like awkward was the big thing."
"They want to connect with others but can come across as awkward at times."
"No, I already rang it. I'm just asking for help with the hell to make it weird, man."
"Saka doesn't dislike him, it's just that she's really bad at interacting with boys."
"You don't want to try to force friendships because that can make them very awkward."
"Like you guys know and they met like they're like all you hear is crickets."
"When it was all over, the couple moved a little away from each other, feeling a sharp surge of embarrassment."
"If you're forced into an arranged marriage and had to have an audience watch you consummate it, you'd be a little awkward too."
"98% of the time, the worst I've encountered is awkward conversation."
"My favorite character altogether was Brand. I just liked how awkward he was."
"I'm awkward like uh here here comes the awkward train. I am uh straight up an awkward axolotl."
"It just feels weird that we're actually going to Kim's baby shower."
"...a vehicle somewhat ahead of its time which caused it to be put into a somewhat awkward position."
"This is so just, you know, the best way to keep something that's awkward from being super awkward is just say it's awkward and that kind of takes the awkward power away, right?"
"I would say it is a little awkward talking, you know, to him about our relationship just 'cause, I mean, it's her dad."
"Tim and Eric actually allow for that awkwardness, that unresolved nature of humor to be the joke."
"This is the most embarrassing situation of my life."
"I am just your average person, I'm a really awkward person in person if you ever meet me in person."
"I like the idea that he tries to make himself look cool but actually isn't. He's awkward and that's what people like about him."
"For slightly awkward just slightly."
"He's a comedian, and it's just going to be awkward now."
"Don't worry if we're a little awkward, it's not you, it's us."
"I never really got to that level of interest with the Pixies. It’s awkward for me to say it because I feel like in some way I’m peeing on their birthday cake here." - Steve Albini
"That's the sign of a great conversation... I like awkward moments sometimes because they're real."
"I dropped him home in my little vagina."
"I just don't think I can lean over without putting my hand somewhere."
"I think he caught me mid-swallow."
"You look amazing. You look unbelievable. I love this bow tie. I love your breasts. Thank you so much. Not right now."
"...so, um, I mean if you want you can like, you can tell me which one you like best but, um, I know, I hate, I hate how do you end a video, I hate ending videos."
"I mean, it's pretty crazy. Like, the jizz couch guy. Like, I imagine he works in sales or something, and, like, to have that conversation right before you walk into a meeting..."
"Most common social faux PA is saying goodbye to somebody and then walking in the same direction for a bit."
"The awkwardness is the good part of it."
"That was a little bit ungainly, the old rhythm had gone."
"It was silly, but silly in a good way, you know? Like, you're laughing at their awkwardness and, like, at the moment it was a little bit cringey, cringe, cringe. It was a little bit cringe at moments, but, like, good kind of cringe, you know?"
"No one likes the guy who tries so hard to be funny but only ends up sucking out the air of the room."
"That's always been a very awkward scene to me where I know they're trying to pay off the whole it's all in the reflex's baby lime but just the way that it's executed has always come across a little awkward to me."
"Having that conversation early on felt a little funny like hey what's your savings account."
"It's probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen happen to another human being."
"He says to me, 'What's my name?' And I'm sitting in the handshake, and he lets the silence sit there for 10 seconds. And what do you do with your me there? Like, what?"
"Saved the awkwardness, the post-awkwardness."
"Now I want your help, Atkinson, for I am rather awkwardly placed."
"If being Meek was the uniform code for any job, which job would be the most awkward? Shopping mall Santa."
"I hate when a guy asks permission to kiss me. Yeah, you're making it awkward. Just go for it. If I don't like it, let's just get into it. It is me talking myself away."
"It's like if two women are beside, we're talking about their periods, I'm like, how do I disappear? How do I will myself to disappear out of this conversation? Just walk and be like, 'I'm leaving.' Or do you chime in, say, 'Well, balls, I don't know.'"
"I think when you walk home tonight there'll be a rather embarrassed silence."
"I love how you make everything awkward, because awkward moments make you happy."
"I think the kiss is weird. It kind of makes it awkward."
"And he's like, 'Hi.' Now you may think this is so uncomfortable, like, why do you just say 'hi'? You ain't saying nothing else, doesn't it make it awkward? You're also afraid of awkward styles they can. What you don't know is you're activating him, right?"
"And yet it can be awkward to talk about. A lot of adults don't even feel comfortable talking about it."
"It's just full of awkward moments."
"Awkward. Attended a wedding reception and was seated near the cameraman and aunt of mine. Aunt was sitting closer to the camera and spent the evening commenting and gossiping about everyone, and much of it came out on the video."
"So like Enzo must do like a dildo that has like rabbit ears on the ends."
"Work on repairing those relationships, work on investing in those relationships, but work on navigating any awkwardness in those relationships as well."
"It just felt weird, it felt icky."
"I was in love with Tony, and it was a super awkward thing because it was like, I told my best friend Malcolm."
"'I love you.' 'Oh.' And I was like, 'Oh, you know, I sat and I kind of thought about it for a while. Dead silence from both of us.'"
"I came as soon as I got your message, Richard was dreadful at sexting."
"We made eye contact through the mirror for a second... the most uncomfortable, and impossibly long, second of my life."
"All right, pause, and let's eat. This scene is just awkward."
"The encounter at Lightfoot's apartment was awkward in the extreme."
"Norm would go to the exit and say goodbye to every single person who left just to be weird and make us laugh and be awkward for the people and thank everyone for coming after he bombed."
"Why am I always so awkward in the ending? Have a good one, see you."
"Give me a hug. Awkward awkward hug hug."
"For me, it's awkward. It's like overwhelming, you know? I don't know."
"...it frustrates me that they're willing to give up a few seats to no one because I guess they're all adults that are left so it would be awkward."
"I mean like what happens if you get a boner"
"...I'm a little bit of a goofball and usually then when they do come up and finally say hi then I overshare and it's awkward..."
"Your first kiss is not going to be good. It's awkward, it's weird. You're probably gonna laugh after, and you're probably gonna look back and be like, what was that?"
"Oh, I realized that's a very weird question to be asking you, like, 'Hey, how was your orgasm last night? Did you think of me?' I did, actually, I did."
"...I'm just not used to having men just wipe off my private parts."
"I'm nervous about tonight, dating for me is very awkward."
"I'm desperate at this point. Like anything for this hair to grow because I'm at such an awkward length with it right now."
"Honestly, I'm desperate at this point. Anything for this hair to grow because I'm at such an awkward length with it right now."
"Nothing sucks the life out of a joke after you say it and you get to the what should have been funny and it isn't, and then you even add on everybody like, 'We can all agree on that everybody.'"
"I think today is going to be a lot of fun, a lot of awkwardness, but today is going to be awesome and you don't want to miss out on any of it."
"I feel so awkward like those people at fast restaurants where you're like, 'I needed to tip you, you guys needed to tip me.'"
"It was a bit awkward. There were like women dressed kind of seductively just at the door."
"You know, sometimes there are these things that seem really awkward but they're not really, and it's like way better if someone just tells you."