
Wildlife Quotes

There are 13781 quotes

"The spectacle of a male lion hunting solo is particularly intriguing."
"It is said that this is the oldest form of Lapras. Unlike Cantonian Lapras, Corneran Lapras doesn't like humans and will hide at the bottom of rivers and lakes to avoid them."
"Antarctica is home to a rich array of wildlife, from the regal emperor penguins to the tiny, hardy tardigrade."
"Miracles happen when a herd of buffalo appeared and came to rescue his friend from two adult lions."
"Despite the odds, our black wolf defends his meal fiercely, reminding the coyotes that in Yellowstone, every creature must earn its meal."
"In the wild, survival of the fittest is the ultimate law."
"The zebra was about to give up... but at that moment, the hippos step in and rush to push the zebra closer to land."
"Caught on camera in the middle of the night, this lynx is a real beauty."
"Incredible footage here in the snow as this lynx has his eyes fixed on a squirrel."
"The mother giraffe protects her wounded baby from predators."
"The fearless honey badger confronts leopards, lions, and poisonous snakes without hesitation."
"This trail just got worth it because the tiger's out. I'm so excited."
"When we're walking in the woods and we catch a glimpse of a deer through the trees, or when we see dolphins leaping out of the ocean, or when we notice a delicate butterfly resting on a flower, we often feel that sense of awe."
"You can kiss goodbye to your dreams of throwing on a singlet and attempting to body slam Louisiana's woodland creatures."
"Sanaa at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge is located on the resort's Sunset Savannah where you'll get to see zebras, giraffes, gazelles, and several other creatures."
"Buckle up and join me on this bizarre safari, as we encounter some of the strangest animal behavior caught on camera."
"In the remote wilderness, captured through the lens of a high-res drone camera, a captivating scene unfolded between a moose and a wolf by a lake in Northern Ontario."
"Hawks are known for their exceptional eyesight and can spot rabbits from a mile away."
"Snow leopards are often revered as some of the most beautiful cats in the world."
"This is just an incredible thing to capture on camera."
"A harsh reminder of the brutality of the animal kingdom and the survival of the fittest."
"The coolest part, by far, chilling with those sharks, bro."
"Meet the world's toughest bear, 'The Boss', which survives being hit by a train and fathered 70 percent of cubs in his region."
"The street gutters are so clean they're home to hundreds of koi carps."
"This poor leopard got its head stuck in a metal pot and couldn't see or breathe properly, thankfully though, these brave people managed to get the pot off its head."
"The sea turtles are going to be able to lay more eggs than they've been able to lay for a very long time."
"We should teach our children to have boundaries and respect when it comes to wildlife."
"As someone who grew up in southern Africa and personally witnessed the demise of populations of rhinoceros, it would be unbelievable to see this prehistoric behemoth come back."
"The black-footed ferret... an animal that we thought we had lost forever. Now we've successfully been able to clone them."
"Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the unique characteristics and adaptations that set these colossal beings apart from the rest."
"Male fish swimming in some of that water are becoming intersex... a new study shows that it is happening in numbers far greater than ever suspected."
"Lions are the most social of the big cats and they can be in prides of as many as forty lions, although prides of that size are pretty rare."
"With all of the challenges elephants face, that there are so many healthy, young elephants in this group."
"Some of these old matriarchs in here, you can just tell they carry such history."
"Platypus are venomous. They have spurs on their back legs on the inner thigh."
"Wild orcas will spend around 95 percent of their day submerged to depths of up to 1,000 feet, which reduces the impact of UV radiation."
"Lions are the most social of the big cats and there can be as many as 40 lions in a pride."
"I love to think about our own planet Earth and all the intelligent life here like the dolphins and octopus. There are a lot of creatures here that we think are highly intelligent."
"The researchers discovered that Chernobyl wolves are exposed to upwards of 11.28 mm of radiation every day for their entire lives."
"It's been described by some bear biologists as being one of the busiest landscapes for grizzly bears and people continue to coexist."
"If we don't work with people, we can't save the wildlife."
"It's one of the last great wildlife habitats on earth."
"I'm about to head to northern Kenya on a journey that I've been planning for a long time now. I've been to Africa before, but where I'm going, the tourists are rare and the fight to save rare and endangered wildlife is a daily battle."
"Sensational reports of Florida's invading pythons have made headlines around the world."
"Non-venomous, they can crush and devour anything that comes their way."
"Lately, authorities have noticed a major decline in local wildlife."
"Sharks can be deadly, but they usually bite and let go; if you survive the shark bite, they don't often come and finish you off like the gator will."
"Golden eagle suddenly lands in front of you. The encounter feels magical."
"The reason Canadians are so nice is because they store all of their hate in their geese."
"Long ago, I was a young kangaroo living my life free in the wild, but I was no ordinary kangaroo."
"These incredible trees store large volumes of water in their wide trunks, which provides an incredibly important food source to elephants and animals that chew the bark during the dry seasons."
"We have no idea how intelligent these animals are."
"Their poop is very important for fertilizing their environment. It's the basis for a lot of the food chains."
"The chronicle of the mightiest gorilla captivates explorers with the promise of unveiling nature's hidden puzzles."
"What if he mates with a goose or something? You'd have like a Dino-Goose."
"This is our pink iguana sanctuary. Wow, it's huge!"
"This is an incredible encounter with a whale; the animal swam up to the people to say hello and didn't mind being stroked."
"Dostert has been sharing peculiar videos from his property located in the wooded upper peninsula area of Michigan, where he alleges he's exchanged gifts with the mysterious beast."
"If you left the doorway to your house open all the time, something is going to come in, a raccoon, a rat, a mouse. It's just a matter of time."
"Yes, so I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it: We now have grizzly bear polar bear hybrids called 'grolar bears' or 'pizzly bears.'"
"SeaWorld is full of domesticated wild creatures that are better off born and raised in the wilderness, obviously."
"Turns out, when humans step back and give animals just a bit of breathing room, they can return from the brink and even thrive."
"In the wild, 99 percent of orcas have dorsal fins that stand up straight. But in captivity, 100 percent of male orcas have collapsed dorsal fins that flop over to the side."
"I love bears, but if it's between me and him, my kids not having a dad, I will shoot to kill if it's my life."
"I used to go out to the beach every morning at sunrise, pick up sea glass, hang out with all the wildlife, give the crows some peanuts, and just make all my animal friends happy."
"This one is epic, see how the lionesses are all gathered around and teamed up against that one lion who couldn't do them all."
"Toad riding python: an unbelievable sight in Australia."
"Bull shark attacks tourists? Not such a far-fetched idea."
"Have you ever witnessed a Bigfoot moving so confidently in any of our trail cam captures?"
"Sea birds are particularly hard hit by this problem." - Research findings
"My passion for wildlife, my passion for animals."
"It's estimated that up to half a billion plants and animals are believed to have perished in the fires."
"The versatility of leopards defines their distinction in the wild."
"We may have this new normal where sharks are just closer in the water now, and there will be more interactions."
"The Tasmanian Tiger, falsely accused by European colonizers, slaughtered thousands, but reported sightings have continued, sparking hope for its existence."
"Even skilled hunters who spend years in the forest only encounter one of these animals maybe once or twice in a lifetime."
"It's a reflection in a tiger's face, there's like a reflection of nature at its purest."
"Songbirds deserve recognition on this tier list."
"Owls fly completely silently, making their strikes very difficult to defend against."
"Eagles and hawks focus on dealing maximum damage, making them incredibly effective in PvP."
"Penguins inhabit what is in many ways not only the most isolated environment, but also the most extreme environment on the planet."
"These would have been absolutely insane animals to meet in the wild, and I feel like no one talks about the fact that they just ruled a part of this planet for a while."
"The Arctic and northern Atlantic are home to numerous birds within the auk family, including many familiar birds like puffins, murres, guillemots, and even little auklets."
"When a Canadian woman named Charlene France was out on a trip to Snow Hill Island on the Antarctic Peninsula, she had a beautiful encounter with a baby animal that will no doubt stay in her memory for a long time."
"Dolphins are in the ocean and get to go fishing for a living."
"That's the kind of thing as a wildlife photographer, like you can suddenly feel your heart beating."
"Beautiful example, I think the animal themes are my favorite."
"The leopard is one of the big cats with a relatively high rate of hunting success."
"Five cute adorable little sea turtles but turtles don't live in hats they live in the ocean."
"Feeling it was free, the deer quickly ran away."
"An incredible moment of releasing birds back into the wild."
"The Fox from this video had been feeding this fox regularly at the same spot for over a year."
"This monkey realized that humans are its only chance, and it was right."
"A moose got stuck on a railway, and people organized an entire rescue mission."
"A whale was beached on one of the shores in Brazil."
"This little hungry bear cub was left without a mother, so it came to people for help."
"I'm sorry for any spider crab lovers that are watching this movie right now, I am going to harvest every single one of them."
"This man noticed a drowning baby fox and immediately jumped into the water without even taking his clothes off."
"You're talking about a creature that can see you from a mile away and smell you from two."
"Sharks have a presence, especially if you can make eye contact with a shark."
"If you have a more convenient pebble that is made of plastic and it's able to do the same job, then no, the land birds do not feed bits of plastic to their chicks."
"To have a bond of trust between a wild animal and a human being, it just makes you feel good."
"The harpy eagle is a terrifyingly agile predator."
"Known as the most successful large cat in Africa, the leopard employs various hunting strategies."
"Eagles are characterized by long wings, sharp talons, and a pointed beak."
"From birth until about 2 years old, leopard cubs are cared for by their mother, a robust and alert female always keeping watch from the trees to swiftly deter any threats to her offspring."
"Tangled seals: victims of plastic nets and rubbish."
"Whale died due to 40 kilograms of plastic: a shocking autopsy reveals the consequences."
"Giant stingray discovered: this huge Stingray is dubbed to be the world's largest freshwater stingray ever to be found."
"The fisherman then donned a survival suit and jumped in the water to help the poor whale."
"He is not aware that he is currently carrying one of the USA’s most vile creatures."
"The dragons we’ve seen today may be smaller than those of myth and legend, but thanks to their incredible survival strategies, they are no less majestic."
"Hippos are some of the deadliest creatures in the world and certainly the deadliest large creatures on the Nile."
"Thankfully, the bear eventually went away and everything was okay."
"Danger lurks at any moment, turning a simple drinking excursion into a life and death battle for the zebra."
"Will the hyenas be able to catch the zebra? Comment your opinions and thoughts on this."
"If you see a human, steer clear, and if you're confronted, fight."
"When animals are attacked even if the predator that's attacking is much more powerful you'll find a Buffalo trying to fight off a lion to save its young."
"If you look through the glass wall, you can see the penguins swimming underwater. Wow, they're really good at swimming!"
"Almost all of the greenland sharks captured in the arctic were found to have an obvious handicap."
"I'm going to swim with killer whales in the wild in Norway or New Zealand."
"First video of wild rare apex predator caught on trail camera in Madagascar."
"Are you ready for this? Do you like wild animals? I'm excited, I'm a little nervous."
"Oh, look at this! Oh my god, look at these animals! What is this here? These are beautiful."
"Personally, the peng whale freaked me out with its teeth."
"A staggering statistic: there are more tigers in the U.S alone than there are in the wild."
"It's about bringing the right animals back at the right time in the right way. It's about doing things properly and strategically."
"The intrigue of cryptids and their elusive nature continues to captivate."
"Trail cams indeed provide us with intriguing glimpses of the natural world."
"While many species of deer are considered wild animals, there are some places that allow pet deer."
"I'd rather meet a bigfoot than a big cat, that's for sure."
"Wildlife in the exclusion zone seems to be thriving, forming its own ecosystem."
"Could it have been an African crowned eagle that grabbed 10-year-old Marlin Low in 1976?"
"Ravens and wolves can form legitimate emotional bonds."
"Jaguars will purposely get off when they're not busy hunting for a living."
"Falconry plays a massive part in conservation, and I think without them our wild bird had massively struggled."
"Bears are not our friends, even ones raised in captivity are known to kill people."
"Another woman described seeing, 'Hundreds of starling birds in the sky and all of a sudden they just died and fell to the ground like a massacre.'"
"Awesome migration of stingrays in Florida, a magnificent sight."
"Owls are not even that adorable but they look so shy and clever."
"The look on this deer's face is the very essence of stranger danger; it's terrifying."
"You see those cute little stripy animals over there? Yeah, we protect those."
"Another amazing creature dwells in various regions of North America — the Greater Banded Uktena."
"Fix your Gaze on this scene the alligator's eyes emit an eerie luminescence."
"When you start wondering why until you see it, a wide being emerges from the shadow, moving in a similar fashion as a gorilla would."
"These are mythical creatures that exist in the wild."
"When you see a bear, you don't trip out and say, treat the bear like a frog. You are aware of their nature."
"Australia is the only country in the world with the monotreme."
"For a lone animal to make this sound, it's most likely a warning to an intruder."
"And I think these creatures definitely deserve a nostalgic second look, even if you’ve never heard of them before."
"Local villagers discovered the helpless animal... risking their own lives to rescue the large cat."
"A video released by China Central Television has caused an uproar... siberian tigers trying to catch what they believe to be a cat toy."
"Sabre tusks prowl the slopes and valleys... preferring to stealthily work towards unguarded flanks."
"We got bears, we got moose, we got loons, we got beavers, you got bunnies, we got skunks, we got deer."
"This really isn't just a story about conserving wildlife, it's a story about conserving history."
"He sits there maybe another 20 to 30 seconds and man, he just wheels and goes into the woods."
"Squirrels are related to rats, they are rodents."
"I feel terrible for those birds covered in black oil, you know? Not only is their health in danger, but they're also in danger of getting cancelled on Twitter."
"It does seem kinda strange that Africa is the only continent in the world today that has large mammals, right?"
"If Twitter was owned by an aardvark or a capybara or something, they would just put it in an office and then like do their work."
"I care passionately about the wildlife. I'm passionate about the natural world."
"We're living through a Renaissance of animal attacks, and I am here for it."
"They smile to cool off and they've lost their fear of humans which is why this exists. In quokka we trust."
"I think it would be a great footnote in history that the last Syrian elephant was a total badass."
"So maybe in our lifetime, we will see the ancient aurochs return to Europe."
"The massive, rage-filled reptile is incredibly dangerous to anything and anyone it encounters, and, sadly, Markiplier would be no exception."
"Except unlike that scary shark this Gator is no sculpture it's 100% real"
"The honey beast itself is just one large and mutated honeybee."
"Even though I am in here with Bingo... we just wanted to give you guys an up-close look at Bingo."
"That's absolutely beautiful. What we do find in the net is this amazing paddlefish, as ancient as the alligator gar and reaching similar sizes."
"That is one of the most amazing animals I've ever seen. Alligator snapping turtle, that is a dinosaur."
"Fantastic, big Burmese python. We snapped a few shots, wow, beautiful beast that is spectacular."
"Our planet is full of incredible, unforgettable, sometimes frankly weird animals."
"It's become a good environment for wildlife."
"If all artists have a muse, Tom Mangelsen's is this 22-year-old female grizzly bear."
"The primitive poisonous mammal, the Cuban solenodon, previously thought to be extinct, has been unearthed."
"The New Guinea singing dog, once thought to be extinct in the wild, has been discovered living in remote areas of New Guinea."
"A living woolly mammoth? Experts claim it's a complete fraud or maybe just a bear with a gigantic fish."
"The pinocchio lizard, assumed to be extinct for 50 years, was recently found in Ecuador's cloud forests."
"Whether it's a marine creature in the deep blue or the mass of an elephant it matters little to the power of environmental change in human ambition."
"The blue whale is the largest known animal alive today and to ever exist, period."
"Flora and Fauna International seized the opportunity to save the Antiguan racer."
"If a Grizzly develops a taste for garbage, gets accustomed to being near people, and then teaches those bad habits to their cubs, it can prove fatal." - Narrator
"Animals were just amazing. Did that just happen? It's one of those moments, nature's wild."
"Can you tell me about a Kemp's ridley turtle?"
"Leatherbacks are the largest turtles on earth, growing up to seven feet long and exceeding 2,000 pounds."
"The giant armadillo is one of the largest species of armadillos, growing over 3 feet long and weighing up to 65 pounds."
"It looked at the tiger with a challenging expression."
"You really get a sense of just how big and powerful these creatures are."
"Oh, baby, you crushed him! He's gonna go down right there."
"Deer, bison and pronghorn traverse the plains in large herds, scavengers sniff out carrion, salmon leap upstream, wolves in packs surrounding their prey to attack, and so on."
"The monarch butterfly is in so much trouble. Most of the pollinators are in trouble."
"No chabby squirrel is going to stop our boy from getting these apples."
"The last female of its kind, a quest that makes you consider."
"The New Guinea singing dog, previously considered to be extinct, has been discovered in the wild..."
"If you run into a bear, make yourself look big."
"There's even signs like if a bear is attacking you know heading towards you if you just stop moving it kind of triggers a response."
"That's some powerful stuff, man, and with otters, right, right, right."
"Florida man busted with five alligators in his bathtub that he caught at nearby Pond."
"When you see a bear in the forest, you don't crap yourself until after you leave the encounter."