
Health Transformation Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"I had heart disease at 35 years old... Fast forward, I get on this alcohol-free adventure, now I'm flying."
"One day a week, simply not eat. It would change your life in the most dramatic way."
"I have lost more than 30 pounds in a span of around six months, now moving on to a fat loss stage to put on muscle and change my body composition."
"Six weeks later, after making that decision, I lost 28 pounds and the pain I'd been experiencing every day for two and a half years was gone."
"Fasting for 20 hours and the results that you're getting are amazing."
"Once they're off all their meds and they're doing these things, that's when I see dramatic, full, lasting recoveries."
"The place that I see the biggest difference is in my face... I feel like so much has been cleaned out of my system by doing intermittent fasting."
"My insulin sensitivity improved by over 600%."
"You're telling me that you lost 65 pounds, or your cholesterol dropped by 50 points, and now you're not using any diabetes medications anymore? Are you kidding me? That's real."
"When I first adopted a whole food plant-based diet, my body loved it. Within 12 weeks, that 20-pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist, my high blood pressure normalized, my cholesterol normalized, and I felt great."
"I just never felt like I was gonna accomplish this type of well-being anymore. I didn't even remember what it felt like to breathe normal."
"Food healed me. I've been down as low as 185 from 261, just based on what I was eating. We just live a healthy life up here, and it's all based on food. That's what brought us here in the first place."
"Cut out skittles, m&m's, and Dr. Pepper - dropped from 300 to 130."
"I don't snore anymore dude everything is gone in 10 [ __ ] weeks."
"If this is how I feel in 10 weeks how the [__] am I gonna feel in six months right I'm in I'm sold on this thing man it's it's incredible wow yeah."
"When you are fat adapted, your body changes period."
"I weighed 300 pounds. I said I'm going to lose weight and it's the most important thing in my life."
"Changed in less than a year, and all of her doctors have said how are you doing, and she's like through diet through all of this food and it's been amazing."
"So, to recap, this man went on an all-meat diet - that is, high saturated fat, no carbs, no vegetable diet. This strange diet mysteriously healed his diabetes, ulcerative colitis and high blood pressure."
"We were plant-based, we were vegan now full on... and that's kind of when the whole eat move rest thing came about."
"Obesity melts away, the arteries open up, the high blood pressure comes down... and they turn into normal healthy people."
"A 20-pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist... and I felt great waking up in a nice lean, light body every day."
"The way I feel now is just, oh my god, I couldn't describe to my old self how much better I would feel without sugar."
"This diet changed my life. I had visceral adiposity, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and this was the only thing that I changed and it had a big benefit."
"Using intermittent fasting, an anti-inflammatory diet, and managing food addiction enabled me to eat anything in moderation while transforming my health and body."
"I overcame a major struggle... but now here's the thing... it's a pattern of eating and it's a healthy lifestyle shift."
"I lost over 315 pounds, five years, six years later, I lost 215 pounds."
"Following your healthy eating advice has lost 70 pounds. Wow."
"When one adopts a whole food plant-based diet, the changes in your health are spectacular."
"I lost 100 pounds and I reversed heart disease comorbidities that make the virus deadly."
"A plant-based diet can reprogram your body to bring down IGF-1 production in as little as eleven days."
"If you're listening today and you get rid of your visceral fat, you will have an entire new body and with it an entire new life."
"Their arteries became visible... it just changed people's lives, their whole appearance, their whole body."
"I lost about 230 pounds on a plant-based diet. I have become an ultra marathoner since then."
"Not only did Annabelle survive without injury, but shortly after the symptoms of her diseases completely disappeared."
"What you're talking about is taking someone who's metabolically busted... to metabolically resilient."
"You can actually see what this thing's doing to your body, and you also have the contrast because you've now eliminated all these poisons out of your body."
"I lost 90 pounds and cut out the junk and haven't taken any insulin in months."
"I don't think I could ever go back to being super overweight again, you just don't feel good."
"You actually feel better afterwards like once you come out on the other side once you become fat did like efficiently using fat for fuel you feel better you feel better than you did before like that's why we still do it."
"We've had thousands of people reach out and say after a year of keto, ketovore, carnivore, everybody tells me I look younger."
"Jeremy surprised everyone by shedding an incredible 93 pounds."
"The ideal diet for humans can transform your life, reverse disease, and help you lose weight naturally."
"I've lost total as of today 150 pounds, incredible."
"I feel the healthiest, happiest version of myself."
"If people actually tried a carnivore diet within a month or two and they saw just how amazing they felt, I mean I never went back, I never planned to."
"Juicing can and will change your life provided you do it each and every day."
"It's not that complicated, agreed. Calorie deficit, calories in, calories out, CICO. This changed my life."
"He was off all his medication, he's a new man. Imagine the kind of medicine that is."
"These are incredible vaccines and they truly are transforming the pandemic."
"His findings are unmistakable: plant-based nutrition can profoundly alter health."
"I have lost almost 20 pounds in three weeks and I have not lost any muscle mass."
"You eat this way because I love myself right so we really transform all of those things and that's what creates the rapid recovery."
"Intermittent fasting transformed my look, healing my body from the inside out."
"Wow, how dare you lose an amazing 100 pounds and decide to make healthier life choices? How dare you care for your health and make your insecure sister even more insecure?"
"I'm down to 185 pounds making my total weight loss 175 [ __ ] pounds in nineteen months."
"I lost 100 pounds and reversed heart disease."
"Peloton has completely transformed my physical and mental health."
"One of the most beautiful things that I've seen come out of this is not only their health benefits I can't even tell you how many patients of mine went plant-based for help and now become full ethical vegans."
"We had nothing to lose by doing this... we couldn't possibly get any less healthy because we were already so unhealthy and so obese."
"You cannot deny when someone's dropped 100 pounds, when someone is off 10 medications, when someone bedridden and suicidal is now happy."
"Wow, ice cream for breakfast in prison? It can't get any better than this!"
"You can really change your gut yeah you can actually change your body by what you eat."
"The fact that you know the weight is the same you just put on that shirt and it fits completely different now you are wearing those jeans differently I mean your face is clearing up so we discount things that actually should matter."
"I lost my lifelong eczema, which again was a life-changing effect for me."
"You lose your weight, you get healthy, and within that, you gain so much more."
"This is actually a very powerful healing energy, a very powerful time for you to transform your health."
"It's not a McDougall diet, it's a magical program!"
"The nutrition, the workouts, everything together was such a life changer."
"It's more than just changing your diet, it's more of a lifestyle change."
"I have reversed aging. WTF! I have less gray hairs on my head, face, and chest. I had a receding hairline that is now grown in."
"Arthritis gone, slept all night first time in five years."
"Your body is becoming a super efficient fat burning machine."
"He not only managed to solve his ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease but also gained substantial muscle in the process."
"It is amazing what 40 pounds difference is."
"Juicing has totally saved your life, right, and totally changed your life."
"I've transformed my life through juicing."
"It's a healthier me. I have a new life ahead of me and I'm excited to get started with it. Good for you, thank you."
"I reversed my obesity and polycystic ovarian syndrome with a low-carb real food diet."
"I'm absolutely healthier. I was really heavy, I was using barbecue and food as my drug of choice."
"It's like if you want to get healthy, work out more, eat less, eat less junk... but actually being transformed, actually having a difference, is a totally different thing."
"The starch solution changed my life because it blew my mind that I can eat starch, I can eat carbs and still get healthy and still lose weight."
"Once you test your body after you've been on this diet, you just feel athletic."
"Getting rid of this all fat has that much change in your face but it also changes your body."
"My fitness level since January has jumped 2100%."
"The benefits that people get when being healthy to being chronically ill is just amazing."
"I had a life again, a healthy life that I'm now inspired to share with my mom so she can achieve the same."
"Holy basil can lighten your mood and brighten your day by transforming your health."
"As nutrition experts, we are constantly surprised and amazed to see how certain dried fruits can transform health."
"I was introduced to Dr. McDougall and Dr. Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell's work and like they say, the rest is history."
"Last year I was about 630 lbs; I've been able to lose 250."
"When we change someone's posture, you change their life."
"The obesity begins to melt away, the arteries relax and open up, high blood pressures come down."
"After reversing my blood sugar and losing 20 lbs within a short time, she told me that there was no pill or advice she could have given me to obtain those results."
"Juicing literally helped to turn my life around."
"Increased energy, fat loss, 90% pain-free at the end of the 90 days."
"So many people are transforming their health and getting their lives back through an animal-based diet."
"Keto has been like turning the clock back 30 years for me in terms of my health."
"The big thing is I was going to die and now I'm not."
"People are eating exclusively meat and those exact problems that you're talking about are gone."
"Once I started fixing my nutrition... I was under 170 pounds."
"It's been remarkable for the amount of weight I've lost."
"In three months, I lost 77 pounds."
"The cool thing is you can turn all that around; you can reverse disease."
"I've been able to really transform my health through my lifestyle."
"You can transform your health by changing what you eat."
"I've come a long way and I'm super proud of it, and it's all because of the raw living foods and mother nature."
"I just cleaned up my diet and I lost like 40-50 pounds in the first couple of months just doing that."
"Which reversed her disease process, restored her health, and allowed her to get out of her wheelchair and back on her feet."
"This transformation to good health is achieved through various techniques that are jointly called internal alchemy."
"I never experienced being a healthy weight until now."
"I've lost almost 80 pounds eating the carnivore diet."
"My life was saved by juicing, it allowed me to get healthier."
"I fell in love with being healthy instead of being unhealthy."
"Juicing has been one of the major things I've done in my life to turn my health around."
"This is what it looks like to be recovered."
"I'd like to formally congratulate this bruh bruh; he did his 90-day journey and lost 50 pounds."
"We are in the midst of a health revolution."
"When I removed those foods from my diet and I started to get healthier, everything changed."
"It's the most profound thing that could happen to anybody's health is to change from the western diet to a starch-based diet."
"This entire YouTube channel is based off of my own experience losing over 125 pounds and rewinding my health from a morbidly obese weight to a healthy weight."