
Ethical Considerations Quotes

There are 778 quotes

"The relentless pursuit of military supremacy would lead to machines capable of destroying humanity itself."
"If human history has shown us anything about how we treat other cultures upon discovery, it's not looking great for any sapient animal we might come across."
"Even a one-day-old embryo is killed or something, especially if it's done through human intervention... even if it's a future person, I think that still counts."
"Our humanity must be held paramount over the humanity of any inhabitants of mirror timelines."
"How can you subject anything to potential suffering without getting its consent? That seems to be like a pretty big violation of any creature."
"There's a beauty to these functional attributes and what allows us to live and have a good quality of life. Destroying that to just look a certain way for some very twisted reason just doesn't sit well with me at all."
"Pseudo speciation--they are so different they hardly even count as humans. It doesn't count as much when you kill them."
"If it is a problem when billionaires fund our politicians, our journalists, and our academia, is it also a problem when they fund our YouTubers?"
"What steps may be taken to bridge the gap between AI's current capabilities and our own human intelligence, and if those steps should be taken?"
"It's way worse to falsely convict someone than to know that some people are going to be getting away with serious crimes."
"Have we ever actually asked the Pokémon if they enjoy battling all the time? Has anybody thought about the Pokémon?"
"Force needs to be analyzed at every moment, and it can't be the case that previous justification of force then justifies everything and anything."
"A fetus at 30 weeks has a developed nervous system, but that's past the point where I'd consider abortion to be okay."
"The disproportion between that little bit of extra pleasure you might get from eating meat and the phenomenal amount of destruction required to produce it should surely commend it to anyone as a stupid thing to do."
"Just consider if the tour you've chosen is going to uplift the victim's voices or just sensationalize them."
"There may be spiritual consequences to implanting yourself in the mind of someone who might not want to be thinking about you."
"I changed my mind. It was an insane idea to start with. Exploding golf balls? I don't want blood on my hands."
"The field of AI is inevitable. It's not a choice of whether we want it or not; it's happening. It's not inherently good or bad; it's a question of how human beings use it."
"The goal of all of us, I hope, is to use technology properly for good."
"What are the tech our algorithms, what are they incentivized to do for us, and what is the actual price that we're paying for that?" - The Duchess of Sussex
"Nothing would have changed with regards to anything else we've been talking about today instituting the death penalty because I wanted in the one case would set the precedent for the state to execute people for all the reasons that I might not agree with."
"I care about both [the woman and the child in the womb]."
"Wherever you stand in this debate, are you willing to accept that there are human principles that are higher than this that are very much at stake right now?"
"Don't ask for powers you don't want your enemies to have."
"Please, please know what you're supporting, know where your money goes when you do research into charities. There are many good charities out there. This does not seem to be one of them."
"We talk a lot about building trust and getting people to trust us, but are we trustworthy as health systems and as providers?"
"If your intent is to improve their symptoms and make them more comfortable, and not to shorten their life, then that is considered legal."
"At what point do we stop justifying K-pop idols' bad actions?"
"At the end of the day, money is money. How you choose to make money is your own decision."
"Life just isn't a game of absolutes. Life is all about trying to do the greatest good with the hand that you've been dealt."
"Sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant."
"I always tip massively... not for favors, because you have to, because if you can't, then you don't."
"I do think that there are forms of speech that can be grossly negligent where you can draw a straight line from the damaging things that somebody says to the damaging effects that they have."
"It's going to be problematic for anyone Gerardi had a fiduciary duty to."
"Everything always depends on context. I wouldn't say changing someone's features to another ethnicity is hostile behavior, which is such a crazy sentence to say in the first place."
"I much prefer the sponsorships where I do get money but it actually helps other people."
"Most people don't realize all the pain and suffering that goes into everything they have."
"Don't be sponsored by bad companies which are known for being bad."
"Giving humans maximum freedoms sounds like a great idea Until you realize that not all choices are created equal."
"How do we create a system that emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad?"
"Lying by omission is worse to me... it feels so much worse because then it's like you didn't even give me the choice."
"Criticism always comes with a moral dimension."
"You don't actually care about how beings are treated... it's ultimately self over."
"You can utilize your free will while being conscious of others."
"If reparations are going to be paid, shouldn't they be paid to the families of those who died and sacrificed themselves to end slavery?"
"Options again are nanobots, specialized vaccines, targeted viruses, specialized toxins that bind only to non-functioning cells, and so on."
"This would be gross negligence, I think it verges on depraved indifference given that we're talking about a life or death situation for vulnerable people who get this disease."
"I'm not approaching this topic from a standpoint of legality regarding the way you went about researching your video."
"We don't consent with her... think about who we're cons... the consent process."
"Babies are persons, they are living human beings."
"Am i acting out of personal greed know what's good it what's in it for me out of ill-will against something out of delusion or out of fear no no I was acting out of those so I made a decision."
"The things said in a simple reading have genuine real life consequences."
"Just because I can kneel on George Floyd's neck when it's obvious he's not struggling he's not kicking he's not flailing doesn't mean I should."
"What right do we have to impose the government of our choice by strangling the population into submission?"
"If what I believe causes harm, then I have to discard the belief."
"Your happiness comes at the expense of others, last I checked that's called being selfish."
"Knowledge is power, but spying from Ivory Towers is rude."
"There actually is an objective moral order, and we will be accountable someday for the things that we do."
"It's not just how you fight, it's how you choose to fight."
"Life is fundamental and you have to remember in these very difficult cases that there are two lives to be considered, not just one."
"There are times when piracy is perfectly acceptable."
"Justifying something legally doesn't necessarily make it good."
"The creature's unhatched nature gives it a special kind of innocence and a special kind of moral weight. It is free of sin and full of potential, and thus its life is especially valuable."
"That's the only thing that's going to work here okay you are not allowed to use them for content heartbreaking truly heartbreaking."
"Unless we're very clear with that line, it can be very weirdly overstepped."
"Unborn babies are human beings, and they should be protected as any human being would."
"The moral part is the social programs that we have; these should be funded."
"If you have a right to property, how is it ever justified to take it no matter what the use is?"
"Most people are good, and if they see that they're a part of something that went to a bad place, I think they're able to regroup and think, like okay, who am I now?"
"If we are to build a culture of affirmative and enthusiastic consent, it’s critical to understanding the ethics of looking."
"Our job is to consider those that can't make the decision for themselves - the very young children and the very old."
"Pet ownership is a big deal, it is, and it's not to be taken lightly, like, don't just go get a pet because you think it's cool or cute."
"There's not a good person and a bad person. There's good actions and bad actions."
"There's never a reason to hit a woman, there are plenty of reasons, you just don't do it."
"This is not about politics, this is about principle."
"It's a moral victory, but the money is gonna... come out of somebody's pocket." - Bryant Camareno
"Just because you can do things legally doesn't mean that they are correct biologically."
"Too many are still asking the question, how much can we get away with, when they need to be asking what are the consequences." - Tim Cook
"Your dream at the expense of other people's money without even the bare minimum effort of transparency is not something I'm going to advocate."
"If you don't have that fear, you have potential to do a lot of harm."
"Cleaving into your sister or, in this case, stooping your own clone being the only possible partner of your species does not define the institution of marriage."
"I think in moral terms. What increases good?"
"I just can't imagine doing that to a young girl."
"The measure of a man is what he did with power."
"Free speech but not at the cost of people's safety or lives."
"I could very well put out tutorials every single day on my channel, but I know that there is a gray line."
"You don't put people in harm's way to prove a point."
"House Hlaalu: navigating morality for the sake of profit."
"Video games that allow young players to participate in heinous acts of cruelty, misogyny, and inhumanity should not be portrayed, regardless of profits."
"You can't fight monsters by becoming monsters."
"Avoiding animal cruelty in factory farms is perceived as radical or extreme."
"Money should never be primary, money should always be secondary."
"Having the legal freedom to say something is one thing that's important. The question of whether you should use that freedom or not is another question."
"We each hold so much power to influence for good or for bad."
"The questions involved legitimate questions that can arise about the limits even of free inquiry under some context when it's decent."
"The zombie genre has the potential to give us everything from an ethical thought experiment to a meaningful look at our ideas of individualism and Community."
"Abortion should probably be allowed up to like 20 to 24 weeks."
"If we can make certain types of ethical actions that would be good for the fetus we ought to, since it's already a human life."
"A baby is not just property. You don't have a right to a baby. A baby is a gift from God. You've got to be grateful for it."
"You always consider how your actions might affect other people before doing something."
"How far are you willing to go down this transhumanist road before you are not a human being anymore?"
"It's not all black and white; there are some gray areas."
"Religious persecution is often justified by some even though it seems completely unjustifiable in the eyes of others."
"All humans deserve equal rights, but we'd have to give the baby in the womb equal rights."
"What they're suggesting will destroy America's ability to defend itself. That it's okay to release classified information based on your political views. That the ends justify the means. It is not okay." - Lindsey Graham
"Big supporter of BLM, but not sympathetic to looting and violence."
"People going along with for the principle of it are unfortunately evil well-meaning but evil."
"If we withdraw support for Ukraine, we will have to stand at the sidelines and watch a genocide happen in Europe."
"Do I condemn Society because I don't think it's where it should be or am I willing to do the hard work like Mormon and Moroni did and labor and act for goodness even if it may not always turn out the way I want?"
"You're pumping your money into owners that don't care about the things that you support, you're making it worse because you're enabling that behavior."
"That wouldn't be illegal, it might not be something that you like, it might not be something pretty but it certainly wouldn't be illegal."
"In some weird way, I can make excuses for the other men that I've taken a look at. Corey, for example, crosses the line between idiotic and selfish to lacking humanity."
"Understanding who we are by taking ourselves to the limit comes with a risk, and as we've learned, that risk must always be balanced against the greater good."
"Evangelical Christianity is meant to be the good news of Jesus Christ, and handing that over to a political agenda, no matter what the political agenda is, is a bad idea."
"How is it cheating to want to make your club more successful?"
"It's a dirty playbook, but it works. It wins the game."
"But the question I'll leave you with is is it the case that in being better people we will lose the fight to others who are less scrupulous less principled and far more vicious than we would ever dream of being."
"It may make sense for the pork industry's bottom line, but we are only beginning to understand the true costs of this approach."
"How we treat animals can have global public health implications."
"You see the rudiments of moral interactions even among other species."
"If they are actually defending women from being raped, that I would consider that a heroic act."
"There's a fine line between good intentions and bad intentions."
"Their lives come by our hands and now they rely on us for their continued existence. This is our responsibility and one we cannot take lightly."
"It's wrong to judge, I mean it's wrong to pass judgment on fellow people just in your day-to-day but there are times when man is compelled to pass judgment on men in order to maintain order and balance in a society."
"At the end of the day, everybody kind of has the same values. Everybody kind of cares about well-being and suffering to some extent."
"So is game theory a tool for us to hack our lives? To get what we want when we want? Or should we be cautious of how the games we play can change us to the core."
"Just accept that maybe some people who shouldn't get the vaccine will get it but we'll get a hell of a lot more vaccines out there."
"The abortion debate is very important because what underpins it is not the legalese of the thing right whether it's constitutionally legal not who gives a [__] that's not the question being asked."
"The reenactments I made were not misrepresentative nor were they defamatory. I didn't make Basil look bad, he did that to himself."
"These guys said these things even if these guys aren't committing a crime what they're doing at least in my opinion is morally wrong."
"It's hard... I don't think it's possible to make a joke like this in the private setting that doesn't... kind of like racist."
"The power of our impact is gonna be determined by the character of our life."
"What kind of influence and impact are you having upon the people who are the closest to you?"
"If a church is not willing to make that commitment to every family that they encourage to adopt, they shouldn't be encouraging anybody to adopt."
"Here we are dealing with a virus that never would have existed unless these scientists had put it together in the first place." - Highlighting the responsibility of scientists in shaping the world.
"Some animals just aren't meant to live in captivity. If you want to see a gorilla, visit one in the wild."
"I think the important thing to consider here is not who is historically entirely accurate or not, but rather should a neighbour invade a neighbour because it has some historical claim against its territory."
"And that, my friends, is the story of how one guy on Reddit started a financial revolution."
"I would like to know what it is. But if we do find out, I hope we leave it alone."
"There is plenty of room for abuse in this while also recognizing that the pure principle of not wanting somebody to suffer in the last few months of their lives is sincere and altruistic."
"A superhumanly smart mind, or minds, might treat humans like pets or slow friends."
"Animal suffering doesn't just permeate our food and our clothing... it's in our furniture, our sports, our medicine, and our cosmetics."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something."
"They are a customer of ours and guess what Megan, I'm okay with doing business with China."
"Just because you're a great guy, man, don't mean you didn't mess up."
"They actually return the entire 10 million dollars which is honorable but I find it crazy that they were even able to get that loan in the first place insane."
"Barlow and Bear cannot take that right, made valuable by others' hard work, for themselves without permission."
"It's important for morality to win in the end."
"What reduces the most suffering for the most humans at any given decision."
"The reason to mandate a medical intervention is if I believe there's so much benefit to third parties."
"The ethical prerequisite for mandates wasn't there."
"Money isn't everything. Sometimes you have to have some loyalty to your fans."
"Our current leadership, you know, they've literally gone beyond good and evil. For them, it's just expediency and maintaining and accruing more power irrespective of the human cost."
"Lying and pushing bad information is okay as long as you increase your political power."
"I took all these steps to like the version I am now who I'm happy with the version I am now."
"Love of neighbor should guide our decisions for the common good."
"If somebody, certainly of sound mind, decides that's what they want to do, then yeah, I don't get how that's illegal."
"If we could make meat without the animal, why wouldn't we?"
"It's just an evil business, yeah? So calculated, everything was done so perfectly."
"There's an important message to take away here: there's a right and wrong way to pursue a dream."
"What if I told you that everything he was doing was actually against the law?"
"If you are somebody who is still trying to manipulate the energies to get what you want and you're not doing it in the highest good of everyone involved, you better play catch-up here."
"Can evil be done with this technology? Yes, and so what?"
"I would say given my moral system that's probably not a good way to do that."
"There's a big difference between being mean to your average trans person and being mean to a person who is seeking to exploit, corrupt, and destroy."
"The root of all oppression stems from devaluing the lives of another being."
"I definitely think it's okay to cheat, it's not cool, but it seems like it's right."
"Only someone of sound mind should be a candidate for an irreversible surgery."
"Even if you do a good thing, it can still have consequences."
"Your scientists were so busy trying to think or determine whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should."
"One must therefore ask whether airport security is actually saving lives or ending them."
"That's insane. You cannot take on evil and become evil to destroy evil, just creating more."
"If there were a lottery and they'd all agreed to the procedure, you think that would be okay, right?"
"Why so much more concern for dead people who are now beyond our help than for living human beings suffering the burdens and humiliations of slavery today?"
"I turned down the project... Why should I risk my life for other people's mistakes?"
"You quickly determine that the best thing you can do is ensure that the world you create treats everyone as fairly and as well as possible so that no matter who you are born as... you will still have a fair shot at a pleasant and prosperous life."
"It's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide."
"I think the essential element... is the idea that they decided... their lives were more important than his."
"If in order to remedy a historical injustice you have to create a present-day injustice, that's not how you remedy anything."
"By getting rid of the crimes of murder, robbery, and rape, you have not gotten rid of the actions."
"We are all hypocrites but that doesn't mean that the desire to make things better is wrong."
"But I also think it's within her right to do so at a certain point."
"If we ever started to act like our enemies, we'd be better villains than they ever were."
"The ethics of our world didn't be affected drastically by this anymore..."
"Stealing money is immoral; therefore socialism is good because it stops the theft of your hard-earned dollars."
"Do we rely on the benevolence of a few to guide our children's future?"
"It's a very difficult argument to make that we're somehow better off just because there's more people."
"Any behavior that causes harm is an issue, and we should strive to do better."
"AI is advancing at warp speed, outstripping our ability to work out the ethical issues."
"Just because it feels good doesn't make it right."
"As humans we justify our own behavior in the moment and only on reflection do we maybe see that it might not have been the best course of action to both Daniel and Adam the ends justify the means."
"The principle that you are responsible to and for your child should apply in the womb just as much as it does outside of it."
"The desire for a child is beautiful, but that does not justify any means to get a child."
"Morality is about the well-being of thinking creatures, those that can understand the consequences of their actions."
"It's about morality and what a lack of it can make you look like on the inside."
"These small acts of prostitution are more our everyday occurrences in our lives small tiny acts."
"I think celebrating anybody's death that didn't kill anybody... is [expletive] up."
"A great marketer is the one who takes shamelessness as one of the most important principles of gaining influence."
"Maybe I was ripping off the people first and I just never saw their invention."