
Project Quotes

There are 4761 quotes

"This has been seven years in the making, and I am so excited to share this with you and those viewing today."
"I can't tell you all the things I've learned over the years in doing The Nutnfancy Project. Just so much."
"Let's get started with a space station box so we can decorate it."
"We want to make leprechaun traps to try and catch a leprechaun."
"Over the next year together, we are going to make a Minecraft zoo for every mob in the game. That's right, I don't even know if this is possible or not, but we are going to grab a fellow hermit, we're going to go off into the world and wrangle up ourselves a mob and bring it back to our zoo and create a natural habitat biome for each and every mob in Minecraft."
"The beauty of the whole thing was getting people passionate about a man stuck in a room in New York City."
"This has been my passion project every single day, literally for the last like five months."
"With this new project, I think the creator really came into his own, improved his craft a lot, and created something really special."
"Treat yourself, my friend. Go crazy, go splash the cash."
"Keo is a proposed space time capsule which was intended to launch back in 2003."
"If you haven't seen Wham City's latest project by now, you've been missing out."
"The more I talk about this project, the more insane I realize it is."
"Hey guys, today I have a very exciting project for you. We are going to build an AI that teaches itself how to play Snake, and we will build everything from scratch."
"The tow project is about love. It's about clemency."
"I put my entire heart, soul, body, and mind into that project. It was nothing short of a labor of love."
"Defiance was a great project... where I created four different languages, four different writing systems."
"And if all goes well, you're gonna write a little-- a miniature web server in Python for your final project."
"One of the most significant projects created after people's sale."
"Will it make sense? Maybe not. Will it be satisfying? I've actually had fun building this."
"Nick Benito right there, you saw that change of direction, he's got the ability to drop in space and cover to range across the field."
"Guys, I love this Christmas tree, I truly do. I think it's a fantastic project."
"Starfall protocol is definitely a very ambitious project and I'm really excited to see how it turns out."
"So, this is the final result. I absolutely loved how it came out."
"This Avatar project is by far unlike anything I've ever seen."
"Thank you all for hanging out with me as we got this huge project done."
"ASAP Rocky put together a project that is totally moody."
"I've been talking about substratum for quite some time still very optimistic on this project."
"We will begin this project by scraping data from ESPNcricinfo website, then doing data cleaning and transformation in Pandas, and then eventually building dashboards in Power BI."
"Simba's rapping his *** off on this project."
"So much purpose to it... it will be a masterpiece."
"Why are you so pumped? We've been working on this project for so long and it's going to be amazing."
"Seriously, it's going to be a great project."
"The scope and variety of the Roman world is all part of what makes this such a massive project."
"This turned out so much better than I would have expected. It's not perfect, it's a rattle can paint job painted in a dusty warehouse."
"I'm still working on a music video for this."
"Savion's outgoing personality and dream big attitude inspired us to do this project in honor of him."
"We're pretty thrilled to be here in Detroit to work on a house of our own."
"I'm so happy to have been asked to be a part of this project."
"That's the plan, that's the hope, I wanted to build it up first, um, I wanted to kind of enjoy it."
"Together, let's make Dolphy a reality. Thank you for your support."
"It's positive to have this project where he can give voice to causes often ignored by major parties."
"Let's jump right into it, it's gonna be a fun little project."
"You've inspired me also to build an off-grid bus so that's my next project."
"This is the future and it's happening. We've got the location, but now we got to get the work going. We got to build the masjid, we got to build the da'wah center." - Abdul Malik
"This is probably the most iconic build of our entire channel."
"We definitely had a lot of fun doing this one."
"It's an entire absolute project that was thought to be impossible."
"What a ripper when I dreamed up this concept of using an XJ to build a Trackhawk knockoff I never dreamed it would turn out to be such a cool and impressive truck."
"There's something I always find really satisfying about witnessing the completed project."
"Thank you guys for joining me for this one day build."
"This spot right here is gonna be the location for our enchanting tower."
"It's called project K, oh my gosh another secret plan for Nook over here."
"The project was, of course, talking about Midas and his device, which was designed to push back the storm and destroy the loop."
"We're going to restore four iconic characters."
"I'm very excited for the future of this project."
"Collectively with all of the planning building rendering and editing it took over 300 hours to finish."
"Project Phoenix and Rejuvenation... ambitious project... potential to help a lot of people."
"America is a project... still to be realized."
"Are you modernizing it or ruining it? Well, it's not running so I'm guessing once it's finished and it's running it's going to definitely be better."
"By far one of the largest build projects I've taken on, but definitely worth it because I thought this turned out pretty cool."
"I'm gonna be hard pressed to find a project like this anytime soon."
"It was really exciting trying to bring that to life."
"Spray foam this coming weekend in a couple days, which is going to be sick."
"Commander Shepard has been recovered. The Lazarus project will proceed as planned. We're back."
"This is one of the projects that really makes me really happy about the work that we're doing."
"Our goal is to drive off the ship in 15 years."
"This project turned out really cool in a bunch of different ways."
"This project mean a lot to me because I dropped two projects before this, and they got took down."
"I love how much time Mishimoto puts into their design work of their projects."
"Gives us an excuse to go ahead and build like a horse stable or donkey shelter as well so that's kind of cool right."
"This has got to be one of the most enjoyable rebuilds we have ever made."
"I love the way it turned out. This was by far the most fun I've had doing a decor or project in a room."
"The transition from submarine voyage into the world of Jules Verne was pioneered by a young group of Imagineers sent to work on the Florida Project as one of the first assignments."
"Jonathan Pastore: 'It's a good plan. It's a good project.'"
"Every once in a while somebody comes along with the proper means and interest to breathe new life into one of these old relics."
"Walk like you got some unfinished stuff right. That's what I did with this project."
"What a [ __ ] crazy idea this was, but we're doing it good, I love it."
"I mean how long did you work on this project like seriously how long did you work I'm just curious all like you said is a Forks of a couple weeks what do you plan."
"It's a really simple project, it's a fun thing to build and it's a cool thing to have around your shop."
"All in all, I'm super super proud of how this turned out."
"This is not going to be your average everyday F-150 build."
"Seeing how invested a lot of you are in this project fuels my fire."
"I'm really excited about this project, I can't wait to get it done."
"It's not just exploring for exploring's sake, it's now a pretty ambitious project."
"This is a pet passion project from people who clearly adore WoW."
"Building this battery Bank was actually a lot of fun."
"Yo, this is even better than the last build, Quiff!"
"Create something that will be a legacy project, focus on substantial growth."
"I need one last thing. Look, there's even flowers here. The toxic ocean. That's right. It took me one and a half months to complete this. Officially done."
"I'm hella happy with how this idea came together."
"It's gonna be the best cake factory thing you've ever seen in your life."
"It feels so good to finally be able to say what we've been working on because it's been a secret for such a long time."
"Ready to roll was the movie we were going to make at Barstool Sports."
"The project very quickly degenerated into complete trash, so I had to scrap it and start again from the ground up."
"I'm thinking we need to call this project Supermax Orange Crush."
"Hold on to something because it's going to get spicy."
"We're honing in on making some horsepower with our 305 project."
"This is an incredibly ambitious endeavor."
"This is the beginning of one of the biggest projects I've ever done in my life."
"We're going to wrap up for tonight but finish this Frankenrunner installation tomorrow when we're fresh with new energy."
"We were happy to be driving the first TDC project car, so happy in fact that not even our ridiculous list of issues could bring us down."
"Every project will have an objective to accomplish."
"A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result."
"Try to think of something that's interesting, unique, and something that's big enough that you do have to solve some technical problems."
"Ringo tells her computer that they're starting their biggest project yet."
"I'm really going all the way in with the rooster."
"In forward pass, you go through the network starting with time zero and keep calculating the time required to complete each of the activities until you reach the last activity of the project."
"It's a very interesting project we are in a very fortunate position to be hosting a company like SpaceX."
"If this project hits, there's going to be opportunities like nobody can imagine."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video tackle that fun project that you know maybe is daunting to you but you're going to have some learning lessons."
"That's definitely what this project was for me was a Learning lesson and then just also like a project that I poured my heart into and I'm really excited to get it listed and see what my market thinks."
"It's cool that you reached out for help with your project, thanks."
"Allow me to introduce my new project."
"My favorite part of this project was taking what we found over in the woods and incorporating it into our build."
"The biggest project you work on is yourself."
"I had so much fun with this project, and I actually learned a lot."
"This project is really ambitious, so unless the entire team is focused and doing their best, we're not going to achieve our goal."
"This project was done using only open source tools."
"We got 125 contributors now on the project, dude, coming from scratch, that's impressive."
"So I'm so excited to get started."
"It's going to be one of the biggest builds we've ever done on this channel."
"We are ready to jump into the first project, so let's get into it."
"With all of the components installed, the build is complete."
"Project Groot: a general purpose Foundation model for humanoid robots."
"I really did enjoy putting this whole project together though, and I would like to do something like this again."
"I'm pretty dang pumped on that, what a satisfying project."
"Everyone at school is showing off their plans for a botany project."
"We're extremely proud of how this project turned out."
"I'm not afraid to say it, this is my favorite project I've ever done."
"This is my favorite project of anything I've ever built."
"This is such an incredible project and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what this card can actually do."
"I think my dad is happy to have me. I think he's been looking for a project."
"It's been off the road for six or seven years, give or take, and I've got 300 miles back home."
"It's really the confidence that you portray in your own work and your ability to help get the project done that's the reason they're paying you."
"This project isn't about vanity, but let's be honest, it's pretty awesome."
"Welcome to Engine Power. Today, a new build begins we're dubbing Project 242."
"Next time you see us, we'll be putting this baby in the water for the very first time since like 2000 something."
"This is what the farmstead looked like when I purchased it in 2009 before me and Yaglu started working on it. It had been abandoned 46 years, and it was unbelievably a project."
"This home and project has been such a blessing."
"Good morning, today we are starting our turtle pond project."
"I am so excited to start this project and I can't wait to dive into season 2 with you guys."
"Make it better, test it on different speakers, listen to it through headphones, think about all the things that you can see in the project, and should you be able to hear them."
"What is the purpose of Pikacha? For Huari, this was a paramount project."
"We called it the stair flipping project because the main purpose behind it was to rotate our staircase 180 degrees."
"A simple project you can knock out in a couple of hours."
"The projects that succeed the most are those that have a personality."
"We're actually kind of have somewhat of a thing we want to look for. We're going to be working on my mom's bedroom this spring and doing a really fun makeover."
"It's always worth it, like it's one of those projects you get done and you can feel it, you can see it."
"This is Project DOX 2.0, also known as the DOX Reconstruction Project."
"I have never been more surprised by the outcome of a project than this project here."
"Good morning, it's about 9:00 a.m., and we have a project on our hands."
"Almost 70 to 80% of the planned change projects fail."
"This video I'll show you all about that and I'll show you a little project I'm going to be doing."
"It's not a project... this is an easy one."
"This little project is done with the amazing facing method."
"Nearly two years ago, I set forth to build a pond for my parents."
"It's a 4185 boore 4in stroke 23° small block we're going to put in this thing with twin turbos."
"It has been so amazing working on the guest bathroom makeover."
"The writing was what propelled this project into the spotlight."
"... figure out a way to put it into our 1976 Buick Skylark and hopefully make this project free quote unquote and actually profit a little bit of money."
"That afternoon, after training, Amato goes to meet his friend so that together they can finalize the design project that will be presented in class."
"They held me for a million, whether you do a project or not, the check clears. That is like 10 million dollars today."
"We thought six months for this project, six months. It took a year and a half."
"Something I can really sink my teeth into, like an engine swap, yeah man, that's just the ticket."
"This project was incredible. This was incredible."
"This project is so cool because it's open-source, it's inexpensive, it's very approachable because there's no Mains voltages."
"Your creative project, your ideas that you can start on and be working for the next two years."
"Ultimately high-speed rail is a 520 mile project that links San Francisco to Los Angeles and Anaheim, that's phase one."
"At last, we're homeward bound with what promises to be our most exciting project ever."
"This is purely a Brute Force DIY make this thing beautiful and functional again sort of project."
"This is going to help you to see how easy it is to get your LS swapped project up and running with the rebel engine management system."
"Save the world project F or not, it's worth investing in."
"So, my question, I guess to you is, you might know the answer to this, was this his passion project?"
"If you do want to create something like this, don't feel intimidated by the finished project. It took me 11 years to get here with several life breaks in between."
"During his time trapped in the school, he had been working on the creation of Alter Ego."
"I'm going to show you where this sheet mulching project fell off the rails, what we're doing now to fix it, and how you can not make the same mistakes."
"I'm starting to get excited about doing a build in this case."
"...the project remains within budget meaning the latest budget that's been set they added that the original budget was worked out using simple calculations and 2011 rates that didn't take the scheme's full complexities into account."
"A project is something we recognize as not being part of our normal work. It is non-routine, it has a start and an end."
"Hey, what's up, guys? We are super stoked to release a project we've been working on for the last 6 months called uncommonreseller.com."
"This is my flood Salvage Mercedes S-Class that I went through in part one of this series."
"OMG guys so part of this project in Cebu requires us to take a swap test."
"This is not a short-term company like if it's meant for short-term me it's not meant to be a company it's just a project and it'll die very fast it's a company when it's a project is like at least multi multi-year or even a decade."
"This is probably one of our more impressive projects we've ever done."
"What complaints could you possibly have about this project? I feel like it's just really strong and really fun and really sad and emotional but upbeat and exciting and like all of it at the same time."
"I've never ever put this much work or heart and soul into anything in my entire life, let alone my entire career."
"We're continuing to work towards our lightning bolt animation setup."
"But all that said I think this is a really successful project."
"This video took a tremendous amount of time, attention, and labor to accomplish... I wouldn't have the determination to do such a project without my amazing Community."
"Do the class projects, that's my advice to get started with your own very unique random project."
"Sleep until I felt like getting up. Probably work on a project that I put on hold because I needed sleep from the previous day or start up a new project. Maybe throw in a warm-up or two, exercise, but mostly just doing whatever I want to do."
"A project that started out as a recovery of skeletal remains transformed into a five-year nationwide investigation to try to identify the Deadwood pioneer."
"Despite all the Innovation, the x-44 Manta project suddenly went quiet."
"It's going to be a really fun and exciting project."
"Choose your items strategically. Set yourself up for a successful project pan."
"This is a muse, this is a project, a hub for me that where we can build outdoor kitchens and put garage cabinets in and share it with you and share videos so there's an ancillary return that I get that's different from a normal rental."
"The Aen light is a fully open-source project."
"Let me introduce you guys to Phil, my finished project car, the v6 mx-5."
"But I didn't buy Phil with the intention of sticking a v6 in."
"But let's have a look at my next head-tracked FPV project."