
Universe Expansion Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"The universe is expanding faster than we thought."
"It's hard to ignore the obviously existing void; the fabric of space-time itself manifested and expanded simultaneously in all directions."
"The universe has continued to expand; more solar systems and galaxies are formed, and way more stars have been created."
"The remarkable thing...is that when the data finally came in and was carefully analyzed, they got kind of the shock of a lifetime that the rate of expansion was not slowing down, the rate of expansion was speeding up."
"All right, I am not going to tell you the entire history of cosmology; we're going to get straight to the point. The point is the expanding universe and the geometry of the expanding universe."
"The universe was expanding but that the pull of gravity was pulling things back together and therefore decelerating it. We now know that that's not the case, and the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate."
"As the universe continues to expand and freeze, these black holes would consume every last bit of matter left in the universe."
"The fun thing was that we had all assumed ever since the time of Hubble and Einstein that the universe would be slowing down... but the surprise was that instead of slowing down, it was actually speeding up."
"The most convincing evidence for dark energy are these observations...of the accelerated expansion of space. Space is not only getting larger over time, that was a shock, but it's getting bigger at an accelerated clip."
"A second possibility is actually kind of sad: the universe will continue to expand forever and it will just grow into an increasingly cold and lonely place."
"Dark energy is this invisible force that is everywhere in the universe and is partially responsible for speeding up the expansion of said universe."
"The universe is expanding... the distance between two objects at fixed coordinates gets bigger because the metric is expanding in the spatial directions."
"The rate at which the universe is expanding today is a quantity that we call the Hubble constant."
"The most straightforward interpretation of the data and the mathematics suggests that the universe may continue to expand forever. Forever is a kind of funny concept... an idea where time wouldn't literally end, but enroute to that eternity, everything that we know about will end."
"This discovery was groundbreaking because prior to this scientists believed that the gravity of matter would end up at least slowing the expansion of the universe."
"So this very important fact that the universe is expanding today means that as we go backwards into the past, all of the pictures that we saw going backwards into the past, the universe was not only younger but it was also smaller as well."
"All the other galaxies of the universe will have passed out of view because they will be so far away that they will be traveling at more than the speed of light."
"The universe itself has no center and everything within it is actually moving away from everything else."
"Observations today show that space expands and the expansion rate is on the increase."
"The universe is continually expanding, a growing field of energy and information."
"They're gonna touch on all of the different parts of this DC Universe thing and they're going to get involved probably with Swamp Thing with Supergirl with Superman with bat all that stuff and space so yay."
"The universe is already expanding faster than the speed of light. This doesn't contradict physics since we are not talking about moving objects in space but about the expansion of space itself."
"One of the primary drivers of Bungie's expansion is to increase the commitment to the long-term development of Destiny 2, to tell new stories of Destiny's universe, and to create entirely new worlds." - Announcer
"The idea of creating a more persistent Universe for live content to live in so that they can just keep updating the game world with expansions instead of having to recreate a whole new set of Worlds and characters."
"The Universe expands in all directions, stretching out space itself, not matter expanding into some existing empty space from some sort of big explosion."
"They are expanding the universe, and that is exciting to me."
"Space itself is expanding everywhere in all directions."
"There's something deeply true about the physics behind that, and that the universe is expanding for reasons that we still don't understand..."
"The expansion of the universe is causing them to move away with respect to each other."
"The Star Wars universe is going to have a lot of stuff happening all over the place, and it's going to be really interesting to watch."
"We see the universe expanding, we see the evidences for the expansion of the Big Bang."
"The Quran is talking about the universe expanding 1400 years ago."
"Shao Kahn was kind of the head of expanding the Mortal Kombat universe."
"I like more story-based stuff afterwards, like let's expand the universe, let's do crazy situations, and that's what they're doing and I kind of like that."
"The universe may be riding on an ever-expanding bubble in an extra dimension."
"To their surprise, the data showed that the universe as a whole is not only expanding, it’s actually accelerating outward!"
"It follows that we can ask how long would it take a galaxy to reach its current distance from us given its current velocity."
"Before V1, distances to stars were measured in thousands of light years. After V1, the universe became a much bigger place."
"Everything's just one big extended universe... we're just at the beginning."
"Little references like this indicate that it's in the new universe when the chapters already contain major concrete examples of characters from the old Universe."
"Inflation theory... an extension of the usual idea of the big bang."
"Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe."
"Galaxies will eventually die off due to dark energy, accelerating the expansion of the universe."
"Anything like that gets to be canon now. It's like, 'Right, this universe is just becoming more and more very interesting without anything.' And then we could see that live action. It's crazy."
"One of the tenets of a great adaptation is that it better expands the universe of the movie."
"The universe is expanding everywhere, and it's not just expanding uniformly."
"The Big Bang exquisitely explains the expansion of the Universe we see today."
"You get this big region where inflation ended, and that's expanding outward at the speed of light, and expanding with the expansion of space."
"Dark Energy propels the Stars outward; Dark Matter slows them down."
"The universe will continue to expand forever. It's going to get colder and colder, and eventually even the galaxies will be receding from us."
"Our universe is a bubble, expanding into higher dimensions." - Michio Kaku
"The universe's expansion will keep on accelerating."
"Zack Snyder always had the plan to has a cohesive universe."
"The final result is that no particles will be close enough to interact with each other, ever."
"That is the big rip scenario, It happens when the cosmic event horizon is smaller than the smallest possible structure."
"Every time you have a new idea, a new thought, a new song, a new dance, a new creative, you are expanding the universe by bringing that into creation."
"Quran speaks about the expansion of the universe... I can go on and on."
"It starts out really small and in equilibrium, expands faster than it would have under the Big Bang, and then it begins its more stately march through time."
"The huge expanse of the universe blows my mind."
"The universe is expanding. That's been known for quite a long time."
"The universe starts out empty... expands until they merge... universe is full of aliens."
"But then it inflates, and Inflation makes it huge."
"The universe will continue to expand infinitely until even black holes disintegrate, leading to the birth of a new universe."
"This is a bold, ambitious, dense, extremely universe-expanding movie."
"If you look out into the universe, measure light coming from galaxies that we see around us, you'll notice that the galaxies are all receding away from each other and space itself seems to be expanding."
"The Ninja Turtles movie has become its own universe, borrowing elements from both its comic book and more playful animated series."
"The Clone Wars series was an excellent way to provide the nuances of the Star Wars universe, its factions, its worlds, and its intricacies and its characters."
"The universe is forever expanding and has been since the dawn of history."
"Dark energy is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe, a discovery that upended previous notions of a slowly decelerating cosmos."
"The universe is getting bigger... like a train out of control."
"Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to permeate all of space and is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe."
"...the expanding Universe exhibits the same characteristics."
"Einstein embraced the idea of the expansion of the universe."
"So anything that is further away one Hubble length, from us now, if that object emits a light ray, we will never receive it."
"The universe expands, as has been expanding since it expanded yesterday, so it'll expand again tomorrow."
"The universe expanded about 10 to the 43rd in size during the inflationary epoch."
"The universe grew in size radically; in 1925, the concept of how big the cosmos was changed forever."
"Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light and they're affected by the expansion of the universe and the expansion of space itself in the same way that light is."
"When you see that first trailer and you see his amazing ability to expand the universe and you see the story, you'll be blown away."
"Big Bang cosmology is an attempt by science to best explain the expansion of the universe."
"The universe is expanding, and if it's expanding, then it probably had a beginning somewhere, right?"
"This is what we call cosmic inflation."
"The result of these studies show that the Universe probably expands in all directions, which means it's flat."
"The universe is not undergoing constant expansion; this expansion has accelerated."
"The universe is expanding faster than light can travel."
"The universe is getting bigger and it's continuously getting bigger."
"Thanks to some extraordinary thinkers, we know that everything in the universe has expanded from a single point almost 14 billion years ago."
"When Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe was expanding, it changed everything."
"If there's not enough matter per unit volume to slow down the expansion to a complete halt, the universe would keep on expanding forever."
"Astronomers wouldn't even know dark energy existed if they hadn't found out that the expansion of the universe wasn't slowing down; quite the opposite, it was accelerating."
"Dark energy, a mysterious force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe, constitutes about 68% of the universe's total energy."
"The expansion of the universe will continue to accelerate until things start disappearing from the sky."
"The universe doesn't only expand, it expands in an accelerated way."
"You have to just enjoy the series for what it is and allow it to keep building up with the universe."
"The universe is accelerating; it's not just expanding."
"During a period of intense inflation... all of these parts moved rapidly farther away from each other."
"The universe expanded by a factor of 100 trillion trillion over that time."
"It was science that discovered that the universe was expanding."
"It's not just expanding; it's expanding faster and faster."
"And as that bubble universe expands, all the incredible energy – heat within it – simply gets diluted, and diluted and diluted, and the universe becomes cooler and cooler and cooler."
"Dark energy... was this energy of repulsion of everything across the universe."
"...the universe is not just expanding, it's also accelerating."
"The cosmological constant is one possible form of what physicists call dark energy and it is related to the expansion of the universe."
"The universe is evidently expanding, if we track back time then the universe was compressing."
"The Bible literally declaring that we live in an expanding universe."
"The Hubble Law formula can be written as 1 over H naught equals to distance over velocity."
"When you blow into the balloon, it gets bigger, representing the universe expanding."
"Both theories suggest that the universe is expanding."
"Using a standard ruler or a standard candle, we can understand the distance and the expansion of the universe."
"The farther away a galaxy is from Earth, the faster the Universe's expansion carries it away from us."
"The expanding Universe means that the distance between any two points in the universe is just increasing with time."
"Most models of inflation have the property that once inflation starts, it never stops but instead the inflationary region goes on producing what we call pocket universes ad infinitum."
"The universe started hot, dense, compressed, and expanding."
"Dark energy is more or less like the universe's energy drink, pushing everything forward and giving galaxies a boost in their movement."
"The universe is expanding faster and faster all the time."
"There was an epic in the very early Universe where we think it was actually expanding much faster than the speed of light."
"The universe is expanding today... space itself expanding very rapidly."
"The universe is expanding... internally we're putting more space in."
"The pressure produced by the dark energy is now making the expansion of the universe accelerate."
"...the rate of expansion of the universe is not decreasing with time as in those Freedman models but increasing with time, the rate of expansion is increasing, we live in an accelerating universe."
"The only real evidence for vacuum energy is the accelerated expansion of the universe."
"The universe was not unchanging with time as everyone had thought previously; it was expanding. The distance between distant galaxies was increasing with time."
"The expansion of the universe was one of the most important intellectual discoveries of the 20th century or of any century."
"The universe is accelerating, it is not slowing down."